Using Excel to Understand Story Problems

Using Excel to Understand Story Problems
Teri Evangelista
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
2500 Campus Road
Honolulu, HI 96822
Abstract: Math classes are usually boring and distant to most students.
The solution seems to be to pull away from traditional teaching practices
and move towards learning styles. Every student doesn’t learn in the same
way. Enabling learners to approach something as complex as a
mathematical word problem though graphing helps the learner process the
data calculated, and integrating technology to ensure accuracy and a
clearer picture of the data should increase student success.
Recall just about every math class you have ever taken. Remember the days
when a teacher stood in front of the class with chalk in hand, writing mind-boggling
numerical equations, formulas, and word problems on the board? As students, hands
cramped while trying to simultaneously listen to his boring lecture, dictate notes from his
lesson, profusely copy the board, and sort out all this information before he erased it and
began the next set of examples. The learners of today come from a very different
background, and being a passive learner is not getting our learners any closer to their
understanding of doing math problems.
Traditional classrooms can no longer hold the attention of learners. As Gremli
(1996) points out, students have different learning styles and a traditional teaching style
will not serve all learners. It seems that with the variety and availability of modern
technologies, students find it more difficult to sit, listen, and copy notes for a chunk of
Using Excel
time. Students in any given classroom are not exactly the same, so teaching them linearly
will no longer work. By tapping into students’ multiple intelligences, one mathematical
problem can be approached in different ways: verbally, spatially, visually, and
algebraically to name a few (Estes, 2004).
Project Description
This instructional design module will focus on a student representing a story
problem graphically, using Microsoft Excel, however, it is not restricted to just that. In
order for the learner to reach this goal, an understanding of what independent and
dependent variables are, as well as how to describe them by their labels and units as well
as in an algebraic expression. Graphing is not a new approach to doing math, rather it is
usually taught in isolation of word problems and usually presented as a separate set of
problems given in rote practice. This module will deepen the learners’ understanding of
the relationship between pieces of data, and also show the usefulness of using a graphical
approach in solving word problems. Utilization of Excel will aid in the accuracy of
representing the data visually.
Instructional Analysis
The terminal objective of this instructional module is that the learner will produce
a table of values from a given word problem and produce a coinciding graph from that
table of values.
The module is broken down into two major parts, construction of the table of
values and construction of a scatter plot. The learner will fill out the chart by organizing
Using Excel
data into two parts, and filling in the appropriate quantity names and labels for each part,
as well as values calculated by the learner. Also included in the chart are expressions for
each column. After the chart is produced, it will be used to create a scatter plot graph.
Completion of the module will result in a visual representation of data in the form of a
line graph. Figure 1 illustrates the instructional map of the terminal objective. All items
below the dotted line represent what the entry level (EL) behaviors, or what the learner
should already know, and can use in order to reach the terminal objective. It will be
assumed that not all of the learners know how to use the Excel program, therefore time
will be allotted to go over basic functions in Excel.
As mentioned earlier, it is important to try to integrate technology where ever it is
possible. The procedures of graphing without any assistance from technology can be
time consuming and sloppy. By simply using an easily accessible computer program,
graphing can be quick and organized. Table 1 outlines the performance objectives related
to the content analysis chart.
Using Excel
Given a story problem, the pre algebra math learner will set up a table of values on an Excel
spreadsheet. The table will detail the variable quantities, their units, expressions, and specific
calculations according to the story problem. It will then be used to make a scatter plot that
will be embedded in the Excel spreadsheet.
Create a table of values
Create a scatter plot in Excel
Input information
in spreadsheet cells
Utilize the Chart
EL 1
chart type
source data
EL 2
Name series
EL 3
Define unit
EL 4
Set data range
the title
EL 5
Define point
EL 6
Figure. Content analysis chart.
Using Excel
Table 1
Performance Objectives for Graphing with Excel.
Input information in spreadsheet
Given a story problem, the learner will
appropriately place and define: the
variable quantities, which variable is
dependent and which is dependent, the unit
of each variable, and their algebraic
Calculate values
Given a story problem, the learner will
calculate specific data points from the
Create a table of values
Given a story problem, the learner will
create a table of values by organizing and
placing earlier calculations in the cells of
an Excel spreadsheet.
Select chart type
Given a learner is in the Excel Chart
Wizard, the learner will select the
appropriate chart type to be created in
Set data range
Given a learner is in the Excel Chart
Wizard, the learner will select the
appropriate series to represent the chart to
be created in Excel
Name series
Given a learner is in the Excel Chart
Wizard, the learner will appropriately name
the series of the line.
Select chart source data
Given a learner is in the Excel Chart
Wizard, the learner will give the chart a
title and set the gridlines on the chart.
Name the title
Given a learner is in the Excel Chart
Wizard, the learner will give the chart a
Set gridlines
Given a learner is in the Excel Chart
Wizard, the learner will set major and
minor gridlines to a chart.
Using Excel
Table 1 (continued)
Select chart options
Given a learner is in the Excel Chart
Wizard, the learner will
Select chart location
Given a learner is in the Excel Chart
Wizard, the learner will set the chart to be
embedded in the Excel spreadsheet.
Create a scatter plot in Excel
Given a table of values on an Excel
spreadsheet, the learner will create a line
graph scatter plot.
Show a scatter plot with
corresponding table of values
Given a story problem, the pre algebra math
learner will set up a table of values on an Excel
spreadsheet. The table will detail the variable
quantities, their units, expressions, and specific
calculations according to the story problem. It
will then be used to make a scatter plot that
will be embedded in the Excel spreadsheet.
As shown (in the Figure), there are two main clusters in the terminal objective.
The first cluster, create a table of values, consists of two main parts. Given the time that
this module is introduced to the learner, the math vocabulary listed in the EL behaviors
listed will already have been covered. Coverage of the first cluster is estimated at 10
minutes maximum. The second cluster mainly deals with applying the math to the Excel
program to produce the terminal objective. There is no real room for error as the steps
are sequential and the selections will be given to the learner. The estimated time of
coverage will be 15 minutes, allowing for a little confusion for finding the appropriate
actions to create the embedded graph in the terminal objective.
Design Methodology
Target audience. The subjects in this instructional design project will be the
students who register for the developmental math course. The class has a maximum
Using Excel
capacity of 20 students, as the classroom is equipped with only 20 computers. At this
time, it is impossible to tell the exact details of the students in the class as they are not yet
registered for the course, but some general deductions can be made. It will be assumed
that not all students are familiar or comfortable with using computers.
MCCs policy is that anyone with a diploma or equivalent thereof is eligible to
register for classes provided they meet the prerequisites, if any, for the class. Students
are also required to take a placement test before registration. It is very common for
students to place into developmental math courses, or courses that are ineligible for
transfer into a university. It is also common for students in developmental classes to have
negative feelings towards math.
In general, many of the students at MCC chose to attend because it is a
community college, and the education is more affordable than with private institutions.
Many of MCCs students are changing careers, just starting them, or anything in between.
Part of the information to be collected will be background information on the students in
the classroom.
Instructional strategy. Before the module is introduced, the target audience will
already have worked for several weeks on graphing story problems. The purpose of this
module is to utilize available technology to improve speed and accuracy in solving story
problems. This module will be given as a stand alone module, with instructions given in
as an instructional video that will be housed on the Internet. A video was chosen as the
method of deliverance mainly because the video will allow things to be seen and heard at
the same time. Also, the video can be stopped and backtracked if the student missed any
step. The video will be designed to show what actions to perform in order to correctly fill
Using Excel
out a table of values, and then use the table of values to create a scatter plot that will be
embedded into the spreadsheet. The final product will be the spreadsheet, and the student
will be able to practice along with the video tutorial. The assessment will have the
student produce the same thing with another problem, but with the same type of end
Module development. Construction of the module was inspired by the students. It
would be observed how students would rip holes in their papers after erasing so many
times because they forgot to add a piece of information or mislabeled an interval on their
graphs. There is so much technology out there, but trying to keep this module
controllable and simple enough to serve the purpose of gaining speed and accuracy in
graphing was key.
The site of the target audience as well as the test audience is already equipped
with the standard Microsoft Office tools. It seemed obvious to try to use what was
already there to work with instead of trying to find other software that would need to be
installed or have some type of account made in order to use it. This was the main reason
for centering the module on using Excel. It was kept in mind that students are not all
familiar with using Excel, or any of its features, and this determined that the module
would demonstrate how to use the program for the purpose of making a graph. Although
there was a choice to make a tutorial using screenshots of Excel along with written
instructions, the researcher felt that toggling between the tutorial and Excel while trying
to find your place would be more confusing then toggling between a video and Excel and
following along with the narration.
Using Excel
Creating such a video to support the module would be easy using a program by
Jing. Jing is free software that allows the user to record screens on their desktop while
actively narrating by voice. This software will simplify the process of recording the
video in a clear resolution.
Technology allows people to create products that enhance and enrich learning.
Math does not have to be restricted to lined paper and pencil in order for a student to
understand it, nor should it be reduced to that. In his paper, Li (2005) quotes the National
Council of Teachers in Mathematics in saying, “Technology is essential in teaching and
learning mathematics; it influences the mathematics that is taught and enhances students’
learning.” One would then deduce that if technology can assist the student in creating a
product that approaches a problem from a different point of view, then it should be used.
Formative Evaluation Methodology
Site. The site of the action research will be a classroom on the Maui Community
College (MCC) campus. No permission to render the unit is needed as it is the employer
of the researcher.
Test audience. A test audience will be gathered consisting of one math teacher
and students that use a particular computer lab at MCC. The math teacher will serve as a
subject matter expert, and will review the material and set up of the module. The
students will be easily accessible by the researcher and are a good representation of the
target population as it is a small sample that closely resembles the target population.
Trials of the module will be conducted first, on a one-to-one basis, and then it will be
expanded to bigger groups depending on the number of participants. The test subjects’
Using Excel
ages will range from 18-45 years old, and the ratio of males to females will be close to if
not exactly, 1:1.
Evaluation procedures. The data to be collected will be through a combination of
qualitative and quantitative methods.
Prior to the module, the test subjects will be given a pre test as a base line
measure. At the end of the module, the test subjects will be given the same test to
measure their gains. The differences in the scores from the tests will indicate whether or
not the test subject understood the concepts in the module.
An interview, as well as a survey will be conducted where test subjects can give
feedback on what went well and/or what misfired.
Instruments. The pre test and the post test will be paper based, consisting of one
story problem from which several questions will be drawn (Appendix A).
The survey will focus on each type of representation with a Likert-scale on
feelings for each type, and two open end questions on the overall perception of the
module and suggestions for improvement.
Data analysis plan. The quantitative data will be processed first. Scores from pre
tests and unit tests will be recorded and compared. The data to be analyzed will be the
gains that the subjects obtained, if any.
Frequency of incorrect answers for each problem will also be recorded and
compared to reflections of concepts that were not clear. The analysis of this data will aid
in the revisions of the unit.
Using Excel
Appendix A
Pre/Post Test
Using Excel
Appendix A (continued)
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Appendix B
Post Module Survey
Using Excel
The following table (Table 3) outlines the time table in which the study will be
Table 3
Final draft of proposal due
All papers to CHS turned in for approval
Start development of module
Outline objectives for module
Start on details for objectives, skills, and subskills
Start pre/post assessment test
Record tutorial videos
Proposal to TCC due
Approval to start project
Administer module to test subjects
Collect data and feedback
Process feedback, incorporate changes where necessary
Implications of Research
New ways to approach math must be sought. Students cast math classes aside
because they dread it. Math doesn’t need to be painful in order to be learned and
retained. If a student can be interested and engaged in their math class, more retention
and less remediation will be needed. If some technology can be integrated into
curriculum in order for learners to increase accuracy and to succeed in understanding a
concept such as story problems, then it should be utilized, especially if the current
approach is not working.
Using Excel
Estes, C. (2004, January). Promoting student-centered learning in experiential education.
Journal of Experiential Education, 27(2), 141-160. (ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. EJ739511) Retrieved September 23, 2008, from ERIC
Gremli, J. (1996, November). Tuned in to learning styles. Music Educators Journal,
83(3), 24. Retrieved January 1, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.
Li, Q. (2005, June). Infusing technology into a mathematics methods course: any
impact?. Educational Research, 47(2), 217-233. Retrieved January 18, 2009,