University of Kentucky SRNA Clinical Vaccination COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS 2015-2016 ACADEMIC YEAR TUBERCULIN Compliance may be obtained by: 1. Two-step tuberculin skin test (Mantoux) performed at least one week apart and within the same year with at least one test read in April or later OR 2. One IGRA (Quantiferon Gold Blood Test or TSPOT) given in April or later. The IGRA may be in place of two-step TB skin test. 3. If student has a known history of positive TB test or IGRA test, they must work with University Health Services on compliance. 4. Upon yearly renewal, one skin test or one IGRA is required. MEASLES, MUMPS AND RUBELLA (MMR) If born after 1/1/1957, proof of immunity to measles, mumps and rubella is required. A person is considered “Age Exempt” if born before 1/1/1957. Compliance can be obtained by providing: 1. Evidence of MMR two-shot series after the first birthday; OR 2. Documentation of positive titers showing proof of immunity for each of the three diseases [measles (rubeola), mumps AND rubella]; OR 3. Medically documented history of all three diseases. TDAP (Tetanus – Diphtheria Acellular Pertussis) Evidence of one dose of TDAP given at 11 years or older VARICELLA Compliance may be obtained by providing: 1. Evidence of varicella two-dose series after the first birthday; OR 2. Positive titer showing proof of immunity. Only positive titer is acceptable; OR 3. Medically documented history of disease. HEPATITIS B Compliance may be obtained by providing: 1. Evidence of Hepatitis B three-shot series; OR 2. If evidence of HEP B three-shot series is not available, 3 vaccinations AND a positive antibody titer are required; OR 3. If series has been interrupted, finish the series, including a positive antibody titer after the third shot. 4. If titer is negative or equivocal, the series and titer must be repeated. INFLUENZA The current seasonal influenza vaccination is required by October 31 of the current season.