MOUNT PLEASANT MIDDLE SCHOOL LIVINGSTON, NEW JERSEY FIELD TRIP/WALKING TRIP PERMISSION FORM DATE __________________ To the Parent or Guardian: As part of our school activity, we are planning an educational trip by ( ) chartered bus or ( X ) school bus to: The College of Saint Elizabeth, on Thursday, May 25, 2016. We will be departing at: 8:30 A.M. and returning by: 2:00 P.M. The charge for the round trip is $0. If you wish your son/daughter, _________________________________ to take this trip, will you kindly sign the form below and return it to us. NOTE SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Students are responsible for reaching out to their teachers and making up missed class work. Bring a bagged lunch with drink (no glass) Bring an extra bottle of water Bring all necessary written material (both speeches), a pen/pencil, & highlighter Dress in professional attire ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MOUNT PLEASANT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LIVINGSTON, NEW JERSEY DATE: ___________ Trip to: Debate Tournament/College of Saint Elizabeth Date of trip: Teacher Sponsor: Thursday May 26, 2016 Miss DeMatteo To the teacher: I hereby give consent for my son/daughter, (use full name please), to take the above trip. ___________ Please complete below if your child is presently approved to receive medication while attending school. Name and phone number of parent or adult relative to attend the trip: ________________________________________________________________ Doctor’s authorization to suspend medication is on file in nurse’s office. Neither parent nor adult relative can attend. Miss DeMatteo is Epi-Pen trained _ Parent or Guardian Date