HR Management Meetings: MINUTES

HR Management Meetings:
Anschutz Medical Campus and Denver Campus – August 11, 2014
 Welcome and introductions
 HR updates:
o Ari Liston has been with the HR department for the past year and recently hired as an HR
Assistant in the Operations Unit. He is handling domestic and international I9s.
o Ryan Untisz has been hired as an HR Assistant in the Operations Unit, he is handling research
faculty appointments and eventually temporary appointments. For now please send temporary
appointments to
o The interview process for Employment Rights Compliance and Investigation Manager, previously
held by Melissa Luna, is at the referral stage. Until a candidate accepts an offer and starts, Doug
Kasyon will be the point of contact for all harassment and discrimination claims:, 303-315-2740.
o The Employment Services unit hopes to have their HR Consultant position filled in September.
 Clinical Teaching Track appointment process for current faculty (Denver only):
A template is now on the web at Clinical Teaching Track Addendum. The Provost’s office will issue a
letter approving movement into this track. The School will then issue an addendum letter to
document the revised salary using the addendum template.
 Lecturer offer letters (Denver only):
There were questions at the Fiscal Manager’s meeting regarding whether the Dean is required to
sign letters for at-will faculty. The Dean can either sign the offer letter or sign the PMR. If the Dean
delegates the signature on the offer letter, he or she must sign the PMR.
 SkillSurvey:
We need your help to ensure the process flows smoothly. Please provide your Consultant with the
names of candidates who will be referred to the hiring authority after the Hiring Authority has made
a hiring decision. The Consultant will run the SkillSurvey report and will provide it to you and the
Hiring Authority once a hiring decision is made. The goal in following this process is to determine if
the information in the report impacted the decision of the Hiring Authority. We will continue to
evaluate SkillSurvey to determine the impact and determine if we will continue to utilize after April
of 2015. Attached is the content of the e-mail that is forwarded to the applicant once the report is
initiate by Human Resources. Please contact applicants who are being referred for interviews with
the hiring authority and confirm that we have permission to check on and off-list references.
 HireVue:
We have decided not to go forward with utilizing HireVue to record interviews online. Instead, HR
and IT are looking at other products.
 HCM update:
Employee Services is redesigning their web site to include a communication forum for HCM meeting
minutes by category and they will create a blog that you can subscribe to for on-going
communication regarding the upgrade. The new HCM environment will consist of forms that users
can select from based on the type of action you wish to achieve. You will populate the information
on the form and once complete and approved, the information will feed to HCM. By utilizing forms
to enter information, users will not need to determine the appropriate navigation necessary to
update the information system. Once the test site is live, you will have an opportunity to review the
form functionality.
PETs (Payroll Expense Transfer) in HRMS:
Step by step guides are on the Employee Services web site at Payroll Expense Transfers – Making
Retroactive Funding Changes.
Lecturers and waivers:
Please contact Duane Trantham as soon as possible to make transfers.
Background checks:
o Minors must have parental consent if under age 18. It is recommended departments check with
Risk Management to be sure all steps are covered. Background checks are encouraged for
supervisors of minors.
o Please include position titles, position numbers and the hiring authority on background check
forms, this helps move the process along faster.
Please submit the PMRs when they are due.
Towers Watson HR Assessment:
Recently most HR liaisons received an email from Jeff Parker and Kevin Jacobs regarding the HR
Assessment followed by an email survey. The goal is to get a sense of FTE across the system
devoted to HR related responsibilities and to inventory the nature of that work. Noted for
responding to the survey was 1% equals 20 hours per year.
Benefits Matrix:
Found on the CU System Employee Services web site at the benefits offered are being revisited to assess why certain benefits are provided
for certain jobs. Your feedback, thoughts and concerns are welcome regarding groups not receiving
Affordable Care Act (A.C.A.):
o Individuals working 30+ hours/week are eligible for benefits under this legislation. While our
current benefits offering begin at a 50% appointment for many job codes, this 30hr/week
threshold may provide eligibility for previously ineligible university job codes under the A.C.A.
o A campus and, ideally, a CU standard is being analyzed to determine the part-time faculty ratio
for teaching class hours to total engagement/work hours. The national trend is 1:3. This
decision will drive benefit eligibility.
o Student employee benefits do not count under the A.C.A. if they work less than 30 hours a
week. The university is looking into how to decide benefits in cases where students work more
than 30 hours week. Students would not be eligible until the next cycle for the next year.
o Currently if employees do not make a benefit selection they default to the high deductible plan.
As a means for the university to save money, a default benefits option is being considered that
would cost employees. This would ideally encourage employees to actively opt in or out of