Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP DRAFT Minutes of the 7 IHDP-Scientific Committee Meeting March 24 - 27, 2000 Bonn, Germany 1 th 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The Scientific Committee met at the Amber Hotel President, Clemens-August-Strasse in Bonn. In attendance on March 24: Arild Underdal (Chair), Anne Whyte (Vice-Chair), Peter de Jánosi (Treasurer), Carlo Jaeger (Treasurer), Eckart Ehlers (past Chair), Mauricio Tolmasquim, P.S. Ramakrishnan, Hans Opschoor, Elinor Ostrom, Akilagpa Sawyerr, J.W.M. la Rivière (ICSU), Berrien Moore III (Chair, IGBP), Bill Clark, (Harvard), Pier Vellinga (IT), Anna Wieczorek (Assistant P. Vellinga), Oran Young (IDGEC), Steve Lonergan (GECHS), Eric Lambin (LUCC), Jill Jäger (Executive Director), Neil Hamilton (Deputy Executive Director), Ramine Shaw and Ike Holtmann (Intern. Science Project Co-ordinators), Maarit Thiem (Research Associate), Laura Siklossy and Lisa Jibikilayi (Administrative Assistants), Petra Pommerening and Marcel Braun (Research Assistants), Isabel Kaubisch (Volunteer Intern). Apologies / Excused: Tyson, Gates, Gallopin, Morais; Pawlik delayed until March 25. 21 22 23 24 I Welcome 25 II Agenda and Schedule of Work Decision 26 1 8.4.00 Chair Arild Underdal opened the meeting at 9 a.m. on Friday by welcoming new members to the SC and the Secretariat staff and special guest, William C. Clark. 27 28 The Draft Agenda and Schedule of Work were adopted without amendment. 29 30 III Minutes of the 6th Session SC-IHDP Decision 31 32 The revised and amended Draft Minutes of the 6th Scientific Committee Meeting (Feb./March 1999 in Bonn) were adopted as presented. 33 34 IV IHDP Science Projects 35 36 37 38 39 Guiding questions for the discussion on the project presentations (by the chair): 1. What are the specific activities that add to the common knowledge? 2. Is there enforcement of practical partnerships? 3. How is the interaction with stakeholders and policy makers? 40 41 42 43 44 45 1) IDGEC Oran Young provided an overview of major organizational developments including: The project’s International Project Office (IPO) was initiated in September 1999 in Dartmouth. It initially received funding from the NSF for one year, with a renewal 1 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 1 8.4.00 proposal for an additional 36 months funding submitted in January 2000. NSF has indicated a decision will be made by mid-May. The project’s Scientific Steering Committee was established in May 1999 and met for its first SSC meeting in June 1999, in Shonan Village, Japan. The second SSC meeting is scheduled for 16 – 18 June, 2000 in Oslo, Norway. The IDGEC strategy for implementing its Science Plan involves flagship activities, partnerships, network development, and other activities. Three flagship activities, on (i) The Institutional Dimensions of Carbon Management, (ii) The Performance of Exclusive Economic Zones, and (iii) The Political Economy of Boreal and Tropical Forests, have been established. The publication of scoping reports on each activity is foreseen for mid2000. This will be followed by a workshop on each flagship activity, to identify specific implementation actions. A major administrative task of the IPO in Dartmouth has been community building. IGDEC has developed a significant database of interested researchers and potential partners, and will continue to broaden its networks. Partnerships are being developed with IGBP (Carbon), terrestrial Carbon and LUCC issues in Asia (GCTE, LOICZ, and LUCC), as well as with SARCS, SULMAR, UNFCCC, and others. Oran Young summarized current collaboration with other GEC research actors and programmes, as well as with funding agencies. He raised the issue of broadening the IDGEC’s network and asked the SC for advice on this matter. Young stressed the importance of this issue for IDGEC and assured the active cooperation of the IDGEC IPO in pursuing it. Discussion The IDGEC Network The SC noted the importance of broadening the disciplinary and geographical distribution of the IDGEC networks. It was agreed that the IDGEC Website as well as the anticipated IDGEC Newsletter are appropriate tools to get the broad global environmental change research community engaged in IDGEC. The SC advised Oran Young to set up a high profile research group on IDGEC matters in Dartmouth to maintain the project’s momentum once he returns to Dartmouth from his sabbatical year, as it is inevitable that he will have to deal with time consuming administrative routines. The SC congratulated the IDGEC project on the progress made since the publication of the Science Plan. Decision The SC members will provide names of specific individuals from already operating networks to link IDGEC up with already established scientific networks. Participation of these contacts in the follow-on workshops will be considered. 84 85 ACTION 1 86 87 The Secretariat will contact the SC for suggested names for the IDGEC network. 88 89 90 2 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 1 8.4.00 2) GECHS Steve Lonergan described the progress of the project since the Science Plan was published in June 1999. The IPO has been established at the University of Victoria, with a small amount of funding from the Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council. The project has attempted to establish four Program Offices to provide a formal structure as well as regional identity. At the first SSC meeting held in Costa Rica in December 1999, the SSC members decided to concentrate on four Research Themes, as well as five cross-cutting issues. Networking activities include participation of SSC members in the ENRICH project on a European Network on Environment and Security (with nine collaborators), development of a mailing list database, Aviso briefings in Washington D.C. and Ottawa, publication of the Science Plan, and development of the Web site. A side-event on Southern Perspectives on Sustainable Development will be organized at the COP 6 of the UN FCCC. In conclusion, Steve Lonergan stated that the GECHS Project was ‘about new ways of seeing, different ways of knowing’, and that the Project had already built partnerships with other bodies. He further stressed the need to be advocates for the world’s poor. Discussion Discussion focussed on co-operation with other IHDP projects, relations with the policycommunity and the need to better explain the aims and roles of the project to the research community and funders. The SC noted the progress made since the publication of the Science Plan in 1999. 3) IT Pier Vellinga reported on the progress of the Industrial Transformation project. The Science Plan was published in early 2000. It has been distributed widely and an accompanying questionnaire has elicited on the order of 200 responses. At the moment, funding is being sought to support an IPO in Amsterdam. A list of potential candidates for the IT SSC will soon be presented to the IHDP-SC. Research activity is being stimulated through proposals submitted in response the recent EU call. A number of activities are identified in the Science Plan, and some of these are being assessed for their role in implementing the plan. Discussion Discussion focussed on the need to advance a hypothesis to explain the variance in coupling between industrial transformation and environmental pressure, and to investigate the causes of this variance (e.g. wealth, governance, economic sector etc) The SC also suggested that links could be made to other IHDP projects. The SC congratulated the IT project on the Science Plan that was recently published and looks forward to major progress in the coming year, after the appointment of the SSC. 3 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 1 8.4.00 4) LUCC The LUCC Implementation Strategy was published in Autumn 1999 and has been distributed to about 1800 scientists world-wide. The ‘short notice’ closure of the International Project Office in August 1999 has created manifold constraints for the project, particularly regarding organization and networking. Since last August the IHDP Secretariat has provided assistance in maintaining basic IPO tasks. Negotiations are currently in progress with the Belgian government (OSTC) to locate the IPO at the Geography Department of the Universite Catholique de Louvain. Eric Lambin’s presentation on the project’s performance was based on several research activities that take place in the context of tackling LUCC’s main research questions. He concluded his presentation by stressing the constraints on LUCC research progress at the case study level due to the lack of widely accepted guidelines for variable sampling. Discussion The SC suggested that it may be appropriate to pay more attention to the issue of Urbanization/Megacities. This theme is already included in LUCC research question 3 („How will changes in land use affect land cover in the next 50 – 100 years?“) but hasn‘t been explicitly addressed by LUCC Project researchers yet. Eric Lambin recognised that LUCC has been weak in this area so far. He suggested that research items within the IT scientific framework seem to deal with the urbanisation issue more explicitly than it is the case for the LUCC research agenda. The SC acknowledged that it will be IHDP‘s role to co-ordinate the approach for this research area that apparently cross-cuts all four IHDP projects. The SC stressed the need to develop active networks, often led by researchers who are not members of the LUCC SSC. It was felt that is not sufficient to contain all IHDP-LUCC activity within the research endeavours of the SCC. The SC expressed their appreciation for the project’s progress in the face of difficult conditions. Decision The SC thanked the IHDP Secretariat for taking on the additional work of hosting the LUCC Interim IPO. 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 The meeting was adjourned at 16.45 p.m. for guests, Secretariat staff and Project Chairs. The SC Project Liaison persons (for GECHS, Anne Whyte; for IT, Mauricio Tolmasquim; for IDGEC, Hans Opschoor; for LUCC, Eckart Ehlers) continued to meet with the SC for indepth discussions until 17.15 p.m. At 6 p.m., Professsor William C. Clark of Harvard University gave a special lecture on “The sustainability transition and the challenges for human dimensions research”, for which Hansvolker Ziegler (BMBF), Margaret Leinen (NSF – Directorate Geosciences), Johannes Karte (DFG), Mukul Sanwal (UNFCCC), Dennis Tirpak (UNFCCC) and Pascale Morand (LEAD Europe) joined the meeting. The lecture was followed by dinner at 7:30 p.m. ____________________________________ 4 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 1 8.4.00 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Saturday, March 25: Several ad hoc Working Groups met at 8:45 a.m. for separate discussions. The Chairman opened the general meeting at 9:30 a.m. In attendance were Arild Underdal, Anne Whyte, Peter de Jánosi, Carlo Jaeger, Eckart Ehlers, Kurt Pawlik (ISSC), J.W.M. la Rivière (ICSU), Berrien Moore III, Mauricio Tolmasquim, Elinor Ostrom, Hans Opschoor, P.S. Ramakrishnan, Eric Lambin, Pier Vellinga, Anna Wieczorek, Steve Lonergan, Oran Young, Bill Clark, Jill Jäger, Neil Hamilton, Ramine Shaw, Ike Holtmann, Maarit Thiem, Laura Siklossy, Lisa Jibikilayi, Petra Pommerening, Marcel Braun, Isabel Kaubisch. 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 V Other IHDP Initiatives 223 Decision 1) Environment and Health Jill Jäger gave an overview of the results of the ICSU – IGU – UNEP „Environment and Health-Initiative“. The final report was completed in March, showing a clear need for an international and interdisciplinary research agenda. The report showed that: There is a strong need for co-operation between natural, social, and health scientists in this area; Data availability, accessibility and harmonisation are serious concerns in this research area; Due to the lack of a central data repository, it is not possible for researchers to easily obtain the necessary data. The research agenda could include the following foci: Impact Assessment, Cost/Benefit Analysis Vulnerability, Governance, and Institutions Discussion The SC expressed general agreement concerning the importance of HD aspects in this initiative. The need to prioritise tasks and activities was noted, including a strong link to the issue of urbanization/megacities. It was acknowledged that a Global Environmental Change and Health research agenda would go much beyond the IHDP, and that engagement in the initiative can only be based on collaboration with other research groups. It is therefore important to develop new partnerships and to seek a sound financial base. The chair designated a break-out committee, consisting of Eckart Ehlers, Steve Lonergan, Pier Vellinga, and Eric Lambin, to discuss the proposal later during the SC meeting. The SC asked the Secretariat to inform ICSU that the IHDP is prepared to proceed cautiously with the development of the Environment and Health initiative, in concert with relevant partners. 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 2) Environment across Cultures Conference Eckart Ehlers reported on this successful joint initiative with the European Academy for the Study of Consequences of Scientific and Technological Advance (Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler), which took place September 21-23, 1999. There were 80-90 participants, including several participants from the first bi-annual START/IHDWorkshop (held in 1998). A Proceedings Volume on the conference will be published in 2000, and there have been initial discussions about a follow-up conference in 2-3 years. 5 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 1 8.4.00 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 3) ENRICH NHDP project Jill Jäger reported that this project began with an EU Symposium in November 1998 in Bonn and was followed by two workshops in 1999 in Oslo (participants from Africa + EU) and Amsterdam (participants from Central and Eastern European States /CEES, Newly Independent States/NIS and EU). The goals were to create synergies, promote capacity building and enhance networking between national human dimensions programmes and researchers. An important output are inventories of “who does what, where”. There is no follow-up financing from the EU, but good links have been established with many participants and national agencies. The project will be completed by the IHDP Secretariat. 242 ACTION 2 243 244 The project leaders requested that copies of the participants’ lists from the Oslo and Amsterdam meetings be distributed, in order to enhance network-building. 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 4) Vulnerability (LUCC/GECHS) (Tabled until Monday, March 27) 5) Population Environment Network (PEN) (Tabled until Monday, March 27) 6) 3rd Open Meeting, 24-6 June 1999, Japan (Tabled until Sunday, March 26) 7) 4th Open Meeting, Brazil 2001 (Tabled until Sunday, March 26) VI + VII Looking Forward – A medium and longer term strategy for IHDP The draft strategic planning document ‘Looking Forward’ was discussed by the SC. The discussion illustrated the demands made on the Secretariat: 1) to encourage, co-ordinate and oversee linkages between IDGEC-LUCC-GECHS-IT on IHDP issues such as vulnerability, governance and institutions; 2) to directly support the quest for financial resources for the IHDP projects; 3) to effectively facilitate linkages to IGBP projects and activities, and respond adequately to the IGBP restructuring process; and 4) to evaluate new research agendas. Setting research priorities while faced with scarce resources was a major theme of the discussions, as was the changing role of the SC itself, from the planning phase to the implementation and promotion phase. The discussion made clear the tension between the recognized mandate of the Secretariat to consolidate, strengthen and implement the four core IHDP science projects while pursuing collaborative research with other GEC programmes. There was general consensus that IHDP Secretariat must do both. 6 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 280 1 8.4.00 Decision The SC agreed on the need: to further develop the draft strategy document “Looking Forward – A Medium and Longterm Strategy for IHDP”;, to enhance inter-project collaboration; to respond positively to IGBP’s offer of collaboration; to continue to explore potential new research areas; to further develop the IHDP projects; to find flexible mechanisms for actively participating in new initiatives with other GEC programs that do not put undue pressure on existing core projects to engage in activities that are not central to their own research priorities; to enhance IHDP visibility in the South. 281 282 283 ACTION 3 The SC recognized the value of the Draft Strategy Document in outlining the development of IHDP’s future course and appointed Hamilton, J. Jäger, Whyte and C. Jaeger to revise the Draft Strategy Document, specifying IHDP priorities and including cross-cutting issues. 284 285 286 287 288 The discussion raised the need for adequate datasets and indicators for HD research, and for a comprehensive database. The Project leaders consider this essential to the future success of their project work. 289 Decision The SC requested Carlo Jaeger, Anne Whyte and Elinor Ostrom to draft a strategy document for circulation to the SC on the establishment of a database for human dimensions researchers. 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 The meeting was adjourned at 6 p.m. _______________________________________ On Sunday, March 26 the meeting was convened by the Chair at 9:20 a.m. In attendance were Underdal, Sawyerr, Jaeger, de Jánosi, Young, Lonergan, Pawlik, la Rivière, Tolmasquim, Whyte, Ostrom, Ramakrishnan, Opschoor, Ehlers, and from the Secretariat Jäger, Hamilton, Shaw, Holtmann, Pommerening, Thiem, Jibikilayi, Braun, Siklossy. 301 IX Status of the IHDP Secretariat 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 Jill Jäger reported on the current staffing situation, on the general responsibilities of the Secretariat (research development, networking, co-ordination, capacity building, assistance with funding searches, linkages to GEC Programmes), and on specific tasks, the first of which is to execute the decisions of the SC. Additional foci of the Secretariat’s efforts over the next 2 years will be: 1) securing funding for the Programme beyond 2002, and 7 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 1 8.4.00 2) a broadening of the scientific base of the Programme. The Executive Director requested that all SC members help carry the extensive travel burden facing the Secretariat. The gaping mismatch between scientific demands on the IHDP Secretariat and its resource base became apparent during the course of the discussions. The SC urged the Executive Director to articulate to the SC concerns facing the Secretariat, as one of the responsibilities of the SC towards the Secretariat is problem-solving. The Project Leaders requested that the SC take a more active role as “broker” with scientific journals for placing contributions from the core science projects. Journal affiliations through the Brasilian Academy and through ISSC were mentioned as potential contacts. The need for greater visibility of the IHDP in the South was discussed (IPOs, SC meetings, Open Meetings, regional IHDP units). 322 323 Decision The SC members requested that an Executive Report of the work of the Secretariat during the past 12 months be distributed preparatory to the annual SC meetings, and that the Executive Director make a verbal report on the first day of the next SC meeting. 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 X Financial Matters 331 Decision Peter de Jánosi (IHDP Treasurer) presented four Tables with the budget for 2000, income 1999 and 2000, expenditures 1999, and figures on special operational activities, i.e. overall funding mobilised by the IHDP. The SC requested the Secretariat to combine Tables 1 (budgets for current year and past year) and 2 (funds mobilised by the IHDP Secretariat for various projects and activities) for the next SC meeting in 2001. This would give a clearer representation of IHDP’s overall performance, income and infrastructure. 332 333 Decision The Budget for 2000 was approved unanimously by the SC. 334 335 336 Decision The SC requested information on the IHDP Project budgets, including research grants and expenditure, so that an impression can be gained of the total resources flowing in to the IHDP. Furthermore, they requested budget categories to be transparent (e.g. travel, salaries etc). 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 The SC congratulated the Secretariat for carefully managing the IHDP finances during the previous year, welcomed all of the initiatives being taken to broaden support for IHDP, and appreciated the support of ICSU and ISSC but noted the severe difficulties with ISSC financial support at the present time. The role of IGFA in the funding of IHDP research was briefly examined. Only a handful of 8 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 IGFA countries have made a firm commitment to failure of IGFA member countries to honour their fund the DIVERSITAS Program was noted, as Secretariat regarding responses to the letter sent support for IHDP. 362 Decision 1 8.4.00 provide financial resources to IHDP. The publicly stated commitments to minimally was the negative response of the IGFA to all IGFA members in 1998 regarding Jill Jäger indicated to the SC that a good proportion of the Secretariat’s travel burden is specifically linked to approaching and presenting the IHDP work programme to potential funding bodies. Current examples include China, Japan, the U.K., Switzerland, Australia, and New Zealand. Jill Jäger briefly reported on the background and development of the “White Paper” strategy on long-term funding for the GEC Programmes. Specifically targeted are private foundations and corporations in the U.S. and abroad, and a meeting of donors at the end of 2000/beginning of 2001 has been proposed. The three GEC Programmes intend to establish a Joint Resource Development committee with 2 persons each from IGBP, IHDP and WCRP to explore funding strategies for GEC infrastructure. The Executive Director of IHDP has the authority to develop a future funding strategy with the other GEC Programmes. The SC endorsed the establishment of a joint Resource Development Committee between the Programmes, and appointed Carlo Jaeger and Anne Whyte to represent IHDP in the committee. 363 364 ACTION 4 The SC members were requested to: use their contacts in order to approach potential national funders, specifically Japan, Mexico and Canada; advise the Secretariat on which funding agencies (private foundations, corporations, others) to approach, and what strategies to follow for each. 365 366 ACTION 5 The SC asked the Secretariat: to participate in the development of a well crafted document, for use in presentations to funders, indicating that they are not asked to fund science, but stressing that the IHDP can serve them in attaining their specific goals; to proceed with its current appeals for national contributions. 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 The role of the IHDP’s sponsors, ICSU and ISSC, was discussed in the context of funding. ISSC has indicated that its contribution to IHDP will be substantially reduced below previous levels, possibly resulting in a contribution of the order of a few thousand dollars, due to funding cuts within the UNESCO system. SC members made it clear that, before making a commitment, other donors will want to know the level of support given the IHDP by its own sponsors. The necessity of IHDP’s sponsors increasing their contributions to the IHDP was established. 9 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 377 1 8.4.00 Decision The financial obligations of ISSC and ICSU towards IHDP will be discussed with representatives from IHDP, ISSC,ICSU, in an effort to ensure an adequate level of support. 378 379 Decision The SC adopted the Draft Reimbursement Policy for SC-IHDP Meetings, as presented in the Briefing Book. 380 381 382 383 384 It was made clear that funding for the Secretariat is secured only until end October 2002. Further funding is urgently required to ensure the development of the Programme. 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 XI IHDP Draft Publication Strategy 400 ACTION 6 401 402 403 The presented document was accepted as a very helpful initial document. The Secretariat was requested to proceed with its development. The next version should be tabled for discussion at the next meeting of Project Leaders and Officers. Neil Hamilton introduced the first draft of the Publication Strategy document that the Secretariat was asked to prepare. He pointed out that it is predominantly based on the Minutes of the former SC-Meetings. The Publication Strategy forms a part of an overall communication strategy being developed by the Secretariat. The intention of the document is not to be too prescriptive about the format and the contents. Discussion The ad hoc committee on Publications Strategy recommended that the Publication Strategy be kept on a general level. The SC also pointed out that the development of the document needs a strong representation from the Science Projects, because their scientific outcomes will constitute the main science product of IHDP. Elinor Ostrom raised the question of archiving data. It was stressed that there is the need to establish a strategy on how to handle the “IHDPdata set”. 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 VIII IHDP Sponsors 1) ISSC Kurt Pawlik congratulated the IHDP for its progress achieved within the last twelve months. He emphasised the intention of the ISSC to bring together the various fields of research on the human dimensions of global environmental change. He listed: - Education / Knowledge - Data availability in the social sciences - Conflict Early Warning Systems Capacity building Kurt Pawlik responded to the discussion of the nature of ISSC‘s sponsorship of the IHDP by stating that ISSC understands the relationship as being an active intellectual partnership rather than a financial one. 10 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 1 8.4.00 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 2)ICSU Maurits la Riviere congratulated IHDP on behalf of ICSU for the progress of the Programme. He appreciated the current dialogue between the GEC programmes and encouraged IHDP‘s collaboration with IGBP and WCRP. He encouraged focus on the delivery of “products” that could be used to represent the Projects’ research results, and would be helpful for approaching funding agencies as well as policy makers. 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 XII Handbook of Procedures 443 Decision 444 445 It was agreed that the document needs minor final adjustments. A revised version should be circulated to the SC for their approval. 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 1) Establishment and Role of IPOs Neil Hamilton introduced the document on the establishment and role of the IPOs, stressing that it constitutes a draft that has been circulated to all of the Projects for comment. The document recognises the increasing demand from the Projects for help from the Secretariat on running an IPO in a general sense (i.e. tasks and responsibilities of an IPO). He emphasized the crucial role IPOs play for the continuity of the projects. The draft document has been reviewed by all of the projects, with largely very positive reactions. Discussion The SC recognised the document to be a very useful tool. It should give guidance in an administrative and scientific sense with a fair amount of flexibility. It was noted that the relationship between the IPOs and their hosting institutions has to be considered, because they imply responsibilities on both sides. 2) Establishment and Role of National Committees The early draft of a document describing the establishment and role of NCs was presented by the Secretariat. Jill Jäger reminded the SC that the constitution of the IHDP foresees a three yearly advisory meeting of a Scientific Advisory Council, which may include the IHDP Affiliated Bodies. There was general agreement within the SC that such a meeting would overstretch the budget of the IHDP. A possibility would be to hold the meeting along with the Open Meeting. The sponsors (ICSU and ISSC) expressed their wish for an advisory mechanism, albeit with flexible timing. The role of NCs in providing or facilitating funding for IHDP activities was discussed. It was pointed out that a financial contribution from many National Committees is unlikely to be received because of the difficult situation of NCs in developing countries. 461 ACTION 7 462 463 464 465 466 467 A revised draft will be circulated via email among the SC members to obtain shared agreement before circulating the draft to the national committees for their comments. The document will be revised and circulated before the next the Officers and Project Leaders Meeting. The Executive Director and Officers should develop criteria for deciding on who should be invited to a SAC meeting. 11 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 XIII Nominations of candidates for SC-IHDP 484 ACTION 8 1 8.4.00 An ad hoc group on nominations for SC membership met twice during the SC meeting. They pointed to the need to gradually renew the SC membership, to replace people who resigned from the committee or whose term finished. It was acknowledged that some of the present members now in their second term had expressed a wish to step down before the end of their term. Further, it was felt that new energy and new perspectives are required to continue the development of the Programme. SC members suggested that there was a need for more members from developing countries, and representatives from countries with economies in transition. The ad hoc group proposed that in 2000, there was a need to nominate one person from Africa, one person from the Indian sub-continent and one environmental historian. Thereafter, during the SC meeting in the year 2001, there will be a need to nominate at least four new members to the SC. The SC requested the nominations group (Jäger, Underdal, Sawyerr and Jaeger) to continue the search for candidates with urgency and to present the CVs to the full SC as soon as possible. With the SC's approval these CVs will then be submitted to ICSU and ISSC, for nomination of the candidates to the IHDP SC. 485 486 ACTION 9 The Chair was asked to approach P.S. Ramakrishnan, whose term ends in December 2000, to determine whether he would be willing to continue for another term or part of another term. 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 XIV National Human Dimensions Committees 502 Decision 503 504 The SC authorised the Executive Director to continue the Seed Money initiative if funding becomes available, bearing in mind the shortfall of ISSC funding. 505 506 507 Jill Jäger gave a short overview of the current situation, noting that the Seed Money initiative has been suspended, as ISSC has severely reduced the funding to IHDP. The question arose whether it is sensible to continue funding new groups of researchers rather than fund follow-up activities for previously funded groups. It was agreed that it may be useful to provide another 1000 US $ to a recipient if there could be significant added value. It was noted that so far the money from ISSC has been used to pay for the Seed Money initiative. If this money is not available in 2000, or only a much reduced amount is available, it will be necessary to cover the Seed Money initiative from other income. The SC felt that this important capacity-building initiative should be continued within the above budget constraints. __________________________________________________ 12 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 1 8.4.00 508 509 510 511 512 On Monday, March 27 the meeting was convened at 9:15 a.m. by the Chair. In attendance were Whyte, de Jánosi, Jaeger, Sawyerr, Tolmasquim, Pawlik, Opschoor, Ostrom, Ehlers, Young, and from the Secretariat Jäger, Hamilton, Shaw, Holtmann, Thiem, Pommerening, Braun, Jibikilayi, Siklossy. 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 V Other IHDP Initiatives continued 524 Decision 525 526 527 The SC concluded that the section on vulnerability should be expanded in the strategy document. 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 4) Vulnerability (LUCC/GECHS) (Tabled from Saturday, March 25) Jill Jäger brought attention to the Briefing Book document and reiterated the historical development of the IHDP involvement in this issue. She outlined the Swiss offer of possible in-kind support to host a workshop, on the allocation of the COSSA 2000 contribution towards the development of this initiative, and on the Airlie House workshop in Washington, D.C. at the end of May 2000, involving LUCC+GECHS+IPCC+IHDP personnel. She also stressed the importance of the vulnerability / food&fibre issues for IHDP. 5) Population Environment Network (PEN) (Tabled from Saturday, March 25) Jill Jäger reported on this new initiative to establish an internet-based network on population development – environment issues. She and Wolfgang Lutz are co-chairs of the Steering Committee. The MacArthur Foundation will fund two postdoctoral-level positions to set up the Website, and Steve Lonergan and Jill Jäger are on the committee to select candidates in an international competition. The Website will be linked to the IHDP site. With this initiative, the IHDP has achieved additional visibility with the MacArthur Foundation. 6) 3rd Open Meeting, 24-6 June 1999, Japan (Tabled from Saturday, March 25) Jill Jäger reported on the last Human Dimensions Open Meeting, held in Shonan Village (Japan) and hosted by IGES, mentioning the two published volumes (Abstracts and the Report), and stressing the value of these open meetings for the human dimensions research community and for IHDP. The IHDP made financial contributions to support the travel of developing country researchers to the meeting. Interesting insights have been won through Jill Jäger’s evaluation of the topics and countries represented in the first three meetings, many of which will be taken into account in planning the 4th Open Meeting. The SC thanked Jill Jäger for her work for the 3rd Open Meeting, recognized the importance of these events, and thanked Brazil for hosting the next meeting in 2001. 7) 4th Open Meeting, Brazil 2001 (Tabled from Saturday, March 25) The 4th Open Meeting will be hosted by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and take place in 13 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 1 8.4.00 556 557 558 559 Rio de Janeiro. The first planning meeting will take place in August 2000. There are three cochairs on the planning committee (Jäger, Tolmasquim, Marc Levy/CIESIN) who share the responsibilities. 560 Decision The SC approved an IHDP financial contribution to support the 4th Open Meeting 2001 at least equivalent to that provided for previous Open Meetings. 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 VI Other GEC Programs 598 ACTION 10 599 600 Identify IHDP representatives that will participate in the planning meeting for the IGBP-OSM, to be held 15 – 17 May, 2000 in the Netherlands. (i) IGBP SC meeting , February 2000 in Cuernavaca, Mexico Berrien Moore (Chair, IGBP-SC) continued with his earlier in-depth presentation and provided background information about IGBP‘s structure and how it has evolved. He summarised the IGBP-SC discussions on the „Phase II of IGBP“, that took place at the IGBPSC meeting in Mexico. IGBP is currently restructuring after ten years of research, and a number of IGBP projects are engaged in a synthesis phase (JGOFS, BAHC, PAGES, GCTE, IGAC). The IGBP-SC announced its willingness to formally create an institution that promotes interlinkages between the global change programmes. To initiate this integrative structure, IGBP is supporting 4 cross-cutting initiatives: 1 2 3 4 Carbon Cycle Water Cycle Food and Fibre Earth System Science The IGBP Open Science Meeting, to be held in July 2001 in Amsterdam, is anticipated to be a milestone for IGBP. At this scientific conference the IGBP community will present their scientific achievements and set the vision for a new era of global change research that is based on a synthetic, multidisciplinary and highly policy relevant approach. IGBP invites the IHDP community to join in the planning and organisation of this major conference. Berrien Moore III presented IGBP’s reflections on a forward-looking strategy based on the nature of partnerships with WCRP and IHDP. The IGBP mandate entails examining the impacts of human activities on physical processes. The IGBP Chairman, therefore, strongly encourages and specifically invites IHDP collaboration on cross-cutting activities and the development of the next phase of IGBP, to provide a better understanding of the entire Earth System Berrien Moore requested that the next joint Chairs and Directors meeting (hosted by WCRP, August 2000 in Geneva) consider: 1) how to create institutional arrangements to better co-ordinate IGBP/WCRP/IHDP activities, and 2) 2) looking towards 2010, and consider what is the best structure to research global environmental change. 601 14 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 1 8.4.00 602 603 ACTION 11 604 605 Identify 2 to 3 IHDP representatives that participate in the IGBP Terrestrial Carbon Meeting, to be held 22-26 May, 2000 in Lisbon, Portugal. 606 607 Decision The SC authorises the Secretariat to engage selectively in the IGBP cross-cutting initiatives, endorsing participation, and noting the importance of actively pursuing the Food & Fibre, Carbon, and Water themes 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 (ii) START Neil Hamilton reported on the planning for the IHD Workshop to be held in September 2000 on the topic of "Human Dimensions Issues in the Coastal Zones". The deadline for applications was set for April 10th 2000. Funding applications have been submitted to the Asia-Pacific Network and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Money is also available from the NSF grant to IHDP. The SC noted the enormous success of the 1998 meeting in capacity-building and networkbuilding and supported the preparations for the 2000 Workshop. Jill Jäger reported briefly on the status of the CLIMAG project, noting the lack of a human dimensions framework for the research. She reported that the Project Leaders and Officers had asked her at the November 1999 meeting to point out to START that they were unhappy about the lack of human dimensions content in the project. This had been done. Jill Jäger reported briefly on the Workshop on Integrated Regional Assessment held in Budapest in August 1999, which showed a high level of interest from scholars in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia to improve information exchange and build up research projects on global change issues. The meeting generated a priority list of potential research areas and this was extremely useful in the preparation of a proposal to the EU ENRICH programme, submitted in February. The proposal, with the acronym NICER (Global Change Network In Central and Eastern Europe and Russia) would provide funding for 2 years to continue developing the network in this region and to provide more input into the development of collaborative research projects. The SC were enthusiastic about the approach taken of using the workshop in Budapest to develop research priorities that were directly used in the preparation of a funding proposal and encouraged the IHDP to use this approach in the IHDW in September 2000 with developing countries participants. (iii) WCRP Berrien Moore reported on the recently held JSC-WCRP meeting in Tokyo. The new Executive Director of WCRP will be David Carson (UK). The JSC-WCRP endorsed the participation of the WCRP in cross-cutting activities with IGBP and IHDP and the establishment of a joint Resource Development Committee. 15 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 (iv) 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 XV Any other business 664 Decision 1 8.4.00 DIVERSITAS Jill Jäger reported briefly on the current status of DIVERSITAS, which has been without an Executive Director since April 1999. Their current attempts to obtain urgently needed funding through IGFA have been unsuccessful so far, notwithstanding the commitment of IGFA members given at the 1999 IGFA Plenary (Beijing) to fund a minimal DIVERSITAS Secretariat. 1) Other Agenda Issues IHDP Book Series The question of initiating an IHDP book series was raised by the project leaders. The book series should carry the IHDP logo and disseminate the IHDP research products to a broader community. The SC mandates the exploration of the idea of an IHDP book series. Arild Underdal will consult with the Project Leaders and provide a draft document to the Secretariat for further action and consideration. 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 RIO +10 The IHDP response to "Rio +10" was discussed, especially in view of the ICSU and other inputs to the RIO process before 1992. 672 ACTION 12 673 Hans Opschoor and Steve Lonergan agreed to work on a prospectus for a published volume. 674 675 676 677 2) Date of next SC meeting Decision The SC approved the dates of the next SC meeting: March 23-26, 2001. The SC Officers, together with the Executive Director and the Deputy Director will decide on the venue. 678 679 Decision The SC indicated that they expect the Project Leaders (as ex officio members of the SC) to be present for the entire duration of the SC meetings. The Project Leaders should be informed explicitly of this requirement. 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 There was general consensus that it is not only useful but also desirable to invite outside guests (funders, journalists, natural science experts who “straddle” disciplines, human dimensions experts, etc.) to attend the SC meetings, and the Secretariat welcomes suggestions. The SC also agreed that having a special evening lecture during the course of the SC meeting was successful and should be repeated. There was some discussion about possibly holding the SC meetings in another location than Bonn (e.g. associated with a project office). The 16 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 1 8.4.00 687 688 689 690 suggestion was also made that the SC meetings take place every 8 months in order to improve interaction and information flow. 691 Decision 3) Date of next Officers and Project Leaders meeting The SC approved the dates of the next O+PL meeting: November 10-12, 2000 in Bonn. It was agreed that the IPO Executive Officers or their IPO equivalents shall be invited to participate in these meetings. 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 3) Evaluation of SC work procedures: suggestions for reform? Guiding questions for the discussion : How can the Project Leaders, the SC and the Secretariat best work together? The projects differ in their structure and stages of development. The SC is expected to take an active interest in the development of the projects and to fulfil its role for giving guidance. How can the collaboration between the secretariat and the projects take place once the IPOs have been established? Peter de Jánosi pointed out that the SC members must recognize and take into account the changed status of the Secretariat. Oran Young emphasized that the role and function of the SC is currently shifting due to the projects entering their implementation phase. Whereas in the phase of developing their research agenda the SC had the function to guide the development and ensure the quality of their research agendas, once the projects are launched the SC should put more effort into promoting them and in strengthening their networks. Young emphasised that the establishment of IPOs opens a whole new chapter in project development and in relations with the Secretariat and the SC. De Jánosi enouraged the SC in its role as critical appraiser of on-going projects. Jill Jäger addressed the changing role of the SC project liaison-persons. The liaisons have to consider how to keep track of the developments of the projects and how to deal with the information coming from the projects. She further stressed that there is an urgent need for identifying persons outside the SC who could attend meetings in order to represent the IHDP and the projects. Hans Opschoor expressed his concerns about the current composition of the IHDP-SC. He pointed out that on one hand the SC needs younger scientists who still have more open schedules, but on the other hand it needs well known senior scientists for promotion and fundraising reasons. He concluded that it is necessary to keep a balance between these two groups. The discussion centred on the changed role of the SC from evaluator of procedures to promoter of scientific substance. Terms of reference for interaction between the SC, the projects and the Secretariat must be redefined. Decision The SC agreed that the SC members should support the Secretariat in identifying persons who can represent the IHDP at future meetings. 727 728 729 17 Draft Minutes 7th SC-IHDP 730 1 8.4.00 Decision The SC agreed that the Project Liaison officers should take a proactive role in interacting with the projects and providing greater liaison between the SC, the Secretariat and the Project Leaders. 731 732 ACTION 13 The SC requested the Secretariat to provide them regularly by email with a brief, informal message listing the highlights of the last quarter to enhance transparency and information flow. 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 The Chair thanked Peter de Jánosi, who submitted his resignation from the SC to the sponsors ICSU and ISSC (effective after the close of the SC meeting), for his past service as Treasurer, for his inimitable wit, solid friendship and sound advice, and presented him with a crystal paperweight. The meeting was closed at noon. 18