Hillside School PTA Meeting Minutes March 27, 2012 I. Call to order and welcome - Kim Mazzella and Christina Weiner 7:37 p.m. II. Minutes: -PTA Meeting Minutes-Joanne Dzama-Motion to approve February minutes by Filona Leechow, 2nd by Dee Dee Pulver, all in favor. III. Membership: -PTA Membership-Sandra Lillo-no report IV. Treasurer's Report: -Financials-Lauren Stolfi-Bank Balance on hand as of February 1, 2012=$41,800.70 -Total income including account transfers = $2,525.95 -Total expenses including account transfers = $5,820.88 -Bank Balance on hand as of February 29, 2012 = $44,290.60 V. Correspondence: -Correspondence-Debbie Wyatt-No new correspondence. VI. President’s Report: -Volunteer of the Month-Kim Mazzella-Each month, the PTA Executive Board recognizes and highlights a Hillside parent for their hard work and commitment to Hillside School. For the month of March, Kim presented a gift to Jeanne Silbermann (Publicity Committee). CONGRATULATIONS! VII. Reports: -Spring Fundraiser-Christina Weiner-Report on Spring Fundraiser, overall positive. Interesting ticket audit discussed, however, overhead not available so full presentation tabled to next month’s meeting. However, some highlights were discussed. Important to understand audit to analyze and discuss how it impacts our event decision for next year. Emphasis must be placed on family basket donations-which provided approximately $4500 with 48 baskets donated. Must recruit new people and find a way to incorporate responsibilities and duties for class parents. Christina will follow up with email to set up a Spring Fundraiser roundtable discussion to begin conversation about next year’s event. -Publicity-Jeanne Silbermann-Discussed her role on committee and how fun it has been for her. You will need a 2nd person who is available during the day for photo opportunities during school day. Important to try to get as many kids photographed as possible, assuming they are cleared to be photographed-which is the hardest part to manage. -5th Grade Committee-A. Dinicola/J. Fitzgerald/F. Leechow-Discussed all events being planned including the Boat Trip (buses scheduled, teachers have been notified, letter going out to 5th grade parents at beginning of April and due need a minimum for Adults. Must guarantee 105 total participants to get the middle floor), Class Gifts (they are waiting on feedback from that committee), Bake Sales (will begin again 3 rd week in April, reached out to chairs who ran it in the Fall, still need bakers and donators and plan to set up a schedule for the upcoming sales to ensure enough staffing). -Yearbook-Jenn Larsen-Process going very well. Cover contest went well-thank you to Michele Martine for organizing, Yearbook messages are done, surveys completed and typed, they should be finishing up next week. They will have a proofreading party coming soon. Orders were due by end of March. Sent a class mom email to remind. Think about increasing price for next year. -Multicultural Night-Lauren Stolfi-Will take place on April 25. Currently there are 10 countries represented and more are welcome. There is more of a variety in the performances this year than in prior years. We have about 5-6 performances and a fashion show. Volunteers are still needed for the welcome table (about 4-5). -Nutrition Committee-Joanne Dzama-Fruit distribution was successful. Watermelon was the big winner! Fitness Challenge still ongoing. Sheets due back no later than 4/12 for consideration for prize. Family night will take place on June 1 st will have a Fitness/Wellness theme. -PPEC-Dee Dee Pulver- 2 events happening in town. LACE sponsoring a Shine the Light on Autism event on 4/23 from 7-8PM at the oval. Come out to support. SPAC sponsoring many initiatives and programming within the schools, especially transition issues from elementary school to middle school. Reported on “include me” program coming to Livingston and passed out flyers on events. This is a beginning of something great in town; look for more info to follow. -Nominating Committee-Filona Leechow-Still need nominations for Co-President and Treasurer for next year. Please talk amongst friends for nominees. -1/2 day activity-Kim DePalma-90 kids currently registered. A little lower than our typically 125, however understand that we still get late registrations. They are all set and looking forward to the event. Replacement entertainer due to 1st booked guy who forgot he was going on vacation with his family. -Cultural Arts-Amy Dinicola-Poetry Alive is happening this week for 4th and 5th graders only. Looking forward to a great event. The kids really enjoy it. -Art Appreciation-Jenn Larsen-will happen after the NJ Ask testing. Jenn is working with Kathleen Small and has developed lesson plans for each grade level. All supplies and lessons will be given to the volunteers who need to facilitate within the classroom. Beginning of May will reach out for volunteers who then need to coordinate with teacher on a mutually agreed on date for lesson. -Clothing Drive-Amy Dinicola-Currently set for April 21. Looking to change the date to April 28 to coincide with Multicultural Night. More details to follow in the weekly WWB. -Mother’s Day Plant Sale-Kim Mazzella-Tammy Minsky is chairing and is currently bidding out plant purchase price. Kids will have 2 types to choose from and plan to send home an envelope for pre-paying. -Book Fair-Kim Mazzella-Will take place in June 6th at Barnes and Noble. Kathleen Small is chairing this event. Each child will get a $4 gift card that must be used during the hours of 6-8PM that evening. -Spring Apparel Sale-Joanne Dzama-look for new flyer coming out mid-April with new items specific for Spring/Summer. Thank you to Alison Joachim for organizing and picking items! VIII. Comments from Mrs. Szeles: Not present IX. Additional Comments/Questions: Possibly offering discount for multiple children for events and programs at school? DATES TO REMEMBER: April 2-6: School Closed April 11-13: ½ day for Conferences April 24: PTA Meeting (Nominating Committee supply names for open positions) April 25: Multicultural night April 21 or 28: Clothing Drive Adjournment- 9:05 p.m. by Kim Mazzella