April 15, 2009
Dates to Remember
Wednesday, April 15……………………...………………………………...Deadline to Place May Lunch Order
Friday, April 17…………………………….………………………………………..…Spirit Day-Multicultural Day
Tuesday, April 21……………………………...…………………….School Election/Budget Voting (1:00-9:00pm)
Tuesday, April 21……………………………...…………PPEC Presentation (7:30-9:30pm at the Community Center)
Saturday, April 25…………………..………….Garage Sale Held by “Kids Who Care” (9am-3pm at Salem Place)
Wednesday, April 29…………………….……………………………..Deadline to Place Spring Apparel Order
Thursday, April 30……………………………………….…………….………..………Multicultural Night (6:30pm)
Wednesday, May 6………….……….Coffee and Conversation with Mrs. Pilchman (7:00pm in the Media Center)
Tuesday, May 12………………………….……………………………….PTA Meeting (7:30pm in the Media Center)
Monday, May 25……………………………………….………………………….School Closed-Memorial Day
Friday, May 29…………………………………….……………..…………………Spirit Day-Mix and Match Day
Today, Wednesday, April 15, is the last day to place Lunch Orders for the month of May. Log
onto www.ezlunchorder.com.
Celebrate Hillside’s Cultural Diversity
Multi-Cultural Night is Thursday, April 30 at 6:30pm
Deadline for setting up a table display from your country or performing in the show for Multi-Cultural night
is Thursday, April 23rd. Please contact Garine Isassi 973.740.0118 garine@rocketmail.com or Anju
Singh 973.992.4235 anjusingh@gmail.com to share your cultural heritage.
We are looking for an adult volunteer on the night of the event to be our Sound Person for the show. This
person will be in charge of the PA system and change the music CDs for the kids’ performances.
Hillside Kids Have H.E.A.R.T.
Helpful ▪. Empathetic ▪ Accepting ▪. Respectful ▪ Trustworthy
Hillside’s families are fortunate to have such a great variety of backgrounds. Let’s “Celebrate Our
Diversity With A Common HEART”!
Parents and Professionals for Exceptional Children Presents
PPEC presents “Interventions for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders” on Tuesday, April 21st
from 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm at the Livingston Senior/Community Center. Presenters will discuss Applied
Behavioral Analysis, Discrete Trials, Verbal Behavior and Natural Environment Training followed by a
presentation on DIR/Greenspan Based Therapy.
For more information and to RSVP by April 19th, please e-mail ppeclivingston@aol.com.
Earth Day Event – How many trees does it take to make a tree?
Do you get tons of JUNK MAIL????
Send it to Hillside Elementary School this week. The children at Hillside will be making a “Junk Mail
Forest” in honor of Earth Day 2009 - April 22. Each class will make trees from your unwanted junk mail.
We hope to make a visual message to show just how much paper is wasted on junk mail.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of trees are harvested for the unsolicited marketing materials that
arrive in your mailbox every day. We are the consumers and we have the power to stop the waste!
Ways to stop junk mail:
1. Never give your address to companies where you buy something. If they insist, specify that you
do not want your address on their marketing lists. If they must contact you, give them an email
2. Contact specific companies that you do business with and ask them to stop sending you “special
offers,” catalogs, credit applications, grocery store circulars, etc. Any company that you get junk
mail from can be called directly and asked to stop sending it. Also, the majority of these
companies have online catalogs where you can shop and do business.
3. Visit the website www.stopjunk.com to get a “stop junk mail kit.”
4. Sign on to www.catalogchoice.org - this is a free service that lets you communicate your mail
preferences to companies that send catalogs to your home. Sign up, choose the catalogs you no
longer wish to receive and they follow up with the companies to rid your mailbox of unwanted
5. Call the Credit Reporting companies to opt out of having your address given to credit card
companies at 1.888.5OPTOUT or 1.888-567.8688. This will stop you from receiving junk mail
from any of the big three credit reporting companies and should also stop the majority of the
credit card applications coming your way.
Hillside Kids Have H.E.A.R.T.
Helpful ▪. Empathetic ▪ Accepting ▪. Respectful ▪ Trustworthy
6. Sign the petition to create a “Do Not Mail” Registry, similar to the”Do Not Call” registry for
telemarketing. Sign the petition at http://donotmail.org/index.php
7. For a $20/yr fee, www.mailstopper.tonic.com will do all of the above for you and more, and even
plant 5 trees for you, too!
Garage Sale to Benefit Morristown Soup Kitchen
Kids Who Care are holding a garage sale on Saturday, April 25 from 9am-3pm at Salem Place in
Livingston. The kids will be running & working the sale! Salem Place will be closed so kids can play and
ride their bikes! Be involved by donating things, working it, baking or just come by and shop! All proceeds
will go directly to the Community Soup Kitchen of Morristown. Rain date is Sunday, April 26. For more
information or to donate contact: Laurie Wolfe laurieawolfe@verizon.net 973.535.6056, Ilene Price
idesign63@verizon.net 973.994.1313, or Karen Wood karenwood88@verizon.net 973.740.1855. Click
here to view flyer.
Spring Apparel Is On Sale!
Orders are being accepted for Hillside School’s Spring Apparel. For a copy of the order form and to view
the Spring Collection, click here. Deadline to place an order is Wednesday, April 29. Please send cash or
check in an envelope marked Spring Apparel and include your child’s name and teacher. Please make
checks payable to Hillside PTA. Any questions, contact Dayna Platnick dakamiel@aol.com.
Apparel samples will be available in the office next week so parents can check out the sizing before
ordering. We will also set up a table on the blacktop on Friday, April 24, weather permitting, for parents to
view the samples.
Join Mrs. Pilchman on Wednesday, May 6 at 7:00pm in the Media Center.
Skating at Florham Park Roller Rink
Skating at Florham Park Roller Rink was fun. Thank you, Beverly Donahue for organizing our ½ day
Hillside Kids Have H.E.A.R.T.
Helpful ▪. Empathetic ▪ Accepting ▪. Respectful ▪ Trustworthy
Open Position for the PTA Board
Nominations are presently being sought for members to fill the Hillside PTA Executive Board for CoPresident. Click here to view job descriptions/standing rules for this position. Please contact Amy Dinicola
bulldogmax23@msn.com or Georgiann Herzinger gherzinger@verizon.net or any Board member to
express your interest or to inquire about the joys and responsibilities of the position. Please share your
time and talent with the Hillside community.
Reflect On This…
When your children don’t fit in to our fantasies of who you thought they should and would be, it
could be a compliment to you.
– Anne Wilson Schaef
Hillside Kids Have H.E.A.R.T.
Helpful ▪. Empathetic ▪ Accepting ▪. Respectful ▪ Trustworthy