Location The Kwakiutl lived along the North-West Coast. North of California is an area called Pacific North-West. It stretches between the Pacific Ocean and Cascade Mountains. This is where the Kwakiutl lived. This is one of the places that the Kwakiutl lived. Homes The Kwakiutl lived in houses called Plank Houses. They had different stations. The Plankhouse were made out of wood. This is a plank house. These are Kwakiutl Plank houses. Roles of Men,Women, and Children Men went hunting and fishing. Women made clothing and took care of the house. Boys helped their dad hunt and girls helped their mom do household chores These people in the Kwakiutl Have different jobs. Food They ate fish like salmon,and trout. They also ate small seafood such as clams,and large sea animals such as seals. . They also ate forest plants such as berries. The Kwakiutl ate a lot of berries. Clothing Cloths were made out of cedar bark. Blankets woven on a half loom. They got some of their clothing from woven dog fur. Beliefs and Customs The Kwakiutl believed that cedar trees,and salmon were there to help them. Sometimes they sang a song to the cedar,asking to give them clothes and shelter. Totem Poles told a story of Kwakiutl legends. This is the top of a totem pole. Natural Resources Trees were used for clothes. Another one is the ocean for food, like fish, clams, and salmon. The Kwakiutl made houses out of wood. FUN FACTS The northwest indians traded with each other. The Kwakiutl built canoes out of wood to fish. The Kwakiutl were famous for their Totem Poles.