Last Name: Date of Birth: Page 1 of 3 Initial Medical Surveillance Questionnaire Occupational Health Program University of Colorado, Denver AMC | Downtown Environmental Health & Safety You have been given the opportunity to fill out the attached medical surveillance questionnaire because you work with animals or have potentially hazardous workplace exposures. The personal health and medical information provided by employees or applicants of University of Colorado, Denver in this questionnaire is used by the Department of Environmental Health & Safety’s (EHS) Occupational Health Program’s clinicians to establish a baseline medical history. All information is privileged and confidential. Submission of this Initial Form as well as Annual Renewals is an Institutional requirement for entering research areas. It is for your benefit that you answer all questions completely and honestly. Provide all information to the best of your ability. If you have questions, please ask the health provider when you submit this form. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: This form can be emailed, mailed or submitted in person. THE PREFERRED METHOD IS ELECTRONIC. ADDRESS: Occupational Health Program, Mail Stop H275, 12348 East Montview Blvd., 2nd Floor, Aurora, Colorado 80045 EMAIL: PHONE: 303-724-9030 FAX: 303-724-9213 Section 1.0: PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Female Employee ID #: Campus: AMC Downtown Boulder CSU Other: Dept.: VA DH Work Phone: UCD Email: - - Male Date of Birth: Job Title: Protocol Number(s): Building and Lab Room #: Today’s Date: PI: Type of animal(s) working with (or N/A): Speed Type: Section 2.0: HOME ENVIRONMENT INFORMATION The purpose of this section is to determine if you have lifestyle activities outside of the work place that may predispose you to acquiring work related allergic and autoimmune responses while working with research animals. 1. Do you have indoor pets? YES NO a. If YES, which animals and for how long? 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years > 4 years Dogs Cats Other 2. Do you smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products? YES NO a. If YES, how many years have you been smoking? b. If NOT presently smoking, did you ever smoke? YES NO c. If YES, what year did you stop smoking and how many years did you smoke? Section 3.0: OCCUPATIONAL ANIMAL and LABORATORY EXPOSURE HISTORY The purpose of this section is to determine if you have work-related activities that may predispose you to acquiring work-related allergic and autoimmune responses while working with research animals. 1. I perform animal handling or procedures in my new position. YES NO 2. I have worked with laboratory animals in the past. YES NO a. If YES, how many months/years did you work with laboratory animals? 3. Will animals be present in your work area? YES NO 4. Check the boxes below to describe your handling of lab animals and other substances and how often you work with them. Typical Contact Time More than More than Less than New Job Daily 3x/week 3x/month 12x/year Hrs. Min. Fish/ Frogs (other aquatics) Rodents (Mice, Rats) Hamsters, Gerbils, Guinea Pigs Rabbits Squirrels Prairie dogs Cats, Dogs Pigs Sheep/ Cows Goats Horses University of Colorado Denver Occupational Health Program V 1.3 23JAN2013 Last Name: New Job Date of Birth: Daily More than 3x/week Non-human primate tissue Unfixed animal tissue Human cells, blood or tissue Other: 5. Have you ever experienced an animal-related injury (including bites, scratches or injuries involving cages or equipment) or contracted a disease or infection from animals? a. If YES, please explain: More than 3x/month YES Page 2 of 3 Less than 12x/year Typical Contact Time Hrs. Min. NO 6. Are you or will you be using any agent from the following hazardous groups? (Check all that apply) Recombinant DNA (rDNA) Infectious agents Radioactive material Anesthetic gases Teratogens/ Carcinogens Heavy Metals Anti-neoplastic drugs Toxins/ Venoms Other(please list): Please list all substances being worked with: 7. Do you use or wear any of the following items when working in the lab? a. Protective eye glasses YES NO b. Mask/Respirator c. Lab coat YES NO d. Gloves Section 4.0: MEDICAL HISTORY 1. Have you ever been diagnosed and treated for the following diseases? (Check all that apply) Emphysema Diabetes Epilepsy Chest Pain Claustrophobia Severe Facial Acne Chronic Bronchitis Pneumonia Tuberculosis Heart Disease Rheumatic Fever Irregular Heart Beat Heart Murmur/Valve Disease Kidney Disease Chronic Back/ Joint Pain Seizures Arthritis Loss of Consciousness Other: NONE OF THE ABOVE 2. Do you think you are allergic to any animals? YES NO a. If “YES”, please list the animals: Formaldehyde Lasers None of the above YES YES NO NO Shortness of Breath Stress/ Anxiety Liver Disease Cancer High Blood Pressure 3. Do you have any of the following types of reactions around the animals listed above? Please check Yes or No. Reaction Current Reaction (In last 12 months) Any Prior Reaction a. Runny/Stuffy Nose YES NO YES Date: b. Itchy/ Reddened Eyes YES NO YES Date: c. Cough YES NO YES Date: d. Wheezing YES NO YES Date: e. Chest Tightness YES NO YES Date: f. Shortness of Breath YES NO YES Date: g. Hives/ Skin Rash YES NO YES Date: h. Throat Swelling/ Difficulty Swallowing YES NO YES Date: i. Difficulty Breathing YES NO YES Date: 4. Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have allergies? YES NO a. If “YES”, what are you allergic to? 5. Do you have a reaction to latex? YES NO 6. Have you ever been skin tested for allergies? YES NO a. If “YES”, what substances were you found to be allergic or sensitized to? (check all that apply) NONE Ragweed Grass Trees Mice/Rats Dust Cats Dogs 7. Have you ever received allergy (desensitization/immunotherapy) shots? YES NO a. If “YES”, what year did you received the shots? 8. Have you ever had a pulmonary function test (Spirometry)? YES NO 9. Has a doctor ever said that you have asthma? YES NO a. If “YES”, what year did your asthma start? b. Are you currently taking medication (either over-the-counter or YES NO prescription) to control your asthma? c. If “YES”, what medications are you taking to control your asthma? University of Colorado Denver Occupational Health Program V 1.3 23JAN2013 Mold Other: Last Name: Date of Birth: Page 3 of 3 10. List any medications or treatments you are currently taking or have taken in the last year that cause immunosuppression (steroids, chemotherapy, and transplant medication) or any heart/lung medications, or allergy/ asthma medications. Name of Medication Reason for Taking Last time Taken a. b. c. d. 11. Are you currently on any work restrictions or limited duty? YES NO a. If “YES”, please describe? Section 4.1: MEDICAL HISTORY – IMMUNIZATIONS 1. Check the box and indicate the date(s) of most recent vaccinations or blood test to document antibody status. The year is sufficient if the exact date is unavailable. Tetanus vaccine (Td/ Tdap): Influenza: Hepatitis B: or titer: Hepatitis A: Rabies vaccine: or titer: Date of Last Rabies Booster: Q-Fever titer: BCG (vaccine to prevent TB meningitis): MMR (measles/mumps/rubella): or titer: Other: Varicella (chickenpox): or titer: If not immunized for chickenpox, did you have chickenpox? YES NO Date: Section 4.2: MEDICAL HISTORY – TUBERCULOSIS SCREENING 1. Date of last PPD skin test: Positive Negative a. If positive, date of last chest x-ray? Positive Negative b. Did you receive Quantiferon Gold confirmation for a positive PPD test? YES NO 2. Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms? Weight loss Shortness of breath Chronic cough Bloody sputum Fever Section 4.3: MEDICAL HISTORY - FOR WOMEN ONLY 1. Are you pregnant? YES NO 2. Are you actively trying or planning to be pregnant within the next year? YES NO There are various chemicals/ materials that are potentially hazardous to work with when pregnant. Please feel free to discuss with us or your health care provider at any time. Section 5.0: RESPIRATOR SCREENING 1. Have you been fitted for a respiratory protection device? YES NO a. If YES, what kind and when: N-95, Date: ½ Face, Negative Pressure Respirator, Date: Full-Face Negative Pressure Respirator Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA): Section 6.0: CONCLUSION Do you have any concerns or questions about occupational health and YES NO safety that is related to your job? Please elaborate: Section 7.0: CONSENT FOR EXAMINATION AND TREATMENT I hereby authorize the health care professionals employed or contracted by the University of Colorado, to treat me and/or recommend appropriate treatment and/or evaluation, and maintain medical records created as a result of such medical encounters. This authorization includes permission to review my immunization and medical history, to obtain routine diagnostic tests if necessary to provide me with any immunizations which may be required. Failure to fill out and submit this form could result in denial of access to Institution animal research facilities. Date: Employee/Applicant Signature: If submitting electronically type /S/ and print your name above. Email to: Provider notes: Education and Counseling on animal allergies Hazardous group education provided Referred for identified hazardous groups: Counseled on injury/ first aid/ animal bites/ scratches procedures Health Counseling Recommend fit testing University of Colorado Denver Occupational Health Program V 1.3 23JAN2013