How Are Laws Made? A ______(the bill first draft of a law) is introduced by a member of Congress. The bill is studied by a _________. committee The committee _______whether decides or not the bill is a good law. The bill might be _______, tabled or set aside. If the committee thinks the bill would be a good _____, law it is _____ sent to the Senate or House of Representatives. The House of Representatives and discuss the bill. the Senate then _______ Both the House of Representatives and the Senate _______on vote the bill. If the bill passes in the House of Representatives, it goes to the _______ Senate for approval. If the bill ______ passes in the Senate first, it goes to the House of Representatives for ___________. approval If members of both the House and the Senate agree the bill would be a good law, but _______________, want to change part of it the bill goes to a __________made committee up of Senators and House members. After the bill has been ________ changed by the committee, the bill is then voted on by the ________________ House of Representatives and the __________. Senate If both the House and the Senate vote to ______ pass the bill, it goes to the ___________ president to sign. signs If the president _______ the bill, it becomes a _____. law If the president _______ vetoes the bill (votes against it), it goes back to ________(the Congress House and the Senate). If members of Congress still think that the _____should bill be a ____, law they can vote again. 2/3 of the members of both the If ____ House and the Senate to agree to it, they override the president’s veto _____and the bill becomes _____. law