Sample Debate Speeches Mrs. Argen Spring 2015 Free Community College Topic

Sample Debate Speeches
Mrs. Argen
Spring 2015
Free Community College Topic
1st Affirmative Constructive Speech:
Good morning. My name is Lenny and this is my partner Bob. We represent the Affirmative Side.
James Madison, one of our country’s great founding fathers, said, QUOTE, “Education is the Foundation
of Civil Liberty” END QUOTE. If we truly are a democratic nation then every citizen needs to be afforded
the same opportunities for education. Therefore, my partner and I support the resolution “Be it
resolved that students in the US should be granted two years of free tuition to a community college.
I shall now state my case:
Reason # 1: According to an interview with RDA, a published author in the 2015 Brooklyn Law School
Law Journal, In this country every child is required to be educated by state law, therefore putting the
burden of cost onto the government. It is time for this right to be enforced in its entirety. We are
already guaranteed an education up to 12th grade; why not extend that to at least another 2 years?
Reason # 2: Every year Federal, state and local government budgets are burdened by costs of social
services such as unemployment, food stamps, public housing and welfare. According to an article
entitled Funding Drains written by Sam Fondue appearing in US News and World Report on 1/15/15,
QUOTE, “ Money that could be better spent in other ways is being sucked up by services for those with
low paying jobs due to poor education”: END QUOTE
Reason # 3: According to my Grandmother, RRH, a retired HS Guidance counselor, QUOTE, “To get a
good job, you need a good education” END QUOTE was the slogan of an aggressive advertising campaign
in the 1970’s geared towards encouraging young adults to complete their HS education and go on to
college. This bar has been raised even higher for this decade. According to a report appearing on the
2010 US Census website, adults with even just a QUOTE “2 year community college degree earn 12.7%
more than those with just a HS diploma.” END QUOTE.
Reason # 4: Young adults who do not go on to college may be doomed to low paying jobs and poverty,
leading to a life of crime. According to a 2020 Television Documentary that I viewed on 3/2/15, QUOTE,
“When surveyed, 97% of the 25 year old men who are currently imprisoned in the Ossining Correctional
Facility in NY State believe that leading a life of crime was their only option for providing for their
families; they were not able to obtain jobs that paid them enough for food and shelter due to their lack
of a college education.” END QUOTE
Reason #5: If, after working so hard and following all the rules students find themselves unable to
attend college due to financial constraints, they will become bitter and disillusioned. They might feel
like they are being “punished” for not having wealthy parents and just give up. This leads to
unproductive adults who just sit back and rely on public assistance, and may even lead to them
becoming radical protesters against the government!
In today’s economy it is just not possible for every HS graduate to afford to continue his/her education.
The status quo is NOT working!
My partner and I have a 3 step plan that will enable all interested HS graduates to choose from a variety
of options in order to earn an Associate’s degree free of charge from a community college. It will be
outlined in detail by my partner.
In conclusion, this resolution should be passed because 1. It is a constitutional right 2. Education of all is
good for our economy. 3. To get a good job, you need a good education. 4. Paying for education now
will save government on incarceration costs later. 5. Children should be recognized and rewarded for
responsible citizenship and for doing a good job in school. It is time to set a just and practical example
for all humanity!
Second Negative Constructive Speech:
Good morning. My name is Sally and this is my partner Sam. We represent the Negative Viewpoint. My
partner and I do not support the resolution, “BE it resolved that students in the US should be granted
two years of free tuition to a community college. “ WE think the status quo is just fine.
I shall now state the negative counterplan.
States and the federal government already have in place many programs that assist students in making
college affordable. Our plan modifies these plans in 3 ways:
#1 – Raise the income amounts considerable based on inflation rates and salary raises statistics so that
middle class families are included in the pool of recipients of grants instead of being burdened with
#2 – Combine the wide array of programs and providers already in place into one service agency in order
to simplify the application process and cut down on administrative costs and red tape.
#3 – Require and enforce accountability by carefully tracking students’ progress so that there will be
ample space and funding for those truly committed to improving their lot in life.
We recognize that some still believe that they are closed out of the opportunity of continuing their
education, but with just these few modifications to the present system we will be able to change that.
There is no need to be so drastic s to pass this resolution!
Second Affirmative Rebuttal:
Good morning. I am Nick and this is my partner Jane. We represent the affirmative side and support
the resolution.
Our plan is the prudent, just way in which to improve the education system in the United States…leading
to an improved economy and lowering the crime rates. According to….QUOTE……statistics…..END
QUOTE. It is time to admit that trickle-down economics is not working and young adults just starting out
should not be burdened with the added pressures of student loans.
In summary, we support this resolution because 1. The government already requires you to have an
education, so they should have to pay for it. 2. Education of all is good for our economy. 3. To get a good
job, you need a good education. 4. Paying for education now will save government on incarceration
costs later. 5. Children should be recognized and rewarded for responsible citizenship and for doing a
good job in school.
When I graduate High School 4-5 years from now I plan on attending college, but all of my hopes and
hard work may be impeded by the inability to pay for the college of my dreams. I want to make sure
that nobody has to endure this terrible hardship, and therefore believe that this resolution should be