SOCIETY OF ARCHIVISTS STRATEGIC PLAN 2003 - 2007 HISTORY The principal aims of the Society of Archivists - to promote the care and preservation of archives and the better administration of archive repositories, to advance the training of its members, and to encourage relevant research and publications - are achieved both through the work of the Society's Council and its various Committees, Groups and Regions, and by its position as representative for the profession, submitting evidence and comment on matters of professional concern to any official body which seeks advice or whose activities affect archives. The Society is a professional body and operates as a Registered Company (limited by guarantee) as well as a Registered Charity. The Society is governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association which set outs its objectives - to foster the care and preservation of archives in the public interest and to promote the better administration of archive repositories; to advance the professional education and training of archivists, archive conservators and records managers and those engaged in related activities; to commission and support research into the creation, use, administration and conservation of archives and the development of new techniques and the publication of the useful results of such research. The function of the Society is to develop transparent processes of communication as well as to promote awareness of the profession including the employment of professional archivists. It also works in co-operation and partnership with other relevant organisations throughout Britain and Ireland including the Archives Council Wales, British Records Association, Heritage Council, National Council on Archives, Resource and the Regional Archives Councils (including the emerging Single Regional Agencies), and the Scottish Archives Council – to name but very few. It also attempts to sustain and develop partnerships with comparable bodies in the European Union as well as internationally The Society takes its leadership from its Council which, through its elected membership, devises policy and strategy for the whole Society. Vital work of the Society is to maintain and develop its role in promoting the professional developments of those involved in the care, conservation, management ands preservation of archives and records. This is ensured through external training accreditation, internal professional training. It is a priority for the Society to review continuously its own structure and policy in order to ensure best services to members. It is also devoted to maintaining and raising professional standards in all aspects of archives and record work by means of its annual Conference and Conservators Training Conference, through its programme of publications as well as through its own Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics. A consultation exercise has not been carried out by the Society in recent years. As it enters into a new decade as well as a new millennium it is timely for the Society to assess its achievements, it role and its future responsibilities. The basis of the present Strategic Plan is the responses sent in by Committees, Subcommittees, Regions, Special Interest Groups and individuals. The Strategic Plan is to see the Society forward for the years 2003 until 2007. It sets priorities for the Society which are measurable and, hopefully, achievable. The Strategic Plan will develop alongside the Business Plans which will be annual and will contain the Aims and Objectives of each Executive Committee, Sub-Committee, Region, Special Interest Group, Boards and Working Parties. HISTORY Among the issues addresses in the Programme of Objectives of the Society of Archivists for the years 1990 – 4 were : Principal Objectives To develop the Society as the central professional association for those working in archives and records management in the United Kingdom and Ireland To develop the role of the Society as the central agency for professional development of those involved in the care and conservation of archives and records To work for the improved understanding of the practices and problems of archives care, conservation and the management of information through records To promote and undertake publications in the fields of archives and records management and conservation To sustain and develop a leading position in the field of archive conservation To explore and, where appropriate, to pursue the benefits of increased contact with related professions To increase contacts with similar groups throughout the world, with a view to greater co-operation Areas for Development Corporate Activities Legislation External Relations Conditions of Service Professional Development Archives in Education Publications Registration Professional Methodology Many of these objectives remain the same for the years 2003 – 2007. They are stressed again as they remain valid and it is unnecessary, as well as unwise, to change or delete them. Of the priorities the Society set itself in the period 1990 – 1994 only the attainment of Chartered Status remains unachieved – and this for reasons beyond the control of the Society. The programme for the years 2003 – 2007 is no less ambitious. Yet the Society must only take on those aspirations on which it is ABLE to deliver. The Objectives must be possible within the financial and personnel constraints of the Society. They must also be cost effective. The Society must be certain that its limited resources being put to the most efficient use and that the Society is getting the best return from its expenditure. The Strategic Plan is drawn up so that in five years time we may be able to review it in terms of measurable, quantifiable and deliverable success. This is intended to be an enabling Strategic Plan. The challenge for each member will be to assist in its delivery. MISSION STATEMENT FOR THE SOCIETY OF ARCHIVISTS To continue to maintain and develop the Society as the central professional association for those working in archives and records management in the United Kingdom and Ireland To represent the full constituency of the Society To ensure that our members come first in everything which the Society of Archivists does and to promote a professional identity amongst its members To maintain and develop the programme of continuing professional development of the Society AT THE END OF 2007 THE SOCIETY OF ARCHIVISTS WILL Be recognised as the central professional voice of archivists, conservators and records managers Be able to direct professional archival policy Have analysed its potential membership and expanded it Have established the Society’s role and interests in the archives sector and developed its capacity to deliver Have embrace IT developments and established a professional IT policy STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE SOCIETY OF ARCHIVISTS 2003 -2007 To seek to speak for, and further the professional interests of, the full constituency of the Society of Archivists and to continue to maintain and develop the Society as the central professional association for those working in archives and records management in the UK and Ireland To create the capacity to develop policy that reflects the changing roles of professionals within the sector To develop and maintain transparent processes of communication and involvement with the Society, both internally and externally To work in consultation and partnership with relevant organisations To sustain and develop relationships with comparable bodies in both an EU and international context To maintain and develop the role of the Society in promoting the professional development of those involved in the care, conservation and management of archives and records To review continuously the structures and operation of the Society to ensure the best services to members To maintain and raise professional standards in all aspects of archive and records work Objective 1 To seek to speak for, and further the professional interests of, the full constituency of the Society of Archivists and to continue to maintain and develop the Society as the central professional association for those working in archives and records management in the UK and Ireland 1. Raise the profile of the Society and start speaking out more on issues MC / Council 2. Consider whether the Society could afford a press officer MC / Council 3. Raise awareness of archives, conservation and records management as recognised and respected professions PACC / CfR 4. Promote work in archives, conservation and records management as potential careers PACC / Cfr 5. Make better contact with new and prospective archival professionals to encourage membership of the Society Membership Cmte / CfR 6. Review membership categories (including Affiliate membership) with a view to any alterations being effective by 2005 Membership Cmte 7. Increase membership in all categories to increase the Society’s role as the voice of the domain’s professional workers Membership Cmte / CfR 8. Work for better communications with similar professional bodies to develop joint aims and responses to issues relevant to all PACC / CfR immediate immediate By 2005 2003 Objective 2 To create the capacity to develop policy that reflects the changing roles of professionals within the sector 1. Consider the employment of a full-time, professional Chairman MC / Council 2. Institute a Policy / Strategy Sub Committee to seek out and address issues within the sector both present and future, and establish priorities for the Society MC / Council urgent 3. Ensure submission of considered responses to all external policy consultations Chairman Ongoing 4. Encourage and contribute to discussions leading to appropriate archival legislation Legislation S.C. 5. Establish the Society as the ‘recognised voice’ of the sector for all external agencies, including the press MC / Council Urgent 6. Maintain an ongoing audit of professional concerns and developments, and report internally on any need for changes in policy direction or scope PACC Urgent Objective 3 To develop and maintain transparent processes of communication and involvement with the Society, both internally and externally 1. Review the present structure of the Society, whether it is working, where boundaries between Management Committee / Council / Committees lie, and whether the current structure works MC / Council Urgent 2. Assess how lines of communication with membership can be strengthened PACC / CfR Ongoing 3. Consider encouraging membership involvement and wider participation at all levels Membership Cmte / CfR 4. Consider the payment of expenses for Regional Officers CfR 5. Ensure the holding of annual meetings between Officers, Regional officers and SIG officers MC Annual 6. Co-ordinate and publish a list of all Council, Committee, Regional and Group meetings Hon. Secretary ? 2003 7. Organise a time table for Society Officers to attend regional meetings Hon. Secretary ? 2003 8. Maintain and develop the Society’s website, encourage the publication of all Society documents, minutes, etc thereon PACC / WAG 2003 9. Continue to develop the Society website to encompass the demands of its members and promote the work of the Society, including the creation of an e-mail discussion list PACC / WAG 2003 10. Review members access to e-mail and the Internet Membership Cmte 2003 11. Maintain and develop ARC and promote the wider availability of Committee minutes, with summaries for inclusion in ARC Hon. Secretary / Publications S.C. 2003 12. Encourage a culture of sharing information Council / CfR 13. Ensure that the dissemination strategy is balanced so that all members who wish to participate in the processes of decision making are given equal opportunity to do so Council / CfR 14. Consider changing the structure of the Society and the role of the Regional Councillors and review the role of the Committee for the Regions Council / CfR 15. Reappraise periodically the procedures for communication, including the Society’s website PACC Urgent Objective 4 To work in consultation and partnership with relevant organisations 1. Invite representatives from other bodies to join the Society’s proposed Policy / Strategy Sub Committee PACC 2. Ensure that the Society has representatives on committees of other relevant organisations Council Urgent 3. Maintain Society representatives to all relevant organisations and ensure that communication via such representatives works both ways Council / CfR Urgent 4. Ensure that Society representatives assist in formulating joint policies / responses Council /PACC / CfR 5. Seek strategic and operational alliances with other professional bodies in order to advance issues of common concern Council Urgent 6. Establish an annual meeting between the Chairman of the Society and Chairmen of ACALG / BRA / NCA / RMS etc. Chairman / MC Annual 7. Act as a proactive partner with other bodies in obtaining or providing funding and delivering on sectoral projects related to archive and records science and conservation Council 8. Discuss and develop a co-operative training programme with associated professional bodies based on common training needs at an initial seminar during 2003 and continue formalised contact thereafter ETDC / CfR Continue to play a leading role in the NCA, and Welsh, Scottish and Irish equivalents and define the Society’s special area of expertise in the domain Council 9. In 2003 Annual Annual 10. Co-operate with Resource and similar bodies in the United Kingdom and Ireland as the ‘recognised voice’ of the archive professions Council / PACC Annual 11. Work more closely with emerging groups such as the Task Force, the NCCR and the new National Archives Council 2003 12. Establish and maintain regular links and meetings, at senior level, with other domain professional bodies across the domain within the United Kingdom and Ireland MC / Chairman Annual 13. Encourage joint initiatives across the domain MC / Council 14. Actively solicit and welcome input from other bodies across the domain Ex. Committees Objective 5 To sustain and develop relationships with comparable bodies in both an EU and international context 1. Make funding available for Society representatives to attend events overseas PACC / International S.C. 2. Provide delegates, where appropriate, to international events and projects, ensuring full feedback to the widest membership PACC / International S.C. 3. Invite overseas organisations to send representatives to Society events Conference S.C. 4. Actively solicit and welcome input from other comparable bodies International S.C. 5. Introduce a policy for monitoring overseas legislation relating to archival issues and a procedure for Society responses to these Legislation S.C. 6. Play a full role as a member of ICA and other international sectoral bodies PACC / International S.C. 7. Plan to host a major conference or convention, perhaps jointly with other bodies, at least once in the next five years within the Society’s geographical area Conference S.C. 5 years Objective 6 To maintain and develop the role of the Society in promoting the professional development of those involved in the care, conservation and management of archives and records 1. Maintain and develop professional registration and accreditation frameworks ETDC Ongoing 2. Maintain the registers of qualified members, and review criteria for registration quinquenially ETDC / Registrars 5 years 3. Develop and publish a training and development strategy by 2004 ETDC / Training Officer 4. Afford all members the opportunity for professional development ETDC / Training Officer 5. Review and develop the Certificate in Archive Conservation Conservation Certificate Board 6. Continue to support students completing the Diploma in Archive Administration Archives Diploma Board 7. Monitor the regional differences and requirements of members’ professional development ETDC / CfR 8. Supply additional support for the Training Officer to increase training available ETDC / Finance S.C. 9. Provide an on-line facility for members to record, monitor and plan their CPD CD S.C. / WAG 10. Formulate a Code of Ethics and set of professional standards which relate to CPD ETDC / CD S.C. 11. Review the Society’s CPD policy and promote it so that it is fully understood by its members and the importance of which is stressed to each member ETDC / CD S.C. 12. Organise, develop and promote a CPD training programme – annually and geographically ETDC / CDSC / Training Officer / CfR 13. Develop a mentor scheme for all levels of membership and encourage members to use and support it ETDC / Registrars 14. Accredit courses (including post-qualification and distance learning provision) for training professionals and para-professionals and review such accreditation every five years PACC / Accreditation S.C. 15. Review the needs of para-professionals and part-time non-professional archive staff (including cross sectoral) and establish a framework for proceeding to ensure that such training needs are met ETDC / CfR 16. Work with the higher education sector to develop archive, conservation and records management training at a post graduate level, and to consider the development of undergraduate training ETDC 17. Consider the Society’s future role in the provision of initial entry qualifications for archives and records management PACC 18. Continue to support and develop single modules of training and investigate new mechanisms for delivering subject based module training with a view to commencing provision in 2004 – 5 ETDC 19. Consider extending the provision of relevant post qualification training in co-operation with PRO / universities etc. ETDC 20. Consider liaison with the emerging single regional agencies in England in the delivery of common training both for the archives domain and cross sectorally ETDC / CfR 5 years In 2003 by 2004 Objective 7 To review continuously the structures and operation of the Society to ensure the best services to members 1. Consider the employment of an Office Manager and support staff. Personnel S.C. / Council 2. Consider how to put the Society's Office and support structure on to a firm base MC / Council Urgent 3. Consider the financial implications of future Society plans and developments Finance S.C. Annual 4. Re-examine the main Committee and Officer structure and revisit the subject during the the second year of each chairman’s term of office in response to changing needs or wishes MC / Council In 2003 Bi annual 5. Consider extending the Chairman’s term of office to three years, and the possible establishment of a second vice chairmanship with specific member-focussed responsibilities MC / Council 6. Mandate Council to perform an annual audit of all Society Committees, Groups, Panels and other units subsequent upon receiving annual planning documents - to be required of all groupings - and subsequently take action to fill gaps in activity or utilise available volunteer resources more effectively MC / Council Annual 7. Devise a rolling five year action plan noting specific aims and targets, with delegation of responsibility for delivery to appropriate Officers or Committees, with an annual review reported to the AGM MC / Council 5 years 8. Consider the introduction of regionally elected national Councillors, giving each Councillor a constituency and each Region a clear communication route to Council CfR 9. Assess member satisfaction regularly in order to help define the review process Membership Cmte Objective 8 To maintain and raise professional standards in all aspects of archive and records work 1. Establish the pre-eminence of the Society as the arbiter of ethical behavior among professionals and archival institutions, by means of a revised and expanded ethical code for members and institutions, to be developed with full consultation Council / PACC 2. Maintain the profile and reputation of professionalism amongst members by acknowledging good practice, fostering awareness of the profession in the wider world, and providing careers advice on an on-going basis Council / PACC 3. Establish with Archives Task Force that the Society is the body which sets professional standards Council / PACC 4. Seek and secure funding for projects, if Society resources are not sufficient, on an ongoing basis Council / Ex. Sec. 5. Contribute to projects as they arise aimed at developing professional methodology Council / PM S.C. 6. Prepare a new publication programme, commissioning work where necessary and making full use of electronic and traditional methods of delivery as suitable, such a programme to be based on actual-needs surveys PM S.C. / Publications S.C. Membership Cmte 7. Develop and promote the Society’s Code of Conduct. PACC By 2005