Converting Fractions

Converting Fractions
An improper fraction is a fraction that has a numerator larger than or
equal to its denominator. A proper fraction is a fraction with the
numerator smaller than the denominator.
A mixed number consists of an integer followed by a proper fraction.
Converting improper fractions into mixed numbers
The improper fraction 8/5 can be changed to the mixed number
1 3/5 by dividing the numerator (8) by the denominator (5). This gives
a quotient of 1 and a remainder of 3. The remainder is placed over the
divisor (5). You are really pulling out as many wholes as you can. 5/5=1
and then their is 3/5 remaining. This gives you the mixed number 1
Converting mixed numbers into improper fractions
The mixed number, 3 3/5, can be changed to an improper fraction by
converting the whole number portion to a fraction with the same
denominator as the fractional portion and then adding the two
fractions. In this case the whole number portion (3) is converted
to 15/5 because 3=5/5 + 5/5 +5/5=15/5. The sum of the two fractions
becomes 15/5 + 3/5 = 18/5.
You can multiple the denominator times the whole number (5 X 3=15)
and then add the numerator (15+3=18). 18 is the numerator for the
improper fraction and the denominator stays the same. 18/5.