SERVICES & FACILITIES ANNUAL REPORT - FY April 2011 to March 2012 SERVICE Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility (LSMSF) FUNDING Block AGREEMENT EK: R8/H10/09 L: R8/H10/20 B: R8/12/15 ESTABLISHED as S&F East Kilbride Lancaster Bristol 1994 1984 1992 TERM 5 years TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED: Facility: LSMSF comprises three nodes for the provision of organic and light element stable isotope mass spectrometry to the UK life sciences community, located at SUERC, East Kilbride, CEH, Lancaster and Bristol, University of Bristol. A more integrated approach improves accessibility to the Facility nodes and promotes efficient operation of the Facility overall. Whilst located at geographically distinct locations the Facility operates as a ‘one-stop-shop’ providing users with a single point of contact, the synergistic benefit of this mode of operation makes optimal use of the current resources. LSMSF provides ‘free-at-point-ofdelivery’ support, each node according to their respective service level agreements (SLAs) or contracts, and is overseen by the NERC LSMSF steering committee. Each node offers a different portfolio of analytical techniques which UK based researchers may apply to use via NERC Services and Facilities (S&F) by standard peer review procedure. East Kilbride has strong associations with migration, agro-ecology and conservation studies. The primary remit of Lancaster is terrestrial and fresh-water studies (including those deriving from NERC programmes). Bristol fields a wide range of projects to which a compound specific approach is essential, e.g. biomarker analysis, isotopic PLFA and FFA profiling. Analytical portfolio of the LSMSF: Isotopically enriched water (D218O to energy expenditure studies) Natural abundance e.g. 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 2H/1H and 34S/32S analyses of bulk animal organic matter to study food webs & element cycling Enriched & natural abundance analyses of organic and inorganic matter to study carbon and nitrogen fluxes within soil ecosystems e.g. 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18O/16O Enriched & natural abundance analyses of gases: e.g. 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18O/16O of CO2, CH4, N2O & N2 Natural & near natural abundance compound specific 13C/12C, 15N/14N, D/H analyses of biochemical extracts Organic mass spectrometric analyses of complex mixtures of compounds e.g. volatiles, functionalised molecules etc ANNUAL TARGETS AND PROGRESS TOWARDS THEM Bristol: The node has continued to service a large range of applications to NERC LSMSF and, despite a large period of downtime for two key instruments has been able to fulfil its commitments to NERC without any significant impact on projects. East Kilbride: The node has settled into its new location, and minimised interruption to service. However significant downtime was experienced in autumn 2011 but we are now back to operating two CF-IRMS instruments. Lancaster: The node has continued with its high profile program of collaborative support for LSMSF approved projects combined with methodological developments wherever these were needed. It met its deadline, ahead of schedule, to complete a substantial NERC responsive mode project for Lancaster University during the Autumn of 2011. SCORES AT LAST REVIEW (each out of 5) Need Uniqueness 5.0 4.5 CAPACITY of HOST ENTITY FUNDED by S&F BRIS 50% EK LANC 100 % 58% Quality of Service 5.0 Date of Last Review: Quality of Science & Training 5.0 Staff & Status Dr. ID Bull (Grade K; 70% University of Bristol funded), Mrs. A Kuhl (Grade H), Mr JM Williams (Grade H) Dr J Newton (SRF-Level 9), Dr R McGill (RA-Level 7) Dr AW Stott (B5), Miss H Grant (B7), 0.3 FTE Ms G Pereira (B4) FINANCIAL DETAILS: CURRENT FY Total Resource Unit Cost £k/HDU Allocation Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 £k BRIS 199,776 0.521 EK 218,263 0.382 LANC 218,538 0.480 FINANCIAL COMMITMENT (by year until end of current agreement) £k 2011-2012 2012-13 2013-2014 BRIS 199.776 BRIS 203.263 BRIS 206.005 EK 218.263 EK 224.53 EK 226.08 LANC 218.538 LANC 226.434 LANC 234.625 STEERING COMMITTEE LSMSF Independent Members 7 Meetings per annum 2 March 2008 Average 4.9 Next Review (March) Contract Ends (31 March) 2013 2014 Capital Expend £k Income £k 15.8 13.11 0 0 0 0 Other S&F Overseen 0 Full Cash Cost £k 316.87 268.15 242.74 APPLICATIONS: DISTRIBUTION OF GRADES (current FY — 2011/12) 10 0 0 0 0 NERC Grant projects* Other academic Students TOTAL 9 0 0 0 0 8 3 2 1 6 7 0 1.5 4 5.5 PROJECTS COMPLETED (current FY – 2011/12) 10 9 8 (4) (5) NERC Grant projects* 0 0 4 Other Academic 0 0 10 Students 0 0 6 6 0 1 3 4 5 0 2 1 3 4 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 6 (3) 5 (2) 4 3 (1) 2 1 (β) 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other NERC Grant* PAYG PhD Students NERC Other 13 0 13 13 7 4 0 0 (Reject) 0 0 0 0 Project Funding Type (per annum average previous 3 financial years - 2008/2009, 2009/2010 & 2010/2011) Infrastructure PAYG Grand PhD Students PhD Student NERC NERC Total Supplement to NERC Grant * Other Grant* NERC Other NERC Other Centre 19.66 70.32 13 9 3 25.66 0 0 0 User type (current FY – 2011/12) (include each person named on application form) Academic NERC Centre NERC Fellows PhD Students 51 6 1 27 User type (per annum average previous 3 financial years - 2008/2009, 2009/2010 & 2010/2011) Academic NERC Centre NERC Fellows PhD Students 52.67 6.99 1 25 6 1.5 12.5 0.5 2.28 Grand Total 58.33 13.94 1.67 SBA 5.67 16.17 0 1.27 27 21.67 38 1 1 0 NERC Centre Other 0 0 NERC Centre Other 0 0 Commercial 0 0 OUTPUT & PERFORMANCE MEASURES (per annum average previous 3 years) Publications (by science area & type) (Calendar years 2008, 2009 & 2010) SBA ES MS AS TFS EO Polar Grand Total Refereed Non-Ref/ Conf Proc 2.67 Pilot Commercial 1 OUTPUT & PERFORMANCE MEASURES (current year) Publications (by science area & type) (calendar year 2011) SBA ES MS AS TFS EO Polar Grand Total Refereed Non-Ref/ Conf Proc 4 3.67 12.17 3 15 0 3.16 41 29 4 Distribution of Projects (by science areas) (FY 2011/12) Grand Total SBA ES MS AS TFS EO 50 Pilot 0 0 0 0 R* 0 2.5 2 4.5 7 Project Funding Type (current FY – 2011/12) (select one category for each project) Infrastructure Grand PhD Students NERC Total Supplement to NERC Grant * NERC Other Centre 50 3 0 0 0 0 10.67 Distribution of Projects (by science areas) (FY 2008/2009, 2009/2010 & 2010/2011) ES MS AS TFS 1.17 18.33 1.83 28.84 PhD Theses 8 Polar 2.5 PhD Theses 5.66 EO 0.33 Polar 2.16 Distribution of Projects by NERC strategic priority (current FY 2011/12) Grand Total Climate System Biodiversity Earth System Science Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Natural Hazards Environment, Pollution & Human Health Technologies 50 5.75 29.75 5 3.75 1 4.75 0 *Either Responsive Mode or Directed Programme grants NOTE: All metrics should be presented as whole or part of whole number NOT as a % OVERVIEW & ACTIVITIES IN FINANCIAL YEAR (2011/12): Bristol: As usual 2011-2012 has been a busy period for the Bristol node and whilst the number of applications to the Facility (5) was lower than usual this has proven to be somewhat serendipitous as it has enabled a large amount of outstanding work to be tackled in support of eleven ongoing applications. Time spent on NERC projects was 444 HDU which amounts to 116% of capacity under current arrangements. Fourteen OPMs have been captured for 2011, eleven being publications in international, peer-reviewed journals and the remaining two PhD theses. The Facility has undergone a minor amount of reorganisation that has resulted in the move of two bench-top instruments to a new laboratory adjacent to the primary Facility laboratory, the move was conducted about to University closure dates thereby minimising the amount of downtime for these work-horse instruments. One GC-MS (Turbomass) and one GC-C-IRMS (Delta S) experienced considerable downtime (> 6 months), the former due to repair and delay in the provision of a key spare and the latter due to continued malfunction of an instrument that, at around twenty years old, is operating far beyond its expected operational lifetime. Redundancy built into the Facility equipment portfolio has ensured that there has been minimal impact on day-to-day operations. Facility staff, in conjunction with UoB researchers have continued to develop and refine new techniques, particularly in the determination of D values for functionalised molecules and the determination of compound specific 15N values, the latter is now a routine technique that has been enthusiastically adopted by the user community (2 applications requiring compound specific 15N value determinations have already been completed in this period). The node recognises the need to ensure that even the newest techniques it has available are underpinned with a sound and robust quantitative framework. To this end it took part in an interlaboratory calibration study for the TEX86 palaeotemperature proxy, the trial involved over forty international laboratories and was coordinated by the Royal NIOZ, Texel, Netherlands. Both members of the Facility technical staff attended a two-day GC/HPLC course sponsored by ThermoFisher, held at the University of Reading. East Kilbride: We had a healthy number of applications again in 2011 – 17, of which nine were funded outright, four were offered pilot data and a resubmission, and four were rejected. The move to the new annexe at SUERC inevitably caused some interruption, though no rescheduling of projects was required. SUERC invested ~£43K in a new elemental analyser in early 2012, to replace our 8year old workhorse. This has required some downtime and we are currently developing a standard operating procedure for the new instrument. Sulphur isotope measurements were again re-evaluated in the summer: it is apparent that there are disparities in the measured 34S of some types of samples between different laboratories, particularly those of low S content; however in collaboration with the SUERC Radiocarbon Lab we have improved the technique further such that we can offer 34S measurement as a routine analysis, and advise the user community of the issues associated with sulphur isotope measurements on difficult samples. We have also, as part of a personal research project, explored the measurement of carbon isotope ratios in dissolved inorganic carbon (13C-DIC) with the NERC ICSF, on the mass spectrometer that we share, and this can now also be offered as an auxiliary analysis. We have produced eleven peer-reviewed publications, including one Nature paper that was highlighted in last year’s annual report. Lancaster: Another challenging, yet rewarding year, for the Lancaster node with all available SF & T capacity utilised by 12 different LSMSFSC approved projects over the year. It is notable that 9 of the 12 projects (75%) originated from NERC responsive mode and directed research programmes, with the remaining 3 originating from Direct Access applications. The nodes diverse analytical portfolio bridges three major NERC Science areas, namely: Terrestrial & Freshwater, Marine & Atmospheric science. Seven new applications to the node were received this reporting year and were graded by the LSMSFSC as follows, using the recently introduced reporting scale: 3 of merit 8, 2 of merit 7, 1 of merit 5, and 1 of merit 4. Thus 71.4% of the nodes annual applications were supported by the LSMSFSC. Instrument downtime has been minimal during the year with little disruption to hamper the efficient operation of the node. Our Jun- Air ‘oil free’ compressor did encounter some minor technical issues which were subsequently resolved by a full service by Thorite Ltd. The recent collaborative enterprise between LEC and LSMSF Lancaster has progressed well this year. The dual inlet Isoprime 100 and Elementar Vario Pyrocube analyser that was installed and commissioned in the main instrument laboratory has now been validated for S/O/H isotopes in solids and H/O in waters. If the portfolio is offered to the external NERC community it would undoubtedly add to the key analytical strengths, expertise and uniqueness status of the LSMSF as a whole, as well as providing valuable back up and inter nodal support in times of capacity congestion or instrument failure. The node has acted as a central component in the organisation and execution of the 2011 Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Users Group (SIMSUG) meeting in November in conjunction with key LEC staff. The conference attracted interest from over 65 delegates and provided an opportunity to advertise the LSMSF portfolio. The attendees were also given the opportunity to view the NERC facility and discuss its analytical remit through a series of guided tours. A one day workshop run by Isoprime and Elementar GmBh in conjunction with the LSMSF node preceded the main SIMSUG meeting. Other PR exercises, included promoting science to young students, by inviting two sixth form students into the laboratory to gain ‘hands on’ work experience in an accredited isotope laboratory. The node manager also demonstrated the function and purpose of the LSMSF laboratory to visiting Lord Selbourne as part of an exercise to promote NERC’s Science and Technology. Peer reviewed publications attributable to support provided from the node for the same period have amounted to six (two in Nature Climate Change) with at least four more currently submitted or under review. SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS: Bristol: The effect of climate warming on the reproductive success of ectothermic animals is currently a subject of major conservation concern. However, for many threatened species, there is still surprisingly little known about the extent of naturally occurring adaptive variation in heat-tolerance. In this study fatty acid profiles, derived from turtle eggs, provided by NERC LSMSF Bristol helped Weber et al. (2011) show that the thermal tolerances of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) embryos in a single, island-breeding population diverge in response to the contrasting incubation temperatures of nesting beaches just a few kilometres apart (Figure 1). In natural nests and in a common-garden rearing experiment, the offspring of females nesting on a naturally hot (black sand) beach survived better and grew larger at hot incubation temperatures compared with the offspring of females nesting on a cooler (pale sand) beach nearby. These differences owed to shallower thermal reaction norms in the hot beach population, rather than shifts in thermal optima, and could not be explained by egg-mediated maternal effects. Their results suggest that marine turtle nesting behaviour can drive adaptive differentiation at remarkably fine spatial scales, and have important implications for how we define conservation units for protection. In particular, previous studies may have underestimated the extent of adaptive structuring in marine turtle populations that may significantly affect their capacity to respond to environmental change. Figure 1 - Overview of study sites. (a) Satellite image and location map (inset) of Ascension Island showing the two major green turtle nesting beaches used in the study (LB: Long Beach, NEB: Northeast Bay; image courtesy of NASA). (b) Sand sampled from LB and NEB photographed in the laboratory under standardized lighting and exposure to illustrate differences in colour. Weber, S.B., Broderick A.C., Groothuis, T.G.G., Ellick, J., Godley, B.J. and Blount, J.D. (2011) Fine-scale thermal adaptation in a green turtle nesting population. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.1238 The Bristol node is heavily involved with the development of a novel dual micromorphological-biomolecular approach to the analysis of stratified sediments, particularly for use in archaeological investigations although the approach could easily be applied to suitable contemporary settings, e.g. forensic investigation of soils. One recent output was that of Shillito et al. (2011) which was concerned with the development and application of this approach to suspected faecal deposits at Neolithic Catalhoyuk, Turkey. Çatalhöyük is an early Neolithic site in south-central Anatolia, Turkey, dated between c.7400e6000 BC. It was hypothesised that comparisons of the appearance of coprolites from finely stratified midden deposits in thin section would enable identification of the specific depositional context of these remains. This could then be used to help understand questions of midden formation processes and provide the basis for further analysis of human and animal diet and health in the Neolithic. Biomolecular analysis of organic residues in orange/yellow deposits from midden, room fill and burial contexts at Çatalhöyük demonstrated the presence of faecal sterols in some (Figure 2), but not all of the deposits. Figure 2 – GC trace of sterols indicative of faecal deposition. Identities are: 1. coprostanol 2. epicoprostanol 3. cholesterol 4. 5cholestanol 5. 5-campestanol 6. 5-epicampestanol 7. 5-stigmastanol 8. 5-epistigmastanol 9. sitosterol 10. 5-stigmastanol. In deposits identified as faeces, these were interpreted as human on the basis of sterol distributions and bile acids present. Both midden and room fill deposits contained high quantities of human faecal material, whilst yellow deposits in burials were largely plant derived. Comparison of organic residue results with the appearance of the deposits in thin section demonstrated that some organic remains which do not contain diagnostic inclusions, such as bone and plant fragments are, in fact, coprolites. However, some organic remains without diagnostic inclusions do not contain faecal residues. It was also noted that some deposits contained only plant derived sterols. Comparison of the appearance of these in thin section showed the presence of pseudomorphic voids from decayed plant temper and it is suggested that the plant sterols are a result of this plant material. Plant derived sterols were also present in some of the burial samples, refuting the hypothesis that these deposits, found in the pelvic region of skeletons, are coprolites, but supporting the hypothesis of plants being included as grave goods at Çatalhöyük. The identification of human faecal deposits in close proximity to buildings is interesting from a health and use-of-space perspective. The relative lack of herbivore faecal deposits could be a result of such material being burnt as fuel. The comparison between microscopic and organic geochemical analyses has implications for future identifications of faecal material in thin section. The results demonstrate that interpretation of decayed organic remains in thin section can be ambiguous and that biomolecular analysis is necessary for the correct interpretation of such remains. Shillito, L.M., Bull, I.D., Matthews, W., Almond, M.J., Williams, J.M. and Evershed, R.P. (2011) Biomolecular and micromorphological analysis of suspected faecal deposits at Neolithic Catalhoyuk, Turkey. Journal of Archaeological Science 38(8), 1869-1877. East Kilbride: The ecology of birds continues to be an important part of our remit and avian tissues comprise a large proportion of the samples that we analyse. In 2011, we produced four peer-reviewed publications demonstrating the application of stable isotopes to avian ecology, and at the current time we have a further three in press. A continuing theme are various studies involving seabird ecology, which involves elucidating the factors underlying the population dynamics, community ecology and foraging ecology of these apex predators and how they might respond to changes in climate and fisheries policy. Work with Stephen Votier at the University of Plymouth and Stuart Bearhop at the University of Exeter, has gone a long way to many aspects of the foraging ecology of central place foragers such as Northern Gannets. Stable isotope ratio measurements of avian tissues can distinguish the natural prey of seabirds (i.e. pelagic) from fishery discards (i.e. demersal). Using stable isotope analyses to complement tracking methods we have provided insights into behavioural responses to fisheries (Votier et al. 2010), and more recently the foraging and dispersal behaviour of immature seabirds which remain severely understudied (Votier et al. 2011). An investigation into sex-specific foraging is in press (Stauss et al. 2012). We have also developed the use of stable isotopes as a technique for determining the proportion of supplementary food in birds’ diets by creating supplementary foods that are isotopically distinct from natural ones. Robb et al. (2011) have used the technique in a study of individual blue tits to show that up to a quarter of their diet may be from feeders. We have also been investigating a system (European robins) where the geographic range of resident birds are seasonally flooded by conspecific migrants, and how this affects competition, by using the latitudinal hydrogen isotope gradient in precipitation to distinguish migrants and residents of that species (Campos et al. 2011). We showed that despite the invasion of their range by migrants, the residents do not move on, which suggests that they are either competitively superior or use different resources. In collaboration with Karl Evans at the University of Sheffield, we have also used hydrogen isotope ratios to investigate another system where there is variation in migratory behaviour, namely the European blackbird. Looking at paired urban and rural populations in seven locations across Europe, Evans et al. (2012) demonstrated a tendency for urban blackbirds to be more sedentary than rural ones. The different migratory behaviours may promote further ecological divergence between rural and urban populations, such as earlier breeding of urban blackbirds, perhaps contributing to genetic divergence. This work has also been highlighted in Science Now, the news section of Science Magazine. Figure 1 - European blackbird Credit: Rene Schwietzke/Creative Commons Lancaster:-Much of the nodes ‘climate themed’ cutting edge science utilises isotopes to identify and reliably measure the impacts of climate change on a diverse range of global ecosystems ranging from the Polar extremes to the Tropical rainforests. Most of our current research focuses on climatically susceptible regions and in particular, the climatic vulnerability of the exceptionally large soil carbon and nitrogen stores and biodiversity, which is currently very poorly documented. Understanding of both is urgently needed and forms one of NERC’s main challenge-led priorities. A particularly exciting recent nodal collaboration with Dr Paul Hill from Bangor University & researchers from the University of Lancaster, has resulted in publication in the prestigious journal Nature Climate Change. For the past 50 years there has been rapid warming in the maritime Antarctic, with concurrent, and probably temperaturemediated, proliferation of the two native plants, Antarctic pearlwort (Colobanthus quitensis) and especially Antarctic hair grass (Deschampsia antarctica). In many terrestrial ecosystems at high latitudes, nitrogen (N) supply regulates primary productivity. Although the predominant view is that only inorganic and amino acid N are important sources of N for angiosperms, most N enters soil as protein. Maritime Antarctic soils have large stocks of proteinaceous N, which is released slowly as decomposition is limited by low temperatures. Consequently, an ability to acquire N at an early stage of availability is key to the success of photosynthetic organisms. Here we show that D. antarctica can acquire N through its roots as short peptides, produced at an early stage of protein decomposition, acquiring N over three times faster than as amino acid, nitrate or ammonium, and more than 160 times faster than the mosses with which it competes. Efficient acquisition of the N released in faster decomposition of soil organic matter as temperatures rise may give D. antarctica an advantage over competing mosses that has facilitated its recent proliferation in the maritime Antarctic. Hill, P.W.; Farrer, J.; Roberts P.; Farrell, M.; Grant, H.K.; Newsham, K.K.; Hopkins, D.W., Bardgett R.D. & Jones D.L. (2011) Nature Climate Change 1 (1), 50-53 (2011) Fig. 1. Fig.2. Fig.1 Deschampsia antarctica growing in competition with moss at Moss Braes, Signy Island. & Fig. 2 Schematic showing soil N transformations before uptake by plant roots. Dr Pete Maxfield & co-workers from the University of Bristol in conjunction with the Lancaster node staff have recently published a new advancement in the stable isotope probing method (SIP) called Stable Isotope Switching (SIS). This nicely exemplifies the mechanism of the LSMSF ‘one stop shop’ where resources, expertise and skills from both the Bristol and Lancaster nodes have combined together to formulate this scientific achievement. Recent advances in stable isotope probing (SIP) have allowed direct linkage of microbial population structure and function. This paper details a new development of SIP, Stable Isotope Switching (SIS), which allows the simultaneous assessment of carbon (C) uptake, turnover and decay, and the elucidation of soil food webs within complex soils or sedimentary matrices. SIS utilises a stable isotope labelling approach whereby the 13C-labelled substrate is switched part way through the incubation to a natural abundance substrate. A 13CH4 SIS study of landfill cover soils from Odcombe (Somerset, UK) was conducted. Carbon assimilation and dissimilation processes were monitored through bulk elemental analysis isotope ratio mass spectrometry and compound-specific gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry, targeting a wide range of biomolecular components including: lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. Carbon assimilation by primary consumers (methanotrophs) and sequential assimilation into secondary (Gram-negative and -positive bacteria) and tertiary consumers (Eukaryotes) was observed. Up to 45 % of the bacterial membrane lipid C was determined to be directly derived from CH4 and at the conclusion of the experiment ca. 50% of the bulk soil C derived directly from CH4 was retained within the soil. This is the first estimate of soil organic carbon derived from CH4 and it is comparable with levels observed in lakes that have high levels of benthic methanogenesis. SIS opens the way for a new generation of SIP studies aimed at elucidating total C dynamics (incorporation, turnover and decay) at the molecular level in a wide range of complex environmental and biological matrices. Maxfield, P.J.; Dildar, N.; Hornibrook, E.R.C.; Stott A.W. & Evershed, R.P (2012) Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 26, 8 pp 997-1004. Figure 1 - Schematic representation of stable isotope switching (SIS) experiment based on previously observed (solid line) and theoretical (dashed lines) curves indicating how the 13C-label from 13CH4 is incorporated by methanotrophs and turned-over within soil ecosystems. The timescale to achieve full labelling of the target population will vary depending on the isotopically labelled substrate composition, concentration, delivery method and the nature of the environmental sample to be studied FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS/STRATEGIC FORWARD LOOK Bristol: Faced with possible future cuts to funding it is difficult to provide a comprehensive overview of future developments and strategy as much of this may be affected by budgetary constraints. Assuming that current operations can be maintained the node anticipates the following activities as being important over the next period (2012-2013) and beyond. The node is keen to instigate a community wide survey which, as well as advertising services currently available, would provide valuable feedback concerning what current and potential future users of the facility require from the node thereby enabling a more informed strategy for future developments to be constructed. The node shall always provide a balance between support using routine techniques and cutting edge technologies but it is important that the portfolio of techniques offered by the node accurately match the constantly shifting profile of need of the UK life sciences community. The node shall continue to develop and refine new applications and techniques in conjuction with UoB staff and it is envisaged that two areas of interest over the ensuing period shall be development of a routine negative ion chemical ionisation (NICI) method for detecting ultralow concentrations of target compounds, e.g. archaeol. The second area of proposed development shall be the compound specific determination of 18O values, initially for the analysis of monosaccharide targets. Looking forward in terms of equipment there is an increasingly pressing need to replace the oldest GC-C-IRMS (Delta S) in order to maintain facility capacity for compound specific 13C determinations, still one of the most popular analytical services required by users. Beyond this the portfolio of the Facility would be significantly enhanced by the acquisition of an HTGC-TOFMS that would enable routine high-temperature characterisation of extremely complex mixtures. It would also serve as a useful auxiliary tool for the NBAF metabolomics facility which has already expressed an interest in analytical mass spectrometric based techniques with a suitable chromatographic front-end for some of the more challenging samples that it fields. Another important activity for the next period shall be a survey of other laboratories offering similar (or identical) analytical services to those of the Bristol node. This will be invaluable to ensure that we are both competitively placed in terms of our service charges and scientifically robust compared to other laboratories that we may consider to be ‘competitors’. Finally, it would be beneficial to open up some sort of working dialogue with other RCUK facilities (e.g. EPSRC Mass Spectrometry Facility) that offer access to similar services/techniques. This could yield a number of benefits including: transfer of valuable expertise and experience, handling of fringe/cross-disciplinary applications and efficient use of RCUK resources in the face of ever dwindling funding. East Kilbride: We have settled into our new laboratory/offices, and we are working on how to use our new facilities to the best advantage. The large touch-display has proved essential to demonstrating stable isotope methods to visiting groups from the University of Glasgow, but we are thinking of formalising an introductory course for PhD students using the Facility. We expect a very full timetable this year regarding isotope ratio measurements, hence we will be spending less time on any technological developments. Given the problems we have had this year with our Costech elemental analyser (see overview), it is a worry that we may need to replace the other instrument soon as well, though in the meantime we can cannibalise parts from the scrapped instrument. However this may be the subject of a capital bid in the next two years. Lancaster: As highlighted last year, the ongoing objective for the LSMSF Lancaster node staff is to augment their skills in dual inlet O, H, S techniques which may, in future, allow the node to offer these isotopes to ‘in house’ research and eventually the LSMSF external user community. To date, training has been received in high temperature pyrolysis EA-IRMS for Oxygen isotopes on samples ranging from wood to speleothems & it is intended to continue depending upon available staff time and resource commitments in 2012-2013. In terms of further developing the nodes trace gas technology we intend to collaborate with the University of Keele on their ‘Macronutrients’ project to use the Gilson autosampler as a way of transferring nitrous oxide samples at natural abundance from 12ml exetainers without the need for 100ml Youngs gas flasks. As the method relies on a helium flow through system via a dual cored needle, it should allow us to successfully transfer all of the contents of the exetainer into the IRMS. Non-Mandatory Facility-specific OPMs: utilisation, allocation of capacity etc