SERVICES & FACILITIES ANNUAL REPORT - FY April 2006 to March 2007 SERVICE Isotope Community Support Facility ICSF FUNDING Block AGREEMENT F14/G6/11/01 ESTABLISHED as S&F 1991 TERM 3 TYPE OF SERVICE PROVIDED: ICSF meets the need in the Geoscience Community for isotopic analyses and training primarily in support of research related to the NERC Priority Areas Sustainable Economies and Earth’s Life Support Systems, with three new projects, utilizing our applied geoscience expertise, contributing to Climate Change. Training of postgraduate students in the principles and practice of stable isotope geochemistry lies at the core of ICSF support (every approved project from 1999-2006 has a student undergoing training). Students gain access, via ICSF, to a suite of international-class isotope systems at SUERC for analyses of minerals, fluids and organic compounds. ICSF offers a first-rate environment (2006 Services Review Group marking 4) with the highest level of service (5), as reflected in our formal 2005/6 user survey (>93% users think overall service and student training is excellent, 7% judging it good). PI”s and students also benefit from the complementary expertise resulting from ICSF being embedded in SUERC. Our research focus has been on the full cycle of the Applied Minerals research, from genetic modelling informing exploration and exploitation, through to remediation. From approved projects addressing fundamental ore genesis, to dealing with remediation strategies for acid mine drainage, ICSF supports the NERC Strategy through its commitment to revealing and explaining the Earth's resources and supporting their sustainable use in an environmentally conscious manner. The Facility is headed by Dr. Fin Stuart and managed by Dr. Adrian Boyce with technician (50% time) Mrs Alison McDonald. Access is through (i) application to the NERC Isotope Geoscience Facilities Steering Committee (NIGFSC); and/or (ii) pilot studies preparatory to future applications, approved by the Facility. Analyses are produced for successful projects (currently 3M and above are funded for postgraduate, or 4 for higher level research) most commonly through intensive, one-to-one postgraduate supervision, supervised by Dr. Boyce. Output is primarily measured by (i) peer-reviewed publication, and (ii) the production of motivated young scientists, trained to fulfil the strategic needs of the NERC and the UK. Since ICSF inception in 1991, 93% of research students from ICSF approved projects have gone on to work in the exploration/environmental industries (70%) or are applying their skills in academia (23%). Quality is assured through the NIGFSC peer-review process. This year 20 approved and 5 pilot projects were supported from 15 UK Institutions. Six PhD students underwent in-depth training in stable isotope principles, making extensive use of six isotope ratio mass spectrometers and several conventional and laser preparation systems at SUERC. In this way, ICSF promotes the government’s priority for the long-term health of the science base. Six new projects were approved, including three from new institutions (Liverpool, Nottingham, RHUL) and four new PI’s. Whilst these projects remain at the core of ICSF’s commitment to student training, Dr. Boyce actively seeks collaborative earned grant income to fund personal research; participation in grantfunded science also provides a yardstick for quality that is applied to Facility applications. In this regard, ICSF was part of a successful NERC URGENCY grant (NE/E00170X/1: PI’s Prof. I. Head, Newcastle University) in 2006. ANNUAL TARGETS AND PROGRESS TOWARDS THEM Following advice from SRG 2006, ICSF has continued to evolve of the Facility away from student-centred, mineral deposit-related projects. Of the six new and five pilot studies undertaken by ICSF, around 1/3 were in support of students, with 2/3 in direct support of high level, largely NERC-supported projects. We have also increased our profile in Earth’s Life Support Systems (30% of 06-07 projects) and Climate Change (13%), compared to our yearly average of >75% Sustainable Economies over past three years. Our target of using our acknowledged strengths to expand into environmental hydrogeology continues, with a new application from Dr. David Polya at Manchester University, and publication of complementary research in the subject of As contaminated groundwaters. SCORES AT LAST REVIEW (each out of 5) Need Uniqueness 4 4 CAPACITY of HOST ENTITY FUNDED by S&F 100% Quality of Service 5 Staff & Status Independent Members 8 2009-10 Meetings per annum 2 2006 Average 4.25 Next Review (January) 2009 1 Manager – Dr. Adrian Boyce (RA3) (100%) 1 Part-time Technician – Mrs Alison McDonald (Grade E) FINANCIAL DETAILS: CURRENT FY Total Resource Unit Cost £k Allocation £k Half Day of Full Facility Time 118.48 0.308 FINANCIAL COMMITMENT (by year until end of current agreement) 2006-07 131,310 2007-08 136,562 2008-09 142,005 STEERING COMMITTEE NIGFSC Date of Last Review: Quality of Science & Training 4 Contract Ends (31 March) 2010 Capital Expend £k Income £k Full cash cost £k 0 0 131.31 147,706 2010-11 Other S&F Overseen AIF, OUUSF, NIGL 153,614 APPLICATIONS: DISTRIBUTION OF GRADES (Current FY — 2006/07) 5 4 3 2 1 NERC Grant projects 1 2 Other academic Students 3 Pilot 1 2 3 TOTAL APPLICATIONS: DISTRIBUTION OF GRADES (per annum average previous 3 years —2002/03 - 2004/05) 5 4 3 2 1 NERC Grant projects Other Academic Students 2 2 Pilot 2 2 TOTAL R*/Pilot 1 Reject 4 5 R*/Pilot Reject 2 2 PROJECTS COMPLETED (Current FY) 5 NERC Grant projects Other Academic Students Pilot 4 3 1 2 2 1 1 Infrastructure Student Supplement to NERC Grant * Total NERC 1 13 9 31 USER PROFILE (per annum average previous 3 years) Infrastructure Grand Student Total Supplement to NERC Grant * Total NERC 21 2 9 7 USER PROFILE (current FY) Academic Centre/Survey 17 2 USER PROFILE (per annum average previous 3 years) Academic Centre/Survey 12 1 NERC C/S Other *Combined non-Directed and Directed PAYG Student NERC C/S Other Total NERC 2 15 NERC C/S Other 1 7 NERC Grant* ES 92% NERC Fellows 0 PhD 13 Commercial 0 NERC Fellows 0 PhD 12 Commercial 0 Distribution of Projects (by science areas) MS AS TFS 4% OUTPUT & PERFORMANCE MEASURES (per annum average previous 3 years) Publications (by science area & type) SBA ES MS AS TFS EO Polar Grand Total Refereed 14 17 12 SBA ES 100% Earth’s life support systems 7 *Combined non-Directed and Directed PAYG Student NERC C/S Other Total NERC NERC Grant* OUTPUT & PERFORMANCE MEASURES (current FY) Publications (by science area & type) SBA ES MS AS TFS EO Polar Grand Total Refereed 17 1 18 10 SBA 4% R*/Pilot 2 USER PROFILE (current FY) Grand Total Distribution of Projects (by science areas) MS AS TFS Non-Ref/ Conf Proc 7 EO Polar Non-Ref/ Conf Proc 3 EO Distribution of Projects (by NERC strategic priority) Climate Change Sustainable Economies Underpinning Science 3 15 PhD Theses 1 PhD Theses 2 Polar Specific Research 1 OVERVIEW & ACTIVITIES IN FINANCIAL YEAR (2005/06): TRAINING – THE CORE EFFORT The production of highly motivated and educated young scientists is a primary objective of the current NERC strategy, Science for the Sustainable Future, and will remain so in the developing future NERC Strategy. ICSF contributes to this commitment by investing our expertise in young and talented people. Our core support centres on student training in the principles and practice of isotope geochemistry, especially stable isotopes (C, H, O and S) – ALL approved ICSF projects from 1999-2006 have involved such in-depth training. In the past year, 13 PhD students (7 NERC/CASE, 2 NERC, 1 Geol. Soc., 3 University/Industry Studentships) received training in the principles and practice of stable isotope geochemistry. Five presented data to national conferences, six have papers published or in review in peer-reviewed journals (2 in Economic Geology, 2 in Mineralium Deposita, 1 in Earth & Planet. Sci. Letters, 1 in J. Geol. Soc. London), and one PhD thesis was completed. In all cases, training starts with the development of the project, through formulation of the application, in close consultation with Dr. Boyce. On-site training and data acquisition then forms the central part of ICSF support, which ends with thesis completion and peer-reviewed publication. The quality of these studentbased projects has been improved and maintained, with no application receiving less than 3M from the NIGFSC since 2000. Through NERC CASE and industry-linked studentships there is a strong interaction with industry. Grants to 10 of the 13 students who received in-depth training this year were part-subsidized by the mineral exploration industry. All of these students work on projects centred on international research areas, 7 of which are in developing countries. PROJECT THROUGHPUT 20 approved and 5 pilot projects, involving 31 researchers, were supported by ICSF this year. The bulk of effort went into four areas, (1) data accumulation and training for recently approved projects; (2) paper redaction; (3) personal research and technical development; (4) development of new projects with academic partners. Dr. Boyce takes a hands-on role in developing new projects, contributing as early as possible to new projects once approached by PI’s. RESULTS – PAPERS Since last year, 10 peer-reviewed papers have been published or are in press in international-class journals (Annex 6), and 1 PhD thesis completed, incorporating an extensive database acquired from ICSF. All of the published papers are collaborative, reflecting the nature of the Facility. Through the applied and international nature of the project work, 80% of these publications have an overseas author, and 30% have a private/public sector co-author. These efforts highlight the commitment of the Facility to produce and foster quality, international-level science, and tangible measures for the NERC portfolio. PERSONAL RESEARCH – ADDING VALUE Whilst NIGFSC-approved projects remain central to ICSF’s mission, Dr. Boyce is occasionally asked to be a named co-PI on NERC and other grant bids. This year ICSF was a partner in a successful URGENCY NERC grant (NE/E00170X/1) to investigate the biogeochemistry and microbial habitats of a potential deep geothermal system in the Weardale Granite (PI at Newcastle University: Prof. Ian Head) via sampling of waters from a packer test in March/April 2006. Such effort provides a yardstick for quality in ICSF project applications, and contributes funding for Dr. Boyce’s approved personal research. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT – SUSTAINED TEMPO A scrutiny of time-cost allocations of ICSF indicates that over the life of each contract, an average of four new approved projects and 2-3 pilot projects per year can be taken on by ICSF. Until 2006, ICSF approved projects were exclusively student-based (see above). However, following advice from SRG, ICSF has diversified its user base, to be more directly aligned to supporting NERC science (3 of 4 newly approved non-student projects are in support of NERC grants, with one in support of a New Investigator grant). ICSF is also diversifying its portfolio, whilst maintaining strengths (see Future Development/Strategic Forward Look; the other is in support of a Leverhulme award), in line with NERC strategic aims. We have also been successful in broadening our user base – with 4 of 6 approved project PI’s being new users, and 100% of pilot project PI’s (5) new users. SCIENCE HIGHLIGHTS (including four most impactful published outputs): 1. Maier, W.D., Andreoli, M., McDonald, I., Higgins, M.D., Boyce, A.J., Shukolyukov, A., Lugmair, G.W., Ashwal, L.D., Graeser, P., Ripley, E. and Hart, R. (2006) Discovery of a 25cm asteroid clast in the giant Morokweng impact crater, South Africa. NATURE, 441, 203-206. It has long been assumed that large asteroids or comets (>4km diameter) that collide with the Earth generate such enormous energy and high temperatures (>10,000°C!) on impact that all traces of the original body were obliterated. These impacts cause huge craters, and have been suggested to lead to environmental stress and mass extinctions, like the dinosaurs. Smaller impact craters around the Earth have been found to contain meteoritic fragments from largely iron asteroids. No such traces have been recovered from larger craters, which can be up to 300km in diameter. Until now. This generally accepted view has now been challenged due to the exciting discovery by our international team of scientists, which includes Dr. Iain McDonald (Cardiff University's School of Earth Ocean & Planetary Sciences), PI of the approved project IP/909/0506. An initial paper was published in Nature. The Morokweng crater in South Africa was formed 144 million years ago when an asteroid struck and caused a scar in the landscape of at least 70km diameter. The team were assisting a company drilling for copper and nickel at the site – impact craters often being associated with unusual natural resource concentrations. One borehole drilled into the crater intersected a 25cm long fragment of meteorite-like rock. S isotopic analysis of its minerals and its bulk chemical signature demonstrated its extraterrestrial origin. Since the discovery of the large fragment, the team have found many more, smaller fragments in the same core, indicating that much of the asteroid may have survived melting in the crater's magma pool and remained as solid boulder or pebble sized lumps. The meteorite is an ordinary chondrite, but is no run of the mill meteorite. It shows striking differences compared to other typical meteorites, such as the absence of iron-nickel metal. It appears that the Morokweng meteorite may have come from a very different part of the parent asteroid than other ordinary chondrites that currently fall on Earth. 2. D. Wacey and M. Brasier (Oxford University) Critical testing of suggested occurrences of early (3500Ma year old) life This exciting new project that will be a focus in the coming year is the critical testing of the early occurrence of life, 3.43 billion years ago. In support of an a5-rated NERC grant (NE/C510883/1), this project also obtained ICSF’s highest project grading to date (5: IP/951/1106). The aim of this project is to explore the context and to fully characterise putatively biogenic microtubules found in microcrystalline silica grains within the ~3.43Ga Strelley Pool Sandstone from the Pilbara region of Western Australia. We are investigating two related questions: 1. what is the geological context of the microtubules – is it consistent with an early Archean age or could they be younger contaminants? 2. How did the microtubules form – is their chemistry and morphology consistent with a biological origin, or could they have been formed abiogenically? The proposed S isotope study will provide a crucial test of a/biogenicity. 3. Glynn, S., Mills, R.A., Palmer, M.R., Pancost, R.D., Severmann, S. and Boyce, A.J. (2006) The role of prokaryotes in supergene alteration of submarine hydrothermal sulfides. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 244, 170185. Oxidising hydrothermal sulfide mounds provide some of the sharpest redox contrasts in the planet, but how much does bacterial activity - often considered, but rarely proven - contribute to the rapidity of this alteration process. We combined mineralogical, stable isotope and organic biomarker data to QuickTime™ and a understand the role of bacterial activity in supergene reactions within these TIFF (LZW) decompressor submarine hydrothermal sulfidic sediments. Data from two adjacent cores from are needed to see this picture. the periphery of the inactive Alvin hydrothermal mound show that the limit of oxygenated seawater penetration into the sulfidic sediments is expressed as a sharp peak in solid phase Cu (atacamite and secondary Cu sulfides) associated with supergene alteration of the sulfide pile. There is a statistically significant enrichment of prokaryote numbers at this redox front that coincides with abundant Fe-oxide filaments (Figure: rod-like goethite filaments variably encrusted with hematite cemented by twinned euhedral gypsum crystals. White dashed lines indicate the gypsum boundaries) and a unique distribution of microbial biomarkers. The dominance of quaternary-branched alkanes in the oxidized transition zone immediately above the redox front, and their absence below, suggests a significant role of the source organisms in iron or sulfide oxidation under the more circumneutral conditions associated with the redox transition zone. The morphology of the Fe-oxide filaments (Figure) preserved within late stage silica and gypsum mineralization is consistent with a biogenic origin of the filaments. Gypsum S isotopes (IP/774/0902) are in equilibrium with fluids that are derived from quantitative sulfide oxidation and the gypsum nucleation is inferred to be biologically induced. These new data suggest that during supergene alteration of sulfidic sediments sharp redox and pH gradientsare generated that stimulate prokaryotic activity, in particular iron and sulfide oxidisers, which in turn govern the distribution of secondary mineral phases and the abundance of redox sensitive trace metals. 4. Coogan, L.A., Howard, K.A., Gillis, K.M., Bickle, M., Chapman, H., Boyce, A.J., Jenkin, G.R.T. and Wilson, R.N. (2006) Chemical and thermal constraints on focussed fluid flow in the lower oceanic crust. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 306, 389-427. The mechanism of heat extraction from the lower oceanic crust near mid-ocean ridge axes is poorly constrained despite its importance for understanding both the process of accretion of the plutonic complex and the mass fluxes associated with near-axis hydrothermal systems. We have investigated the role of zones of focussed fluid flow in the plutonic complex of the Oman ophiolite in the near-axis cooling of the oceanic crust. Lineaments that occur at 1 km spacing, show evidence for extensive hydrothermal fluid flow through regions 10 to 50 m wide. Isotopic and geochemical data, in support of this NERC New Investigators grant (NER/M/S/2003/00045), enabled a quantitative fluid flux to be calculated for these zones, and showed enhanced cooling rates adjacent to the flow zones. Our results show that focussed fluid flow plays a major role in the cooling in the lower oceanic crust, and thus has important implications for predicting the total mass flux associated with hydrothermal circulation at mid-ocean ridges. It appears that the chemistry of fluids flowing through channels become rock-buffered at smaller fluid fluxes than those flowing pervasively through a rock mass. Thus, if focussed fluid flow is an important mechanism of heat loss from the lower oceanic crust the chemical fluxes from ridge hydrothermal systems into the oceans may be smaller than currently thought. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS/STRATEGIC FORWARD LOOK We will continue to expand our profile away from wholly student-centred, largely mineral deposit related projects related to Sustainable Economies. We thus envisage the concentration on projects related to Sustainable Economies to diminish from it’s current 3 year average of >75%. This has already begun with Earth’s Life Support Systems (30% of 06-07 projects) and Climate Change (13%) increasing significantly. Our expansion into environmental hydrogeology will continue, and in doing so we will gain new expertise in dissolved inorganic and dissolved organic carbon analytical methods. Rio Tinto’s Pic de Fon deposit represents a new, world-class resource (~1billion tonnes) of high-grade iron ore, located in the Simandou Range, Republic of Guinea. The project involves unravelling the fundamental process(es) by which banded iron formation (BIF) is converted to iron ore – involving a spectacular mass transfer, resulting in fully enriched iron ore with 65-70% Fe! Through Dr. Jamie Wilkinson’s NERC CONNECT B (NER/D/S/2002/00966) grant and tied studentship (Mr. Ian Cope), a successful application (IP/954/1106) to measure O isotopes was obtained. Early results indicate that the initial transformation towards iron ore took place at metamorphic temperatures, and that the final transformation was dominated by a distinct, meteoric water-dominated hydrothermal event, probably controlled by fault structures. Results are proving so promising that a pilot study has been approved to allow finer resolution of the isotope history via the Ion Microprobe Facility.