Anna Banerji MD MPH FRCPC DTM&H O.Ont March 17th 2012 My role Question: Barriers to Multicultural Health Research Research issues ◦ Not a priority vs CVS drugs ◦ Not understand the different categories of newcomers ◦ Not a large lobby ◦ Lack of funding for research ◦ Systematic racism Newcomer issues ◦ Language, study what is easier to study Interpreters are expensive ◦ What is informed consent to a refugee? ◦ Research is not a priority if you live in poverty, can’t navigate the system, can’t feed your family ◦ Children have little power ◦ More vulnerable, research is less of a priority ◦ Undocumented people are hard to reach, may not want to disclose status Lack of funds, Lack of implementation ◦ Research shows malnutrition is rampant-but can’t afford vitamins ◦ Still living in poverty Competing time for clinicians, service vs research mental health, impact of mental health of parents Nutrition Parasites Other infectious diseases The impact of poverty Lack of health insurance Increasing benefits for ITF Setting priorities in research based on needs and working backwards Increasing forums for Education and Research ◦ Collaboration and sharing of information ◦ Canadian Refugee Health Conference ◦ Evidence based medicine Enhanced collaboration of Clinicians & researchers Enhanced research funding Greater lobby and KT Press releases on studies