History Department Staff Student committee meeting 16

History Department
Staff Student committee meeting
16th November 2006
Apologies: Dr S Maddra Ms Fotheringham Senior Honours Rep:
1. Minutes of last meeting read with no issues raised.
2. Level 1a/b
Issues were raised regarding the quality of the video link in the Boyd Orr lecture
theatre. It was viewed as a health and safety issue. Computing services have been
notified and the claim is that weather conditions affect the quality of the link.
3. Level 1c
Dr D Broun had received feedback from the class questionnaire which raised the
point that there was a clash between this class time and that of Archaeology for
second year students. The Tuesday lecture was now taped on a Tuesday and Dr.
Broun and the 1c Rep were to communicate further with the Archaeology
Dr. Maddra is to meet with the student reps out with this meeting. There is
nothing further to report.
Class rep has reported that there were no issues to be raised. Dr. Glassey enquired
about Moodle navigation now that the department has become operational; the
class rep reported it effective.
No report.
No report.
3 Witchcraft
N.B for these level 3 courses there was only one rep available and nothing to
Junior Honours
It was suggested that there was not enough lectures for the course, with only five
weeks of lectures and seminars.
It was verified that lectures and seminars were organised in different ways and
operated at a minimum requirement. As a front loading system; i.e. lectures at the
start with seminars at the end of the course. Contact hours met the required
number and the budget had a bearing on this. Staff did mention that this
suggestion would not be overlooked. There appeared to be a mixed reaction to this
as some students would prefer to have all seminars and in this instance it would be
difficult to strike a balance.
In another issue raised on The Russian Civil War lectures and seminars it was
found that students were finding it difficult to concentrate for the two hour long
Finally students asked if the Scottish Wars of independence sources were on
Moodle and were told that this was not the case for Honours level.
Chairperson raised issue on tutorial exercises where a minority of people were
having difficulty in sourcing answers to the set questions. He advised and directed
them to PAL but students were finding that they did not have enough information
to take part in tutorials. It was suggested that it could be an individual and
transitional process coming from school to university and that the tutors are to be
e-mailed regarding an explanation to all level one students.
It is expected that the examination menu will run from the 8th-19th January 2007
but not yet confirmed by Registry.
Library lending services.
Essays appear to have a problem with library lending. There may be a possibility
to stagger the books from upper levels and put into short loan for the duration of
the courses. Single copy books may also be transferred to twenty-four hour loan.
This is an annual problem and although the library measures how many times a
book is borrowed it merely predicts the requirement. If all students put a hold on
books regardless of the queue it would be of more benefit to library services to be
able to predict with more accuracy.
There are some thirty tutorial topics in levels one and two and theoretically three
or four groups for each topic. With book resources limited it is hoped that the
introduction of e-books may appease the situation.
It was suggested that students may receive advice and guidance on how to access
e-books during the class time.
Proposal for Special subject, Honours level.
Title of proposed subject: European communism in documents. Ms Bracke is
course convener.
Dr. Glassey suggested that there was insufficient time spent on this excellent
The rep for senior honours enquired how a gobbet paper would be set from a film.
It was agreed that some more thought was needed on the fine tuning of the course.
Approval may be expected next year or the year after. There may also be more
subjects to be offered in the pipeline and an e-mail to other departments to enquire
further would be helpful.
This course was subject to approval at the next meeting which would be held
sometime in February 2007 possibly during the fifth or sixth week of the new term.
It was reported that it was not possible to hold these subjects annually due to staff
study leave and that by teaching them on a bi-yearly basis helped to keep the
subject fresh. The aim was to introduce this subject into the Honours course book
next term as a special subject.
Dr. Spaeth proposed Imran for chairperson. There were no objections to his name
being put forward.
The committee is to reconvene via e-mail at a date to be arranged.