AACP Experiential Section Standing Committees: Program Committee* 2015-2016 Charges: Wes Nuffer Debra Copeland Mahfouz Jennifer RidingsMyhra Jean Moon University of Colorado Wesley.nuffer@ucdenver.edu Chair 15-16 Northeastern University D.Copeland@neu.edu jennifer.ridingsmyhra@austin.utexas.edu member 14-16 member member 14-16 15-17 member 15-17 member Ex-officio member 15-17 Jennifer Clements University of Texas University of Minnesota Presbyterian College of Pharmacy Michael Doherty University of Cincinnati jmoon@umn.edu jclements@presby.edu mike.doherty@uc.edu Gloria Grice St. Louis COP *2-3 new members appointed each year to a 2-year term Gloria.Grice@stlcop.edu Charge 1: To survey Experiential Education Section members about interest in programming for the annual meeting as well as webinars held throughout the year. Note: The Programming Committee will assist the Webinar Committee by identifying general programming interests for the section provided by webinars. The chairs of the programming and webinar committees should meet quarterly to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the annual meeting and webinar programming is not duplicative, but instead complimentary. Deliverable 1: Survey (September 1, 2015) Deliverable 2: List of General Program interest for Webinar Series (should be minimum of 2 general interest webinars provided). (September 15, 2015) Charge 2: To develop annual meeting programming (topics/speakers), including budgeting priorities. Deliverable: Submit programming details (budget, speakers, title, objectives) (December 1, 2015) Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; March 15, 2016) and a final annual report (June 15, 2016) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2016 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; March 15, 2016; June 15, 2016 Resolutions Committee* 2015-2016 Charges: Name Janet Cooley Karl Hess College University of Arizona Western University of Health Sciences email cooley@pharmacy.arizona.edu position Chair term 15-16 khess@westernu.edu member 15-17 15-16 Suzanne Harris UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy Shane Trent Craig Kimble Mary Ray South College School of Pharmary Marshall University LECOM suzanne_harris@unc.edu member 15-17 member member member Exofficio member 15-17 14-16 14-16 member 15-17 strent@southcollegetn.edu craig.kimble@marshall.edu mray@lecom.edu Wes Nuffer University of Colorado Wesley.nuffer@ucdenver.edu Incoming Chair-Elect Designate TBA in November TBA in November *2-3 new members appointed each year some with a 2-year term 15-16 Charge 1: To review recommendations presented in various committees and other reports and to develop resolutions for consideration by the Section during the annual meeting. Committee should review Bylaws for the Section and determine if any changes are warranted. The Committee should review any changes to COS Standing Rules of Procedures and/or changes to the AACP Bylaws approved by the HOD at the annual meeting each year that may impact the Section. Resolutions to be brought forward to the COS for consideration should be presented as soon as possible to the COS via interim reports rather than being presented in the final report. Deliverble: Submit any resolutions (including intent) for section consideration at the annual meeting by April 1, 2016 (at least 90 days before the AACP Annual meeting). Charge 2: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; May 15, 2016) and a final annual report (June 15, 2016) which will be provided electronically to the Section members in July at the 2016 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; May 15, 2016; June 15, 2016 (Final) Nominations Committee* 2015-2016 Charges: Lynn Stevenson Jennifer Danielson Kristen Goliak Lindsay Elliott Auburn University University of Washington UIC College of Pharmacy Harding University College of Pharmacy tls0002@auburn.edu jendan@uw.edu kgoliak@uic.edu lselliott@harding.edu Chair member member 15-16 15-17 15-17 member 15-17 heidi.eukel@ndsu.edu Heidi Eukel April Staton Karl Hess North Dakota State University Auburn University Western University Wes Nuffer University of Colorado *2 new members appointed each year some with a 2-year term member statoag@auburn.edu member khess@westernu.edu member Ex-officio Wesley.nuffer@ucdenver.edu member Charge 1: Solicit potential candidates for Section Officer (Chair Elect, Secretary) and disseminate materials to prospective candidates for Section leadership positions to explain officer responsibilities. 15-16 14-16 14-16 15-17 Deliverable: April 1, 2016 Charge 2: Prepare and present a slate of nominees (2 per vacancy) for Section officers (Chair-Elect, Secretary) at the 2016 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: June 15, 2016 Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; March 15, 2016) and a final annual report (June 15, 2016) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; March 15, 2016; June 15, 2016 (Final) Awards Committee* 2014-2015 Charges: Name Institution email Kelli Coover Creighton KelliCoover@creighton.edu Megan Thompson University of Colorado megan.thompson@ucdenver.edu John Parisi University of Saint Joseph jparisi@usj.edu Denise Klinker University of Florida dklinker@cop.ufl.edu James Colbert UCSD jcolbert@ucsd.edu Alexis Horace University of Louisiana Monroe horace@ulm.edu *2 new members appointed each year some with a 2-year term Chair Term 15-16 member member member member member 15-17 15-17 15-17 14-16 15-16 Charge 1: To nominate individuals who qualify for AACP awards. Primary award for consideration will be the Lyman award. Nominations are due in January 2015. Deliverable: Identify 3 AJPE experiential education themed papers suitable for consideration for the Lyman award using the time points selected by AACP. And, inform the section of who the nominees were. (January 1, 2016) Charge 2: To solicit nominations and select individuals who qualify for annual AACP EE Section Awards. 1. Award of Excellence in Experiential Education 2. Award of Excellence in Scholarship in EE And, inform the section who the nominees were. Deliverable: May 1, 2016 Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; May 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; May 15, 2016; June 15, 2016 (Final) Membership Committee 2015-2016 Charges: Kimberly Norman Jeff Mercer Scott Wilkie University of Nebraska Harding University University of North Carolina knorman@unmc.edu jmercer1@harding.edu scott.wilkie@msj.org Rivka Katz St. John’s University Paul Walker University of Michigan Michael Doherty University of Cincinnati *2-3 new members appointed each year katzr@stjohns.edu pcwalker@umich.edu mike.doherty@uc.edu Charge 1: Determine the accuracy and utility of using the AACP membership profile/roster system to track and locate section members. Then, establish and execute a plan to communicate and promote use of the AACP membership profile to locate and identify section members and their respective interests/exertise. (ie., Can we simply use the membership profile to locate our section members, and forgo maintaining a separate spreadsheet? If not, what can we suggest to AACP to tweak the profile to enable us to do so? Can we stop calling each and every school to update the email/contact spreadsheet every year?) Deliverable: April 2016 Charge 2: Update the list of EE faculty/staff at the Canadian Colleges/Schools of Pharmacy, any additional foreign schools of pharmacy that are members of AACP. Disseminate this list to the section membership (or post on the website with announcement to members that it is there). Deliverable: October 15, 2015 Hint: Kelly Drummond is the CA PEPSIG chair this year: Kelly.Drummond@umanitoba.ca Charge 3: Using the AACP section membership profile information, identify the primary interest areas of our section and explore ways to effectively communicate with and engage the diverse section membership. (ie. Answer these questions: What are the common interests of our section membership? Who is interested in those areas? Do the individuals with common interests know that each other exist?) Deliverable: March 15, 2016 Charge 4: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; May 15, 2016) and a final annual report (June 15, 2016) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; May 15, 2016; June 15, 2016 (Final) Special Committees: Scholarship Committee* 2015-2016 Charges: Lindsey Welch Karen Whalen University of Georgia University of Florida Allison Schriever Monica Miller Kathleen Besinque University of Illinois at Chicago Purdue University lhwelch@uga.edu whalen@cop.ufl.edu aes@uic.edu Mille355@purdue.edu Kbesin@pharmacy.usc.e du terrio@u.washington.ed Terri O’Sullivan University of Washington u *2-3 new members appointed each year usually with 2-year terms USC Chair member 15-16 15-17 member member 15-17 15-17 member Immediate Past Chair 14-16 14-16 Charge 1: Maintain and update the established list of publications related to experiential education. In doing so, update the list of various duties and focus of scholarship that EE faculty/staff have. Work with Section Secretary to post this document to the AACP section’s website. Deliverable: May 2016 Charge 2: Monitor the EE list serve inquiries, maintain a list of inquiries sent along with names and contact info of members who initiated them. Work with Section Secretary to post this document to the AACP section’s website. Deliverable: June 2016 Charge 3: Create a forum (physical or electronic) for networking and collaboration opportunities for EE members for the purpose of sharing research ideas. In doing so, build upon the annual meeting program (2015) that used consortia as a means of catalyzing action. Deliverable: January 2016 Charge 4: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; May 15, 2016) and a final annual report (June 15, 2016) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; May 15, 2016; June 15, 2016 (Final) Webinar Committee* 2015-2016 Charges: Gina Baugh Jim Scott Vincent Dennis Kevin Fullerton Melissa (Lisa) Dinkins West VA University WesternU University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy University of Kansas School of Pharmacy Wingate University School of Pharmacy gbaugh@hsc.wvu.edu jdscott@westernu.edu vincent-dennis@ouhsc.edu Immed. Past Chair Chair 15-16 15-16 member 15-17 member 15-17 member 15-17 member 15-17 member member 14-16 14-16 ktfullerton@ku.edu L.dinkins@wingate.edu reid0113@umn.edu Shannon Reidt University of Minnesota Laurie Briceland Albany College of Pharmacy Laurie.Briceland@acphs.edu Michelle Hilaire University of Wyoming MHilaire@uwyo.edu *~3 new members each year, 2-year commitment for this committee Charge 1: Working in conjunction with the Programming Committee, develop a schedule of webinar topics/formats for the 2015-2016 year. Identify moderators/speakers for the various sections. Note: Use feedback collected from members on success of webinars and discussions at the 2015 annual meeting in addition to basic criteria developed during 2015-2016 on selection and conduction of webinars. Deliverable: September 30, 2015 Charge 2: Provide a minimum of 2 regular webinars focused on section interests. Evaluate feedback on the webinars to determine changes needed in the presentation format. Deliverable: June 15, 2016 Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; May 15, 2016) and a final annual report (June 15, 2016) which will be provided electronically to the Section members at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; May 15, 2016; June 15, 2016 (Final) Abstract Committee 2014-2015 Charges: Jennifer Danielson TBD University of Washington jendan@uw.edu Chair 15-16 Charge 1: To review poster abstracts submitted for acceptance at the annual AACP meeting in July 2015. Review process will begin in March 2015. Based on historical number of experiential education submissions, each committee member would review between 5- 10 abstracts. (General process: reviewers grouped in 3's to review 5 -10 abstracts) Deliverable: Spring 2015 Charge 2: Submit quarterly interim reports (May 15, 2015 and a final annual report (June 15, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: May 15, 2015; June 15, 2015 (Final) Newsletter Committee 2015-2016 Charges: Nicole S. Culhane Erin Johanson Suzanne Larson Kathleen Pincus Katy Hale Lea Bonner Meghan Bodenberg Notre Dame of Maryland University NCulhane@ndm.edu Roseman University of Health Sciences Midwestern University College of Pharmacy ejohanson@roseman.edu University of Maryland University of Montana Mercer University kpincus@rx.umaryland.edu Butler University mbodenbe@butler.edu Craig Cox Texax Tech *2-3 new members each year with 2 year terms Chair/Editor Immediate Past Chair 15-16 member 15-17 member member member 15-17 15-16 14-16 member Ex-officio member 14-16 15-16 slarso@midwestern.edu Katherine.Hale@mso.umt.edu bonner_cl@mercer.edu craig.cox@ttuhsc.edu Charge 1: To assist in determining the “themes” for the Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 Experiential Education Section Newsletters. Deliverable: Date TBA in accordance with newsletter deadline 15-16 Charge 2: To review articles submitted for inclusion into the Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 Experiential Education Section Newsletters. Deliverable: Date TBA in accordance with newsletter deadline Charge 3: To determine supplemental content and/or design features to be included within the Experiential Educations Section Newsletters. Deliverable: Date TBA in accordance with newsletter deadline Charge 4: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; May 15, 2016) and a final annual report (June 15, 2016) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2016 AACP Annual Meeting Deliverable: September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; May 15, 20156; June 15, 2016 (Final) **Nicole Culhane-will serve as Editor for 2014-2015, 2015-2016; re-evaluate at that point **Erin Johanson-will serve as Chair for 2014-2015 and Immediate-past Chair for 2015-2016 **Immediate-past Chair will serve as co-editor each year Experiential Education Section Webpage Task Force* 2015-2016 Charges: Maryann Skrabal Creighton University mskrabal@creighton.edu Robin Henry ETSU henryrm@mail.etsu.edu Antonia Zapantis Nova Southeastern University zapantis@nova.edu Lisa Meny Ferris State LisaMeny@ferris.edu Keith DelMonte St. John Fisher College kdelmonte@sjfc.edu *membership continued from 2014-2015 in order to complete projects Chair member member member member 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 Charge 1: Review the current Experiential Education Section webpage on the AACP website. Identify resources needed and other updates/changes needed to this webpage to improve resources available to Section members. Deliverable 1: Provide updates in interim reports as noted below. Charge 2: Work with AACP staff liaison for Information Technology to identify what resources/functionality is available that is not currently being utilized for/on the Section webpage and what might be useful to Section members. Deliverable: Provide updates in interim reports as noted below. Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2014; December 15, 2014; March 15, 2015) and a final annual report (June 1, 2015) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; March 15, 2016; June 1, 2016 Task Force on Leadership Development in EE 2015-2016 Charges: Jennifer Danielson Susan Vos Members: Laurie Briceland Craig Cox Brian Shepler Angela Brownfield Gina Baugh Scott Wisneski Lynn Stevenson Lori Duke Wesley Nuffer University of Washington University of Iowa Albany College of Pharmacy Texas Tech Purdue University UMKC WVU NEOMED Auburn University University of Georgia University of Colorado jendan@uw.edu susan-vos@uiowa.edu Laurie.briceland@acphs.edu craig.cox@ttuhsc.edu sheplerb@purdue.edu brownfielda@umkc.edu gbaugh@hsc.wvu.edu swisneski@neomed.edu tls0002@auburn.edu lduke@rx.uga.edu wesley.nuffer@ucdenver.edu Co-chair Co-chair member member member member member member member member Ex-officio member 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 Charge 1: Plan the AACP Institute for spring 2016 on Experiential Education Leadership. Work with AACP staff to plan, invite/recruit speakers, plan programming, prepare materials, and possibly even speak for the institute to be held May 23-25, 2016 in Minneapolis, MN. Deliverable 1: Provide updates in interim reports as noted below. Charge 2: Explore the feasibility and viability of offering a leadership development program specific to EE (idea: mini-ALFP for EE). Propose the content, requirements, and timeline for such a program. Work with AACP staff to accomplish this charge. Deliverable: Provide updates in interim reports as noted below. Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; March 15, 2016) and a final annual report (June 1, 2016) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Task Force on Bridging to Assessment to EE Task Force 2015-2016 Charges: Vincent Dennis Greg Young Curtis Jefferson Dana Carroll Susan Skedar Kathleen Besinque Mitra Assemi Valerie Ruehter University of Oklahoma Lipscomb University University of Washington Auburn University University of Pittsburgh USC School of Pharmacy (CA) UCSF UMKC vincent-dennis@ouhsc.edu greg.young@lipscomb.edu curtisj2@uw.edu dgc0001@auburn.edu skledarsj@upmc.edu kbesin@usc.edu Mitra.Assemi@ucsf.edu ruehtervl@umkc.edu Co-chair Co-chair member member member member member member 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 Charge 1: Reach out to the assessment SIG to develop a partnership to address needs for validated assessment tools for APPEs and IPPEs. Explore ways we can use expertise that our assessment colleagues possess to accomplish our mandates for well designed and validated assessment tools in EE (as ACPE requires). (Ideas: joint programming, webinar, and/or consultant group to assist schools to validate their tools.) Deliverable 1: Report on progress as indicated below. Completed action and final report due May 2016. Charge 2: Work with the executive/officer committee of the assessment SIG to modify currently developed assessment plan evaluation tools (for schools/curricula). Adapt these tools for evaluating assessment plan/methods to be used to evaluate assessment methods within EE programs. Deliverable: Present draft modified tools for EE in March 2016, final version in time for annual meeting in July 2016. Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; March 15, 2016) and a final annual report (June 1, 2016) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2016; December 15, 2015; March 15, 2016; June 1, 2016 Task Force on Intentional IPE in EE 2015-2016 Charges: Gloria Grice Joe Zorek Nicki Pinelli Jay Martello Angela Thomason Lisa Meny Jennifer Danielson St. Louis College of Pharmacy University of Wisconsin-Madison UNC Eschelman School of Pharmacy WVU School of Pharmacy McWhorter, Samford University Ferris State University University of Washington Ggrice@stlcop.edu joseph.zorek@wisc.edu nickipinelli@unc.edu jmartello@hsc.wvu.edu adrobert@samford.edu lisameny@ferris.edu jendan@uw.edu Co-chair Co-chair member member member member member 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 15-16 Charge 1: Reach out to the Curriculum SIG to develop a partnership to address needs for implementing practice-based interprofessional education in experiential education programs. Explore ways we can blend the expertise of the Curriculum SIG and EE Section to assist schools in implementing high quality, intentional IPE in their IPPEs and APPEs. Deliverable 1: Report on progress as indicated below. Completed action and final report due May 2016. Charge 2: Determine needs and available resources for preceptor site development in IPE that EE faculty/staff can offer and provide in their regions. Deliverable: Provide one of the following by May 15, 2016: Published resource list provided to section, webinar about available resources for training, or published review article. Charge 3: Submit quarterly interim reports (September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; March 15, 2016) and a final annual report (June 1, 2016) which will be provided electronically to the Section members January 1 and at the 2015 AACP Annual Meeting. Deliverable: September 15, 2015; December 15, 2015; March 15, 2016; June 1, 2016