Character Connections Poetry After you write your poem, type it and email it to Mrs. Caulfield: Here are examples of poems using the word “Generous” Acrostic: Generous by Mrs. Caulfield G iving E xtra. N ever being selfish. E xtending your hand. R eally going O ut of your way. U sing all your energy for others. S haring. Lune: Generous by Mrs. Caulfield Gifts given freely. Putting your heart into it. More than necessary. Like What Poem: Generous by Mrs. Caulfield Sounds like “Here, let me do that for you.” Tastes like brownies made as a special gift for someone I care about. Smells like sweet flowers planted in the garden that I give to Mom. Looks like a gigantic pile of presents. Feels like a warm hug I give without being asked. Free Verse: Generous by Mrs. Caulfield Opening my heart wider than I could imagine, Sharing my toys, Visiting my grandmother and bringing her homemade cookies, Playing with my little brother more than Mom asked me to, And collecting bags and bags of food for people I have never even met!