FY2011 Grants and Programs

FY2011 Grants and Programs
Coordinated Family and Community Engagement Grant
Educator and Provider Support Procurement
Early Childhood Mental Health Grant
Board of Early Education and Care
January 12, 2010
EEC seeks to balance our core values of access and quality
while forwarding our agenda for children and families.
In light of potential fiscal reductions for FY2011, our efforts
continue to focus on defining and reporting outcomes on
our investments while ensuring the integrity of
programmatic models; and aligning all our expenditures to
support our strategic plan.
EEC Line Items
Family Support and Engagement (3000-7050) - funds family support and engagement through the
MFN, PCHP, the JFSP, Reach Out and Read, and Early Childhood Resource Centers. Also supports the
family support portions of the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement grants.
Mental Health (3000-6075) - mainly funds grants for mental health consultation services to empower
programs to manage mental health issues to reduce the number of expulsions.
UPK (3000-5075) - provides grants to preschool programs (center based and public school) to
promote school readiness and positive outcomes for children and to inform the longer term
implementation of a program of universally accessible, high-quality early education.
Head Start (3000-5000) - provides state supplemental salary grants for federally funded Head Start
agencies to support their programs. These funds are also used by agencies toward meeting matching
requirements for federal Head Start funds.
Quality Supports (3000-6000) - mainly funds grants to early education and care providers to assist in
attaining quality programming. In FY2010 this included Program and Practitioner Support grant
(which offers support towards programs in seeking accreditation from the National Association for
the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the non-sped portion of the Building Careers grant, and a
portion of the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement grants (the piece that was formerly
CPC Local Planning funding).
Access Management (3000-2000) - provides funding for costs associated with the management of
EEC’s financial assistance programs. This includes contracts with the Child Care Resource and
Referral agencies for managing access and determining eligibility for vouchers. This also includes
funding for translation services for our eligibility documents and courses.
Low Income Eligible Child Care (3000-4060) - provides child care, early education, and afterschool
financial assistance for children from low income and at-risk families through vouchers and contracts;
also provides grant funding to support Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments and Supplemental
Services to children with IEPs
Coordinated Family and
Community Engagement (CFCE)
Early Education and Care System
Components : CFCE
 Early
Education and Care and K-12 Linkages (FS, C, I, WF)
 Informed
Families and Public (FS, C, I)
EEC Strategic Directions:
Q = Quality
FS = Family support, access, and affordability
WF = Workforce
C = Communications
I = Infrastructure
Coordinated Family and Community Engagement
Grants (CFCE)
CFCE will be a Continuation/Renewal Grant for FY ’11
Purpose: to develop/implement a comprehensive plan for coordination and
delivery of comprehensive services to families and to create access to local
comprehensive supports for early education and care providers.
FY2010 Consolidation - Background
In FY2010 CPC, MFN, PCHP and JFSP programs were asked to voluntarily
consolidate their programs into CFCE grants (CPC was mandatory).
120 CFCE grantees represent 137 CPC, 34 MFN , 22 PCHP , and 11
JFSP programs
71 CPC, 8 MFN and 3 PCHP programs did not apply in consolidation
with other programs.
Grantees that did not consolidate made a commitment to continuing
to work toward that goal for FY2011.
Coordinated Family and Community Engagement
Grants (CFCE)
FY2010 CFCE grants represent a merger of EEC funding from:
•Line Item 3000-6000 Community Partnerships for Children Local
Planning and Coordination $10,114,569
•Line Item 3000-4060 Supplemental Services $1,374,776
•Line Item 3000-7050 Family Engagement and Support (MFN,PCHP and
JFSP) $3,691,076
FY ‘10 CFCE Total: $15.18M distributed to 120 CFCE grantees
Proposed Total for FY 2011 CFCE funding : $11.5M*
*This amount includes funding for Reach Out and Read (FY ‘10 $585,000) and the five Early
Childhood Resource Centers (FY ‘10 $35,000) which are funded out of line 3000-7050.
Coordinated Family and Community Engagement
Grants (CFCE)
FY2010 CFCE Objectives
Objective #1: Increase knowledge of and accessibility to high-quality early
education and care programs and services for families with children prenatal
through school-age.
Objective #2: Promote family education, engagement and literacy.
Objective # 3: Facilitate collaboration and community planning between local
early education and care partners and other community stake holders or
Objective #4: Provide support and information to families with children
transitioning between and among early education and care settings, home and
Objective #5: Support early education and care programs across the public and
private sectors in delivering high quality services.
Alignment with EEC’s Strategic Plan
The goals and priorities of the CFCE grant directly align with ten of the twelve Indicators of
Success under the Family Support, Access and Affordability section of the EEC Strategic
Plan. The Indicators are:
Families are aware of the mixed early education and care system and have access to affordable,
high-quality early education and care services.
Families are recognized as full partners in the education of their children and are empowered to
be involved with the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of their children.
Families are informed about child development and aware of family support resources.
Early education and care services are delivered through a seamless system that is responsive to
the needs of all families and provides supports and resources for transitioning children in and out
of early education and care programs and services.
Families of infants have access to programs and services that support the development of healthy
attachment between babies and their primary caregivers and promote early brain development.
Parents are recognized as their child’s first teacher and have access to literacy supports that build
skills among children and parents.
Families have access to high quality supports and resources for transitioning children in and out
of early education and care programs and services.
Families that are limited or non-English speaking have access to information about early
education and care and the services available.
Strong partnerships are established between families (parent/caregiver) and educators to
maximize high quality early education and care for all children.
Family services are integrated and delivered in a coordinated manner across state agencies.
EEC Advisory Committee Feedback
Importance of monitoring and measuring impact of CFCE investment.
Document best practices and formalize process for sharing with all grantees.
Provide guidance on creating strategic plans - provide direction to existing community
and state resources for information. A meeting for January 27th is planned for grantees
and will include a training on strategic planning.
Love the idea of a strategic plan and thinking longer term; this gives opportunity for
focus and maximization of resources.
With the anticipated 30% cut in the family support budget line item,
 it will be a challenge to assess community needs and to deliver on the objectives of
the grant. The additional requirement for a strategic plan will be supported with
ARRA funds.
 has EEC thought about targeting funding cuts to specific communities in order to
provide adequate funding to prioritized communities? EEC Board has voiced
support to maintain the foundation across the state that has been established in
anticipation of healthier fiscal times.
 EEC needs to either take a passive role and let communities decide or be more
prescriptive and tell them what you want to protect. EEC established priorities for
FY10 and for the FY ‘11 CFCE grant within the objectives of the grant.
EEC should look at maximizing current databases to accommodate the new data
collected by CFCE; at least provide a template so like data is being collected and can be
used/compared etc.
What’s new in FY ’11?
FY ’10 CFCE objectives remain the same, with more emphasis on providing:
 Evidence based early and family literacy activities
 Transition supports for children and families
 High-quality, accurate and comprehensive consumer information on
community resources that address a broad range of family and
educator needs
All independent MFNs (8) and PCHP programs (3) must partner with an
existing CFCE grantee or submit a new CFCE application for FY ’11. There will
not be independent applications for MFN or PCHP programs.
Grantees will propose a method for tracking and maintaining a database
of the families they work with through a variety of program strategies.
Grantees will propose a plan for measuring success and evaluating the
benefits of CFCE services.
Grantees will develop and implement a community based strategic plan
for meeting the needs of families with children birth to eight years old.
Funding for strategic planning process will come from ARRA funds
($250,000), approved at May 2009 Board meeting.
Educator and Provider Support
(Professional Development)
Early Education and Care System
Components : Workforce
 Workforce
and Professional Development (Q, WF)
EEC Strategic Directions:
Q = Quality
FS = Family support, access, and affordability
WF = Workforce
C = Communications
I = Infrastructure
Moving Educator and Provider Support
Guiding the Work:
 EEC Board’s Strategic Plan
 EEC’s Workforce Development Plan
 “Steps Forward,” MA Early Education and Care and Out-ofSchool Time Workforce Development Task Force
Outcomes for Workforce Development:
 Better alignment across early education and care and
elementary/secondary education
 Professional development for different settings, educators,
and children
 Continued progress in key areas (competencies, pathways,
 Help position EEC for the Early Learning Challenge funds
Background: FY2010 Funding
EEC Currently Purchases:
21 grants
CPC Program
and Provider
94 grants
Desired outcomes
Support educators working in early education and out of
school time with college courses, academic advising, and
career counseling.
Increase the number of well trained practitioners by providing
appropriate learning experiences and resources needed to
achieve a related credentials and degrees.
Increase the number of programs which are accredited by
Increase the number of well trained practitioners by providing
appropriate learning experiences and resources needed to
achieve a related credentials and degrees.
Support the new child care regulations with professional
development that helps programs meet new requirements
(curriculum, inclusion, interactions, oral health, literacy, etc);
Increase the number of well trained practitioners by providing
appropriate learning experiences and resources needed to
achieve a related credentials and degrees.
Focus Resources
EEC intends to focus its remaining resources by:
 Combining this funding into a single procurement for FY11 that
addresses common goals across these programs;
Purchasing professional development that supports both individual
educators on a pathway and programs’ efforts to attain higher levels
of quality through QRIS.
EEC’s goals for:
 Educators: Address two primary pathways, both with mentoring,
coaching and other supports, to:
 move educators towards degrees in early education or a related
field and
 increase educator competency as evidenced in the attainment of
CDAs and other certifications.
Programs: Support providers in developing their staff, moving up
QRIS scale, and obtaining accreditation.
Achieving These Goals
To achieve these goals EEC will focus resources on three areas:
1. Career and Provider Planning
 individual educators and programs, and/or
 program leadership training to support career planning for their
individual staff.
2. Coaching and Mentoring
 support the academic success of individual educators in higher
 implement a career plan for educators to attain specific skills,
knowledge and abilities, and/or
 Support improvements by programs that result in achieving a
higher level on QRIS or accreditation.
3. Competency Development
 attain an associates, bachelors or masters degree in early
childhood education or a related field;
 attainment of specific competencies by educators;
 attainment of increasing levels on QRIS by programs.
Criteria for Professional Development
Professional Development:
Must be evidenced-based and aligned with EEC’s 8 core
competency areas.
Must leverage resources across public and private agencies to
provide state-wide coverage in all required topics.
Is a shared responsibility between educators and the programs that
employ them: Increasing the competency of educators also helps the
programs they work in attain increasingly higher levels of quality.
Must meet the needs of the early education and out of school time
Must be targeted and intentional to meet the needs of all children.
Must be presented as a partnership to cover all three core functions
to deliver professional development.
EEC Advisory Feedback
The sought after alignment across grants and funding should
be more defined. There should be overall monitoring to see
how different resources interact.
EEC should facilitate partnerships by assuring that bidders
are aware of other programs that offer related services.
Training that does not fit within a degree or certification track
(oral health, shaken baby, SIDS etc.) needs to be addressed.
There needs to a co-pay option to leverage resources and
assure professional development is accessible to the field.
Vendors should be required to provide services to both
individual educators and programs so to limit gaps in what is
There needs to be a way to assure quality control of training
so it is evidence-based and aligned with core competencies.
Public school educators could be used as a resource; EEC
should work with ESE closely on this.
This should link CFCE Objective #5 (“Support early education
and care programs across the public and private sectors in
delivering high quality services”) by linking parents’ and
providers’ training needs.
FY11 Mental Health Statewide
Consultation Services Grant
Early Education and Care System
Components : Mental Health
 Workforce
 Informed
and Professional Development (Q, WF)
Families and Public (FS, C, I)
EEC Strategic Directions:
Q = Quality
FS = Family support, access, and affordability
WF = Workforce
C = Communications
I = Infrastructure
Early Childhood Mental Health -- Background
In FY10 EEC supported Early Childhood Mental Health Services through
two initiatives:
1. Comprehensive Mental Health in Child Care (CMHCC) Program
13 programs, $600,000 (Supportive line item, 3000-3050), embedded model
Early education and care providers are partnered with mental health clinics to locate
clinicians on-site at programs that have supportive child care contracts with EEC.
Mental health clinicians provide support and training to staff at the child care program
and link families with needed clinical services through the partnering clinic.
2. Mental Health Consultation Services Grant
10 grantees serving 70+ cities/towns, $900,000 in grants (out of $1M Early
Childhood Mental Health line item, 3000-6075), consultation model
Grantees provide:
 On-site consultation by a mental health consultant to coach/mentor staff;
 Consultation to parents;
 On-site observation and assessment of children’s social/emotional and behavioral
skills on a referral basis;
 Individualized behavior plans for children;
 Case management by coordinating services across agencies; and
 On-site crisis intervention support.
Early Childhood Mental Health
FY11 Proposal
Continue to utilize CSEFEL (Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations
for Early Learning) professional development as the foundational base for
support of young children’s social-emotional growth
Combine the two current early childhood mental health initiatives and
provide one RFR for a Mental Health Statewide Consultation Services
Grant to leverage resources to benefit children, families and programs
across the Commonwealth (total FY11 funding estimated at $1.5M)
Move to strictly consultation model (no more embedded services) and take mental
health initiatives statewide
 Goals:
• Build on success of EEC’s previous models of mental health consultation and
services to provide a system of mental health consultation accessible
• Meet needs identified by EEC
• Create efficiencies by building on the current system of collaboration with
partners and use of 3rd party billing without duplication
Enhances knowledge and skills; supports the implementation and sustainability of
evidence-based practices; and increases the size of the workforce skilled in
supporting the social emotional development of young children (birth – 5 years old)
Selection of the Consultation Model
Embedded versus consultation
Why consultation?
Embedded: Provides clinicians on site in programs; high cost
per program; short reach
Consultation: Provides services to programs on an as needed
basis; low cost per program; far reach
Hybrid (embedded and consultation): Provides a mix of the two
models above; moderate cost per program; moderate reach
EEC and the Board acknowledge the successes of the
embedded model, though it has a short reach
Consultation allows mental health services, for which there is
great need, to be accessible to programs statewide
Provides a foundational base on which future initiatives can be
Consultation model compliments other mental health services
being implemented (i.e. EOHHS initiatives such as MYCHILD
and MassLAUNCH, and services across the state through
supportive child care contracts)
Additional work will be done to gather information on models
being implemented in the field, best practices, etc. for use in
additional mental health initiative planning
FY11 Mental Health Statewide
Consultation Services Grant Purpose
The objectives of the model are as follows:
Promote the healthy social and emotional development of all
children, particularly those children whose emotional development is
compromised by poverty, biological or family risk factors, or other
circumstances which may contribute to toxic levels of stress;
Build the capacity of early education and care program staff to
enhance children’s learning through positive, nurturing interactions
with children and with their families and to address the needs of
children who exhibit behavioral challenges;
Attend to social-emotional needs of children so they are ready to
learn and be successful in their early education;
Reduce the number of children who are suspended or expelled
from EEC-funded programs;
Promote collaboration for better access to services for children and
their families; and
Maximize resources by ensuring that certain mental health
interventions are funded, when appropriate, through insurance
FY11 Required Services
Provide on-site mental health consultation and support
services by a qualified behavior specialist/mental health consultant
 Individual-level and Program-level services
Strengthen the involvement of parents by encouraging them to
access needed services; supporting their participation in the
development of individualized behavior plans for their children; and
providing support to parents through on-site consultation, technical
assistance on behavioral strategies and interventions, modeling of
positive interactions, translation services and referrals, as needed
Provide crisis intervention planning and on-site crisis support
in a timely manner for early education and care programs
Complete required documentation and reporting including, but not
limited to, number of sites and classrooms visited; ages and numbers of
children observed and served; outcomes, including the number of
children who risk suspension or expulsion due to their challenging
behaviors, types and frequency of behavioral issues observed, and
analysis of the most effective intervention strategies; placement of
children into special education classrooms; and the number of public
school children who (as an alternative to being expelled) are placed into
special education classrooms, the nature of special needs found, and
tracking of the services provided to these children and percent returned
to original preschool classrooms.
FY11 Required Services, Continued
Provide trainings to programs, and utilize train the trainer models
when possible, to build self-sufficiency of staff to respond to
the social-emotional needs of children. Also, incorporate training
and resources to allow programs to create and build their own
relationships with local mental health providers.
Provide on-site, clinical mental health interventions
(including diagnostic evaluation; individual, group and family
counseling; family and case consultations; collateral contacts)
utilizing 3rd party billing for services
Conduct outreach and elicit referrals from EEC-funded
programs and providers located within the service area
Support continuity of services provided to programs. Grantees
must :
Ensure clinicians visit the same programs whenever possible and track
clinicians lengths of tenure with programs;
Match programs with mental health providers who speak the language
and understand the diversity of the population to which they are
consulting; and
Survey programs/providers to determine the effectiveness of mental
health consultation services provided through this grant.
Advisory Council Feedback
The following is feedback received from the January meeting of EEC’s
Advisory Council:
Recommendation for EEC to maximize services by coordination
with EOHHS/DPH initiatives
Noted that in public schools, children are not allowed to be
expelled, so they are moved into SPED; EEC should track the
placement of these children into SPED (find out when they were
referred, what services were received, etc.)
Question if there has been an analysis of the most effective
intervention strategies
Recommendation that EEC look at different models (embedded
and consultation, etc.) and work with stakeholders to discuss
benefits of different evidence-based models (it is recognized
that the embedded model has value, but it is the trade off to
going statewide with consultation)
• EEC should find a way to connect organizations, people,
etc., to maximize whatever model is implemented