DEMYSTIFYING PROMOTIONS: A GUIDE FOR JUNIOR FACULTY AND THEIR MENTORS Eva Aagaard, M.D. Director of Faculty Development DGIM With Thanks to Harley Rotbart, MD Pediatrics WHAT ARE YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT PROMOTIONS? Instructor Assistant Professor Sr. Instructor Sr. Instructor w/ Distinction Associate Professor Associate Professor of Clinical Practice Professor of Clinical Practice TENURE Professor of Clinical Practice GOAL FOR AN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Become an Associate Professor THE 3-LEGGED STOOL Teaching Research / Scholarship Clinical / Service THE CAREER PIE CHART Faculty Percent Effort 1-5% Administrative/Service 10% Teaching. Secondary Focus 5-30% Primary Focus 50-80% Primary Areas of Focus : Secondary • Clinical Care Teaching • Education and Admin/Service Training • Research • Administration/ Service • Advocacy THE GOLDEN RULES FOR PROMOTION TO ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Make career decisions that lead to career fulfillment Don’t make career decisions solely because they’re “good for promotion” Promotion will follow STOOL MEETS PIE CHART Faculty Percent Effort 1-5% Administrative/Service 10% Teaching. Secondary Focus 5-30% Primary Focus 50-80% Primary Areas of Focus : Secondary • Clinical Care Teaching • Education and Admin/Service Training • Research • Administration/ Service • Advocacy THE MATRIX RELOADED REGULAR FACULTY SERIES EXCELLENCE in one: Teaching Research Clinical Activity MERITORIOUS in all: Teaching Scholarly Activity Clinical Activity/Service CLINICAL PRACTICE SERIES Faculty members whose duties are focused primarily in direct patient care Not tenure eligible ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL PRACTICE EXCELLENCE IN: Clinical care AT LEAST MERITORIOUS IN: Teaching AND Local (hospital or university) or regional reputation for clinical excellence THE 12 STEP PROCESS 1. Appointment as Assistant Professor 2. Annual DOMINO Review 3. Mid-point review 4. Nomination promotion - early summer 5. Solicitation of letters - late summer 6. Submission of portfolio - early fall *Departmental Promotions Committee THE 12 STEP PROCESS 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Portfolio review and vote (DPC) Modifications of portfolio Re-review of portfolio (DPC) Submission to SOM - December Review by SOM Promotions Comm Approval by SOM Executive Comm TIMELINE TO ASSOCIATE Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 0 – appointment 1 – annual review 2 – annual review 3 – annual review 4 – mid-point review 5 – annual review 6 – annual review 7 – promotion ROLE OF DEPARTMENT/ DIVISION Appointment letter – true expectations Mentoring – assign mentor ( & co-mentor) and oversee process Annual reviews – 1. 2. 3. ? On track for promotion Documentation appropriately gathered Mid-point reviews by Department 4. ?On track for promotion Documentation appropriately gathered Proposed timing for promotion ROLE OF THE DIVISION/ DEPT 5. Promotion preparation • • • • • Solicitation of reference letters Guidance on portfolio preparation Review portfolio, suggest improvements Vote on candidacy Submit portfolio with summary letter HOW TO FIND A MENTOR Mentoring Guides Annual DOMINO Review Peer-referral Self-referral MENTORING GUIDES DGIM Research Jean Kutner Education Eva Aagaard Clinical David Tanaka DEPT. MENTORING Primary Mentor Responsible for guidance (facilitating, advocating, and counseling) towards faculty member’s career development and promotion Assist faculty member in finding a Co-Mentor if appropriate DEPT. MENTORING Co-Mentor – if appropriate In most cases, this is the faculty member’s “content” mentor may be same person as Primary Mentor Responsible for guidance (facilitating, advocating, and counseling) of the faculty member toward success in his/her research, clinical, teaching, and/or scholarly activities Provides regular feedback to Primary Mentor DEPT. MENTORING Faculty Member Ultimately responsible for his/her own career development, with the guidance of Primary Mentor Ultimately responsible for his/her own research, clinical, teaching, scholarly activity with the guidance of Co-Mentor if appropriate NEITHER ROLE OF THE FACULTY MEMBER 1. Conscientiously work with mentor 2. Maintain real-time portfolio A. Teaching - see SOM portfolio template a. log of teaching activity b. teaching evaluations - piles and piles c. teaching awards ROLE OF THE FACULTY MEMBER B. Clinical a. see SOM portfolio template b. log of clinical activity c. clinical testimonials/evaluations d. clinical honors ROLE OF THE FACULTY MEMBER 3. Documentation of Research/Scholarship A. Accurate and up-to-date CV B. Thoughtful approach to scholarship 4. Documentation of Service A. Accurate and up-to-date CV B. Letters of gratitude for service 5. Careful attention to submission deadlines TOP 10 MISTAKES On The Way To Promotion 10. THE NOBEL PRIZE WINNER MENTALITY Or the “I’ve been here18 months, am I eligible for promotion?” syndrome Rules state that “when you’re ready, you’re ready” BUT, RARE that someone is promoted after 4 years uncommon after 5 More often after 6, Most common after 7 9. THE “I KNOW I’M ON TRACK” Or “Mentoring is for the Other Guys” syndrome Leading cause of disappointments at promotion time and of the need to request extensions 8. THE MY MENTOR ATE MY HOMEWORK SYNDROME Responsibility for fulfilling the Criteria, and meeting the deadlines, for promotion are yours alone 7. PROMOTION COMMITTEE = CONVENIENCE STORE If you miss deadlines, you may have to wait another year. 6. FAILURE TO LAUNCH Scholarship Outside letters 5. THE LOST IN TRANSLATION SYNDROME Or, Falsely Assuming The DOM Or SOM Promotion Committee Knows What You Do For A Living Only 1-2 members of your department on the SOM PC Few if any know you YOUR MISSION is to produce a portfolio that speaks their language 4. ASSUMING SIZE DOESN’T MATTER Quality of your work Quantity of your work Teaching evaluations, publications, clinical documentation, etc. should be as complete as possible without including fluff. Particularly true for documenting “alternative forms of scholarship” 3. BELIEVING IN THE “EVALUATIONS TOOTH FAIRY” Or the “Someone must be collecting my teaching evaluations for me” syndrome 2. ASSUMING THAT ALL TEACHING OCCURS IN LECTURE HALLS Don’t overlook: Bedside Research Morning report Journal club M&M conferences Mentoring/ Advising log your hours and number of trainees and collect evaluations. 1. SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME IN THE UNPRODUCTIVE STAGES OF THE KUBLERROSS GRIEF REACTION Denial Anger Bargaining Depression WE CAN HELP