University of Kentucky Office of Crisis Management Campus Security Authority Incident Form This information is provided to meet the requirements of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of This information is provided to meet the requirements of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998 and the Kentucky Postsecondary Education Campus Security (Minger) Act of 2000. Submission of this report does not constitute an official Police Report and will not result in any further investigation by law enforcement personnel unless the reported act is an immediate threat to the safety or well-being of a student or the University community. CSA Information: Campus Security Authority Name: Report Date: E-Mail: Phone Number: Ext: Incident Information: Date of Incident: Time of Incident: Location of Incident: Type of Incident: Crime Definitions Arson Menacing Sex Offense Theft (Rape, Fondling) Assault Motor Vehicle Theft Burglary Murder Wanton Endangerment Other Sex Offenses Weapons Possession (Statutory Rape, Incest) Criminal Damage to Property Reckless Homicide Stalking Domestic Violence Manslaughter Robbery Terroristic Threatening Dating Violence Liquor Law Violations (Minor in Possession, Furnishing Liquor to a Minor) Was this incident reported to the police, or any other CSA? Yes Drug Abuse Violation No If yes, to who? Was the crime perceived to be motivated by hate? If yes, by what bias? Disability Ethnicity National Origin Gender Yes No Gender Identity Race Religion Sexual Orientation Detailed description of incident (Required): When you have completed this form, please attach to an email and send to or fax to Crisis Management and Preparedness at (859) 257-4143.