Torsion Balance tests of Gravity Blayne Heckel University of Washington TOPICS COVERED Equivalence Principle tests short-range inverse-square law tests Planck-scale preferred-frame tests WILL SUMMARIZE motivations techniques results the Eöt-Wash group in experimental gravitation Faculty Eric Adelberger Jens Gundlach Blayne Heckel Postdocs Frank Fleischer Seth Hoedl Stephan Schlamminger Current Graduate Students Ted Cook Charlie Hegedorn William Terrano Matt Turner Todd Wagner Part of this talk is based on PhD thesis work of recent graduates Dan Kapner (currently Kavli Fellow KCCP in Chicago) Claire Cramer (currently at Harvard University) Primary support from NSF Grant PHY0653863 with supplements from the DOE Office of Science and to a lesser extent NASA Unifying gravity with the other forces in physics is the central problem in fundamental science must find a way to account for the extreme weakness of gravity and the observed dark energy string or M theory provides a framework for the unification BUT: it inherently contains features that have to be hidden from experiment: 10 or 11 dimensions numerous massless scalar particles with “gravitational” couplings some of these new features could show up in Equivalence Principle and/or inverse-square law tests A brief history of Equivalence Principle tests: classic view: do all materials have the same mi /mg ? Galileo test Newton-Bessel test Eötvös test ω l d θ are fall times equal? are periods equal? are angles equal? T=(2d/g (mi/mg)) T=2π (l/g (mi/mg)) ε=ω2R sin2θ/(2g) (mi/mg) a/a0.1 a/a10-4 a/a 10-9 implementation as a null experiment if the EP is violated, down is not a unique direction balance twists only if force vectors are not parallel i.e. if EP is violated or if gravity field is not uniform modern era in EP tests was ushered in by Fischbach’s reanalysis of Eötvös’s results Fischbach at el., PRL 56, 3 (1986) This result along with geophysical measurements was taken as evidence for a “5th force” with ≈ .01 30m 1000m k= a/a torsion pendulum of the recent Eöt-Wash EP test S. Schlamminger et al., PRL 100, 041101 (2008) 20 m diameter 108 cm long tungsten fiber eight 4.84 g test masses (4 Be & 4 Ti) or (4 Be & 4 Al) 4 mirrors tuning screws adjust the mass multipole moments & minimize sensitivity to gravity gradients 5 cm free osc freq: quality factor: decay time: machining tolerance: total mass : 1.261 mHz 4000 11d 6.5 hrs 5 m 70 g turntable of the new EP balance servoed rotary contactor for electric signals thermal insulation air-bearing turntable angle encoder electronics thermal expansion feet fedback to keep turntable rotation axis level torsion balance hangs from the bearing which rotates at 0.833 mHz gravity-gradiometer pendulums q41 configuration on a table q21 configuration installed gravity-gradient compensation Pb Q21 compensators Total mass: 880 kg Q21= 1.8 g/cm3 Compensators can be rotated by 360° Al Pb Q31 compensators Total mass: 2.4 kg Q31 =6.710-4 g/cm4 hillside & local masses limitations on gradient cancellation these data were taken in early November, 2008 1σ statistical + systematic uncertainties from our Equivalence Principle experiment with beryllium and titanium test bodies Source Earth Δa (cm/s2) Δa/asource (+0.6 ± 3.1) x 10-13 (+0.3 ± 1.8) x 10-13 Sun (-2.4 ± 2.8)×10-13 (-4.0 ± 4.7)×10-13 Milky Way (-2.1 ± 3.1)×10-13 (-1.1 ± 1.6)×10-5 CMB (-2.9 ± 2.7)×10-13 (-2.1 ± 1.9)×10-3 95% confidence level exclusion plot for interactions coupled to B - L Is gravity the only long-range force between dark and luminous matter? Could there be a long-range scalar interaction that couples to dark-matter & standard-model particles? 95% confidence limits on non-gravitational acceleration of hydrogen by galactic dark matter at most 5% of the acceleration can be non-gravitational motivations for sub-millimeter tests of the inverse-square law untested regime probes the dark energy length scale large extra dimensions? chameleons? “fat gravitons”? 95% confidence limits as of 2000 Does dark energy define a new fundamental length scale in physics? a second “Planck length”? the 42-hole inverse-square law pendulum PhD project of Dan Kapner Mary Levin photo rotating attractor and its electrostatic shield • tightly stretched, 10- μm thick, Aucoated BeCu foil shields electrostatic effects. • placed 12 μm above rotating attractor power spectral density of the twist signal d = detector/foil separation measuring the detector-membrane separation signal processing raw signal these data were taken with the calibration turn-table stationary 2-pt digital filter used in our earlier work 5-pt digital filter data from 42-hole experiment III 42ω this is 1 of 3 very similar data sets taken with slightly different attractor geometries 21ω 95% confidence upper limits on ISL violation some 2σ implications of our data inverse-square law holds down to 56 microns largest possible size of an extra dimension is R =(=8/3) = 44 microns for ADD’s 2 equal extra dimensions scenario M* 3.4 TeV/c2 radion exchange with n extra dimensions gives a Yukawa force with =n/(n+2) and ≈2.4 mm [ 1 TeV/M*c2]; this implies M*(n=6) ≈ 6.4 TeV/c2 dilaton must have mass mc2 3.5 meV the chameleon mechanism can circumvent experimental evidence against string theory’s gravitationally coupled low-mass scalars by adding a self-interaction term to the effective potential density natural values of & are in presence of matter, massless chameleons acquire an effective mass so that an object’s external field comes only from a thin skin of material of thickness ~ 1/meff ( 60μm) 2σ chameleon constraints natural value EXCLUDED the Fourier-Bessel pendulum will be the PhD project of Ted Cook cosmic preferred frames? We all were taught that there are no preferred frames. But the Universe defines a frame in which the CMB is essentially isotropic. Could there be other preferred frame effects defined by the Universe? Kostelecky et al. developed a scenario where vector and axial-vector fields were spontaneously generated in the early universe and then inflated to enormous extents; particles couple to these preferred-frame fields in Lorentz-invariant manners. This “Standard Model Extension” predicts lots of new observables many of which violate CPT. One observable is E = σe· b̃e where b̃e is fixed in inertial space - its benchmark value is me2/ MPlanck ≈ 2 × 10-17 eV non-commutative space-time geometry string theorists have suggested that the space-time coordinates may not commute, i.e. that where Θij has units of area and represents the mimimum observable patch of area, just as the commutator of x and px represents the minimum observable product of Δx Δpx “Review of the Phenomenology of Noncommutative Geometry” I. Hinchliffe, N Kersting and Y.L. Ma hep-ph/0205040 effect of non-commutative geometry on a spin non-commutative geometry is equivalent to a “pseudo-magnetic” field and thus couples to spins B Anisimov, Dine, Banks and Graesser Phys Rev D 65, 085032 (2002) is a cutoff assumed to be 1TeV A the Eöt-Wash spin pendulum • • • • • • • • 9.8 x 1022 polarized electrons negligible mass asymmetry negligible composition asymmetry flux of B confined within octagons negligible external B field Alnico: all B comes from electron spin: spins point opposite to B SmCo5: Sm 3+ ion has spin pointing along total B and its spin B field is nearly canceled by its orbital B field--so B of SmCo5 comes almost entirely from the Co’s electron spins therefore the spins of Alnico and Co cancel and pendulum’s net spin comes from the Sm and J = S the Eöt-Wash rotating torsion balance vacuum can prehanger fiber HH coils autocollimator compensation masses thermal shield magnetic shielding pendulum feet turntable measuring the stray magnetic field of the spin pendulum B inside = 9.6±0.2 kG B outside ≈ few mG spin-pendulum data span a period of 36 months a 113 hour stretch is shown below definition of β: Epend= Np β·σ 2ß=energy needed to flip a spin -simulated - - -signal -from assumed bx=2.5×10-20 eV best fit out-of-phase sine waves--corresponds to preferred-frame signal: bx=(-0.20±0.76)10-21 eV by=(-0.23±0.76)10-21 eV lab-fixed spin pendulum signal gyrocompass effect The gyrocompass Our gyrocompass. Earth’s rotation Ω acting on J of pendulum produces a steady torque along suspension fiber Anschütz’s gyrocompass. Anschuetz-Kaempfe and Sperry separately patented gyrocompasses in UK and US. In 1915 Einstein ruled that Anschütz’s patent was valid. | Ω × J · n | where n is unit vector along local vertical. Because S= ̶ J this is equivalent to βN = ̶ 1.616 × 10-20 eV Lorentz-symmetry violating rotation parameters our work Cane et al, PRL 93(2004) 230801 Phillips et al, PRD 63(2001) 111101 95% confidence upper limits on monopolemonopole-dipole interactions effect of non-commutative geometry on spin B A is a cutoff assumed to be 1TeV Anisimov, Dine, Banks and Graesser hep-ph/2010039 minimum observable patch of area implied by our results | 6 10–58 m2 6 10–58 m2 seems very small and indeed it is but in another sense it is also quite large 6 10–58 m2 ~ (106 LP)2 where LP is the Planck Length √(ħ G/c3)=1.6 × 10-35 m or ~ (103 LU)2 where LU is the Grand Unification length LU = ħc /1016 GeV but 1013 GeV is pretty good for a table-top result references Equivalence Principle tests S. Baessler et al., PRL 83, 3585 (1999) G.L. Smith et al., PRD 61, 022001 (2000) S. Schlamminger et al. PRL 100, 041101 (2008) Inverse-square law tests D.J. Kapner et al., PRL 98, 021101 (2007) E.G. Adelberger et al., PRL 98, 13104 (2007) Preferred-frame tests B.R. Heckel et al., PRL 97, 021603 (2006) B.R. Heckel et al., arXiv:00808.2673 Eötvös’s instrument Eötvös first used torsion balances to test the EP in 1889. His most famous work was done between 1904 and 1909 Eötvös et al studied a range of materials and claimed a/a<510-9 Roll, Krotkov and Dicke’s instrument they watched bodies fall toward the sun Roll, Krotkov and Dicke, Ann. Phys. 26, 442 (1964) 1 sigma result a/a=(1.0±1.5)10–11 only 280 times more precise than Eotvos “If one of the suspended weights in Eötvös’ apparatus contained a strongly magnetized iron fragment weighing only a few millionths of a gram it would produce a deflection 1000 times greater than the error claimed by Eötvös” ELECTRICALLY CHARGED PLATES Dicke made similar comments about temperature variations and the gravity field of Eötvös himself This claim turned out to be wrong, but as sometimes happens in physics a wrong result* can be very useful scientifically: • µ –> e γ • Weber’s “discovery” of gravity waves • “fifth force” * that gets corrected Leveling feet turntable z correction for tilt of the turntable rotation axis Feedback nulls signal of upper tilt sensor 1.70m Gravity gradient compensator • Feedback removes tilt at upper tilt sensor • However, local vertical varies with height – gives a spurious deflection of the pendulum due to residual tilt Lower tilt sensor measures: local earth field (~60 nrad) + off-center compensator field (~15 nrad) = measured tilt (~45 nrad) 0.23m Tilt at pendulum is only due to local earth field: ~50 nrad of tilt ~2.5 nrad correction to Lower tilt sensor pendulum signal the Irvine experiment Hoskins et al. PRD 32, 3084 (1985) some amusing numbers our differential acceleration resolution of Δa310-13 cm/s2 is comparable to the difference in g between 2 spots in this room separated vertically by 1 nm if an object had been given this steady acceleration starting in the time of Pericles (450 BC) it would now be moving as fast as the end of the hour hand on a typical wall clock Gauss’s Law and extra dimensions illustration from Savas Dimopoulos Top view of the plate pendulum torsion pendulum Ti, = 4.6 g/cm ³ Thin Pt attractor sheet, backing made from Ti: a rim makes the finite attractor look “infinite”: homogenous gravity field Ta, = 16.6 g/cm ³ stretched Ti foil 4 m This will be the PhD project of Charlie Hagedorn Earth’s spin axis Eöt-Wash lab Z Earth’s velocity around Sun Y X to vernal equinox In more general terms our upper limit on the energy required to invert an electron spin about an arbitrary axis fixed in inertial space is ~10-22 eV this is comparable to the electrostatic energy of two electrons separated by ~ 90 astronomical units