Colorado School of Public Health DrPH Practicum Documentation Submission Date: 1. Placement Period: STUDENT INFORMATION Last Name: First Name: Middle Initial: Local Address: Phone Number: Email Address: Concentration: Practicum Faculty Mentor: 2. PREVIOUS EDUCATION (List only accredited institutions from which you have been granted a degree) Institution Name and Location (city and state) 2. Degree (only if conferred) Major Date conferred (mm/yyyy) GPA INTERESTS, SKILLS, and COURSEWORK (The following sections enable you to describe your interests and qualifications.) A. Areas of Interest: Please check five areas of public health in which are you primarily interested. ___ Adolescent health ___ Asthma ___ Biostatistics ___ Cancer prevention ___ Cardiovascular health ___ Child health ___ Chronic disease ___ Community health ___ Correctional health ___ Diabetes ___ Emergency management ___ Environmental health ___ Epidemiology ___ Exercise/wellness ___ Family health ___ Fiscal management ___ Gay & lesbian health ___ Health education ___ Health law ___ Health planning/policy ___ Health promotion ___ HIV/AIDS ___ Immunization ___ Infectious disease ___ Information/IT ___ Injury/violence prevention ___ Laboratory research ___ Lead poisoning ___ Maternal/infant health ___ Mental health ___ Nutrition ___ Obesity ___ Occupational health ___ Reproductive health ___ School health ___ STDs ___ Substance abuse ___ Surveillance ___ Tobacco control ___ Toxicology ___ Tuberculosis ___ Vital statistics ___ Women’s health B. Language Skills: List foreign languages in which you are fluent. If a project requires language skills, you may be asked to demonstrate fluency. Language UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO Read | Write COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY Speak | I can easily translate this language UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN COLORADO C. Technical skills: Please check all that apply. If you are listing any statistical skills (e.g., SAS) you may be asked to demonstrate ability. ___ Cataloguing (library) ___ Coding (e.g., interviews) ___ Computer programming ___ Curriculum/training development ___ Data analysis ___ Financial administration ___ Focus groups ___ GIS ___ Grant/proposal writing ___ Data input/entry ___ Database programming ___ Interviews – telephone ___ Interviews – in-person ___ Design software Other relevant technical skills: ___ Laboratory work D. ___ Internet research ___ Language translation ___ Literature review ___ Medical writing ___ Materials development (brochures, flyers, etc.) ___ Outreach planning and implementation ___ Program evaluation ___ Public outreach/ education ___ Public speaking ___ Publication development ___ Record review ___ Survey development ___ SAS ___ SPSS ___ STATA ___ SUDAAN ___ Website development Coursework Completed: Fill in courses you will have completed by the commencement of your practice. Course Number Course Title DrPH Pre-Practicum Planning To plan a meaningful field practicum tailored to public health competency development and your interests, it is important to reflect on your current knowledge and skills. Please consider your competency in core, specialization and crosscutting domains. Resources you might draw upon are listed below. • DrPH Core Competency Model Access from: (page not found…must update) •North Carolina-Public Health Professionals’ Self Assessment Access from: (page not found…must update) In 500 words (or less) describe what competencies you would like to further develop through your practicum. DrPH Practicum Learning Plan Dates of Practicum Experience: Host Site: Preceptor Name: Preceptor Email: DrPH Student Name: Student Email Address: Practicum Project Summary: Practicum Activity #1: Practicum Activity #2: Practicum Activity #3: I. Practicum Activity #1 II. Objectives for Each Activity III. DrPH Competencies Addressed IV. Evaluation I. Practicum Activity #2 II. Objectives for Each Activity III. DrPH Competencies Addressed IV. Evaluation I. Practicum Activity #3 II. Objectives for Each Activity III. DrPH Competencies Addressed IV. Evaluation DrPH Practicum Placement Agreement Student Name: Student Address: Student Telephone: Student Email: DrPH Concentration: Faculty Advisor: Community Preceptor Site: Community Preceptor Name & Title: Community Preceptor Site Address: Community Preceptor Telephone: Community Preceptor Email: Project Description (Provide a brief summary to match the learning plan.) Describe the your leadership role in the project. What knowledge, skills and learning experiences do you expect to gain from participation in the project? How will you be oriented to the organization and the project? Provide a timeline for regular meetings between you and preceptor (and faculty mentor) to review progress on projects and provide feedback on the student’s performance? Period of practicum experience: Beginning Date: Completion Date: Schedule of work: Number of Hours per Week: Days per Week: Number of total hours anticipated to complete project (240 minimum): Describe resources to be made available to the student to support work on project: Work Space Access to Equipment Adminiatrative Support Access to data, if applicable Other (ID Badge, Orientation, special training) Compensation (if any) Place an “X” next to appropriate category: Paid Employee Experience Only, No Pay Other (please describe) DrPH Practicum Additional Needs: HIPAA Certificate, Cover Letter, Resume As a requirement of the DrPH Practicum course and completion of this packet, you must complete the following: 1) Online HIPAA Research Course (see instructions below) 2) Create/update your resume/curriculum vitae CITI HIPAA RESEARCH COURSE (HIPS) Instructions The HIPAA Privacy Rule provides federal protections for personal health information held by covered entities and gives patients an array of rights with respect to that information. At the same time, the Privacy Rule is balanced so that it permits the disclosure of personal health information needed for patient care and other important purposes. The Security Rule specifies a series of administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for covered entities to use to assure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protected health information. ~ Go to Click on “Register Here” to create a profile Use University of Colorado for “Participating Institutions” Use your student ID# as your POI Answer all questions that apply to your research i.e. social and behavioral health or biological investigators Be sure to choose the HIPS course that applies to you i.e. social and behavioral health or biological investigators In order to receive a certificate of completion you need to complete the HIPPA training course and at least 2 elective modules assigned by CITI. All other courses are optional or will be suggested/required by your preceptor Courses must be completed in one sitting, you cannot logout and continue later so set aside sufficient time; approximately one hour. Once your course in complete you can print your Certificate of Completion to be added to your practicum proposal application IMPORTANT: This is not a course that you can log out and return to later. Neither your username nor password will be saved. You would need to log in with a new username and password and take the entire course again. Also, CITI does not keep a record of your test. So it is very important that you pass the course and print out your certificate in one sitting. Cover Letter and Resume If you would like assistance in updating your resume/CV or assistance with interviewing skills, please contact the Manager of Career and Employer Relations, Ben Weihrauch at 303-724-7619 or . DrPH Practicum Proposal Please print and sign this page. I have reviewed and approved this DrPH Practicum proposal. X_______________________________________________ DrPH Student Date_______________ X_______________________________________________ Faculty Advisor Date_______________ X_______________________________________________ Community Preceptor Date_______________ X_______________________________________________ DrPH Director Date_______________ Submit the completed packet to the Practice-Based Learning Office, Building 500, 3rd Floor, Room E3360. DrPH Competencies The DrPH program develops the following competencies. Competencies are organized as domains which apply to all focus areas, followed by competencies that apply to each focus area. DrPH Competency Domains (across all focus areas) Advocacy The ability to influence decision-making regarding policies and practices that advance public health using consensus-building, analysis, communication, and scientific knowledge. Communication The ability to assess and use communication strategies across diverse audiences to inform and influence individual, organization, community, and policy decisions that enhance health. Community/Cultural Orientation The ability to communicate and interact with people across communities and cultures for service development and intervention-oriented, community-based participatory research. Critical Analysis The ability to develop, synthesize, interpret, and apply evidence-based research and theory from a broad range of disciplines and health-related data sources to facilitate programs, policies, and systems for promoting population health. Leadership The ability to inspire trust and motivate others to use evidence-based strategies to enhance essential public health services. Management The ability to provide fiscally responsible strategic and operational guidance for both public and private healthrelated organizations for the purpose of achieving individual and community health and wellness. Professionalism & Ethics The ability to identify and analyze an ethical issue, balance the claims of personal liberty with concerns about population health, and act on the ethical concepts of social justice, human rights in public health research and practice. See for specific competencies falling into each of the domains. DrPH Competencies within CBH Focus Area Describe historical roots of and critically evaluate various health behavior theories grounded in sociology, psychology, anthropology, and ecology. Apply appropriate health behavior theories, models, frameworks and evidence-based strategies at multiple levels for the development of health promotion, disease prevention, and disease management programs. Develop, apply and evaluate systematic approaches and methods to assess the health-related needs of communities and populations, taking into account individual, interpersonal, community and societal factors. Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to identify disparities in health and inform the design of culturally appropriate programs to promote health equity. Utilize systematic approaches to describe, develop and evaluate health promotion and disease prevention programs. Systematic approaches include the use of logic models, principles of Community Based Participatory Research, epidemiologic evidence, and evidence-based intervention strategies. Identify, apply and evaluate appropriate research designs for assessing program effectiveness. Determine and apply appropriate designs and methods for assessing and evaluating program reach and implementation. Implement appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods of measurement for assessing program effectiveness. Identify knowledge gaps in the selected field, develop and test hypotheses by appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative methodologies to address these gaps. Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge in the candidate’s chosen substantive interest area in behavioral/social science related to public health. Apply scientific writing skills to develop grant proposals to address public health problems. Demonstrate teaching skills in working with students and other professionals in academic and community settings. Effectively work with communities and stakeholders, in an equitable and ethical manner, including developing a work plan, communicating effectively and disseminating results. DrPH Competencies within Epidemiology Focus Area Describe the magnitude of a public health problem by person, time and place. Describe the attributes of an effective surveillance system and the use of surveillance in outbreak investigations, chronic disease, and injury prevention. Describe the role of screening in secondary disease prevention, under what conditions screening is justified and how to assess screening test performance and effectiveness. Understand the principles of survey sampling design, implementation, analysis and interpretation. Translate scientific ideas or aims into answerable research questions. Select and apply appropriate quantitative and qualitative designs and methods for research and evaluation studies in the core areas of public health including: epidemiology, environmental and occupational health, community and behavioral health, and public health systems, management, and policy. Demonstrate knowledge of the threats to internal validity including selection bias, measurement error, and confounding; strategies for addressing these issues; and how they relate to the interpretation of study results. Demonstrate knowledge of external validity, especially in the context of applying prevention and control strategies and in the emerging fields of dissemination and implementation science. Demonstrate knowledge translating quantitative research questions into statistical models, applying model selection criteria and model interpretation for continuous outcome data (normal linear regression), categorical outcome data (logistic regression), count data (Poisson regression), and time-to-event data (Cox regression). Carry out appropriate power or precision calculations to ensure that sample size is sufficient to achieve the scientific aims or address a specific research question. Demonstrate knowledge in collection and management of research data including design of data collection forms and protocols, instrument reliability and validity, data monitoring and quality assurance, and data archiving for analysis and use of data by other investigators. Incorporate knowledge of the basic ethical and legal issues involved in the collection, management, use and dissemination of biomedical and epidemiologic data. Understand the concepts of human subject’s protection and confidentiality and ethical dilemmas that can arise when maintaining individual privacy may compromise the public’s health. Use the principles of hypothesis testing and estimation of population parameters to draw inferences from quantitative data and communicate (verbally and in writing) those inferences and their scientific and applied interpretation to non-statistical scientists, practitioners and community members. Critically review and interpret public health and other scientific literature to identify strengths and weaknesses of individual studies, to synthesize evidence in a research area, to identify gaps in evidence and to demonstrate relevance of current knowledge to the practice of public health. Understand the contextual determinants of health problems (e.g. social, economic, political) and how these factors influence the conduct, interpretation, and dissemination of research studies Be able to identify and critically evaluate secondary data sources appropriate for answering a given research question. Identify and understand limitations of secondary data sets (e.g. inclusion determinants, nonrandom allocation, measurement error, surrogate outcomes) and possible design and analytic solutions. DrPH Competencies within the Environmental Health and Occupational Health Focus Area Critically evaluate toxicological and epidemiological data, and use it to inform and participate in risk-based decision making processes. Describe local, regional and global impact of environmental hazards on human and ecological health, and design appropriate studies to evaluate risks associated with these hazards. Apply state-of-the-art geographic, epidemiologic, and laboratory methods to evaluate contemporary environmental and occupational health issues. Design risk management and communication approaches to prevent and/or reduce environmental and occupational health risks in a community. Understand and apply the principles of survey sampling design, implementation, analysis and interpretation. Describe the attributes of an effective surveillance system and the use of surveillance in prevention of environmental and occupational disease. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in collection and management of original data in environmental and occupational research, including design of data collection forms and protocols, assessing analytical instrument reliability and validity, data monitoring and quality assurance, and data archiving for analysis and use by other investigators Demonstrate skills to identify and critically evaluate secondary data sources appropriate for answering applied research and program evaluation questions in environmental and occupational health. Develop grant proposals to conduct research to test well-conceived hypotheses and/or evaluation studies to assess impact. Demonstrate excellent written and oral communication skills to translate results of research findings to the public and other professionals.