Document 17672401

Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
Regn. No: ____ _____________
Name: ___________________
(To be written by the candidates)
PAPER – 2:
Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities
Date: 17-11-2007
Timings: 1400-1700 HRS
Duration: 3 HRS
Max. Marks: 150
General instructions:
Please check that this question paper contains 7 printed pages
Please check that this question paper contains 64 questions
The question paper is divided into three sections
All questions in all three sections are compulsory
All parts of a question should be answered at one place
Answer all 50 questions
Each question carries one mark
Please darken the appropriate oval in the OMR answer sheet with Black HB
Pencil or Black Colour Ball Pen, as per instructions
The amount of theoretical air required for complete combustion of one ton of coal as
compared to that required for one ton of natural gas is:
a) higher
b) 3.1
b) FO
d) 4.0
d) Kerosene
b) ethane & butane
d) butane & isopropane
b) 150%
c) 25%
d) 20%
c) kCal /m3
d) kCal
The unit of specific heat is
b) kCal/kg oC
a) kCal /kg
c) 3.6
In flue gas, the theoretical CO2 is 15.0% and the measured CO2 is 12% by volume. The %
excess air is:
a) 50%
d) none of the above
LPG is predominantly a mixture of
a) methane & propane
c) propane & butane
c) equal
The highest % of sulphur is present in
a) LDO
b) lower
Furnace oil contains 84% carbon by weight. How many kg of CO 2 does complete
combustion of 1 kg of furnace oil generate?
a) 2.4
Marks: 50 x 1 = 50
Pour point of LSHS is
a) 72oC
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
b) 25oC
c) 50oC
d) 100oC
Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
For stoichiometric combustion of 1 kg of carbon, the required amount of air will be about
a) 31 kg
b) 21 kg
b) volatile matter
c) ash content
d) fixed Carbon
One kg of wood contains 20% moisture and 5% hydrogen by weight. How much water is
evaporated during complete combustion of one kg of wood?
a) 0.2 kg
d) 2.66 kg
For coal fired system, the flame length is dictated by
a) moisture
c) 11.6 kg
b) 250 gram
c) 0.65 kg
d) none of the above
The largest heat loss in the heat balance of a coal fired boiler is due to:
a) dry flue gas loss
b) loss due to hydrogen in the fuel
c) radiation losses
d) moisture in the air
The maximum possible evaporation ratio of a boiler (From & At 100ºC basis)
fired with coal having calorific value of 5400 kCal/kg and operating at 90% efficiency will be
a) 5
b) 9
c) 15
d) 20
The presence of calcium and magnesium bicarbonates in boiler feed water would form:
a) acidic solution
b) alkaline solution
c) neutral solution
d) none of the above
Good opportunity for energy savings from continuous blow down water of boiler is by
a) reusing the hot water so formed as make-up water
b) using the blow down steam to run steam turbine
c) utilization of flash steam in deaerator
d) none of the above
Which data is not required to calculate the efficiency of boiler by indirect method
a) flue gas temperature
c) calorific value of fuel
Water treatment for steam boilers is generally required to:
a) remove hydrogen
b) prevent formation of scales
c) help improve combustion efficiency
d) reduce stack temperature
Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR) of a boiler is the maximum evaporation rate that can
be sustained for
a) 24 hours
b) ambient temperature
d) blow down rate
b) 8 hours
c) 16 hours
A rise in conductivity of boiler feed water indicates
a) drop in the contamination of feed water
c) rise in the TDS of feed water
b) greater purity of feed water
d) rise in oxygen level
The TDS level in boiler water for boiler blow down, is measured through
a) alkalinity of water
c) electrical conductivity of water
d) none of the above
b) thermal conductivity of water
d) turbidity of water
Heat transfer rate for indirect heating application will be less if we heat with
a) saturated steam
c) superheated steam
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
b) dry steam
d) high pressure steam
Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
For flash steam calculation, flash steam quantity available depends upon
a) condensate pressure and flash steam pressure
b) steam pressure
c) steam enthalpy at atmospheric pressure
d) total heat of flash steam
The heat which is required to change the phase from water at 100 o C to saturated steam at
100o C at atmospheric pressure is
a) sensible heat
b) latent heat
c) super heat
d) specific heat
For transporting the steam to the long distance, the best quality of steam is
a) dry saturated steam
b) slightly superheated steam
c) mildly wet steam
d) very high pressure steam
Velocity of steam in a steam pipe, is directly proportional to
a) number of bends in pipe
b) specific volume of steam
c) length of pipe
d) none of the above
Latent heat at the critical point of a steam phase diagram is
a) 540 kCal/kg
c) infinite
d) none of the above
Mechanical steam traps work on the principle of
a) difference in density between steam and condensate
b) difference in thermodynamic properties between steam and condensate
c) difference in temperature between steam and condensate
d) none of the above
The inverted bucket trap operates on the principle of _______ difference between water
and steam
a) pressure
b) zero
b) density
c) temperature
d) velocity
The hearth pressure in the heating zone of furnace should be
a) slightly negative pressure
b) slightly positive pressure
c) high negative pressure
d) high positive pressure
For the same size and rating, efficiency of continuous furnaces will be more than batch
type of furnaces mainly because of
a) reduced opening losses in continuous furnace
b) reduced flue gas losses in continuous furnace
c) increased flue gas in batch furnace
d) loss of energy stored in walls of batch furnace
Which loss is the highest in a typical re-heating furnace operating at furnace temperature of
12500 C?
a) flue gas loss
c) necessary opening loss
d)cooling water loss
A re-heating furnace is operating at 10 TPH and consuming FO of 460 kg/hour for
reheating the material from 40OC to 1100OC. Considering specific heat of material as 0.13
kCal/kg oC and GCV of FO as 10500 kCal/kg, the efficiency of the re-heating furnace will
a) 25%
b) wall loss
b) 29%
c) 35%
d) 40%
Furnace wall heat loss does not depend on
a) temperatures of external wall surfaces
c) thermal conductivity of wall brick
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
b) velocity of air around the furnace
d) material of stock to be heated.
Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
The insulation material suitable for low temperature application to prevent heat gain is
a) mineral fiber
b) fiber glass
c) medium
d) very high
b) chrome magnesite
c) alumina
d) all the above
The unit for coefficient of heat transfer in SI system is
a) kCal /m-hr °C
b) high
Example for basic type of refractory is
a) chrome
d) polyurethane
The coefficient of thermal expansion of refractory material should be
a) low
c) silica
b) kCal / m²-hr °C
c) kCal /m² °C
d) none of the above
The use of ceramic fiber results in fuel economy due to
a) chemical resistance
c) lower maintenance
b) thermal shock resistance
d) lower heat storage
The emissivity of ceramic coatings used in furnace:
a) decreases with increase in temperature
b) remains constant
c) increases with increase in temperature
d) decreases with increase in furnace pressure
The equipment having the highest efficiency in case of thermal power plant is
a) boiler
b) turbine
c) generator
d) cooling tower
NOx formation in FBC boilers is eliminated because of
a) higher velocity of flue gas in combustion chamber
b) higher pressure of the air supplied
c) lower temperatures in the bed and combustion chamber
d) higher contact of solid particles in the flue gas
The difference between mean velocity of solid and gas in a FBC boiler is called
a) fluidization factor
b) alumina
c) silica
d) lime
b) 1100°C
c) 850°C
d) 1000°C
In an industry, exhaust gas from the furnace is used for power generation by installing
waste heat recovery steam boiler and a steam turbine. This type of co-generation will be
called as
a) gas turbine
d) none of the above
For efficient sulphur retention in the bed, temperature of a fluidized bed boiler should be
a) 700°C
c) settling velocity
The material used to control SO x in the FBC boiler is
a) limestone
b) slip velocity
b) diesel generator
c) topping cycle
d) bottoming cycle
Which type of steam turbines has high heat-to-power ratio?
a) back pressure turbine
c) extraction condensing turbine
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
b) gas turbine
d) reciprocating engine
Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
A waste heat recovery system (Shell and Tube heat exchanger) receives hot fluid at 200°C
and leaves at 70°C, cold medium enters at 30°C and leaves at 90°C, the type of flow
involved in this is
a) cross-flow
b) co- current flow
d) none of the above
Among which of the following flue gas temperature options, heat recovery equipment will
be the least expensive (assuming same material of construction and heat recovered)
a) 300oC
c) counter-current flow
b) 350oC
d) 500oC
c) 400oC
In a heat pump
a) work is added to improve quality of waste heat
b) heat is added to improve quality of waste heat
c) steam is added to improve quality of waste heat
d) air is added to improve quality of waste heat
A heat pipe can transfer up to ------times more thermal energy than copper
a) 10
b) 50
c) 70
d) 100
Wicks in the heat pipe are provided for
a) forward movement of vapours
c) return of hot vapours
b) forward movement of hot liquid
d) return of condensed liquid
-------- End of Section - I ---------
Section - II:
Marks: 8 x 5 = 40
(i) Answer all Eight questions
(ii) Each question carries Five marks
(a) State the stoichiometric combustion equation for Propane (C3H8)
(b) How many kg of Carbon Dioxide will be generated by complete combustion of 1
kg of Propane
C3H8 +5O2 =3CO2 +4H2O
44 + 160 = 132 + 72
44 kg of propane on combustion produces 132 kg of CO2. Hence
1Kg of propane will generate 3 Kg of Carbon dioxide
In a plant, a boiler is generating saturated steam of 2 TPH at a pressure of 7
kg/cm2 g. The feed water temperature is 60°C and furnace oil consumption is 150
kg/hr. What is the efficiency of the boiler by using direct method of efficiency
evaluation? (Calorific value of FO is 10,000 kCal/kg, enthalpy of steam is 660
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
kCal/kg at 7 kg/cm2g)
= 2000 x (660-60) x 100 = 80%
150 x 10000
Note : Deduct 3 marks if 60 is not subtracted from 660
A reheating furnace output is 10 TPH. The billets are heated from 50OC to 1200OC.
The oil consumption rate is 700 liters /hr. Specific gravity of FO is 0.95; Net
Calorific value of FO is 9650 kCal/kg, and the specific heat of the billet is 0.12
kCal/kg OC. Find out the thermal efficiency of the furnace on NCV basis.
Heat input into the furnace
: 700x0.95x9650 = 6.42x106 kCal/hr
Heat output of the furnace
: 10,000x0.12x(1200-50) =1.38x106 K.Cal/hr.
Thermal efficiency of the furnace = (1.38/6.42) x 100
= 21.5 %
Name any five parameters required to evaluate economic thickness of insulation
For determination of economic thickness following parameters are required:
Cost of fuel
Annual hours of operation
Heat content of fuel
Operating surface temperature
Pipe diameter / thickness of surface
Estimated cost of insulation
Average ambient air temperature
What are the advantages of fluidized bed combustion over fixed grate boiler?
The major advantages are as under:
 Burn low-grade fuels.
 Reduces NOx and SOx
 No clinker formation.Faster response to changing demand.
 Suited for fluctuating fuel quality
 Higher combustion efficiency
Any other relevant point
For a 5 TPH capacity boiler, estimate the rise in temperature of feed water in an
economizer, when the flue gas temperature decreases from 310ºC to 180ºC. Air to
fuel ratio and evaporation ratio of the boiler are 22 and 10 respectively. Assume
condensate recovery and boiler blow down is nil. Specific heat of flue gas: 0.23
kCal/kg oC
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
For 1 kg of fuel steam generated is = 10 kg
For 1 kg of fuel makeup water is = 10 kg
For 1 kg of fuel required combustion air is = 22 kg
For 1 kg of fuel flue gas generated is = 22 +1= 23 kg
In economizer heat given by flue gas = heat received by makeup water
23 x 0.23 x (310-180) = 10 x 1 x T
T = 68.77 ºC
Sketch the schematic of “Back Pressure Turbine” and “Extraction Condensing
Turbine” Cogeneration systems
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
Explain briefly with a neat sketch the operation of a Regenerator for waste heat
The heat from flue gases is stored in the refractory bricks alternately between time
Air for combustion gets preheated by moving over one set of hot refractory bricks
After some time the air moves over another set of bricks
Thus preheated air is supplied for combustion
-------- End of Section – II ---------
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
Marks: 6 x 10 = 60
(i) Answer all Six questions
(ii) Each question carries Ten marks
A boiler utilizes bio-mass as fuel and the ultimate analysis (by weight %) of the fuel is
given below:
The component analysis is provided on dry basis and the CO2 content of the flue gas
measured is 13%. Using the basic combustion equations estimate the following on
dry fuel basis for 100 kg of dry fuel fired:
(a) Theoretical amount of air required for combustion
(b) Theoretical CO2 content in flue gas.
(c) Excess air supplied
Basic equations:
= CO2
= 2H2O
= SO2
a) Theoretical amount of air for combustion
12 kg carbon requires 32 kg of oxygen forming 44 kg of CO2.
kg carbon requires 32/12=2.67 kg O2.
(45)C+(2.67x45)O2= (165.15) CO2
4 kg of Hydrogen requires 32 kg of oxygen.1 kg of Hydrogen requires 8 kg of
(6) H2+(6x8)O2 =(54)H2O
32 kg Sulfur requires 32 kg oxygen to form 64 kg of SO2. 1 kg Sulfur requires 1
kg Oxygen.
( 0.5)S+(0.5)O2 = (1)SO2
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
Total oxygen required
= (120+48+0.5) = 168.5 kg
Oxygen present in fuel
= 46.5 kg
Oxygen to be supplied = 168.5-46.5
= 122 kg
Amount of air to be supplied=122 x100/23= 530 kg
b) Theoretical CO2 content in flue gas
Nitrogen in flue gas : (530-122)+0.5
=408.5 kg
Moles of CO2 in flue gas= 165.15/44= 3.75
Moles of N2 in flue gas = 408.5/28 = 14.6
Moles of SO2 in flue gas= 1/64
= 0.016
Total moles
Theoretical CO2 by Volume
= (Moles of CO2X100)/ Total moles( Dry)
= 20.41%
c) Calculation of excess air
Excess air= (Theoretical CO2/Actual CO2)-1 X100
= (20.41/13)-1 X100
= 57 %
List any 10 energy conservation opportunities in a steam distribution and utilization
1) Fix steam leaks and condensate leaks
2) Ensure process temperatures are correctly controlled.
3) Maintain lowest acceptable process steam pressures
4) Remove or blank off all redundant steam piping
5) Ensure condensate is returned or re-used in the process.
6) Recover boiler blowdown.
7) Check operation of steam traps.
8) Remove air from indirect steam using equipment
9) Reduce the work done by steam
10) Insulate pipelines
Any other relevant point
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
A plant proposes to install an air pre-heater to pre-heat combustion air from 30º C to
160º C in the existing boiler. The other performance parameters are as given below.
Fuel used
Bio-mass firing rate
Sulfur in fuel
GCV of fuel
Boiler efficiency
Flue gas temperature
Air requirement
Specific heat of combustion air
Specific heat of flue gas
: Bio-mass
: 28TPH
: 0.1%
: 2300 kCal/kg
: 70%
: 300 °C
: 4.5 kg/kg of fuel
: 0.24 kCal/kg oC
: 0.23 kCal/kg oC
Estimate the following:
(a) Quantity of flue gas assuming negligible ash content in the fuel.
(b) Heat transferred to the combustion air.
(c) Exit flue gas temperature and whether it is acceptable.
(d) Annual fuel savings using GCV for an operating period of 8600 hours/ year
a. Quantity of flue gas
Quantity of fuel fired: 28000 kg/hour.
Combustion air supplied = 28000 x 4.5
= 1,26,000 kg / hour.
Total quantity of flue gas = 28000 + 1,26,000= 1,54,000 kg / hour
b. Heat transferred to combustion air
Heat transferred = 1,26,000 x 0.24 x (160-30) = 39,31,200 kCal / hour
c. Exit flue gas temperature
Heat drop for the flue gas = 39,31,200 / (1,54,000 x 0.23) = 111ºC.
Therefore the exit gas temperature = 300 – 111
= 189º C.
The fuel contains very little sulfur and hence the sulfur dew point is very
low. Hence the temperature of 189 º C. is acceptable.
d. Annual fuel saving
Quantity of heat saved / hour = 39,31,200 kCal/hour.
Equivalent bio-mass savings
= 39,31,200 / (2300 x 0.7) = 2442 kg / hour
Annual bio-mass savings
= 2442 x 8600 / 1000
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
= 21001 MT / year.
Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
(a) Explain why dry saturated steam is preferred over wet or superheated steam
for industrial process heating
(b) Complete the enthalpy equation hg =…. +……., for wet steam and name the
(c) Why should one use dry saturated steam at the lowest possible pressure for
indirect steam heating?
i) Dry saturated steam is the preferred choice because:
 Wet steam has a lower heat content than dry steam.
 Superheated steam gives up heat at a slower rate than saturated
 Dry steam alone condenses quickly, thereby providing a higher heat
transfer rate.
ii) hg =hf +X*hfg
Where hf = Enthalpy of saturated water at a given pressure.
hfg =Enthalpy of evaporation
hg =Enthalpy of saturated steam.
X=Dryness fraction of steam.
iii) The latent heat of steam increases with reduction of steam pressure and it
is only the latent heat that is transferred during indirect heating
In an industry, an electrical furnace consuming 50 kWh/batch is to be converted
into furnace oil fired furnace. Estimate the annual savings with furnace oil
replacement considering the following:
Efficiency of electrical furnace
Efficiency of FO fired furnace (NCV Basis)
Number of batches
Cost of Electricity
Cost of FO
Net Calorific Value of FO
Energy consumption per batch by furnace
52 %
5000 batches/ year
Rs. 4 per kWh
Rs. 20 per kg
9650 kCal /kg
: 50 kWh
Efficiency of electrical furnace
: 75%
Useful heat generated
: 50 x 5000 x 860 x 0.75
= 161250000 kCal/year
Conversion of Electrical Furnace into Oil Fired Furnace
For meeting useful heat, requirement of FO
: 161250000 /9650
= 16710 kg/year
Efficiency of FO fired furnace
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
: 52 %
Paper 2 –Set A Answer Key
Net FO required to meet useful heat
: 16710 /0.52
= 32134 kg/year
Cost required to run the electrical furnace = 50 x 5000 x 4 = Rs. 1000000
Cost required to run the furnace by (FO) = 32134 x 20
= Rs. 642680
Cost savings
= Rs. 357320
(a) Calculate the blow down rate for a boiler with an evaporation rate of 5 tons/hr,
if the maximum permissible TDS in boiler water is 3500 ppm and with 17 %
make up water addition. The feed water TDS is around 350 ppm.
(b) Steam at a pressure of 15 kg/cm2g is flashed to a lower pressure of 2
kg/cm2g. If
the steam flow rate is 1000 kg/hr. Calculate the % of flash steam
and flow rate of
flash steam?
Given are the data from steam tables
Sensible heat of steam at 15 kg/cm2g
Sensible heat of steam at 2 kg/cm2g
Latent heat of steam at 2 kg/cm2g
: 200 kCal/kg
: 120 kCal/kg
: 666 kCal/kg
Feed water TDS x % Make up
Permissibl e TDS in Boiler
a) Blow down (%)
Percentage blow down
= 350 x 17/3500 = 1.7 %
If boiler evaporation rate is 5000 kg/hr then required blow down rate is:
= 5000 x 1.7/100 = 85 kg /hr
b) The flash steam quantity can be calculated from the following formula:
% Flash steam =S1 –S2
Where S1 is the sensible heat of high pressure condensate.
S2 is the sensible heat of steam at lower pressure
L2 is the latent heat of flash steam at the lower pressure.
Substituting values= (200-120)/666 =80/666 =12%
Flow rate of high-pressure steam:
Flash steam quantity:
1000 kg/hr.
1000*(12/100) = 120 kg/hr.
-------- End of Section - III ---------
Bureau of Energy Efficiency