Job Description for UK uMentors

Job Description for UK uMentors
XXX seeks University of Kentucky undergraduate students who are willing to provide encouragement
and positive support for Kentucky high school students in the 9th and 10th grades as they think about
applying to and attending UK. This mentoring opportunity will be conducted online and at the
convenience of the students, but the expectation is that each uMentor will spend approximately 5 hours
per week monitoring and replying to the assigned high school mentees (not more than 30 students per
What is the uMentor Program?
uMentor is an online mentoring program designed to connect students with mentors in a secure, online
environment to build a mentoring relationship while completing a college and career readiness
curriculum. Each of the three curriculum levels includes twenty-four unique activities designed to focus
students on college and career awareness and planning. Mentoring guides provide the option to
customize the conversations and deepen the impact of the curriculum. The curriculum is available in the
Eastern Kentucky University’s Blackboard platform at no cost to Kentucky students and schools. The
curriculum and online platform offer an environment of individualized support focused on increasing
awareness and preparation for college or career after high school. A more flexible mentoring option,
high school students utilize the established learning platform which also serves as early exposure to the
online environment used by many Kentucky colleges and universities for course delivery.
The uMentor curriculum seeks to:
Increase student’s awareness about college & career options planning
Introduce basic financial literacy
Provide individualized support to reduce absenteeism and dropout rates
Improve self-esteem and confidence through positive feedback and mentoring
Major Job Activities for a UK uMentor
 use the EKU uMentor (Blackboard) Grading Center and messaging features effectively with
approximately 30 Kentucky high school students
 regularly login to the uMentor system each week and maintain "high touch" interactions with
mentees assigned - a total of approximately 5 hours per week, depending on how the UK
uMentor Coordinator will assess effective participation
 be as positive and constructive in replies as possible; use an encouraging tone in messages and
specific examples of activities at UK that are appropriate for minors and that are relevant to
campus life or student success strategies here
 show sensitivity for all cultures and respect toward diverse groups among mentees
 participate appropriately and constructively in the UK uMentor Online Community to support
other UK students as they mentor Kentucky high school students
 keep a self-reflection log to turn in to the UK uMentor Coordinator and contribute to the overall
feedback at the end of the UK uMentor Program
Successful UK uMentor Characteristics
prompt, reliable and dependable in logging in and interacting with assigned mentees
communicate effectively online as a mentor, using specific examples from real life at UK that are
appropriate for teaching minors about getting ready for college
effective writing skills and use of digital media
familiar with Blackboard
culturally competent in engaging in an online dialogue with individuals who may not share the
same background, values or goals
experienced in interacting with people from different backgrounds
attentive to the assigned mentee’s needs
in good academic standing
UK uMentors will be compensated for their valuable leadership role in service to Kentucky high school
students as part of a statewide effort to improve college and career readiness. [If paid: XXX will pay
$X/hour logged in the uMentor Blackboard system.] Please contact XXX to determine how this
leadership experience will count toward your program requirements in XXX. If you wish to earn UK
credit, it is still possible to register for EXP396: Experiential Education – contact Dr. Randolph
Hollingsworth ( to discuss how to start your learning contract and to determine the
readings and assignments that will best support your own learning during the implementation of this
service program.
UK uMentors will be trained on how to use the uMentor online platform and get an overview of the
curriculum on Wednesday, February 25th at 7 p.m. in the PresentationU! Computer lab in the basement
of W.T. Young Library.
Contact XXX by February 20th to Sign Up Now!