SOCIETY OF ARCHIVISTS, SCOTLAND Minutes of the meeting held at 2pm on 1st April, 2003 at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. IN ATTENDANCE Irene O’Brien (Glasgow City Archives), Helen Taylor (Heriot-Watt University), Lyn Morgan (Glasgow City Archives), Richard Hunter (Edinburgh City Archives), Peter Anderson (NAS), Alan Borthwick (SCAN), Seonaid McDonald (HBOS Group plc Archives), Sarah Hepworth (Glasgow School of Art), Sarah Chubb (East Dunbartonshire Archives), Caroline Brown (Dundee University Archives Services), Fiona R Watson (Northern Health Services Archives), Iain Gray (Aberdeen City Archives), Carol Parry (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow), Alice Stewart (Strathclyde Police), Laura Mitchell (NAS), Clare Liston (NAS), Claire Harrington (Glasgow City Archives), Margaret McBryde (NAS), Rosemary Gibson (NAS, Jo Peattie (Edinburgh City Archives), Athol Murray, Anne Thompson (University of St Andrews), Ruaraidh Wishart (NAS), Virginia Russell (NAS), Fiona Flett (Scottish Borders Council), Alan Bell (National Library of Scotland), Jennifer Tait (West Lothian Council), Hazel Anderson (SCAN), Margaret Fox (SCAN), Pat Whatley (University of Dundee), Pam Cranston (St Andrews University ), Michael Bolik (University of Dundee), Lesley Richmond (University of Glasgow), Susan Graham (University of Edinburgh), Moira Rankin (University of Glasgow), Jenny McDermott (Lothian Health Services Archive), Caroline Scharfenberg (NAS), Arnott Wilson (University of Edinburgh), Morag Fyfe (NAS), Cathlin Macaulay (School of Scottish Studies), Brian Kelvin (Heriot-Watt University), Elspeth Reid (Falkirk Council Archives), Bob Steward (Highland Council Archives), Ann Jones (HeriotWatt University) APOLOGIES Mary McHugh, Marion Stewart, Jane Hill, Iain Flett, Richard Cullen, Fergus Harris, Siobhan Convery, Clare Johnson, Norman Reid, Patrick Cadell, Rachael Watson, Andrew Dowsey, Rachael Taylor, David Iredale, John Brims, Gillian Mapstone, Andrew Broom, Sarah Higgins, Kirsty Forbes, Murdo MacLeod, Frank Rankin, Helen Redmond-Cooper, Sian Yates, Judith Cripps, Claire Johnson, Jean Crawford, Gillian Roberts, Pete Wadley, Susan Corrigall, Dagmar Hinz, Linda Ramsay, Hazel van Hof, Rosie McLure, Alison Gerdiner, Jennifer Birnie, Tristram Clark, Jane Jamieson. SRM 622 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting on 21st November, 2002 were approved by Laura Mitchell and Moira Rankin. SRM 623 MATTERS ARISING 1. SRM 606 (2). A joint meeting to discuss Re:source had been arranged with SLIC. SRM 624 CHAIR’S BUSINESS Relevant issues would be discussed as they arose. SRM 625 SECRETARY’S BUSINESS 1. The Specialist Repositories Group was looking for regional representatives. No nominations had yet been received from Scotland. Anyone interested was asked to contact the Secretary. 2. The next meeting would be held jointly between Scotland, North-West England and Ireland in the Isle of Man on 16th August. Topics for discussion would be single staffed offices and cross-domain training. Accommodation and travel would be arranged through the Isle of Man Public Service Division and booked through the North-West Regional Secretary. Booking forms would be issued as soon as possible. The planned itinerary involved travelling on Friday night and returning on Sunday afternoon, and included social events. 3. The Society was proposing a new membership category of affiliate members. Many people associated with archives, such as graduates looking for pre-course experience, support staff, manager of archives services, members of Regional Archive Councils and volunteers could not currently join the Society. This meant they were excluded from finding out about activities and training courses. The proposed new category would allow such people to join the Society, the main difference would be that they could not vote. It was agreed to recommend that affiliate membership should be adopted. 4. The members section of the Society website would soon be up and running. Any suggestions for items on the website should be sent to Rachael Taylor at Glasgow City Archives. SRM 626 COUNCILLOR’S REPORT It was agreed that Claire Johnson should post any report on Scotarch. SRM 627 COMMITTEE FOR THE REGIONS REPORT Laura Mitchell reported on issues recently discussed at the Committee for the Regions. A consultation exercise on skills was currently ongoing. Further development on the website was still to be done. More budget information would be passed to the Regions, and they would be consulted in May for the next year’s budget which runs from October to September. It was planned to set up separate subaccounts for each Regional budget. A temporary Training Officer had been found to replace Susan Bradshaw. The Archives Task Force would be going through a formal consultation in March through Regional Archive Councils, and work would be completed in September. The results would be hosted by the Re:source website. The National Archive Network was looking at post A2A options. A National Archives newsletter had been started and the NCA was looking at cataloguing and digitisation priorities. It had been agreed that training should not only be organised by the Regions, as a core of regular events needed to be co-ordinated from the centre. The consultation exercise on training had been very useful in assessing future needs. A consultation paper had been circulated with the Agenda. Any comments should be sent to the new CFR representatives. The deadline for comments was 5th May. SRM 628 TRAINING COMMITTEE REPORT Alice Stewart reported that the main problem at the moment was the absence of a national Training Officer which was making it difficult to arrange new events. Locally, briefings on copyright and social exclusion had been held before meetings, as well as this morning’s event on continuous professional development. The photography and glass course had been very successful and would be repeated. There was still approximately £6,000 available in the SCAN budget for IT training for participating archives. It was noted that this seemed to have been earmarked for CALM 2000 training. The only problem would be that any training would not beaccredited, although any training was seen to be a good thing. It was agreed to discuss this matter with SCAN. SRM 629 ASLAWG REPORT Sarah Chubb reported that FOI had been discussed at the most recent meeting. A new standard questionnaire for local authority statistics was being developed. The Information Commissioner had been contacted regarding Data Protection but his reply had been vague. The rules on access to electoral registers also needed to be checked as they were not clear. A draft questionnaire was being sent to local authorities on charge and superintendence. It would be the responsibility of local authority archivists to research what relevant records were held at the NAS. The issue of archives held in museums had also been discussed. The Scottish Executive had visited some archives regarding a possible Scottish Public Records Act. Richard Hunter and Fiona Flett noted that Edinburgh City Archives and Scottish Borders Council had been inspected. The visits were partly to do with the change of head of the FOI Inspection Unit, and they were investigating the situation in Scottish archives. Peter Anderson explained that the inspections were to find out about archives with a view to revisiting the issue of legislation. Lesley Richmond raised the point that local authorities were not the only public body with archives, and Peter Anderson agreed to discuss this with the inspection team. Bruce Jackson, Lancashire County Records Officer, had contacted ASLAWG about the possibility of Scottish local authority archives participating with CIPFA statistics. SRM 630 SCOTTISH COUNCIL ON ARCHIVES Pat Whatley reported that a user symposium for Higher Education had been held. This had been well attended, and a report on this had been sent to Tom Devine who would pass this on to Re:source. This had been the first event in Scotland funded by Re:source. It was planned that this would be a pilot for similar events. Once a concordat with Re:source had been established, Re:source would fund a Development Officer post. Richard Hunter raised the issue of recent discussions about archives in the Scottish parliament. It was noted that when a Parliamentary Question about archives was raised it was referred to the KRS for comment and the issue of whether he could answer for all Scottish archives was discussed. It was agreed that PQs relating to archives in general and not just the NAS would be better answered by the SCA and that this would be a good forum for raising the profile of the SCA. SRM 631 NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF SCOTLAND Peter Anderson reported on developments at the NAS. The E-cat project was underway, and although there had been initial teething problems with CALM these seemed to be resolved. Cataloguing guidelines had now been established and the catalogues for local authority archives participating in SCAN had been put on CALM. The NAS and SE were developing teacher packs with the help of a seconded teacher. A new Scottish Family History Service would provide a single web portal for records Kevin Dunnion, the new Scottish Information Commissioner, was now in post and in the process of getting his office set up. Health Archives were attempting to establish new records management guidelines and pressure was being put on the Health Department to approve these. There would be a meeting of the Archive Task Force on 25th April. Irene O’Brien raised the issue of the potential problems in decreasing local access if Kirk Session records were digitised. Peter Anderson explained that access would be provided free of charge locally with a charge for copies. SRM 632 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND DATA PROTECTION Laura Mitchell reported that the Scottish Executive had taken the FOI Implementation Group’s comments into consideration. It had been accepted that each sector needed specific guidance on implementing FOI, and these would be endorsed by the Scottish Information Commissioner. Arnott Wilson noted that it would be difficult to implement standard records management practice in the HE sector, especially with research records, and noted that SUSCAG had been officially represented on the Records Management Sub-Group. Irene O’Brien noted that SCA should take on lobbying for resources for FOI. SRM 633 SCAN Alan Borthwick reported on the final Participating Archives meeting. Once SCAN was wound up, individual archives would be responsible for any editing or additions to catalogue entries. A list of questions from this meeting would soon be posted on scotarch. The working title of Mac2A was now Search21. An HLF bid for a project officer had been put together by Frank Rankin. SRM 634 ARCHIVES AWARENESS MONTH The theme was “Love and Hate”. £3,000 was available to Scotland from the NCA, administered by SCA. The theme of the Union of the Crowns was suggested as a possible theme. It was agreed to post a message on scotarch for suggested topics or events. SRM 635 ELECTION OF OFFICERS The following were elected as new officers. Committee for the Regions – Clare Liston, NAS proposed by Jane Brown and seconded by Gillian Mapstone; Gillian Roberts, NAS proposed by Gillian Mapstone and seconded by Peter Anderson. Secretary – Lyn Morgan, Glasgow City Archives proposed by Irene O’Brien and seconded by Clare Harrington. Publicity Officer - Morag Fyfe, NAS proposed by David Brown and seconded by Rosie McLure. Chair – Lesley Richmond, Glasgow University Archive Service proposed by Irene O’Brien and seconded by Helen Taylor. SoA’S thanked the retiring officers for their hard work whilst in office. SRM 636 AOB 1. Glasgow City Archives Richard Hunter raised concern over developments at Glasgow City Archives. Irene O’Brien explained that the search room had been moved and was not longer secure. Charge and superintendence material was no longer being produced and the service would now be open in the evenings and on Saturdays. As a result there would be very little staff time for cataloguing or appraisal as most time would be spent in the search room. It was agreed to write to Glasgow City Council about this. 2. Cultural Co-Ordination in Schools Scheme Margaret McBryde explained this was a SE funded scheme to promote heritage and arts in schools. The Scottish Arts Council would be hosting 4 training days for these, which would have a small slot for discussing archives. She would be happy to act as co-ordinator for any archive involvement. 3. AGM Members were reminded that the national AGM would be held in Edinburgh on 24th April. 4. 2004 Conference This would now be held at a venue in Glasgow. An organising group would need to be set up. SRM 637 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 16th August, Isle of Man.