Synopsis of Changes to University Senate Rules (from November 2012 – September 2014) Section 1: The University Senate o Change to 1.1.1 (Sections A, B and D) (“Members of Faculties of Colleges, Schools, Departments, Graduate Centers and the Libraries”) – added language to describe how college faculty may extend voting rights and to whom; updated and added Administrative Regulation references o Change to 1.2.2 (“Composition” of the Senate) – updated Administrative Regulation reference to “new” numbering system o Change to (“Apportionment” of Elected Faculty in the Senate) – removed extra (empty) bullet o Change to (“Vacancy” in the Senate) – updated to reflect current policy o Update to (“Elected Student Membership”) – updated date in footnote o Change to (“Ex Officio Membership: Voting”) – updated college name o Change to (“Ex Officio Membership: Non-Voting” in the Senate) – removed outdated, vacant positions o Interpretation to (“Officers of the Senate Council”) – clarified SC Chair-elect and membership in the SC o Interpretation to (“Review of Programs” in the Graduate Council) – added reference to SR 3.4 for current policy o Change to (“Composition” of the Graduate Council) – updated college name o Change to (“Election” to Graduate Council) – added reference to Governing Regulation V o Change to (“Program Procedures” in the Undergraduate Council) – updated language regarding types of programs reviewed and updated reference to program processes o Change to (“Review of Programs” in the UC) – updated reference to SR 3.4 Outline of Changes to University Senate Rules Current Version: September 2014 (Previous Version: November 2012) Page 1 of 8 o Changes to (“Composition” of UC) – updated college names; fixed typographical error o Change to (“Election” to UC) – added reference to Governing Regulations V o New (“Advisory Committee for Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement”) – inserted new language regarding the composition and charge o Change to, B (Course and Program Procedures for the Health Care Colleges Council) – added language to clarify which courses are in the HCCC’s purview o Change to (“Election” to HCCC”) – added reference to Governing Regulations V o Change to 1.4.1 (“Structure of University Senate Committees”) – updated language regarding types of Senate committees o New (“Senate Committee on Distance Learning and eLearning”) – inserted new language regarding a new standing committee of the Senate o Change to (“Senate Research and Graduate Education Committee”) – updated name to reflect revised committee charge (addition of graduate education) and added interpretation about who is included in graduate education o Change to (“Senate Institutional Finances and Resources Allocation Committee”) – added list formatting o Changes to (“Senate University Studies CommitteeSenate UK Core Education Committee”) – inserted new UK Core language o New section (“University Honors Program Committee”) – added new language about Honors Program Committee o Change to“Senate Advisory Committee on Privilege and Tenure”) updated Administrative Regulation reference to “new” numbering system and clarified term “student employee” o Change to (“Composition and Jurisdiction” of University Senate Hearing Panel) – clarified who can claim violation of academic freedom o New section (“Senate Advisory Committee on Disability Accommodation and Compliance”) – added language on new Senate advisory committee Outline of Changes to University Senate Rules Current Version: September 2014 (Previous Version: November 2012) Page 2 of 8 o Change to 1.5.2 (“Election: Two Voting University SystemFaculty Members, Board of Trustees”) – editorial change and added interpretation about role of faculty in phased retirement Section 2: Rules Relating to Calendar o Interpretation to 2.1.1.J (“Calendar Policies) – clarified nature of academic holidays and assignment due dates Section 3: Course Numbering System and Curriculum Procedures o New section 3.1.5 (“Progressive Rigor of Academic Programs”) – added statements on academic rigor as they apply to the GC, HCCC, Law Faculty Council and UC o Change to 3.2.1 (“Definitions” for Procedures for Processing Academic Programs) – corrected formatting issue with numbered list o Interpretation of 3.2.3.A.1 (“Procedures to be Used” by Educational Unit Faculty for Approval and Processing of Academic Programs) – clarified requests for review by an academic council even if the council is not required to conduct such a review o Change to and interpretation of 3.2.3.B.1.b (“Jurisdiction” regarding Academic Council Approval) – clarified the standard by which programs or certificates from a health care college are reviewed by the HCCC and clarified the term “health care practices” o Change to and interpretation of 3.3.0 (“Procedures for Processing Courses and Changes in Courses”) – clarified the courses under jurisdiction of the rule o Interpretation of 3.3.1.A (“Definitions”) – acknowledged limitations with current technology o New 3.3.3.A (“Courses that Cannot be Used Toward a UK Degree or Certificate”) – described approval process for courses not used toward a degree or certificate o Interpretation of 3.3.3.AB.1 (“Approval by Educational Unit Faculty” for Course Proposals”) – renumbered and described approval process for courses not used toward a degree or certificate Outline of Changes to University Senate Rules Current Version: September 2014 (Previous Version: November 2012) Page 3 of 8 o Change to 3.3.3.AB.3 (“Approval by Educational Unit Faculty” for Course Proposals”) – clarified the standard by which new and changed courses from a health care college must be reviewed by the HCCC o New 3.3.3.B.3 (“Graduate Certificates or Degrees”) – described appropriate internal college review of graduate certificates and degrees o Change to 3.3.3.C.1.b (“Approval by Academic Council” for Courses) – clarified HCCC jurisdiction and clarified the term “health care practices” o Change to 3.3.3.C.1.f (“Approval by Academic Council” for Courses”) – described exception for certain courses in which academic council approval is final o Change to 3.4.1 (“Procedures for Consolidation, Transfer, Discontinuation, or Significant Reduction of Academic Programs and/or Educational Units”) – added list formatting o Interpretation to 3.4.2.B.1 (“University Senate Review Procedures”) – clarified which considerations are used by which Senate committee Section 4: Rules Relating to Admission to the University o Change to (“International Students” and Basic Lower Division Selective Admissions) – added more detailed language regarding English proficiency o Change to (“Admission to Advanced Standing”) – added exception for a track in the Medical Laboratory Sciences Program o Change to (“Admission to College of Nursing”) – inserted new admissions policies and included a new category of registered nurses who received their nursing education abroad o Renumbered section 4.2.2 (Admission to ‘Specific Undergraduate Programs”) o Change to (“School of Human Environmental Sciences”) – added admissions requirements (new “A”) for majors in human nutrition and dietetics; re-lettered existing A and B o Change to (“Interior Design Courses”) – section removed and renumbered remainder of section Outline of Changes to University Senate Rules Current Version: September 2014 (Previous Version: November 2012) Page 4 of 8 o Change to (which was renumbered to (“Landscape Architecture Program”) – updated college name o Change to (“College of ArchitectureDesign”) – renumbered to and updated name o New (“School of Architecture”) – updated school name and included additional information o New (“School of Planning / Design / Strategy”) – updated school name and included additional information o Changes to (“College of Communication and Information”) – changed admissions criteria for and updated department name o Change to (“College of Pharmacy”) – removed outdated degree language and added information about Doctor of Pharmacy degree o Changes to (“Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s or Doctoral Degree Program— University Scholars”) – clarified which types of degrees are included o Change to 4.3.3 (“Repeated Registration in a Course”) – removed outdated reference to correspondence courses Section 5: Rules Relating to Attending the University ○ Change to (College of Law) – added missing “-“ to grading system ○ Change to (“Design and Landscape Architecture”) – updated college name ○ Change to (“Grade I”) – clarified the information that must be recorded and directs readers to the Senate website for the associated form ○ Interpretation to 5.1.7 (“Changing Grades”) – added interpretation to clarify there are only two situations in which someone other than the instructor of record (department chair or other administrator) may change a grade without the concurrence of the Instructor of Record ○ Change to (“Retroactive Withdrawal”) – authorizes committee to vote to waive the “two calendar years” rule Outline of Changes to University Senate Rules Current Version: September 2014 (Previous Version: November 2012) Page 5 of 8 ○ Interpretation of 5.1.9 (“Grade Point Average”) – replaced section B with reference to (“Prohibition of Duplicate Credit’) ○ Change to 5.2.1 (“Credit Hours”) – added language about Senate-approved course meeting patterns and added new appendix (10.3) of the grid ○ Change to 5.2.2 (“Student Load”) – removed reference to correspondence courses and clarified that the language also encompasses graduate doctoral degrees ○ Renumber (“Policies Regarding Other Examinations”) and (“Language Limitations for Foreign Students”) – corrected numbering ○ Change to (“Repeat Option”) – removed paragraph dealing with correspondence courses ○ Renumber and rename (“Prohibition of Duplicate Credit for Undergraduate and Graduate Students”) – moved to the beginning of the section to clarify the rule applies to all students ○ Change to (“Academic Suspension Policies”) – removed references to correspondence courses ○ Change to (“Reinstatement”) – corrected reference to Academic Bankruptcy rule ○ Addition to (“College of Health Sciences”) – added language to codify new probation and suspension policy ○ Change to 5.4.1 (“Residence Requirements”) – clarified language and accommodated study abroad courses ○ Change to (“Application for Degrees”) – added list formatting; incorporated deadline information for graduate and professional degrees; codified permanent exceptions to the deadlines for applying to graduate; and codified language regarding In Memoriam Posthumous Degrees o Change to (“University Scholars Program”) – clarified that the language refers to graduate doctoral degrees Outline of Changes to University Senate Rules Current Version: September 2014 (Previous Version: November 2012) Page 6 of 8 o Change to 5.4.3 (“Requirements for Graduation”) – corrected outdated reference to “University Studies” and added clarifying paragraph about past and current writing requirements o Change to (“Writing Requirement” “Composition and Communication”) – removed outdated language on the previous requirement and added new language for graduation composition and communication requirement o Change to (“Inference Requirement””UK Core Requirements”) – deleted language for previous requirement and inserted UK Core requirements o Deletion of (“University Studies Requirements”) – deleted o Creation of new (“Foreign Language”) – added paragraph on foreign language requirement Section 6: Academic Rights of Students o Change to 6.4.1 (Disposition of Cases of Academic Offenses, “Jurisdiction”) – removed outdated references to “University Extension” and updated title o Change to 6.4.7A.1 (Academic Offense and Procedures Regarding Recordkeeping “In Case of Minor Offense”) – changed language regarding minor offenses, specifically how long such records are retained and under what circumstances they will be shared o Change to (“Cases of Grade Appeal”) – clarified the section pertains to the role of the Academic Ombud o Multiple interpretations of (“Cases of Student Academic Rights” and the University Appeals Board) – clarified details of the following aspects of the UAB: jurisdiction; available remedies; rights of faculty accused of “other than good faith” judgments; meaning of “reasonable”; and what regulation governs academic appeals by certain clinical students Section 7: Code of Faculty Responsibilities o Interpretation of 7.2.2 (“Student Relations”) – clarified FERPA requirements for student review of the student’s educational records Outline of Changes to University Senate Rules Current Version: September 2014 (Previous Version: November 2012) Page 7 of 8 o Change to 7.3.0 (“Enforcement”) – updated Administrative Regulation reference to “new” numbering system Section 9: Glossary of Terms o Change to 9.2 (“Academic Program”) – added reference to Administrative Regulations 1:4 III.F for definition Section 10: Appendices o New appendix 10.3 (“Senate-Approved Policy for Determining Meeting Times and Number of Credit Hours for Courses”) – added credit hour/meeting pattern equivalency grid Outline of Changes to University Senate Rules Current Version: September 2014 (Previous Version: November 2012) Page 8 of 8