Response to Recommendations by the National Association of Child Care (NACCRRA)

Response to Recommendations by the
National Association of Child Care
Resource & Referral Agencies
The Massachusetts
Child Care Resource &
Referral Network
MA Child Care Resource and Referral
Network Mission
The MA Child Care Resource and Referral’s Network’s mission
is to contribute to and strengthen the Early Childhood and
School Age system in Massachusetts so that it meets the
needs of all children, families, and educators. This is achieved
through the statewide coordination and delivery of high quality
Child Care Resource and Referral services:
Information, Referral, and Consumer Education
Subsidy Management
Workforce Development, Training, and Technical Assistance
Working on the Ground…
Specifically, we:
 Help parents/caregivers take the guesswork
out of finding and paying for child care
 Increase the supply of quality child care
 Help create child care solutions for
communities through local and regional
partnerships to benefit Massachusetts
children and the adults who care for them
Shared Mission
The Massachusetts Child Care Resource & Referral
agencies have a shared mission with EEC:
“To provide the foundation that supports all children in their
development as lifelong learners and contributing members of
the community, and supports families in their essential work as
parents and caregivers.”
Primary Source:
Shared Strategic Goals with EEC
Create and implement an system that improves and supports
quality early education and care statewide for all children;
Increase family support, access, and affordability to strengthen
Create a diverse workforce system that provides supports,
expectations, and core competencies leading to positive outcomes for
children’s learning and development;
Create and implement a communications strategy to reach all
stakeholders, providing a collective voice on the importance and
value of reaching children early to ensure their success in school and
in life; and
Build the internal infrastructure to support achieving the vision.
Primary source: From Birth to School Readiness: The Massachusetts Early Learning Plan
2012-2015, Grant Proposal: Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge
Two studies: CAYL & NACCRRA
CAYL study:
Developed over a 9 month
period, October 2010 through
June 2011
Comprehensive process of
information gathering, analyses
and deliberations
Conducted by a team of
advisors and staff that included
recognized experts in the field
Examined EEC-model of
CCR&R service delivery and
its impact on consumers
receiving those services.
Recommends strengthening
and redefining CCR&R
services in Massachusetts
NACCRRA study:
Conducted in November 2011
Held three focus groups before
delivering draft report in early
December 2011
Conducted by NACCRRA staff
Building on CAYL report, seeks
to reexamine the methodology
of current service delivery for
consumers through CCR&Rs in
Recommends a strengthening
and return to the national
model of CCR&R core service
Common themes
Both reports recommend that
Massachusetts move toward a more
coordinated and efficient state delivery
system focused on:
Standards & national benchmarks
Continue to forge strong relationships with families, child care
providers, social service providers, and employers, and use
these relationships to connect clients and providers to other
services in the community
Coordinate a collaborative statewide system of early childhood
education and care that strengthens families
Standards and National Benchmarks
Improve statewide standards and benchmarks for
Continue to provide support for all families through
active referral and consumer education
Continue to provide professional development for
individuals and programs
Continue to provide voucher management services
in Massachusetts
Expand and improve quality of existing databases for
effective delivery of core services
Continue the groundbreaking work CCR&Rs have already
done, using technology to create efficiencies
Improve and maximize the system-wide use of the technology
and information systems currently available
Consistent use by all parties involved to improve accuracy,
efficiencies and staff productivity
MACCR&R Response
The MACCR&R Network is in agreement
with common recommendations regarding
access, standards and national benchmarks,
and technology.
We are ready to move forward with the
development of an implementation plan
regarding these recommendations.
MA CCRR&R Recommendations
We recommend implementing our shared goals
through a model that creates a collaborative
statewide system and maintains regional reach to
best serve families and programs.
Historically, regionalization has served
Massachusetts well/ is used today by EEC
to carry out its work not only with the CCR&Rs
(with 29 outposts), but also with EPS grantees.
EEC priorities
“EEC promotes efforts that: consider the whole child,
including his/her family and community; use trusted
advisors and peers to help inform and engage
families; respect cultural and linguistic differences
among families and communities; promote
engagement and capacity building; and incorporate
feedback loops, continuous learning and
improvement.” (pp. 158 – 159, RTT)
Supporting EEC Priorities by:
Informing and Engaging Communities
Regionalization provides critical opportunities for one-to-one
contacts and personal connections when technology or phone
contact cannot meet all needs.
CCR&Rs provide culturally and linguistically appropriate
support to families and communities they serve, with staff
members that speak 17 different languages.
Supporting EEC Priorities by:
Ensuring Quality and Accountability
CCR&Rs ensure quality and accountability for
data that goes into statewide databases.
Follow guidelines in our statewide consistency
manual for NACCRRAware.
Provide excellent eligibility determination and
voucher reassessment.
Provide monthly service reports to EEC.
Work collaboratively with EPS and CFCEs.
Supporting EEC Priorities by: Promoting
Continuous Learning and Improvement
CCR&Rs serve as trusted advisors for local communities – we
are the “eyes and ears” to the changing needs of our families
and communities.
CCR&Rs engage with families, providers, and communities and
create feedback loops for continuous learning and
Supporting EEC Priorities by:
Providing Training
Strengthening Families, recognizing them as
full partners in the education of their children
empowered to be involved in the physical,
social, emotional and intellectual
development of their children
Meet unique training needs – support QRIS
rollout to centers, systems, and family child
Provide parent education on QRIS
MCCR&R Network Recommends
Massachusetts Child Care Resource & Referral
Network encourages EEC to engage in thoughtful
discussion with key stakeholders over the next year
to develop a comprehensive, coordinated plan that
will best meet the needs of families, providers and
the local community.