COS Interim Report for Experiential Education Section January 9, 2015

COS Interim Report for Experiential Education Section
January 9, 2015
Respectfully Submitted by Lynn Stevenson, PharmD (Chair of EE Section)
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Programming Committee
Chair of Committee:
Jennifer Danielson (University of Washington)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: To survey Experiential Education Section members about interest in programming for the
annual meeting as well as webinars held throughout the year.
Note: The Programming Committee will assist the Webinar Committee by identifying general
programming interests for the section provided by webinars. The chairs of the programming and
webinar committees should meet quarterly to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the
annual meeting and webinar programming is not duplicative, but instead complimentary.
Deliverable 1: Survey (September 1, 2014)
Deliverable 2: List of General Program interest for Webinar Series (should be minimum of 2 general
interest webinars provided). (September 15, 2014)
Progress: Survey has been completed and ideas of programming (annual meeting and webinars) have
been identified.
Charge 2: To develop annual meeting programming (topics/speakers), including budgeting priorities.
Deliverable: Submit programming details (budget, speakers, title, objectives) (January 1, 2015)
Progress: Committee will proceed with our plan to have a "retreat-like" program using consortia
purposefully to disseminate information about a group of selected topics. General format for the program:
1. Introduction and instructions (start sitting within our consortia)--10 minutes
10 minutes travel time--includes time for each consortium to determine how they
want to split up to hit the various topics and time to get to relevant tables
2. Facilitated round tables (spread out to facilitated table discussions)--30 minutes, allows time for the
table leader to present informally as well as for table participants to share
5 minutes travel time—get back to consortium tables
3. Sharing and creating momentum (sitting back with consortia members)--30 minutes, within
consortia share ideas learned and discuss collaborations or future directions to put some of these
ideas into action*
4. Wrap-up/Summary--5 minutes*
*Idea for an electronic bulletin board ( so that consortia can post 1 idea that they plan to work on
over this next year. This free electronic bulletin board is easy o to use and can be referred to after the program
to see what various consortia are up to over the next year. Just an idea, if this seems to put too much in to a
program already riddled with moving parts, we can scrap it.
To do:
Jen D—send email to listserv describing what we plan to do and ask for additional table facilitators, include
description of the overall program format as well as each topic
Jen D—contact AACP staff to describe what we are planning and ask for their help, make sure we can have
logistical help and table sign holders
Jen D—get a bell (or something) to ring to signal times to keep us on track in the program
Future to do:
Angela has volunteered to make the table signs (one side consortium name, other side topic)
Jen—make slides for the program to have clear instructions during the program and if possible a map of the
tables to help people find their way around
Topic leaders (within our committee): responsibility to gather those who volunteer to be
our table facilitators, or find table facilitators if need be
Angela—preceptor development
Deb—new ACPE standards
Gloria—standardizing core APPEs
Jen R—quality in EE
Jen D—validating APPE tools and assessing pre-APPE readiness
Topics to be covered will be:
Implementing ACPE Standard 2016
Validating APPE Assessment instruments
Defining and assessing pre-APPE readiness
Preceptor Development
Using Quality Metrics in EE
Standardizing core APPEs
Integrating IPE into your IPPEs
Integrating IPE into your APPEs
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Resolutions Committee
Chair of Committee:
Wesley Nuffer (University of Colorado)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: To review recommendations presented in various committees and other reports and to
develop resolutions for consideration by the Section during the annual meeting. Committee should
review Bylaws for the Section and determine if any changes are warranted. The Committee should
review any changes to COS Standing Rules of Procedures and/or changes to the AACP Bylaws approved
by the HOD at the annual meeting each year that may impact the Section.
Resolutions to be brought forward to the COS for consideration should be presented as soon as possible
to the COS via interim reports rather than being presented in the final report.
Deliverable: Submit any resolutions (including intent) for section consideration at the annual meeting by
April 1, 2015 (at least 90 days before the AACP Annual meeting).
Progress: The Resolutions Committee has reviewed several documents, including the Council of Sections
Final Report from 2014, the AACP 2014 Bylaws, The Bylaws and Policy Development Committee 2014
report, and the Experiential Education section Standing Rules of Procedures from 2012. After reviewing
these, the Resolutions Committee met via conference call and discussed each of these documents, as
well as any new resolutions that may be brought forward for the Section. After some discussion, it was
decided that the focus would be on the ExEd Standing Rules of Procedures. The group identified a few
areas they felt could be improved upon, and delegated responsibilities for drafting revised language for
these sections. Once this new language is drafted, it will be circulated through the committee for
revisions and feedback before forwarding formal recommendations on for consideration in 2015. The
group plans to discuss this in late January/early February to finalize all recommendations and language
by the end of March 2015.
Additionally, there was discussion about some ambiguity in the process of nominating an Officer within
the Section. It was debated whether this document (ExEd Rules of Procedures) would be the
appropriate place to provide better guidance (and more transparency) for those members who may
want to get more involved and not really understand the process on how to do so. The Chair of the
Resolutions Committee offered to engage with the Nominating Committee group and discuss this more,
to see whether this would be a resolution or some other type of guidance that could be
developed. Once these discussions take place, the information will be circulated through the
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Nominations Committee
Chair of Committee:
Schwanda Flowers (University of Arkansas)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: Identify through a survey member feedback regarding volunteering for Section leadership
roles, specifically level of interest, concerns and/or questions members may have regarding this
leadership positions. Assist leadership identifying ways to address members’ concerns that may be
Deliverable: December 15, 2014
Progress: The committee met via conference call and are working on finishing up a survey to determine
if there are any barriers that prevent the section members from volunteering for leadership roles. This
short survey will go out to the section later in January. In addition, we will provide information regarding
each office within the section and information regarding time commitment and requirements for those
officers. The committee will begin to solicit nominations in February.
Charge 2: Solicit potential candidates for Section Officer (Chair Elect, Secretary) and disseminate
materials to prospective candidates for Section leadership positions to explain officer responsibilities.
Deliverable: April 1, 2015
Progress: The committee will begin to solicit nominations in February.
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Awards Committee
Chair of Committee:
Scott Wisneski (NE Ohio Medical University)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: To nominate individuals who qualify for AACP awards. Primary award for consideration will be
the Lyman award. Nominations are due in January 2015.
Deliverable: Identify 3 AJPE experiential education themed papers suitable for consideration for the
Lyman award using the time points selected by AACP (January 1, 2015)
1. Progress: The committee reviewed all experiential-related article published in AJPE in the year
2014. Then, each article was scored on using a Likert Scale (Rating scale: 1-Would not
Nominate, 2-Fair, 3-Good, 4-Very Good, 5-Excellent). Committee members could recuse
themselves from the scoring of an article and also note if they felt the article wasn’t
2. The committee discussed scores from the Lyman Award on December 18, 2014 via conference
call. The committee selected the following articles to be nominated for the Lyman Award. The
recommended articles were sent via email to the editor of AJPE by the Chair of this committee
on January 5, 2015 to be forwarded on to the Lyman Selection Committee:
 Danielson J, Eccles D, Kwasnik A, et al. Status of pharmacy practice experience education
programs. Am J Pharm Edu. 2014; 78(4) Article 72
 Knapp K, Shane P, Sasaki-Hill D, et al. Bullying in the clinical training of pharmacy students.
Am J Pharm Edu. 2014; 78(6) Article 117
 Galinski CN, Horosz PJ, Spooner JJ, et al. Comparison of introductory pharmacy practice
experiences among US pharmacy programs. Am J Pharm Edu. 2014; 78(9) Article 162
 O’Sullivan TA, Danielson J, Weber SS. Qualitative analysis of common definition for core
advanced pharmacy practice experiences, Am J Pharm Ed. 2014; 78(5) Article 91.
Charge 2: To solicit nominations and select individuals who qualify for annual AACP EE Section Awards.
1. Award of Excellence in Experiential Education
2. Award of Excellence in Scholarship in EE
Deliverable: May 1, 2015
Progress: Award of Excellence in Experiential Education - The committee decided to send out a
solicitation email to the EE listserv in early February to solicit nominations for our section award. The
deadline for submission to our committee will be March 1. The committee will plan to have the award
recipient(s) selected by May 1.
February 2, 2015—send email to EE section
March 16 —deadline for section award submission
May 1—goal for final award recipient sent to section chair
Award of Excellence in Scholarship in EE - The committee determined the paper authored by Danielson
J et al. Status of pharmacy practice experience education programs would receive the section’s Award of
Excellence in Scholarship in Experiential Education. However, if the Danielson paper should receive the
Lyman award, then the paper authored by, Knapp K et al. Bullying in the clinical training of pharmacy
students would receive the award.
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Membership Committee
Chair of Committee:
Patricia Darbishire (Purdue University)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: Identify points of contact and update and maintain the current list of Experiential Education
Faculty Administrators (Asst/Assoc Deans and/or Chairs, APPE Director, IPPE Director) at all participating
Colleges of Pharmacy. Disseminate this information to section members. Be sure to include the
Canadian Colleges/Schools of Pharmacy and any additional foreign schools of pharmacy as well as those
in the US (states and territories).
Deliverable: October 15, 2014
Progress: The list of Experiential Education Faculty Administrators is under review to determine
additional updates. The committee has determine that identification of faculty administrators (each
member can designate their role with EE at their school) is now feasible through AACP’s website due to
the implementation of the new electronic search engine for faculty and professional staff. The
committee is going to communicate this with the EE Section members and remind members to update
their profiles on the website. This will take the place of the spreadsheet that our Section was trying to
maintain separately.
Charge 2: Using the AACP section membership information, identify the primary interest areas of our
section and explore ways to effectively communicate with and engage the diverse section membership.
Deliverable: March 15, 2015
Progress: Nothing new to report at this time.
Charge 3: Work with AACP liaisons to establish a process to develop small working groups within the
section based around interest areas such as EE Administration, IPPE practice models, APPE practice
models, simulation, preceptor development, quality assurance/assessment, student professional
development, etc. Once established, facilitate developing the working groups and setting up networking
opportunities for the various groups at the 2015 AACP annual meeting.
Deliverable: March 15, 2015
Progress: Nothing new to report at this time.
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Scholarship Committee
Chair of Committee:
Terri O’Sullivan (University of Washington)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: Create a forum for networking and collaboration opportunities for EE members for the
purpose of sharing research ideas.
Deliverable: Spring 2015
Progress: Strategy:
 Proposal: creation of an annual listserv question catalog. Sample spreadsheet for the time
period from 1 May to 24 July 2014 was created so that the committee could see one idea of how
this would look.
 There were no additional proposals put forth at the November meeting.
Charge 2: Update the list of various types of Experiential Education duties that can be the focus of
scholarship (including references to articles in literature when possible) in order to guide and direct
members to initiate new experiential education research projects.
Deliverable: Spring 2015
Progress: Strategy for updating publications list: searches
 Our initial attempts made it clear that we need to identify a strategy for searching, for reconciling
the various search results, and for indexing decisions, so that this function is easy to replicate for
future committees.
 The current .doc method of presenting results is clean and relatively easy to scan but long and not
searchable except by scanning. Last year’s committee placed everything onto a spreadsheet and
only moved it into a .doc format when the reconciliation process was complete. It may be
reasonable to keep the search output spreadsheets in a working file for subsequent committees to
use. We should continue to brainstorm formats for facilitating searches within the database of
studies we are building.
 Tina: as we go through this process we should think about how to share the results of our efforts
with section members. One venue may be the newsletter, having something along the lines of a
scholarship corner or similar way that we could highlight the pharmacy experiential education
Terri: when doing an EMBASE search, I noticed that it picks up some pharmacy journals that
PubMed does not, such as Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning and Hospital Pharmacy. I
also noticed that it is quite current with CPTL but not with AJPE. After the meeting I did a few more
searches and put copies of search results in Dropbox:
o 'pharmacy student' AND 'education' OR experien*mp (2247 results – I selected 41 that
looked relevant and were published in 2014)
o 'advanced pharmacy practice experience' (155 results – I selected all in 2013/2014)
o 'introductory pharmacy practice experience' (61 results – I selected all in 2013/2014)
o 'pharmacy student' AND 'experiential education' (56 results – I selected all in 2013/2014)
We will need to repeat search results in May/June to pick up early 2015 publications.
Still need to look through MedEdPORTAL. Looked briefly through SABER a couple of months ago but
didn’t see anything at the time.
Goal for next meeting will be to have searches done and notes saved on how searches were
performed/should be performed, so that we can document the process. Will repeat searches in May for
June report to EE section.
Next meeting: 30 Jan 2015, 10am PST/12noon CST/1pm EST
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Webinar Committee
Chair of Committee:
Gina Baugh (West Virginia University)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: Working in conjunction with the Programming Committee, develop a schedule of webinar
topics/formats for the 2014-2015 year. Identify moderators/speakers for the various sections.
Note: Use feedback collected from members on success of webinars and discussions at the 2014 annual
meeting in addition to basic criteria developed during 2013-2014 on selection and conduction of
Deliverable: September 30, 2014
Progress: Committee sent out a call for proposals for webinars for the year based around qualitative and
quantitative research in October 2014. Committee met via conference call on 10/28/14 for 1 hour to
review the 3 proposals submitted.
Charge 2: Provide a minimum of 2 regular webinars focused on section interests. Evaluate feedback on
the webinars to determine changes needed in the presentation format.
Deliverable: June 15, 2015
Progress: Webinars scheduled for December 17, 2014 and a second webinar for April 2015
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Abstract Committee
Chair of Committee:
Lynn Stevenson (Auburn University)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: To review poster abstracts submitted for acceptance at the annual AACP meeting in July 2015.
Review process will begin in March 2015. Based on historical number of experiential education
submissions, each committee member would review between 5- 10 abstracts. (General process:
reviewers grouped in 3's to review 5 -10 abstracts)
Deliverable: Spring 2015
Progress: Chair has communicated with interested members for this committee and has received
confirmation of willingness to participate from 45 members. Committee will begin work of reviewing
poster abstracts when released from AACP in Spring 2015.
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Newsletter Committee
Chair of Committee:
Erin Johanson (Roseman University of Health Sciences)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: To assist in determining the “themes” for the Fall 2014, Spring 2015, and Summer 2015
Experiential Education Section Newsletters
Deliverable: Date TBA in accordance with newsletter deadline
Progress: The Committee met as a whole via webinar on September 15, October 7, and November 11,
2014. The Fall newsletter was sent out on Friday, November 21, 2014 with the theme “Interprofessional
Education (IPE) – Best Practices.”
The Spring newsletter call for manuscripts was sent out on November 21, 2014. The theme will be
“Individual Leadership Skill Development and/or Team Development of Experiential Offices.”
Charge 2: To review articles submitted for inclusion into the Fall 2014, Spring 2015, and Summer 2015
Experiential Education Section Newsletters
Deliverable: Date TBA in accordance with newsletter deadline
Progress: The Committee utilized established rubric for review of articles and each manuscript was
reviewed by three members of the committee. Fourteen manuscripts were submitted and two chosen.
The deadline for submissions for the Spring issue is March 1, 2015. Target date for release of the spring
newsletter will be May 1, 2015. It was determined that at least one author from each manuscript must
be a member of the AACP EE Section.
Charge 3: To determine supplemental content and/or design features to be included within the
Experiential Educations Section Newsletters
Deliverable: Date TBA in accordance with newsletter deadline
Progress: A supplemental IPE issue is in progress pending updates from submissions for the fall
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Health and Wellness Committee
Chair of Committee:
Megan Willson (Washington State University)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: Identify mechanisms (i.e., webinars, annual meeting programming, etc.) to present best
practices in health and wellness promotion within experiential education.
Deliverable: December 15, 2014
Progress: Nothing new to report at this time.
Charge 2: To survey Section members or published literature to identify assessment approaches of
health and wellness promotion activities within experiential education.
Deliverable: Spring 2015
Progress: Nothing new to report at this time.
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Engagement Committee
Chair of Committee:
Greg Young (Lipscomb University)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: To explore potential opportunities to engage EE members in the section.
Deliverable 1: Provide information regarding various methods to engage membership and increase
participation by faculty. (January 1, 2015)
Progress: The Engagement Committee had a conference call on November 12, 2014. A review of last
year’s committee activities was completed. The committee attempted to Define “Engagement” with
regards to the Experiential Education Section. The committee also discussed resources/tools that could
be provided to members of EE Section, opportunities for collaboration between Section and members
and opportunities for professional and personal growth.
The committee also discussed various approaches to engaging EE Section membership:
1. what type(s) of engagement would be desirable by EE Section members? (resources,
tools, etc.)
2. Where/how would resources/tools be stored/accessed by members?
3. How can the EE Section motivate members to participate in the following:
 Serve on committees
 Serve as a presenter at annual meetings or other EE-focused sessions
 Begin pursuing scholarship within EE
 Serve as candidates for offices within the EE Section leadership
Additional feedback form members that were not able to participate in this conference call will be
solicited by the Chair. Another conference call will be scheduled in the coming weeks in order to
consolidate our discussion.
Charge 2: To explore potential opportunities to engage students in the section.
Deliverable 1: Provide information regarding various methods to engage students and increase
participation by students. (January 1, 2015)
Progress: Nothing new to report (see above)
Charge 3: Evaluate EE staff engagement in Section activities (committees, posters, programming, etc.)
and identify ways to engage staff more in Section activities.
Deliverable: Spring 2015
Progress: Nothing new to report (see above)
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Strategic Plan Task Force
Chair of Committee:
Brad Cannon (Rosalind Franklin University)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: Review the current strategic plan for the Section and update the plan based on completed
objectives, objectives that need to continue and new objectives for the Section. The strategic plan
should focus on the Section goals and objectives for the next 3-5 years. Committee should seek input
from Section officers and members in establishing these goals and objectives.
Deliverable 1: Provide updates in interim reports as noted below.
Progress: The Task Force members have reviewed the current strategic plan and discussed what
sections need to be continued. The Task Force determined that most of the objectives have been met
based on presentations and publications. Additionally, it was felt that given the significant changes that
have occurred, as well as those on the horizon (2016), that a new plan would need to focus on new
priorities. The current strategic initiatives were assessed:
1. Scholarship-Promote the scholarship of experiential education
2. Communication-No critical priorities identified
3. Collaboration, Resource Sharing-foster collaboration with other sections, SIG's, and Council's within
AACP; evaluate exiting relationships with other organizations; identify existing and create new
relationships with other health professions organizations
4. Technology5. Education and Curricular Issues-refine nationally defined APPE/IPPE competencies to meet proposed
accreditation standards
6. Administration-No critical priorities identified
The next step will be identifying mandates from internal and external sources, and developing additional
goals. Plan is to have this completed and ready to share with the Section leadership by the end of the
Charge 2: Update the Strategic Plan formatting to be consistent with the formatting used (spreadsheet)
by the Association and COS. Ensure that the Section’s strategic plan is in line with those of the
Association and COS.
Progress: Draft of the document to share with the Section members by mid-February.
Name of Committee:
Experiential Education Webpage Task Force
Chair of Committee:
Maryann Skrabal (Creighton University)
Progress / Remaining Work of Committee:
Charge 1: Review the current Experiential Education Section webpage on the AACP website. Identify
resources needed and other updates/changes needed to this webpage to improve resources available to
Section members.
Deliverable 1: Provide updates in interim reports as noted below.
Progress: The Experiential Education Webpage Task Force has held 3 conference call meetings since this
summer and below is a description of our activities since the last report with regard to the charges.
Regarding Charge 1, we developed a survey asking questions about usage and needs of the EES
webpage. We piloted the survey, then edited it based on feedback and sent it out to the EES utilizing
the latest membership list supplied by Allan Lee, Senior Director of Technology and Business Solutions at
AACP. The deadline was mid-December 2014 for submissions.
Charge 2: Work with AACP staff liaison for Information Technology to identify what
resources/functionality is available that is not currently being utilized for/on the Section webpage and
what might be useful to Section members.
Deliverable: Provide updates in interim reports as noted below.
Progress: Regarding Charge 2, we plan to provide feedback to Allan Lee, Senior Director of Technology
and Business Solutions at AACP, after we collate and analyze the data from our survey. AACP is
currently reevaluating their entire website and plans to make upgrades and changes this next year to
make it more user-friendly and accessible. They also hope to individualize what a member sees based
on their profile information when they login. We will try to make positive recommendations that work
in conjunction with these changes.
Next Steps:
 Collate, analyze and discuss the webpage survey data as a committee.
 Make recommendations regarding changes to the EES webpage to EES leadership (officers) and
AACP through Allan Lee, Senior Director of Technology and Business Solutions at AACP.