SERVICES & FACILITIES ANNUAL REPORT - FY April 2012 to March 2013 SERVICE Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility (LSMSF) FUNDING Block AGREEMENT EK: R8/H10/09 L: R8/H10/20 B: R8/12/15 ESTABLISHED as S&F East Kilbride Lancaster Bristol 1994 1984 1992 TERM 5 years (extended by 1 year) TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED: Facility: LSMSF comprises three nodes for the provision of organic and light element stable isotope mass spectrometry to the UK life sciences community, located at SUERC, East Kilbride, CEH, Lancaster and Bristol, University of Bristol. A more integrated approach improves accessibility to the Facility nodes and promotes efficient operation of the Facility overall. Whilst located at geographically distinct locations the Facility operates as a ‘one-stop-shop’ providing users with a single point of contact, the synergistic benefit of this mode of operation makes optimal use of the current resources. LSMSF provides ‘free-at-point-ofdelivery’ support, each node according to their respective service level agreements (SLAs) or contracts, and is overseen by the NERC LSMSF steering committee. Each node offers a different portfolio of analytical techniques which UK based researchers may apply to use via NERC Services and Facilities (S&F) by standard peer review procedure. East Kilbride has strong associations with migration, agro-ecology and conservation studies. The primary remit of Lancaster is terrestrial and fresh-water studies (including those deriving from NERC programmes). Bristol fields a wide range of projects to which a compound specific approach is essential, e.g. biomarker analysis, isotopic PLFA and FFA profiling. Analytical portfolio of the LSMSF: Isotopically enriched water (D218O to energy expenditure studies) Natural abundance e.g. 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 2H/1H and 34S/32S analyses of bulk animal organic matter to study food webs & element cycling Enriched & natural abundance analyses of organic and inorganic matter to study carbon and nitrogen fluxes within soil ecosystems e.g. 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18O/16O Enriched & natural abundance analyses of gases: e.g. 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18O/16O of CO2, CH4, N2O & N2 Natural & near natural abundance compound specific 13C/12C, 15N/14N, D/H analyses of biochemical extracts Organic mass spectrometric analyses of complex mixtures of compounds e.g. volatiles, functionalised molecules etc ANNUAL TARGETS AND PROGRESS TOWARDS THEM Bristol: The node has continued to support successful applicants across a range of compound specific methodologies. However, progress has been stymied by a temporary drop in instrument capacity combined with a lack of sample provision for two applications. Both of these issues have now been resolved. East Kilbride: Solutions to the problems with one of our elemental analysers have been difficult, however a new elemental analyser purchased with capital money and installed in February is making excellent progress, in terms of clearing backlog and also developing new types of analysis. Lancaster: The node has continued with its high profile program of collaborative support for LSMSF approved projects combined with methodological developments wherever these were needed. SCORES AT LAST REVIEW (each out of 5) Need Uniqueness 5.0 4.5 CAPACITY of HOST ENTITY FUNDED by S&F BRIS 50% EK LANC 100 % 58% Quality of Service 5.0 Date of Last Review: Quality of Science & Training 5.0 Staff & Status Dr. ID Bull (URF Grade K; 70% University of Bristol funded), Mrs. A Kuhl (Grade H), Mr JM Williams (Grade H) Dr J Newton (SRF-Level 9), Dr R McGill (RA-Level 7) Dr AW Stott (B5), Miss H Grant (B7), 0.3 FTE Dr. G Pereira (B4) FINANCIAL DETAILS: CURRENT FY Total Resource Unit Cost £k Allocation Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 £k BRIS 203.263 0.531 EK 224.289 0.618 LANC 213.000 0.540 FINANCIAL COMMITMENT (by year until end of current agreement) £k 2012-13 2013-14 203.263 206.005 BRIS BRIS 224.289 209.379 EK EK 213.00 218.00 LANC LANC STEERING COMMITTEE LSMSF Independent Members 7 Meetings per annum 2 Capital Expend £k 84 63 Other S&F Overseen 0 March 2008 Average 4.9 Next Review (March) 2014 Income £k Contract Ends (31 March) 2015 Full Cash Cost £k 306.380 263.42 243.95 APPLICATIONS: DISTRIBUTION OF GRADES (current FY — 2012/13) 10 0 0 0 0 NERC Grant projects* Other academic Students TOTAL 9 3 0 2 4 8 2 4 2 7 7 4 3 1 6 PROJECTS COMPLETED (current FY – 2012/13) 9 10 (5) 8 (4) NERC Grant projects* Other Academic Students 6 1 0 1 1 5 0 0 1 1 4 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 6 (3) 5 (2) 4 3 (1) 2 1 (β) 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Reject) 0 1 1 0 0 3 4 1 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other NERC Grant* PAYG PhD Students NERC Other 7 0 Project Funding Type (current FY – 2012/13) (select one category for each project) Infrastructure Grand PhD Students NERC Total Supplement to NERC Grant * NERC Other Centre 18 49 9 13 2 0 0 Project Funding Type (per annum average previous 3 financial years - 2009/2010, 2010/2011 & 2011/2012) Infrastructure PAYG Grand PhD Students PhD Student NERC NERC Total Supplement to NERC Grant * Other Grant* NERC Other NERC Other Centre 11.67 53.33 13 8 3.67 17 0 0 0 User type (current FY – 2012/13) (include each person named on application form) Academic NERC Centre NERC Fellows PhD Students 63 14 1 24 User type (per annum average previous 3 financial years - 2009/2010, 2010/2011 & 2011/2012) Academic NERC Centre NERC Fellows PhD Students 35.49 6.33 1.33 23 4 2 16 0 2.5 Grand Total 53.66 13.33 2.33 SBA 6 16.33 0 1.83 23.5 26 39.33 0 1 0 NERC Centre Other 0 0 NERC Centre Other 0 0 Commercial 0.33 0 OUTPUT & PERFORMANCE MEASURES (per annum average previous 3 years) Publications (by science area & type) (Calendar years 2009, 2010 & 2011) SBA ES MS AS TFS EO Polar Grand Total Refereed Non-Ref/ Conf Proc 3 Pilot Commercial 2 OUTPUT & PERFORMANCE MEASURES (current year) Publications (by science area & type) (calendar year 2012) SBA ES MS AS TFS EO Polar Grand Total Refereed Non-Ref/ Conf Proc 9 3 15 0 20 0 3 50 34 10 Distribution of Projects (by science areas) (FY 2012/13) Grand Total SBA ES MS AS TFS EO 49 Pilot 0 0 1 0 R* 0 1 3 3 7.66 Distribution of Projects (by science areas) (FY 2009/2010, 2010/2011 & 2011/2012) ES MS AS TFS 1 14.16 29.16 1 PhD Theses 6 Polar 3.5 PhD Theses 5.66 EO 0 Polar 2.33 Distribution of Projects by NERC strategic priority (current FY 2012/13) Grand Total Climate System Biodiversity Earth System Science Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Natural Hazards Environment, Pollution & Human Health Technologies 49 5.25 25.25 6 6.75 0.5 5.25 0 *Either Responsive Mode or Directed Programme grants NOTE: All metrics should be presented as whole or part of whole number NOT as a % OVERVIEW & ACTIVITIES IN FINANCIAL YEAR (2012/13): Bristol: The 2012-2013 period has been both challenging and a little frustrating. Whilst the number of applications (8) was up on the previous period the inevitable decommissioning of a GC-C-IRMS (Finnigan MAT Delta S) in September resulted in a lower capacity to perform compound specific 13C determinations (whilst maintaining the capability to simultaneously perform compound specific D and 15N determinations). Funding secured through NERC (£84k) and UoB (£70k) has enabled the facility to purchase a replacement GC-C-IRMS (IsoPrime 100) which shall be dedicated to compound specific 13C determinations. Efficient operation of the facility was also hampered by two large supported projects failing to provide any samples. Although, rescheduling enabled the impact of this to be reduced only 80% of NERC contracted HDUs were delivered. It is anticipated that this shall be rectified over the 2013-2014 period. Fourteen research outputs have been captured for 2012, eleven being publications in international, peer-reviewed journals, two PhD theses and one conference proceeding. The move to ROS has proven to be trivial and has, to date, proven to be a much better mechanism for the capture of research outputs. A particularly exciting recent development has been the successful bid by the School of Chemistry for core-capability funding from the EPSRC, combined with additional funds from UoB, this has resulted in £1.7m of investment in mass spectrometric instrumentation (see Annex 3). Combined with the current portfolio of instrumentation maintained by the Bristol node of the LSMSF this represents a diversity and capacity for organic and light stable isotope mass spectrometry unrivalled, certainly within the UK. The Bristol node already works closely with the SoC Mass Spectrometry Service and will develop mechanisms whereby NERC end-users may have access to this additional instrumentation as the need arises. East Kilbride: We had a healthy number of applications again in 2012 – 16, of which ten were funded outright, four were offered pilot data and a resubmission, and two were unsuccessful. The slight increase in success rate has caused problems for capacity and turnaround time, though this will hopefully subside in the next month or so. The elemental analyser bought by SUERC (£43K) for the Facility has been a disappointment in terms of the time it has taken to provide routine analyses, though it does provide some advantages over the old system, particularly a cost saving on helium. In November we were awarded capital money (£63K) from NERC to purchase a more advanced EA, with a purge-and-trap system (Elementar Pyrocube) for separating analyte gases, rather than conventional gas chromatography separation. This was installed in late January, and JN has already successfully run samples for both 2H and 18O for a Facility project. Unfortunately our Delta XP, which quantifies the isotope ratios from the Pyrocube is now out of order so a priority is to get the system working again, particularly to measure C/N/S isotopes in biological materials. Both staff attended the 8th ISOECOL meeting in Brest in August where two talks and four posters demonstrated the strengths of the node. We have produced thirteen peer-reviewed publications in 2012. Lancaster: All available NERC capacity under the agreed SLA has been utilised by 12 different LSMSFSC approved projects. 11 of the 12 projects (91.6%) originated from NERC responsive mode and directed research programmes, with just one originating from a highly graded (8) direct access application. The nodes diverse analytical portfolio bridges two major NERC Science areas, namely: Terrestrial & Freshwater and Marine Sciences. Seven new applications to the node were received this reporting year, of which 5, encouragingly, were from new facility users. They were graded by the LSMSFSC as follows: 2 of merit 9, 3 of merit 8, and 2 of merit 7. The majority of the Lancaster LSMSF terrestrial and freshwater proposals bridge several of the NERC strategy themes. The Lancaster node is innovative in supporting projects dedicated to the biological diversity of soil biota and the functional roles played by soil organisms in key ecological processes. Many of these aim to assess how complex multi-trophic interactions within the soil respond to changes in climatic parameters. Additionally, most of our current project support this year has focused on the tropical and Arctic regions and in particular, the climatic vulnerability of the exceptionally large soil carbon and nitrogen stores and biodiversity of the regions, which are currently very poorly documented. 100% of the nodes applications were supported by the LSMSFSC this year. Instrument downtime has been minimal during the year with little disruption to hamper the efficient operation of the node. A new auto-sampler for the Eurovector EA was purchased to replace the original which suffered from piston failure. Peer reviewed publications attributable to support provided from the node for the same period have amounted to 6 with at least five more currently submitted or under review. Collaborations between the node staff and Lancaster University have resulted in another Nature Climate Change manuscript recently published in April 2013, the third co-authorship in three years. SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS: Bristol: A collaboration between the node and Professor David Minnikan has led to the development of an sensitive technique for the detection of ultratrace concentrations of biomarkers for the mycobacterial pathogens, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae. In the current study, key mycobacterial lipid virulence factor biomarkers were detected in two samples from a 17,000-year-old skeleton of extinct Bison antiquus, from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming (a DNA report, a decade ago, suggested that was the oldest known case of tuberculosis). Pristine profiles of C-29, C-30 and C-32 mycocerosates and C27 mycolipenates, typical of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, were recorded by negative ion chemical ionization gas chromatography mass spectrometry (NICI GC/MS) of pentafluorobenzyl ester derivatives. These findings were supported by the detection of C-34 and C-36 phthiocerols, which are usually esterified to the mycocerosates. The existence of Pleistocene tuberculosis in the Americas was confirmed and, moreover, there are many even older animal bones with wellcharacterised tuberculous lesions similar to those on the analysed sample. In the absence of any evidence of tuberculosis in human skeletons older than 9,000 years BP, the hypothesis that this disease evolved as a zoonosis, before transfer to humans, is given detailed consideration and discussion in the final publication. Lee, O.Y.C., Wu, H.H.T., Donoghue, H.D., Spigelman M., Greenblatt, C.L., Bill, I.D., Rothschild, B.M., Martin, L.D., Minnikin, D.E. and Besra, G.S. (2012) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex lipid virulence factors preserved in the 17,000-year-old skeleton of an extinct bison, Bison antiquus. PLOS ONE 7(7), e41923. The mission of the Bristol node to develop and validate new analytical methodologies to widen the range of analytical options open to NERC end-users is exemplified by a second piece of ‘in-house’ research conducted at the node. Compoundspecific stable hydrogen isotope analysis of fatty acids is being used increasingly as a means of deriving information from a diverse range of materials of archaeological, geological and environmental interest. Preparative steps required prior to Figure 1 – A. Generalized structures of the -, methoxy- and isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) analysis have the ketomycolates; the main components are in brackets. B. potential to alter determined D values and hence must be Structures of mycolipenate and mycocerosates, showing ions accounted for if accurate D values for target compounds are to used for selected ion monitoring on NICI GC/MS analysis. C. be obtained. Myristic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic and behenic Structures of members of the phthiocerol family saturated fatty acids were derivatised to their respective fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), using 14% (w/v) boron trifluoride in methanol then analysed by gas chromatography/thermal conversion/IRMS (GC/TC/IRMS). FAMEs generated from fatty acid sodium salts of unknown D values were then used to test a correction factor determined for this method of derivatisation. Derivatisation was found to alter the hydrogen isotopic composition of FAMEs although this effect was reproducible and can be accounted for. The difference between the mean corrected and mean bulk D values was always less than 6.7 %. Extraction of saturated fatty acids and acyl lipids from samples, subsequent hydrolysis, then separation on a solid-phase extraction cartridge, was found to alter the determined D values by less than one standard deviation. Overall, it has been shown that for natural abundance hydrogen isotope determinations, the isolation and derivatisation of extracted fatty acids alters the determined D values only by a numerical increment comparable with the experimental error. This supports the use of the described analytical protocol as an effectivemeans of determining fatty acid D values by GC/TC/IRMS. Chivall, D., Berstan, R., Bull, I.D., and Evershed, R.P. (2012) Isotope effects associated with the preparation and methylation of fatty acids by boron trifluoride in methanol for compound-specific stable hydrogen isotope analysis via gas chromatography/thermal conversion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 26(10) 1232-1240. East Kilbride: The East Kilbride node has for a number of years, been involved in several large stable isotope studies of polar/subpolar marine foodwebs. The Scotia Sea comprises a highly productive and physically energetic portion of the Southern Ocean, but the prevailing ecosystem balance is under pressure, with evident changes in upper water column temperature and a shortening sea ice season. Stable isotope measurements were performed on samples from the Discovery 2010 expeditions – three south to north transects through the central Scotia Sea, from the seasonal ice edge in the south to the Antarctic Polar Front in the north. This is a multidisciplinary study of changes in the ecosystem dynamics of the Southern Ocean in different seasons. Stable isotopes complemented oceanographic parameters such as air-sea CO2 fluxes, macro- and micro-nutrient concentrations, composition and biomass of the nano- micro- and mesoplankton communities, and the distribution and biomass of Antarctic krill and mesopelagic fish. Southern Ocean foodwebs were long considered simple and short, dominated by Antarctic krill, linking primary production to a large biomass of krill-dependent predators. A paradigm shift since the 1980’s now highlights the importance of the microbial foodweb and small copepods both here and in oceans generally. From the Discovery 2010 results it can be seen that the short krill-dominated food chain is still very important, particularly in the south. Stable isotope measurements provided by the node show that krill and Salpa thompsoni were of a lower trophic level than predicted by their size, and that 60% of the vertebrate predators feed only 1 to 1.5 trophic levels above the suspension feeders (including krill). However longer food-webs are demonstrated by myctophid fish species occupying higher trophic levels in the copepod-dominated northern Scotia Sea, and also during the autumn. Stowasser G., Atkinson A., McGill R.A.R., Phillips R.A., Collins M.A. and Pond D.W. (2012). Food web dynamics in the Scotia Sea in summer: A stable isotope study. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 59-60, 208-221. Tarling G.A., Stowasser G., Ward P., Poulton A.J., Zhou M., Venables H.J., McGill R.A.R. and Murphy E.J. (2012). Seasonal trophic structure of the Scotia Sea pelagic ecosystem considered through biomass spectra and stable isotope analysis. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 59-60, 222-236. Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone, on the Mid Atlantic Ridge, defines the position of the Arctic Subpolar Front: the EK node of the LSMSF has been working closely with collaborators at Universities of Newcastle and St Andrews in studies of both the benthic and the pelagic food webs in the contrasting oceanographic regimes north and south of this boundary. The pelagic invertebrate zooplankton community north and south of the Arctic Subpolar front show geographical variability in stable isotope ratios consistent with observed primary production patterns north and south of the Subpolar Front in the North Atlantic. However, the differences in production and in faunal abundance between the two regions were only clear at low trophic levels which suggests that at the depth typical of the MAR (~2500 m) differences in bloom seasonality might not be as important as yearly production rates. The benthic foodweb north and south of the Subpolar front appears to be supported by the downward flux of phytodetritus from photosynthetic primary production: but the linear relationship between 13C and 15N found at the northern station, suggesting a single trophic pathway, was not found at the southern sampling station. Here a more complex foodweb was indicated, particularly with respect to predator-scavenger relationships. Letessier T.B., Pond D.W., McGill R.A.R., Reid W.D.K, and Brierley, A.S. (2012). Trophic interaction of invertebrate zooplankton on either side of the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone/Subpolar Front of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Journal of Marine Systems 94, 174-184. Reid W.D.K., Wigham B.D., McGill R.A.R. and Polunin N.V.C. (2012). Elucidating trophic pathways in benthic deep-sea assemblages of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge north and south of the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone. Marine Ecology Progress Series 463, 89-103. Lancaster:Priming and microbial nutrient limitation in lowland tropical forest soils of contrasting fertility: Biogeochemistry 111 (Nottingham, Turner, Chamberlain, Stott & Tanner) The effects of climate change on tropical regions is becoming a highly topical research area and one that is increasingly important part of the Lancaster node remit. This is the first study of priming mechanisms in tropical forest soils, and indicates that input of labile carbon can result in priming by microbial mineralization of organic nutrients, which has important implications for understanding the fate of organic carbon in tropical forest soils. Priming is an increase in soil organic carbon decomposition following input of labile organic carbon. In temperate soils where biological activity is limited commonly by nitrogen availability, priming is expected to occur through microbial acquisition of nitrogen from organic matter or stimulated activity of recalcitrant-carbon degrading microorganisms. However, these priming mechanisms have not yet been assessed in strongly weathered tropical forest soils where biological activity is often limited by the availability of phosphorus. In this study we examined whether microbial nutrient limitation or community dynamics drive priming in three lowland tropical forest soils of contrasting fertility ('low', 'mid' and 'high') by applying C4-sucrose (alone or in combination with nutrients; nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and measuring (1) the 13C signatures in respired CO2 and in phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers, and (2) the activities of enzymes involved in nitrogen (N-acetyl beta-glucosaminidase), phosphorus (phosphomonoesterase) and carbon (beta-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase, xylanase, phenol oxidase) acquisition from organic compounds. Priming was constrained in part by nutrient availability, because priming was greater when sucrose was added alone compared to when added with nutrients. The greatest priming with sucrose addition alone was detected in the medium fertility soil. Priming occurred in parallel with stimulated activity of phosphomonoesterase and phenol oxidase (but not N-acetyl beta-glucosaminidase); when sucrose was added with nutrients there were lower activities of phosphomonoesterase and phenol oxidase. There was no evidence according to PLFA 13C incorporation that priming was caused by specific groups of recalcitrant-carbon degrading microorganisms. The research published in Biogeochemistry, concluded that priming occurred in the intermediate fertility soil following microbial mineralization of organic nutrients (phosphorus in particular) and suggest that priming was constrained in the high fertility soil by high nutrient availability and in the low fertility soil by the low concentration of soil organic matter amenable to priming. Variable source and age of different forms of carbon released from natural peatland pipes Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences 117, (Billet, Dinsmore, Smart, Garnett, Holden, Chapman, Baird, Grayson & Stott, 2012) Understanding the processes associated with the hydrology and carbon dynamics of peatlands under environmental change is an increasingly important research area. In this study, carbon isotopes (14C and 13C) were used to measure the source and age of DOC, POC, dissolved CO2 and CH4 (13C only) released from three natural peat pipes and the downstream catchment outlet of a small peatland in northern England. Sampling under different hydrological extremes (high flows associated with storm events and low flows before or after storms) was used to explore variability in C sources as flow paths change over short periods of time. The 13C composition of organic C differed from that of the dissolved gases and showed that C leaving the catchment was a mixture of shallow/deep pipe and non-pipe sources. The isotopic composition of the dissolved gases was more variable than DOC and POC, with individual pipes either showing 13C enrichment or depletion during a storm event. Differences in the isotopic composition of evasion CO2 at pipe outlets do not explain the variability in 13C and 14C at the catchment outlet and suggest that overland flow is likely to be an important source of CO 2. The studied showed that the sources of CO2 and CH4 are significantly more variable and dynamic than DOC and POC and that natural pipes vent old, deep peat CO2 and POC (but not DOC) to the atmosphere. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS/STRATEGIC FORWARD LOOK Bristol: In the short- to medium-term future the node shall be focussing on efficient throughput of as many projects as possible whilst preparing for the next SRG, presumably in 2014. Ideally, the medium to long-term future would see the acquisition of an HT-TOFMS which would enable the current GC/MS analytical window to be extended to encompass higher mass compounds such as intact triacyglycerides, glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers and bacteriohopanepolyols. We will also continue to work closely with the SoC Mass Spectrometry facility in the development of new methodologies and explore mechanisms by which they may be offered to NERC end-users. East Kilbride: The new Pyrocube is delivering H and O isotope measurements only 6 weeks after installation. We have already made some headway (before the mass spec breakdown) to running C/N/S isotope measurements on the same sample, and hope to have this routine by the summer. However C/N isotope measurements will also need to be made routine, if we are to deal with the capacity problems which have arisen because of the long downtime in early 2012, coupled with many of our users competing for measurement time in the same few months. We anticipate that the impending cuts to NERC Services and Facilities will result in a loss of capacity in the near future, so decisions on future projects will have to consider the available capacity as well as science quality. Faced with cuts of uncertain magnitude may not allow for new developments, however the measurement of sulphur isotope ratios is a top priority for both the LSMSF-EK and the ICSF, also at SUERC. A shared instrument provides exceptional value for money for NERC, by vastly reducing time allocation using existing instrumentation; we will be submitting a bid for this in the near future. Though we have learned much in the short time spent testing C/N/S isotope measurement on the Pyrocube, it is not designed to be connected to the IRMS of a separate manufacturer, and there is much loss in functionality. Lancaster: 2013-2014 will build on the developments achieved this reporting year with continued training and augmentation of new methods where applicable. One of the main goals is to enhance the LSMSF staff skills portfolio in dual inlet sulphur isotope techniques which may, in future, allow the node to offer these isotopes to ‘in house’ research and eventually the LSMSF external user community. Partial training has already begun in sulphur isotope analyses and further training is already ring fenced for June 2013. This gives us access to understanding pollution dynamics and atmospheric change, as well as understanding contemporary processes of biogeochemical cycling within tropic ecosystems. This would also provide the opportunity to undertake cutting edge research into 33 S – the third stable isotope of sulphur, which has a recognised potential as an environmental tracer of biogeochemical processes. A capital bid for a standalone dual inlet Variocube Isoprime 100 has just been prepared in conjunction with LEC to carry out bulk sulphur, carbon and nitrogen analyses. We aim to continue with developing the automated nitrous oxide analyses at natural abundance from 12ml exetainers without the need for 100ml Youngs gas flasks. Early indications on 1ppm N 2O standards show that enough N2O can be introduced into the IRMS using a ‘flush technique’ from the Gilson dual core needle. We intend to modify the method further to allow us to scale down to 0.3ppm which is required for the Macronutrients research project at Keele University. Looking forward in terms of potential techniques that may be beneficial to the user community include the development of the oxygen isotopes for utilisation with WUE techniques. Non-Mandatory Facility-specific OPMs: utilisation, allocation of capacity etc See the annexes accompanying the submission of this annual summary