RULES OF OPERATION AND ORGANIZATION FOR THE COLLEGE OF HUMAN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES I. II. FUNCTIONS--The functions of the College of Human Environmental Sciences faculty are: A. To determine the educational policies and to establish the educational, research, and service goals of the College within the limits established by the policies and rules of the University Senate and the Governing Regulations of the University of Kentucky. B. To make appropriate recommendations to the University Senate and to central administrative officers of the University. FACULTY MEETINGS--In complying in the broadest sense with the Governing Regulations of the University of Kentucky, the entire voting faculty of the College of Human Environmental Sciences shall be directly responsible for performing the function of the faculty of the College rather than delegate these to a less representative group such as a faculty council. A. Scheduled Meetings--Regular meetings of the faculty, with a minimum of four meetings shall be held during the academic year. The Dean of the College shall schedule and chair the meetings. Brevity, clarity, and relevancy shall characterize all faculty meetings. B. Special Meetings--Special meetings of the faculty shall be called by the Dean of the College. 1. at the discretion of the Dean or 2. by a petition signed by 20 percent of the faculty and presented to the Dean. C. Agenda--An agenda for each faculty meeting shall be prepared and distributed by the Dean to the faculty at least four working days prior to the faculty meeting. Items may be placed on the agenda for a particular faculty meeting by members of the faculty. Announcements shall be written and distributed to the faculty, not read orally. Committee reports shall be distilled to their essential elements. New ways to streamline meetings shall be continually sought. D. Participants--Participants in the College of Human Environmental Sciences faculty meetings shall include both voting members of the faculty and non-voting participants as follows: 1. Voting members a. b. c. d. e. f. 2. Dean, Associate Dean, and Assistant Dean of the College. Full-time faculty of the College of Human Environmental Sciences with rank of instructor/lecturer or above employed in teaching, research and/or Extension. Professional Extension personnel in the Office of the Assistant Director of Extension for Family and Consumer Sciences. Resident Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Specialists. Faculty with rank of instructor/lecturer or above with at least half-time appointment and with primary appointment in the College of Human Environmental Sciences. Upon arrival by a majority vote of the faculty at the first fall meeting each year, the faculty may extend voting privileges at its discretion to other persons assigned to the College of Human Environmental Sciences. Non-voting participants a. III. Graduate students--graduate teaching and graduate research assistants are invited but not required to attend and participate in faculty meetings of the College (Note: undergraduate student participation in the functioning of the College of Human Environmental Sciences is provided through the Student Advisory Council and transmitted to the faculty as a whole through the Faculty Committee for Liaison with Student Advisory and Student Organizations.) E. Open Meetings--At the discretion of the Dean or two-thirds majority of faculty present at meeting, a meeting or portion of a meeting may be open to voting members only for the purpose of discussions or hearings which might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of an individual. F. Quorum--The Quorum required to conduct business shall be thirty-three percent of the voting faculty of the College of Human Environmental Sciences. G. Parliamentary Procedure--Parliamentary procedure shall be in accordance with generally accepted procedures. Points of difference shall be decided in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order (Revised), with decisions on interpretation to be made by a parliamentarian appointed by the Dean. H. Minutes--Minutes of faculty meetings shall be the responsibility of the Faculty Secretary. Minutes shall be typed, duplicated, and distributed to the faculty by the Office of the Dean. COLLEGE COMMITTEES A. Administrative Committees are appointed by and will report directly to the Dean. B. Faculty Committees will report to faculty. 1. Ad hoc committees, depending upon their function, are established in either of the two following ways: a. b. 2. appointed by the Dean nominated and elected by the faculty. Standing committees are composed of members elected by the faculty to serve one or two year appointments. Standing faculty committees are to be composed of voting members of the faculty and, when possible, or representatives of each department in the College of Human Environmental Sciences and Family and Consumer Sciences Extension. Also, where possible, both tenured and non-tenured faculty are to be in representation on these committees. In addition, students may be represented on each of these committees. One representative to any of the standing committees may be assigned by the membership of the Student Advisory Council which is elected by the student body of the College of Human Environmental Sciences. Each committee shall elect one of its own members as chair. Also, each committee shall establish its own procedures of operation and have available these procedures for the entire faculty at the earliest possible date. Committee members take office immediately upon election. These committees report to the faculty and are: a. Nominating Committee--The function of this committee is to prepare a slate of nominees for election to the various standing committees of the faculty according to the instructions set forth in this instrument under the section on election procedures. The committee serves throughout the year to select replacements for vacancies that may occur in any of the standing committees. b. Courtesy Committee--The primary functions of this committee are to recognize significant events in the lives of the College faculty and staff and provide hospitality at College meetings. The functions are financed by contributions from faculty and staff. Note: The function of this committee is now department based. c. Scholarships and Awards Committee--The function of this committee is to inform the student body and faculty of the various scholarships and awards that are available to the students in the College, to encourage students to apply for the scholarships and awards, and, where appropriate, to designate recipients and arrange for presentation of such honors. d. Public Relations Committee--This committee makes recommendations concerning the public relations activities of the College. In addition, they manage the public relations activities or projects. The Development Officer serves as ex-officio member of this committee. e. Faculty Committee Liaison with Student Advisory Council and Student Organizations--The function of this committee is to act as a link between students and faculty to provide for communication, professional development, and support of student organizations and activities. f. Committee for Program Development (Curriculum)--The function of this committee is to represent the faculty as an advisory committee for educational policies of the College. This committee not only has input into course changes, development of new courses, and degree requirements, but also looks as the entire academic program of the College, helping to facilitate course revisions when necessary. The Director of Student Services and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies shall serve as ex-officio members of the committee. Strategic Plan and Operations Committee--The function of this committee will be to operationalize the College Strategic Plan and annually report progress to the faculty on achievement of outcomes. Library Liaison--One faculty member shall be elected as a liaison person to the library. This person shall represent the whole of the College and make regular contacts with the various departments of the College pertaining to library resources. CHEA Liaison – one faculty shall be elected as a liaison person to the College of Human Environmental Sciences Alumni Association. This person shall represent faculty at regular Board Meetings and the annual meeting in October of each year. Faculty Seminar--The functions of this committee are to provide opportunities for: --sharing of faculty research and projects; --sharing of alumni or student presentations of a special nature; --presentations of an interdisciplinary nature; --discussions and debate on topics of current interest. g. h. i. j. Such meetings sponsored by the Faculty Seminar Committee are to be open to not only Human Environmental Sciences faculty and staff but also to students, alumni or other university faculty and the Community, when appropriate. Note: This committee has been suspended until further notice. IV. ELECTION PROCEDURES A. Secretary to the Faculty--At the first fall meeting of the faculty, a secretary shall be elected. Nominations will be made from the floor by the voting members of the faculty. The secretary must be a voting member of the faculty. A majority vote will be necessary to elect. b. Nominating Committee--At the last spring meeting of the faculty, a Nominating Committee of five members shall be elected to serve for the following academic year. Nominations shall be made from the floor by voting members of the faculty. Nominees must be voting members of the faculty, but may not be department chairs. Not more than two members from any department may be nominated for this committee. The election shall be by secret ballot and the five persons receiving the greatest number of votes will be elected. C. Other Standing Committees--The Nominating Committee shall meet in May and select a tentative state of nominees for the Standing Committees. The department's chairpersons should be consulted as to whom is committed to special assignments. Department Chairpersons preferably are not to be nominated. Before the names are placed before the faculty, those nominated should be consulted as to their willingness to serve. At the first faculty meeting of the fall term, the report of the Nominating Committee which reflects needed adjustments based on personnel changes over the summer shall be given. Nominations may also be made from the floor if prior consent to serve has been given by the nominee. Elections shall be by secret ballot and it is the responsibility of the Nominating committee to provide ballots with nominees' names printed on them in the appropriate places. Also, space must be provided on the ballots for write-in voting for each position. A quorum must be present to hold the election. To have a valid ballot, each faculty member present shall vote for the appropriate number of people for each committee. Persons receiving the highest number of votes will be elected. If no additional nominations are made from the floor, the report of the nominating committee can be accepted by a majority vote of the faculty present in lieu of procedures outlined above. V. AMENDMENTS A. The Rules of Operation and Organization for the College of Human Environmental Sciences Faculty may be amended at regular or special faculty meetings by a two-thirds majority vote of eligible voters present, provided that a copy of the proposed amendment has been dated and circulated 10 working days prior to the meeting. These rules of procedure have been created and approved by the faculty of the College of Human Environmental Sciences, pursuant to the authority granted by the Administrative and Governing Regulations of the University of Kentucky. These rules do not become effective until and unless approved by the Dean and Chancellor as indicated by their signatures below. Any modifications to these rules must also be approved by the Dean and Chancellor before the modifications take effect. These rules contain a total of seven (7) pages, each of which are initialed and dated by the undersigned persons. A current copy of the approved rules for the College of Human Environmental Sciences shall be published and distributed in the College Handbook and thereby distributed to all administrators, faculty, staff and students serving on College committees or employed in administrative work, teaching or research for the College. A current copy of the approved rules for the College of Human Environmental Sciences, Department of Family Studies, Department of Interior Design, Merchandising and Textiles, and the Department of Nutrition and Food Science are available in the office of the Dean of the College and the Chancellor’s office. _____________________________________________ Dean, College of Human Environmental Sciences _____________ Date _____________________________________________ Chancellor, University of Kentucky, Lexington Campus _______________ Date d:\wp51\cjp\rules.hes