AACP Experiential Section Standing Committees: Program Committee* 2014-2015 Charges: Jennifer Danielson Debra Copeland Mahfouz Angela Brownfield Jennifer RidingsMyhra Brett Feret University of Washington jendan@uw.edu Chair 14-15 Northeastern University UMKC School of Pharmacy D.Copeland@neu.edu brownfielda@umkc.edu jennifer.ridingsmyhra@austin.utexas.edu member member 14-16 13-15 University of Texas University of Rhode Island Gloria Grice St. Louis COP *2 new members appointed each year to a 2 year term bferet@uri.edu Gloria.Grice@stlcop.edu Member 14-16 member 13-15 Exofficio member 14-15 Charge 1: To survey Experiential Education Section members about interest in programming for the annual meeting as well as webinars held throughout the year. Note: The Programming Committee will assist the Webinar Committee by identifying general programming interests for the section provided by webinars. The chairs of the programming and webinar committees should meet quarterly to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the annual meeting and webinar programming is not duplicative, but instead complimentary. Deliverable 1: Survey (September 1, 2014) Deliverable 2: List of General Program interest for Webinar Series (should be minimum of 2 general interest webinars provided). (September 15, 2014) Charge 2: To develop annual meeting programming (topics/speakers), including budgeting priorities. Deliverable: Submit programming details (budget, speakers, title, objectives) (January 1, 2015) Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015; June 15, 2015 Resolutions Committee* 2014-2015 Charges: Name Wesley Nuffer Jennifer Baker Ahmed Abdelmageed Janet Cooley College University of Colorado Skaggs SOP SC College of Pharmacy Manchester University College of Pharmacy University of Arizona email Wesley.nuffer@ucdenver.edu jbaker@sccp.sc.edu position Chair member term 14-15 13-15 aabdelmageed@manchester.edu cooley@pharmacy.arizona.edu member member 13-15 14-16 Craig Kimble Marshall University craig.kimble@marshall.edu Mary Ray LECOM mray@lecom.edu *2 new members appointed each year to a 2 year term member member 14-16 14-16 Charge 1: To review recommendations presented in various committees and other reports and to develop resolutions for consideration by the Section during the annual meeting. Committee should review Bylaws for the Section and determine if any changes are warranted. The Committee should review any changes to COS Standing Rules of Procedures and/or changes to the AACP Bylaws approved by the HOD at the annual meeting each year that may impact the Section. Resolutions to be brought forward to the COS for consideration should be presented as soon as possible to the COS via interim reports rather than being presented in the final report. Deliverable: Submit any resolutions (including intent) for section consideration at the annual meeting by April 1, 2015 (at least 90 days before the AACP Annual meeting). Charge 2: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015; June 15, 2015 (Final) Nominations Committee* 2014-2015 Charges: Schwanda Flowers Andrea (Andi) Joseph Joshua Fleming Nancy Ordonez April Staton Karl Hess University of Arkansas skflowers@uams.edu Jefferson School of Pharmacy University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy University of Houston College of Pharmacy Auburn University Western University andrea.joseph@jefferson.edu member 13-15 jfleming2@umc.edu member 13-15 nordonez@uh.edu statoag@auburn.edu khess@westernu.edu member member member Ex-officio member 13-15 14-16 14-16 Jennifer Danielson University of Washington *2 new members appointed each year to a 2 year term jendan@uw.edu Chair 14-15 14-15 Charge 1: Identify through a survey member feedback regarding volunteering for Section leadership roles, specifically level of interest, concerns and/or questions members may have regarding this leadership positions. Assist leadership identifying ways to address members’ concerns that may be identified. Deliverable: December 15, 2014 Charge 2: Solicit potential candidates for Section Officer (Chair Elect, Secretary) and disseminate materials to prospective candidates for Section leadership positions to explain officer responsibilities. Deliverable: April 1, 2015 Charge 3: Prepare and present a slate of nominees (2 per vacancy) for Section officers (Chair-Elect, Secretary) at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. The committee will select a slate of Chair-Elect candidates only for 2015. Deliverable: June 15, 2015 Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015; June 15, 2015 (Final) Awards Committee* 2014-2015 Charges: Name Scott Wisneski Kathleen Vest Amy Tiemeier Patricia Darbishire James Colbert Institution NE Ohio Medical University Midwestern University Chicago College of Pharmacy St. Louis College of Pharmacy email swisneski@neomed.edu Chair Term 14-15 kvestx@midwestern.edu atiemeier@stlcop.edu member member 13-15 13-15 Purdue UCSD darbishi@purdue.edu jcolbert@ucsd.edu KelliCoover@creighton.e du member member 13-15 14-16 member 14-16 Kelli Coover Creighton *2 new members appointed each year to a 2 year term Charge 1: To nominate individuals who qualify for AACP awards. Primary award for consideration will be the Lyman award. Nominations are due in January 2015. Deliverable: Identify 3 AJPE experiential education themed papers suitable for consideration for the Lyman award using the time points selected by AACP (January 1, 2015) Charge 2: To solicit nominations and select individuals who qualify for annual AACP EE Section Awards. 1. Award of Excellence in Experiential Education 2. Award of Excellence in Scholarship in EE Deliverable: May 1, 2015 Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015; June 15, 2015 (Final) Membership Committee 2014-2015 Charges: Patricia Darbishire Flora Estes Nancy Ordonez Paul Walker Peter M. Purdue Texas Southern University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences darbishi@purdue.edu Chair 14-15 estes_fg@tsu.edu member 13-15 University of Houston College of Pharmacy University of Michigan SUNY at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and nordonez@uh.edu pcwalker@umich.edu pmbrody@buffalo.edu member member member 13-15 13-15 13-15 Brody, Jr. Pharmaceutical Sciences Darla Zarley Roseman dzarley@roseman.edu member 14-16 Kimberly Norman University of Nebraska knorman@unmc.edu member 14-16 *2 new members appointed each year with 2 year terms Charge 1: Identify points of contact and update and maintain the current list of Experiential Education Faculty Administrators (Asst/Assoc Deans and/or Chairs, APPE Director, IPPE Director) at all participating Colleges of Pharmacy. Disseminate this information to section members. Be sure to include the Canadian Colleges/Schools of Pharmacy and any additional foreign schools of pharmacy as well as those in the US (states and territories). Deliverable: October 15, 2014 Charge 2: Using the AACP section membership information, identify the primary interest areas of our section and explore ways to effectively communicate with and engage the diverse section membership. Deliverable: March 15, 2015 Charge 3: Work with AACP liaisons to establish a process to develop small working groups within the section based around interest areas such as EE Administration, IPPE practice models, APPE practice models, simulation, preceptor development, quality assurance/assessment, student professional development, etc. Once established, facilitate developing the working groups and setting up networking opportunities for the various groups at the 2015 AACP annual meeting. Deliverable: March 15, 2015 Charge 4: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015; June 15, 2015 (Final) Special Committees: Scholarship Committee 2014-2015 Charges: Terri O’Sullivan Tina Kanmaz Michelle Serres Shannon Reidt Kathleen Besinque Lindsey Welch University of Washington St. John's University The University of Toledo University of Minnesota USC University of Georgia terrio@u.washington.edu kanmazt@stjohns.edu michelle.serres@utoledo.edu reid0113@umn.edu Kbesin@pharmacy.usc.edu lhwelch@uga.edu Chair member member member member member Charge 1: Create a forum for networking and collaboration opportunities for EE members for the purpose of sharing research ideas. Deliverable: Spring 2015 14-15 13-15 13-15 13-15 14-16 14-16 Charge 2: Update the list of various types of Experiential Education duties that can be the focus of scholarship (including references to articles in literature when possible) in order to guide and direct members to initiate new experiential education research projects. Deliverable: Spring 2015 Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015; June 15, 2015 (Final) Webinar Committee 2014-2015 Charges: Anne Policastri Gina Baugh Angela Brownfield Greg Young Jim Scott Kelly Lempicki Laurie Briceland Michelle Hilaire Univ. of Kentucky West VA University Apoli2@email.uky.edu gbaugh@hsc.wvu.edu Immed. Past Chair Chair 14-15 14-15 UMKC School of Pharmacy Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy WesternU Midwestern University Chicago College of Pharmacy brownfielda@umkc.edu member 13-15 greg.young@lipscomb.edu jdscott@westernu.edu member member 13-15 13-15 klempi@midwestern.edu Laurie.Briceland@acphs.ed u MHilaire@uwyo.edu member 13-15 member member 14-16 14-16 Albany College of Pharmacy University of Wyoming Charge 1: Working in conjunction with the Programming Committee, develop a schedule of webinar topics/formats for the 2014-2015 year. Identify moderators/speakers for the various sections. Note: Use feedback collected from members on success of webinars and discussions at the 2014 annual meeting in addition to basic criteria developed during 2013-2014 on selection and conduction of webinars. Deliverable: September 30, 2014 Charge 2: Provide a minimum of 2 regular webinars focused on section interests. Evaluate feedback on the webinars to determine changes needed in the presentation format. Deliverable: June 15, 2015 Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015; June 15, 2015 (Final) Abstract Committee 2014-2015 Charges: Lynn Stevenson Auburn University tls0002@auburn.edu Chair 14-15 Charge 1: To review poster abstracts submitted for acceptance at the annual AACP meeting in July 2015. Review process will begin in March 2015. Based on historical number of experiential education submissions, each committee member would review between 5- 10 abstracts. (General process: reviewers grouped in 3's to review 5 -10 abstracts) Deliverable: Spring 2015 Charge 2: Submit quarterly interim reports (May 15, 2015 and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: May 15, 2015; June 15, 2015 (Final) Newsletter Committee 2014-2015 Charges: Erin Johanson Roseman University of Health Sciences ejohanson@roseman.edu Craig Cox Cathy Worrall Tina Kanmaz Nicole S. Culhane Lea Bonner Meghan Bodenberg Texas Tech University HSC SOP South Carolina College of Pharmacy MUSC campus St. John's University craig.cox@ttuhsc.edu Notre Dame of Maryland University Mercer University NCulhane@ndm.edu bonner_cl@mercer.edu Butler University Katy Hale University of Montana mbodenbe@butler.edu Katherine.Hale@mso.umt. edu Worrallc@sccp.sc.edu kanmazt@stjohns.edu Chair/Editor Immediate Past Chair 14-15 member member Member/ Editor member 14-15 14-15 member 14-16 member 14-16 14-15 14-15 14-16 Charge 1: To assist in determining the “themes” for the Fall 2014, Spring 2015, and Summer 2015 Experiential Education Section Newsletters Deliverable: Date TBA in accordance with newsletter deadline Charge 2: To review articles submitted for inclusion into the Fall 2014, Spring 2015, and Summer 2015 Experiential Education Section Newsletters Deliverable: Date TBA in accordance with newsletter deadline Charge 3: To determine supplemental content and/or design features to be included within the Experiential Educations Section Newsletters Deliverable: Date TBA in accordance with newsletter deadline Charge 4: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting Deliverable: September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015; June 15, 2015 (Final) **Nicole Culhane-will serve as Editor for 2014-2015, 2015-2016; re-evaluate at that point **Erin Johanson-will serve as Chair for 2014-2015 and Immediate-past Chair for 2015-2016 **Immediate-past Chair will serve as co-editor each year Health and Wellness Committee 2014-2015 Charges: Megan Willson Barbara Smith Erin Adams Mark Freebery Deanna McEwen Phillip Thornton Rebecca Focken Anna Brozick Washington State University University of Charleston Shenandoah University University of Maryland Eastern Shore mwillson@wsu.edu barbarasmith@ucwv.edu eadams@su.edu mfreebery@umes.edu Chair member member member 14-15 13-15 13-15 13-15 University of Georgia dm59079@uga.edu member 14-15 Cedarville University pthornton@cedarville.edu member 14-15 North Dakota State University rebecca.focken@ndsu.edu brozick@pharmacy.tamhs c.edu member 14-15 member 14-15 Texas A&M Charge 1: Identify mechanisms (i.e., webinars, annual meeting programming, etc.) to present best practices in health and wellness promotion within experiential education. Deliverable: December 15, 2014 Charge 2: To survey Section members or published literature to identify assessment approaches of health and wellness promotion activities within experiential education. Deliverable: Spring 2015 Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015; June 15, 2015 Engagement Committee 2014-2015 Charges: Greg Young Shelli Holt-Macey Suzanne Larson John Parisi Caitlin Frail Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy Wilkes University Midwestern-Glendale St. Joseph University of Minnesota greg.young@lipscomb.edu shelli.holtmacey@wilkes.edu slarso@midwestern.edu JParisi@usj.edu ckfrail@umn.edu Chair member member member member 14-15 13-15 14-16 14-16 14-16 Kristen Goliak UIC kgoliak@uic.edu member 14-16 Charge 1: To explore potential opportunities to engage EE members in the section. Deliverable 1: Provide information regarding various methods to engage membership and increase participation by faculty. (January 1, 2015) Charge 2: To explore potential opportunities to engage students in the section. Deliverable 1: Provide information regarding various methods to engage students and increase participation by students. (January 1, 2015) Charge 3: Evaluate EE staff engagement in Section activities (committees, posters, programming, etc.) and identify ways to engage staff more in Section activities. Deliverable: Spring 2015 Charge 4: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015; June 15, 2015 Experiential Education Strategic Plan Task Force 2014-2015 Charges: Brad Cannon Jennifer Danielson Vince Dennis Lori Duke Scott Wisneski Valerie Ruehter UIC University of Washington University of Oklahoma University of Georgia NE Ohio UMKC bcannon@uic.edu jendan@uw.edu vincent-dennis@ouhsc.edu ljduke@uga.edu swisneski@neomed.edu ruehtervl@umkc.edu Chair member member member member member 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 Charge 1: Review the current strategic plan for the Section and update the plan based on completed objectives, objectives that need to continue and new objectives for the Section. The strategic plan should focus on the Section goals and objectives for the next 3-5 years. Committee should seek input from Section officers and members in establishing these goals and objectives. Deliverable 1: Provide updates in interim reports as noted below. Charge 2: Update the Strategic Plan formatting to be consistent with the formatting used (spreadsheet) by the Association and COS. Ensure that the Section’s strategic plan is in line with those of the Association and COS. Deliverable: In final report due on June 1, 2015. Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 1, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Strategic plan will be voted on by the Section at the 2015 AACP Annual meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015; June 1, 2015 Experiential Education Section Webpage Task Force 2014-2015 Charges: Maryann Skrabal Robin Henry Antonio Zapantis Lisa Meny Keith DelMonte Creighton University ETSU Nova Southeastern University Ferris State St. John Fisher College mskrabal@creighton.edu henryrm@mail.etsu.edu zapantis@nova.edu LisaMeny@ferris.edu kdelmonte@sjfc.edu chair member member member member 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 Charge 1: Review the current Experiential Education Section webpage on the AACP website. Identify resources needed and other updates/changes needed to this webpage to improve resources available to Section members. Deliverable 1: Provide updates in interim reports as noted below. Charge 2: Work with AACP staff liaison for Information Technology to identify what resources/functionality is available that is not currently being utilized for/on the Section webpage and what might be useful to Section members. Deliverable: Provide updates in interim reports as noted below. Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 1, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015; June 1, 2015