Draft Minutes Closed Meetings Monday, 22

Draft Minutes Closed Meetings 11th IHDP SC
AS OF 26 May 2004
Draft Minutes Closed Meetings
11th IHDP SC Meeting,
Koenigswinter (Bonn),
22 March 2004 - 24 March 2004
Monday, 22nd of March; 8:30 – 12:30, Club Room
information in grey boxes: reference to section in document on pending decisions
Gilberto Gallopín, Carlo Jaeger; Elinor Ostrom; Roberto Sánchez
Paul Vlek, Coleen Vogel*
Mohammed Salih (Ex Vice-Chair, IHDP SC)
Thomas Rosswall (ICSU)
Barbara Göbel (Executive Director)
* Teleconference of Coleen and Barbara with Xizhe Peng and Tatiana Kluvankova-Oravska on Sunday, 21th
March, 15:00-16:00 and Thursday, 25th March, 14:00-15:00.
8:30 – 9:00
Coleen Vogel
Approval of Agenda and Minutes
The chair summarized the Minutes of the 10th IHDP SC Meeting.
Minutes of the 10th IHDP SC Meeting approved
Agenda of the 11th IHDP SC Meeting approved
Goal of the SC Meeting
The main objective of the SC Meeting was to work on a common IHDP identity, which is to
facilitate Science on a coupled societal/nature systems, by taking stock of what has been
achieved so far and by setting clear priorities for programmatic developments. It was stressed
that an active engagement of SC members is of fundamental importance for the success of
this process. The cross-cutting questions had been identified as one useful instrument for the
mid-term review. At the Open Meeting in Montreal (October 2003) and the Officers and
Project Leaders Meeting in Cuernavaca (December 2003) the Project Leaders and Executive
Officers started to analyze, together with Coleen and Roberto, the core projects’ contributions
to the existing cross-cutting questions. Additional cross-cutting questions.
Draft Minutes Closed Meetings 11th IHDP SC
AS OF 26 May 2004
II. IHDP Governance: Scientific Committee II
Role of the SC
The role of the SC was outlined including that of providing scientific guidance and
assistance of the development of the programme. The general framework, in which the core
projects can feed into this process is also provided by the SC. The lack of communication
between the IHDP SC and the core projects’ SSC’s was identified as a key issue. While there
is now a quite fluent exchange between Chair/Vice-Chair, Executive Director and Project
Leaders (and between the Secretariat staff and the projects’ Executive Officers), the SC
members’ expertise is not as visible in the scientific development and the activities of IHDP
as it could be. One way to improve the SC – core project interface is that the SC members
lead writing teams on IHDP’s cross-cutting questions to review together with project leaders
and core projects’ SSC members IHDP’s contributions to the cross-cutting questions.
Another way in which the mid-term review could be enhanced is for the SC to work together
with senior scientists who could stay for one or two years at the secretariat. The Alexander
von Humboldt Foundation was suggested as an example of whom to approach for funds for
such a research fellow position at the Secretariat.
The SC discussed some thematic and regional priorities and potential themes for the
programme including:
Fragmentation, inertia and over-exploitation; an opportunity is the topic of “health”; a
regional opportunity “China”.
Millenium Development Goals as thematic priorities because it is urgently needed to
synthesize research on this issue.
Technology and the rural and urban interface.
IHDP should develop interregional comparisons (in short, middle or long-term) as it
has in this realm an epistemological advantage with regard to the natural science
oriented global change programmes.
The more precise term “comparative regional coupled systems” have been suggested.
In essence we should analyze what we have learned so far from core projects and how
this knowledge has been translated into policies.
Identify a writer from the SC and/or a senior science fellow and find the funds
to assist with the mid-term review of IHDP’s scientific contributions.
Decision Making Processes of SC
Two options were considered to create a lean management structure to enhance effective
executive decision making: (a) An enlarged Executive SC with Chair, two Vice-Chairs,
Treasurer and one or two additional SC members and (b) a small Excutive SC with Chair and
Vice-Chair, including the Treasurer when required. For decisions that are of regional
relevance, a member of the SC from that region should be taken into account. This is to assure
an involvement of regional representation in executive decisions.
Draft Minutes Closed Meetings 11th IHDP SC
AS OF 26 May 2004
Continue the existing Executive SC (Coleen Vogel and Roberto Sánchez) and
include IHDP treasurer (Paul Vlek) when required. Involve IHDP SC members
in regional issues.
Executive SC will meet back to back to the next Officers and Project Leaders
10:00 – 10:15 Coffee Break
II. IHDP Governance: Core Project Governance
10:15 – 11:45
Roberto Sánchez
GECHS: SSC Membership
The request of GECHS SSC to approve the nomination of Hans Bohle to the GECHS SSC
for three years effective August 2004.
Appointment of Hans Bohle approved.
Chair to write a letter of appointment.
There was also a request to renew Karen O’Brien’s appointment for a 2nd three-year term
effective December 2004 and to extend appointments of Elizabeth Hartmann and Fred
Langeweg to mid-2005.
Extensions of Karen O’ Brien, Elizabeth Hartmann and Fred Langeweg approved.
Chair to write letters of appointment.
In addition, the request by GECHS SSC to extend Mike Brklacich’s appointment to mid2007, was discussed. The re-appointment was considered with reference to the key relevance
of the GECHS project for IHDP, the performance of the project (including its successes,
constraints and challenges), the difficulties with setting up an IPO, the Procter and Gamble
grant to Carleton University and the teaching buyout request by Mike. A general discussion
on the project’s current status as an international platform for research on human security and
global change facilitating research and encouraging synergies took place.
Extension of Mike postponend for further discussion to closed meeting on Wednesday,
24 March.
IT: SSC membership
The leadership of IT was also discussed. Pier Vellinga is going to rotate off as Chair of IT
SSC this year. In close co-ordination with Coleen, the IT SSC has conducted a selection
procedure for the new IT Chair during the last months. Based on the assessment provided by
individual members of the IHDP-IT SSC, David Angel prepared a summary recommendation
to be discussed and decided on by the IHDP SC. Background information on the candidates
and their role for the IT project development was included.
Draft Minutes Closed Meetings 11th IHDP SC
AS OF 26 May 2004
Chair and Vice-Chair got a mandate to make further consultations with
proposed candidates, Ken Green and Frans Berkhout and then make a proposal
to the SC.
Chair and Vice-Chair to contact the two shortlisted candidates.
The IT SSC requests to appoint Ted Parson as member of the IT SSC for a first three-year
term with immediate effect.
Appointment of Ted Parson approved.
Chair to write a letter of appointment.
LUCC: SSC membership
SSC requests that Eric Lambin and Ronald Rindfuss have their terms extended beyond the
end of 2004 until the close of the project (10/05), in order to finalize in a coherent way the
LUCC sysnthesis. The extension of the Chair was discussed . A general discussion on
LUCC’s development, its linkages to the other core projects developed.
Extension of terms of Eric Lambin (chair) and Ronald Rindfuss approved
Chair to write letters of appointment.
III. Priority Setting: Role of IHDP for regional and national research agendas
Coleen Vogel
Role of the National Committees
The IHDP is not taking advantage of the NC’s to the level it could. A proposal of the
Secretariat regarding NC was presented that included: (a) Use NC’s as IHDP ambassadors
and provide them with the means to do so. (b) The SC strongly recommends the SC and SSC
members to become active members of their national committees. (c) The Secretariat ensures
that NC members take an active role in both organising and participating in regional
workshops. The central role of NC’s for the global change programmes was endorsed. The
creation of national networks which are linked to core projects was also considered to be
essential. In addition, National Committees should have a more visible role in the regional
capacity building networks of the global change programmes (START, IAI, APN) and for
Proposal from Secretariat approved.
Chair to write a letter to IHDP SC and core projects’ SSC to recommend their active
engagement with National Committees.
Since 2001 CIRA, START and IHDP have made attempts to initiate and establish a CEE/NIS
research network for human dimensions research. Greg Knight and Marietta Staneva travelled
extensively in 2003 throughout the region to promote the SCENIC agenda. However, IHDP
National Committees in the region expressed their reservations at their recent meeting in
Draft Minutes Closed Meetings 11th IHDP SC
AS OF 26 May 2004
Montreal in pursuing this further as it stands. Alternatives were offered by NC members in
attached CEE network proposal. Critical comments on SCENIC and the concerns of other
CEE/NIS NC members had been raised. Regional networks and not individual research
agendas are critical for IHDP.
Request for further support of IHDP to Scenic denied. Focus instead on developing
Chair to write response letter to Greg Knight.
III. Priority Setting: Request for Scientific Co-operation
IGBP decided at its most recent SC Meeting to develop a new project, called 'Analysis,
Integration and Modelling of the Earth System' (AIMES), that is proposed to replace GAIM
as the programme's central activity on the study Earth System as a whole. IHDP was asked to
contribute in particular to: (a) the new component IHOPE (Integrated History of People and
Environment); (b) integrated scenarios of the Earth System as a whole; (c) exploratory work
on formally incorporating the human dimensions in total Earth System analysis and
modelling. IGBP envisions the project to become a central ESS-P component in future. After
much discussion, the SC strongly urged that for this to be effective, strong participation of
IHDP at the outset of the framing and conceptualisation of this initiative has to be ensured
right from the beginning. Related to this, a broad spectrum of modelling communities within
IHDP as well as the broader social sciences has to be engaged.
IHDP wants to ask IGBP for clarification of terms of references for co-operation with
Chair to draft a response to the Chair of IGBP regarding IHDP’s involvement in
Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research is a new joint project of IGBP
and SCOR. IMBER would like to have a stronger human dimensions input.
IHDP can provide names of researchers to co-operate with IMBER.
Chair to draft a response to the Chair of IMBER indicating support where possible
SCOPE together with UNEP, IHDP and the European Environment Agency are undertaking
an assessment of sustainability indicators that should be published in a book. The next
workshop is organised from 10-14 May in Prague.
Gilberto Gallopín will go on behalf of IHDP to the SCOPE Meeting in Prague.
The Secretariat will co-ordinate and provide feedback from the Meeting to IHDP
Secretariat, SC and core projects.
Draft Minutes Closed Meetings 11th IHDP SC
AS OF 26 May 2004
III. Priority Setting: Requests for Institutional Partnerships
12:30 – 12:45
APN asked IHDP to suggest an IHDP representative for the CAPaBLE Programme Standing
Committee and to identify reviewers for APN proposals.
Identify suitable SC and SSC members of the region.
Secretariat to coordinate this.
In a meeting with IFS in Stockholm Barbara discussed how to develop a closer co-operation between
the International Foundation for Science (which promotes research of developing countries’ researcher
in developing countries on issues of sustainable resource use) and IHDP. The Director of IFS wrote a
letter making several proposals. Barbara and Coleen drafted a response.
Approval of the response letter and mandate for developing a MOU
Chair and ED to send letter to IFS.
Barbara discussed in Mexico (ISSC/IHDP Workshop) with Atilio Borón, Director of the Latin
American Council for Social Sciences (CLACSO), a closer co-operation between IHDP and CLACSO
in order to strengthen networks in Latin America.
To develop a MOU between IHDP and CLACSO
Chair and ED to send letter to CLACSO.
Wednesday, 24th of March; 13.30 – 17.15, Meeting Room 1
Participants IHDP SC: Gilberto Gallopín, Carlo Jaeger; Elinor Ostrom; Roberto Sánchez
Paul Vlek, Coleen Vogel
Thomas Rosswall (ICSU), Barbara Göbel (Executive Director)
Mike Brklacich (GECHS), Barbara Göbel (ED), Emilio Moran
(LUCC), Pier Vellinga (IT), Oran Young (IDGEC)
Coleen Vogel
Draft Minutes Closed Meetings 11th IHDP SC
AS OF 26 May 2004
I. New Research Projects
13:30 – 16:00
The progress of the Urbanization Initiative was acknowledged and the current status of the
development of the Initiative discussed (e.g. IAI proposals). The need to be mindful of
potential collaborations with projects touching on urban themes (e.g. the Global Land Project,
the new LOICZ but also regional projects) was raised and co-operation with other IHDP core
projects encouraged. It was also suggested that the project could benefit from selecting
regional case studies with urban themes for comparison (e.g. interregional comparison of case
studies). As a next step the SC recommended the plan to be sent to an external review by a
number of scholars not related to the Science Plan development so far. This team should
include reviewers not necessarily working on the interface of urbanization and global
environmental change but with a strong social science background. The reviews should be
carried out with the aim to help improving and focusing the document as well as shaping it for
The Urbanization Science Plan should be reviewed by external reviewers with the
aim to help improving and focusing the document as well as shaping it for
implementation. Final approval of the revised version of the Science Plan will
be organized via email.
Chair to write letter to the Chair of the Urbanization Initiative Team.
Global Land Project:
The SC recognized the great importance of this project. However, concerns about the ‘Land
science plan’ were raised. The SC members were strongly adamant that they did not wish to
see a ‘modified’ version of the plan at the next SC. In their opinion, the current science plan
does not provide a coherent and integrated scientific frame to examine the coupling of social
and biophysical dimensions in terrestrial ecosystems. The research frame needs to be
considerably more focused and the projects’ niche defined in a clearer way. Social science
perspectives have to be embedded in a more encompassing and coherent way in the science
plan. While acknowledging the progress to date, the lack of clear involvement of IHDP at the
outset of the project has meant that IHDP has had to pay very high transaction costs in the
evolution of this project. Therefore the IHDP SC asked for a serious and major redesign and
crafting process of the Global Land Project document. The SC urgently indicated that a
“review/framing group” should be established similar to what the IGBP SC has suggested in
Moscow. Eric Lambin was suggested as one possible member of the group. The terms of
reference of the review and reframing process as well as a new time-line should be developed
jointly by the IHDP and IGBP .
Not to approve current Science Plan of Global Land Project.
Set-up a review/reframing team.
Chair to write letter to Chair of IGBP transmitting the concerns of the IHDP SC and
asking for responses to the recommendations of the SC.
Chair and Vice-Chair to nominate IHDP representatives for the framing/review team.
Draft Minutes Closed Meetings 11th IHDP SC
AS OF 26 May 2004
The SC considered the following issues: The scientific co-sponsorship of LOICZ, the science
plan and the nomination of four IHDP representatives for the new LOICZ SSC. The IHDP SC
was pleased to note that some of our concerns about inclusion of human dimensions
perspectives in the development of the project that we raised last year seem to have begun to
be more seriously considered by LOICZ and now more visible to the IHDP SC. The IHDP SC
agreed to become scientific sponsor of the project with IGBP currently remaining the
managing and financial sponsor of the project. The IHDP SC also recommended that the
LOICZ SSC continue to make concerted efforts to include IHDP perspectives into the framing
of their science agenda and even more so as they move into the implementation phases of the
project. This is considering, for example, examining small basins, “driver pressure” state
responses, fluxes and changes in vulnerabilities and risks in the coastal zone, and developing
the interfaces with the Urbanization project of IHDP particularly around coastal settlements.
IHDP becomes scientific sponsor of the new LOICZ.
IHDP SC and SSC will nominate IHDP representatives for the new LOICZ SSC. This
process should be organized via email with support of the secretariat.
Chair to write letter to Chair of LOICZ SSC communicating the decision of the SC.
The progress in the GWSP Science Plan was commended. Acknowledgement of ‘the tuning’
of the implementation was raised. It was stressed that the topic of water is of great relevance
for IHDP. The SC gave the Chair and the ED a mandate to launch the joint project after final
approval of the Science Plan. The SC will provide the Chair and the ED with names of
candidates for the GWSP SSC.
Mandate to Chair and ED to launch the project after final approval of Science Plan.
Chair to ask SC and SSC for nominations for the GWSP SSC.
ESSP Human Health and Global Change:
The SC acknowledged efforts in bringing the project thus far. Some expressed concern about
lack of ‘exciting’ Science plan. It was agreed to keep a watchful eye but not to become too
The progress of GECAFS was acknowledged. The SC felt that it would be helpful to organize
an external review in order to strengthen the social science components of the science plan.
The discussions from Monday of the request by GECHS SSC to extend Mike Brklacich’s
appointment to mid-2007 continued. Mike was present and was asked to provide any
Draft Minutes Closed Meetings 11th IHDP SC
AS OF 26 May 2004
additional inputs to the letter to Chris Cocklin written on behalf of the SC. Mike outlined the
brief history of change in GECHS since when he took on the position and some of the
difficulties of ensuring a stable IPO. Mike then left the room. The Chair excused herself from
Not to extend chair of Mike beyond 2005.
Chair to inform SC of GECHS of this outcome.
II. IHDP Governance: Scientific Committee I
16:00 – 16:30 New SC Members
Barbara asked to excuse herself from the discussions on new SC members.Three new SC
members have to be selected for 2004. A strategy for the 2005 slot (2 new members) to
provide ICSU with SC nominees before October 1, 2004, also had to be finalized. ICSU
wishes to receive one name more than SC slots to be filled. The nominations for the SC were
discussed and a list of nominees for the first slot was made.
To forward ICSU and ISSC the names of four researchers for the first slot
To develop terms of reference for SC and SSC members.
Chair to forward ICSU and ISSC a list of names for aproval.
Executive SC to draft TOR for SC and SSC members
II. IHDP Governance: Budget
16:30 – 16:45
The Budget 2003-2004 was presented.
Discharge of Executive Director for expenses 2003.
Approval of budget 2004
III. Priority Setting
Process 2004-2005
External Assessment
The external assessment of IHDP should be an instrument for the consolidation of the
programme and assist in the definition of its future orientation. The assessment should
contribute to an efficient functioning of the programme particularly regarding the interface
between science, policy making and science funding agencies. The organization of the
external assessment was discussed.
Ask ICSU and ISSC to organize the external assessment of IHDP.
Chair and Vice-Chair (with input from the SC): Define together with ICSU and
ISSC the terms of reference for the assessment. ICSU and ISSC will make sure
that the assessment does not block the secretariat’s functioning for too long.
Draft Minutes Closed Meetings 11th IHDP SC
AS OF 26 May 2004
Chair write response to Winnacker (DFG).
III. Miscellaneous
Venue and dates of next SC Meeting, O&PL Meeting; Executive SC Meeting
Organize the next SC Meeting in Bonn. Proposed dates: 21-23 March 2005
Organize the next Officers and Project Leaders in Bonn. Proposed dates: 1819 November 2004
Have one day before the O&PL Meeting an Executive SC Meeting. Proposed
dates: 17 November
Secretariat to confirm dates with IHDP SC and Project Leaders