COMMITTEE FOR THE REGIONS – SoA ACTION POINTS FOR ITS STRATEGIC AIMS & OBJECTIVES Regional representatives are asked to solicit opinion from their regions to address the following action points. Please send the information to Catherine for collation and circulation by 5 Ma 2003. Theme Raise awareness of archives, conservation and records management as recognised and respected professions. Work for better communications with similar professional bodies. Assess how lines of communication with membership can be strengthened and encourage wider membership involvement. Action point Regional representatives’ feedback required on: ACTION 1.2. Promote work in archives, archives conservation and records management as potential careers. ACTION 1.3. Improve liaison with new and prospective archival professionals to encourage membership of the Society. ACTION 1.5. Increase membership in all categories to increase the Society’s role as the voice of the domain’s professional workers. What are the regions already doing? ACTION 1.6. Work for better communications with similar professional bodies to develop joint aims and responses to issues relevant to all. What is happening in the regions? ACTION 3.4 Encourage membership involvement and wider participation at all levels ACTION 3.6. Ensure that the dissemination strategy is balanced so that all members who wish to participate in the processes of decision making are given equal opportunity to do so. ACTION 3.12. Assess how lines of communication with membership can be strengthened. What do the regions wish to see happening to address these action points? (from the feedback we can compile a list of what can be done for discussion at the next CfR meeting) What do the regions wish to see happening? DISCUSSION DOCUMENT: London Region’s survey of its members (also attached) What do the regions see as the ways to achieve these targets? 1 Discuss and develop a co-operative training programme with associated professional bodies. Review the present structure of the Society. ACTION 4.7.1. Discuss and develop a cooperative training programme with associated professional bodies based on common training needs at an initial seminar during 2003. What linkages, if any, do the regions have with associated professional bodies? ACTION 7.8.Consider changing the structure of the Society and the role of the Regional Representatives and review the role of the Committee for the Regions. ACTION 7.9. Consider the introduction of regionally elected national Councillors, giving each Councillor a constituency and each Region a clear communication route to Council. ALL are encouraged to send comments to Catherine for circulation to other Regional Representatives to stimulate discussion in advance of next meeting 2