UCDHSC Reading Financial Statements (Summary of Budget, Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers)

UCDHSC Reading Financial Statements
The most frequently used Financial Statements are the:
(Summary of Budget, Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers)
(Detail of Budget, Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers)
These 4 reports are delivered to departments for each Speedtype/FOPP combination after
each month of the Fiscal Year is officially closed. Reports are delivered through
intercampus mail.
Reports are also available to run on-line in the PeopleSoft reporting database.
Instructions for this process are located at Financial System Job Aids. By running your
reports on-line you will be able to see transactions that have posted to your Speedtype
through the previous day.
To make changes to where and to whom your reports are sent:
 For the Restricted Fund (30, 31, and 34) which includes all grants, contracts, and
gifts-contact your department's Post Award Administrator in the HSC Office of
Grants and Contracts.
 For all other Funds - make your request via email to Paul.Hobbs@UCHSC.edu
Note: Reviewing of Financial Statements is CRITICAL in maintaining
Fiscal Responsibility within a UCDHSC department. For more
information on Fiscal Management Roles and Responsibilities please go
to http://www.cusys.edu/~policies/Fiscal/fiscalmanage.html.
Debit vs. Credit
When you are processing transactions within PeopleSoft, debits and credits are entered
into the panels with the accounting sign representing the desired affect upon the account.
That is, if you are increasing an account that normally has a debit balance (assets,
expense, fund deductions and transfers out), you enter the amount as a positive number
(with no sign). If you are increasing an account that normally carries a credit balance
(liabilities, fund balance, revenue, fund additions, transfers in), you enter the amount with
a minus sign in front of the number.
When looking at PeopleSoft reports, the report will display the natural sign of the account
being presented.
Normal balances for Account codes are as follows:
Account Codes 000000-099999 Assets…….. Debit or "+"
Account Codes 100000-199899 Liabilities….Credit or "-" or ( )
Account Codes 199900-199999 Fund Balance….Credit or "-" or ( )
Account Codes 200000-399999 Revenues…..Credit or "-" or ( )
Account Codes 400000-989999 Expenditures…...Debit or "+"
If you have questions regarding this document please contact Kathy Illian at (303) 315-2253
Last update 5/11/06.
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UCDHSC Reading Financial Statements
A normal balance means that when looking at a Financial Statement this is the expected
balance in these series of Account Codes. For example - if Account Code 480101 Office
Supplies had an overall amount of $(200.00) showing for a particular Speedtype on the
Summary of Financial Transactions report that would be an abnormal balance. This
would be considered an abnormal balance because Account Code 480101 which is in the
Expenditure series of Account Codes should show a Debit or "+" amount in total, not a
Credit or "( )" amount. Further investigation into the transactions that make up this total
amount should be done. The reason for the abnormal balance could be due to
transactions not coded to the proper Account Code or this could be a legitimate balance
for this Account Code depending on the circumstances.
If you have questions regarding this document please contact Kathy Illian at (303) 315-2253
Last update 5/11/06.
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UCDHSC Reading Financial Statements
(Summary of Budget, Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers)
This report shows in summary by account code:
Budget Transactions
Revenues - Account Codes 200000-399999
Expenditures-Account Codes 400000-989999
Transfers-Account Codes 990000-999999
The date the report shows transactions through is listed in the header at the top of the report. For programs
(i.e. Funds 10, 20, 26, 28, 29, 34, 72, 80) - the report is from the beginning of the current Fiscal Year
(7/1/xx) through the date on the report. For projects (i.e. Funds 30 and 31) - the report is from the Budget
Begin date listed in the upper right corner of the report through the date on the report.
Budget Transactions are those transactions input via a Budget Journal Entry into the CU
Financial System.
Fund 10-budget entries are the amount that can be spent on a particular speedtype
Fund 20, 26, 28, 29-budget entries are merely estimates of projected revenues,
expenditures, and transfers for the current Fiscal Year. These amounts are determined by
the individual departments on a yearly basis.
Fund 30 and 31-budget entries if present are the amount that was authorized by the
sponsor to spend for the particular grant or contract. These amounts are input by the
HSC Office of Grants and Contracts or UCD Department of Sponsored Programs from
the Notice of Grant Award.
"Actual" transactions-an actual transaction is an event that has occurred (i.e. a vendor
has invoiced UCDHSC, salary has been paid to an employee, a payment has been
received by UCDHSC, etc.). Actual transactions will include revenue, expenditures, and
Encumbrance transactions-encumbrances are commitments that are not yet liabilities.
For example: future payroll transactions, F&A (Indirect Costs on a Fund 30 or 31),
Purchase Requisitions. Encumbrances alert statement users to commitments pending.
Once a commitment becomes a liability it will move from the encumbrance column on
this report to the Actual transaction column. A commitment becomes a liability when
goods or services are received and accepted.
Two types of encumbrances
Pre-encumbrance- results when a "Requisition" is input and approved via the PeopleSoft panels.
Encumbrances result from several different sources.
 Payroll - HR funding distribution panels
 Purchase Orders - Purchase Order is input and approved via the PeopleSoft panels
 F&A - for Funds 30 or 31 the encumbrance will be Budget $ minus Actual $ = F&A
 Standing Purchase Orders (SPOs) - SPOs are automatically encumbered on subcontracts paid
from Funds 30 or 31. For funds 30 or 31 where the SPO is not paying on a subcontract the
encumbrance must be requested by the department. SPOs on all other funds are not
For Funds 10, 30 and 31 WITH a budget, this is the report to use to find out how
much you have left to spend in the speedtype. Go to the last line of the report titled
"Total Expenditures" or "Grand Total" and then go to Column "I" on the report,
"Available Balance". If this figure is "+" positive you have budget dollars left to spend.
If you have questions regarding this document please contact Kathy Illian at (303) 315-2253
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UCDHSC Reading Financial Statements
If this figure is in parenthesis ( ) you have overspent the budgeted amount.
Encumbrances have already been subtracted from the "Available Balance" amount.
(Detail of Budget, Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers)
This report shows in detail by account code:
Budget Transactions
Revenues-Account Codes 200000-399999
Expenditures-Account Codes 400000-989999
Transfers-Account Codes 990000-999999
This report is an itemized list of all transactions occurring on a particular speedtype for the period of the
report. The period the report covers is noted in the header at the top of the report.
Use this report to check that all transactions anticipated have occurred for the period of
the report. If transactions are missing or in error - follow up with the appropriate
individual to correct the transaction. Some transactions will have the name and phone
number listed for the person who initiated the transaction. Others will not. When you are
unsure of whom to contact on a transaction please refer to
www.cu.edu/System_Controller (select Financial System Information & Calendars, then
select the link to the Journal Source Code Contact Listing) which lists contact names and
phone numbers for each Source Code used within the Financial System. Note the column
on this report labeled Jrnl Ln Description/Journal Source. Each transaction on this report
will have a Journal Source (i.e. HEN, AP, HEZ, PO, etc.). By using the web site above
and the Journal Source code associated with the transaction you can determine the
appropriate contact for the transaction.
You can also look up these entries in the PeopleSoft panels. Instructions for this process
are located at http://www.cusys.edu/System_Controller/fin-system-job-aids.html.
Note that there are three columns of transactions on this report - Budget, ReqEncumb/Encumbrance and Actuals Exp/Rev. The Budget column will show those
transactions input through a Budget Journal Entry. The Requisition Encumbrance (Preencumbrance) and Encumbrance column will indicate any change in the encumbrance
activity for the period. The Actuals column will show Expenses, Revenues, and
Transfers. For definitions of these transactions refer to page 3 of this document.
The main purpose of the Detail of Financial Transactions report is so departmental
users can ensure that transactions are accurately posting to the correct Speedtypes.
If you have questions regarding this document please contact Kathy Illian at (303) 315-2253
Last update 5/11/06.
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UCDHSC Reading Financial Statements
This report shows in detail by account code:
Assets-Account Codes 000000-099999
Liabilities-Account Codes 100000-199899
Fund Balance-Account Codes 199900-199999
This report is an itemized list of all transactions occurring on a particular speedtype for the period of the
report. The period that the report covers is noted in the header at the top of the report.
Assets - examples of Assets are Cash, Accounts Receivables, and Inventory. Simply put
an Asset is something you have.
Liabilities - examples of Liabilities are Accounts Payable and Contingent Liabilities.
Simply put a Liability is something you owe.
Net Assets - Fund Balance is the difference between the Assets and Liabilities of a
Project or Program.
Previous To Date Column - shows the balance in each Account Code at the end of the
previous period.
Current Month Column - shows the transactions for the current period. This column
will show each individual transaction that occurred for the month. The transactions for
Cash and Fund Balance will not show individually but will show the net change for the
Total To Date Column - shows the balance in each Account Code at the end of the
period the report is for. For example - the Balance Sheet Transactions report for the
Period 08/01/03 thru 08/31/03, shows the balances of the Account Codes at 8/31/03.
For Funds 20, 26, 28, 29, 30 & 31 WITHOUT a budget, 34, 72, and 80 this is the
report to use to find out how much you have left to spend in the speedtype. Find
Account 000100 Cash and go to the column titled "Total To Date". If this figure is "+"
positive you have Cash left to spend. If this figure is in parenthesis ( ) you have
overspent Cash.
 If you have any outstanding Liabilities also in the Total To Date column remember
that your Cash balance has not been reduced by these Liabilities. When the
Liabilities are paid the Cash in the Speedtype will be reduced.
 Also, the Cash balance does not include any Encumbrances that are outstanding
against this Speedtype. Encumbrances show on the Summary of Financial
Transactions report as described on page 3 of this document. When encumbrances
are paid the Cash in this Speedtype will also be reduced.
If you have questions regarding this document please contact Kathy Illian at (303) 315-2253
Last update 5/11/06.
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UCDHSC Reading Financial Statements
This report is an itemized list of all transactions occurring on a particular speedtype for the period of the
report. The period that the report covers is noted in the header at the top of the report.
The Outstanding Encumbrances report shows in detail the outstanding
encumbrances shown in summary on the Summary of Financial Transactions
Use this report to ensure that the correct encumbrances are pending on a particular
There are two amount columns present on this report, Requisition Encumbrance and
Encumbrance. For a definition of an encumbrance refer to page 3 of this document.
Items input and approved as Requisitions by the department into PeopleSoft will show
under the Requisition Encumbrance column. All valid requisitions are then converted to
Purchase Orders by a Purchasing Agent within the PSC. For this reason when a
Requisition is input and approved, the dollar amount will show under the Requisition
Encumbrance column on this report. When the requisition is converted to the Purchase
Order you will see transactions on this report that remove the Requisition Encumbrance
and move the dollar amount to the Encumbrance column.
Payroll Encumbrances are driven by the HR panels within PeopleSoft. This
information is input by your departmental payroll liaison. If you find that amounts for
payroll are not encumbering correctly contact your departmental liaison to ensure that the
Funding Distribution has been input correctly for each individual employee.
Requisition and Purchase Order Encumbrances are driven by users in the department
entering and approving Requisitions and Purchase Orders. Contact the PSC
(Procurement Service Center) 724-4772 if you have any problems with procurement
Although F & A will be encumbered on the Summary of Financial Transactions report it
will not list as an Outstanding Encumbrance on this report. The F & A encumbrance
showing on the Summary of Financial Transactions report is merely a calculation of
Budget $ minus Actual $ = F&A Encumbrance.
If you have questions regarding this document please contact Kathy Illian at (303) 315-2253
Last update 5/11/06.
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