Massachusetts Birth to School-Age Task Force November 2010 1

Massachusetts Birth to School-Age Task Force
Phase 1: Pre Birth to Age Three
November 2010
Governor Patrick’s Education Agenda, Ready for 21st
Century Success (June 2008), called for:
“ the immediate creation of “a Task Force to establish a
statewide birth-to-school-age strategy to ensure the
healthy development of children, particularly those from
low-income families. This strategy should include various
service agencies, link multiple funding streams, and align
preschool and school-age care.”
The Task Force was charged with:
Putting forth recommendations to strengthen supports
and services to effectively meet the needs of children
birth to school-age, their families, and other significant
caregivers to ensure continuously improving
development and learning outcomes for children in the
earliest years.
Diverse Composition of the Task Force
While EEC established by and convened the
Task Force:
Membership represents the work of more than
50 practitioners, policymakers, educators and
advocates from myriad disciplines and service
sectors throughout the state.
Based on the diverse expertise of this coalition,
this report lays the foundation for an integrated
system of early care and lifelong learning that
begins pre-birth.
Alignment of the Work
The work will be accomplished in phases:
Phase I: began in March 2009
Focused on children pre-natal to three years old
Will result in a report to be voted on for approval by the Board of
Early Education and Care (November 2010)
Alignment with Existing Report from the Massachusetts
Action Planning Team
Ready for Lifelong Success: A Call for Collaborative Action On Behalf of
Massachusetts’ Children and Youth
Focuses on desired outcomes for all children and youth, ages five to
twenty one, and their families
Submitted to Governor Patrick and the Readiness Cabinet in June
Phase II:
will build on the existing bodies of work and will focus on children
between age three and five
In order to create an actionable plan focused on ensuring
the healthy development of all children, pre-birth to age
three in the Commonwealth, the following frameworks
were used to structure the work of the Task Force.
The Zero to Three’s “Infant-Toddler Policy Agenda framework
was adapted by the Task Force . As a result, four
committees were formed to focus on the following areas:
Good Health
 Strong Families/Communities
 Positive Early Learning Experiences
 Strong Systems
ZERO TO THREE is a national nonprofit organization that informs, trains, and supports professionals,
policymakers and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and
In addition the Task Force added a Diversity Subcommittee
as they felt diversity was an essential component of any
framework given the current national and state
demographic trends.
Target Beneficiaries
When we think about early education and care, particularly for infants
and toddlers in the first three years of life, there are three primary
target interconnected beneficiaries that policies, programs and
services must reach:
1) Children (Infants and Toddlers)
 Within the context of their families, children must have their
fundamental needs met before they can progress toward a more
sophisticated level of development that allows them to actualize
their full capabilities.
2) Families
 Most children live within the context of a family structure and that
system requires basic supports in order for each member to fully
thrive and reach their full potential in all domains of life.
3) Communities and Programs
 Families and children live within communities and many are served
by early education and family programs; both can provide supports
to advance the abilities of infants and toddlers, and their families,
to progress toward meeting their desired achievements.
Areas of Focus
The Task Force’s work across subcommittees was
organized by the following focus areas:
1) Basic Needs
2) Health and Well-Being
3) Positive Relationships
4) Development and Learning
For each of the target beneficiaries in each area of focus,
the Task Force delineated the results -- the OUTCOMES –
to be achieved
Infants and toddlers are safe from physical harm in their homes;
safe in their early education and care and community settings.
Parents/families caring for infants and toddlers: have adequate,
stable and affordable housing options; are economically
secure and have stable work that generates a livable wage; and
receive sufficient paid leave to care for sick children, newborn or
adopted infants/ toddlers.
Infant and toddler caregivers/educators receive respect, support,
and adequate compensation for their work.
4. Infants and toddlers are born, and remain, physically and
mentally healthy, have quality primary care (continuous,
comprehensive, family-centered, coordinated, and culturally
effective), and with their families have access to and are
informed consumers of health care and receive consistent,
coordinated health, dental and mental health services.
Pregnant women receive comprehensive pre and postnatal
health care and support.
6. Infants and toddlers:
are on track for their optimal development, receive adequate
nutrition, have access to high- quality, affordable early
education and care and have high-quality learning
experiences with their families/ primary caregivers; and
 enter school confident across all developmental domains
(physical, social, emotional, cognitive, language, and approaches
to learning), and are performing well across those domains by
the third grade.
Parents/families are competent in their role as their infant and
toddler’s first teacher and have the knowledge and resources to
support the optimal development of their infants and toddlers.
Parents/families have meaningful choices in services for infants
and toddlers and are supported in accessing services and have
informal and formal support networks.
All communities have the capacity to strengthen families and
support the healthy growth and development of its infant/ toddlers
and have a coordinated network of high-quality, accessible services
and resources.
10. Infants/ toddlers have consistent, stable, responsive, nurturing &
culturally responsive relationships in their out of home care
settings and have predictable, responsive and nurturing
relationships in their family settings.
11. Families have access to community-based parent/family
support groups that will include information on resources and
supports for families with infants and toddlers, strategies are
consistently promoted to strengthen maternal/paternal/familialinfant attachment and families have access to early, hands-on pre
and post partum support for new caregivers/parents.
12. Families of infants/ toddlers at risk for out of home placement
have: 1) access to strength-based family support services that
work together to prevent disruption, provide permanency if needed,
2) access to pre and post-permanency supports and 3) access to
a coordinated system for visits between children, placement and
families as appropriate.
Based on the desired outcomes, the Task Force developed
the following twelve corollary GOALS for all
infants/toddlers, families and community/programs in the
Basic Needs
 Ensure children’s homes and early education and care
programs are safe.
Decrease the rate of poverty of young child and
mitigate its pernicious impact on infants and toddlers.
Health and Well Being
 Ensure pregnant women receive comprehensive pre
and postnatal health care.
Provide infants and toddlers with quality primary care
and ensure their families are informed consumers of
health care.
Development and Learning
Continue efforts to build a diverse, stable, competent
workforce to meet the needs of infants, toddlers, and their
Expand the number of high-quality child care slots for infants
and toddlers, especially those impacted by poverty or other
risk factors.
Support families in their role as their infant and toddler’s first
teacher and encourage high quality learning experiences
between infants and toddlers and their families/ primary
Strengthen supports to ensure infants and toddlers are on
track for optimal development and have access to highquality, affordable early education and care and related
resources to facilitate learning so that they enter school
performing well across all developmental domains.
Build capacity to allow families with infants and toddlers to
have meaningful early education and care choices and
support in accessing informal and formal services/networks.
Positive Relationships
 Support all communities in developing the capacity to
strengthen families and support the healthy growth and
development of its infants/ toddlers and have a coordinated
network of high-quality, accessible services and resources.
Support consistent, stable, responsive, nurturing and
culturally and linguistically responsive relationships in infant
and toddler’s out of home settings, including early education
and care and family service programs, and family settings.
Ensure access to community-based parent support groups
and disseminate strategies to promote maternal/familialinfant attachment and hands-on pre and post partum
support for new mothers/fathers/families. .
Provide families of infants/ toddlers at risk for out of home
placement with access to: strength-based family support
services, pre and post-permanency supports and to a
coordinated system for visits.
Next Steps
November 2010:
 Board vote to send Report to Governor Patrick via
Executive Office of Education and to the Child and
Youth Readiness Cabinet
Next Steps / FY 2011:
Work to prioritize the goals and strategies put forth by
the Task Force and identify lead conveners to take
ownership of moving identified components of the work
Reconvene Task Force
Research & Outreach Committee