Use this form when an employee’s performance does not meet standards and needs improvement
Demographic Data
Employee Name
Supervisor Name
Sally Supervisor
Position Number
Review Period
Purpose of this PIP:
Job Title
Oral Warning
- 45
Department Number
Staff Support Associate II
Written Warning
Type of Evaluation (select one):
Corrective Action Probation
Documentation of Suspension
Section One: to be completed by Supervisor
List the employee’s Essential Functions and standards that require attention and describe the specific improvement(s)
needed to meet those standards.
Essential Functions:
Oversee operation of student records office and communicate to supervisor when problems arise.
Supervise temporary employees and student workers. Provide registration and add/drop assistance to students who are
registering by UK-VIP and WebUK. Serves as a team leader to train temporaries, students and coworkers in office
procedures, policies and regulations.
Job Standards requiring improvement (define the problem):
Always alerts the supervisor about problems requiring
additional or special assistance. Always plans and provides work for temps or student workers when they are present.
Monitors hours worked so that temps and students do not exceed their allocated hours.
Specific improvement needed (identify what needs to be done differently):
In general, Steven needs to gain clarity
about his leadership or supervisory responsibilities. He does most things well, but his authority is not well established for his
direct-reports. He will also need to become more familiar with the corrective action procedures of the University and be able
to implement those actions when appropriate. Additional interpersonal communication skills would also be helpful, learning
how to confront problem employees as well as how to praise employee performance. He also needs to recognize situations in
which he will need assistance from his supervisor when handling employee issues.
Steps to achieve this improvement (training, equipment, feedback, etc.):
Attend the SuperVISION training offered
through Human Resource Development. Schedule one-on-one coaching meetings with me to discuss solutions to specific
situations she is facing or has faced.
Section Two: To be completed by Employee
List any notable obstacles you encountered in performing your Essential Functions during the evaluation period.
This essential function was tough for me as a first-time supervisor because I had no prior supervisory experience, so I had no
knowledge to draw from when handling employee issues. Plus, temporary employees and student workers, whom I
supervise, present different challenges than full-time employees. In addition to this first-time supervisor challenge, the
amount of work that I was responsible for completing was pretty heavy. I felt like I was juggling so many tasks because it
was all new to me. Once I started getting comfortable with the job, I was able to spend more time with my employees. But I
think my trouble in the beginning made it difficult for me to regain authority.
Do you have any questions about what is expected of you in your Essential Functions? Please explain.
No, I am very clear on my responsibilities… especially now that I have spent a full year in the position. With this essential
function, I just wasn't clear on the best way to handle certain situations.
How can we work together to help you improve in the above areas?
I need some training in supervisory skills. I also feel like I would improve faster if I could have a "sounding board" to discuss
specific issues. I would love to meet with my supervisor regularly to talk about supervising employees. Regular feedback on
supervisory skills will be very helpful for me.
In your current position, what additional training would be helpful in preparing you to do your job more effectively?
The SuperVISION program in Human Resource Development would be great.
Is there anything else you would like to include in this Performance Improvement Plan?
I just want my supervisor to remember that I am still learning how to be a supervisor. So far, my supervisor has been helpful, and
I just want that to continue.
Upon establishment of this plan, obtain the following signatures. Give one copy to the employee, attach a copy of Section One and
Section Two to the employee’s Performance Evaluation Form to submit to Human Resources, and maintain the original in the
departmental file. Failure to achieve and sustain improvement may lead to further corrective action.
Employee Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Date: _____/_____/_____
Immediate Supervisor Signature: _____________________________________________________
Date: _____/_____/_____
Next Level Supervisor Signature: _____________________________________________________
Date: _____/_____/_____
Section Three: Follow-Up
The supervisor must conduct and document a follow-up review 30 to 90 days after the establishment of the Performance
Improvement Plan. This follow-up may indicate a need for an additional review.
Dates of follow-up discussions with employee:
Other (explain)
Steven has done a terrific job with his supervisory responsibilities since the implementation of this plan. He has attended the
SuperVISION program in Human Resource Development and he has met with me every other week for the past 12 weeks.
He has already applied the information learned in SuperVISION, as he has initiated the corrective action process with one of
his difficult employees. He has also shown good judgment in handling two potentially explosive situations between
employees. His documentation skills have improved dramatically, as have been evident in his meetings with me. His
progress has been strong, and I fully expect him to become a solid supervisor and leader in his position.
*If not resolved after 90 days, contact Employee Relations to determine appropriate action.
Follow-up Review Signatures:
Employee Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Date: _____/_____/_____
Immediate Supervisor Signature: _____________________________________________________
Date: _____/_____/_____
Next Level Supervisor Signature: _____________________________________________________
Date: _____/_____/_____
Note: When the Performance Improvement Plan is completed and signed, provide a copy to the employee, retain a copy for
department file, and send original to Human Resources. Hospital supervisors send original to Room 21 Scovell Hall, 0064. All
other University supervisors send original to Room 16 Scovell Hall, 0064.