Minute School Management Group Meeting January 27, 2016 Present: Lynn Abrams, (LA), Jenny Hutcheson (JH), Phil O’Brien (POB), Fiona Macpherson (FMacp), Peter Jackson (PJ), Michael Given (MG), Thomas Clancy (TC), Ann Gow (AG), Pauline McLachlan (PMcL) Apologies: Stephen Marritt (SM), Catherine Steel (CS), Karin Bowie (KB) 1. Minute of the meeting held 13 January 2016 Correction regarding attendance (MG not NF); otherwise approved. PMcL to circulate to all colleagues. 2. Matters arising 2.1 Incentivisation HoSubs had responded to JH as requested. TC and AG to put into writing following discussions with JH. JH would report on activities at the next ScMG meeting. FMacp queried regarding Martin Smith’s Incentivisation allocation. JH will respond. *JH* 2.2 Promotion / Reward and Recognition – LA reported that Dr Costas Panayotakis (Classics) had been awarded a Chair. Congratulations were offered. Seven academic promotion applications had been submitted, from across the grades, to HR. 2.3 School Strategy - LA had met individually with the School Convenors to discuss action planning. KB and SM are producing L&T and Graduate Studies action plans. LA and PJ would discuss research further. The School Strategy document has been circulated to all colleagues. LA will schedule monthly, individual Head of Subject meetings this semester. *PMcL* 2.4 Arts co-location - LA had fed back to College on School inter/intra and collaborative activities. CoA are compiling a business case for consideration. 2.5 University Teacher appointments - CS would contact UTs, both temporary and permanent in the School, particularly regarding access to research support. PJ suggested that clarity was required regarding research support on a strategic basis, including eligibility to apply for School, College and University funding and funding council eligibility. The College Research Committee will be held on 28 January and PJ will raise there for further discussion. AG reported that Moira Fishbacher-Smith was working on new UT guidance. *PJ* 1 AG reported that funding councils were concerned with the permanency of a role, rather than the UT focus. TC reported that UT’s are not eligible for REF submission and as Teaching-only. CS would report further at next meeting. *CS* 2.6 WLM - Don Spaeth and Helen MacPherson will attend ScMG on 10 February 2016. Training sessions are arranged for early February. 3. Head of School update:3.1 CMG update – A CMG meeting was held on 20 January 2016 where Humanities had the Classics Science and Technology LKAS Fellowship post approved. RSIO would co-ordinate a GU level advertisement. The Philosophy LKAS post was being revised following review by College and would be resubmitted for a future round. Archaeology/Hunterian business case – received support and was currently being updated following a meeting with David Gaimster. It will be resubmitted to College for February CMG.. Philosophy business cases – These will be submitted for the February CMG meeting. CoA would like to receive cases two weeks before the CMG meeting date. JH and FMacp would meet to update this week. *JH/FMacp* 3.2 Classics REF review – A review report had been issued, which contained very positive content and contributed to the business case. An action plan is awaited. History/Celtic & Gaelic/HATII REF Reviews – LA would contact Kerry Revel, RSIO for dates for History and Celtic & Gaelic REF reviews. LA advised that the review form will change, and information on outputs would be required. It is anticipated that they would be held in spring 2016. 3.3 Impact - Fraser Rowan is co-ordinating College of Arts Impact Activities. A list of Research Convenors/UOA Champions had been circulated, which requires updating for Humanities. *PMcL/LA* 3.4 College KE Fund Awards – The College had been awarded £36k for 2016. LA encouraged colleagues to apply. 3.5 Teaching Excellence Awards (TEA) – Colleagues were asked to consider nominations, including group nominations, to go forward. 4. Head of Subject update:4.1 Philosophy 2 PSR - FMacp reported on the final part of the process. Information on assessment methods, GTA budget and SSR’s had been submitted with their response, but FMacp was disappointed with the College response. LA as HoSc had also responded. GTA budget – FMacp discussed overspending and suggested that the GTA allocation should be put on a sustainable footing with the School investigating the possibility of increased GTA budget allocations from College. JH would liaise with Liz Broe (LB), Acting College Secretary regarding School GTA spend in relation to budget planning and projections. *JH* GTA Paternity leave - FMacp raised a query regarding paid paternity leave support for a GTA in Philosophy. PMcL reported that the matter had been reviewed by Richard Claughton, Deputy Director of HR, College HR and School Operations and there was no entitlement based on service. It was suggested that leave be accommodated within the Subject area. 5. Head of School Administration update 5.1 Budgets – JH had amended following discussion at the last ScMG meeting and submitted the projected FTEs to College. JH reported that the School was to inform College by 31 January of any anticipated, high value consumable amounts. Heads of Subjects were asked to consider and feedback to JH. FMacp queried whether consumables budgets can be used to fund unsuccessful MW bids. JH would discuss with LB. *JH* 5.2 MW bids – JH reported that decisions were expected soon, with work on successful bids due to commence over the Easter vacation. FMacp suggested that the process was not at all agile, with lengthy delays in the process and knock-on impact on incoming staff. JH would raise with LB the need for a tighter timeline. 5.3 Shared teaching – JH sought feedback on areas of shared teaching across the School, examples reported included: C & G with Comparative Literature, Scottish Culture with Scottish Literature, History PGT with Social Sciences. JH would circulate Heads of Subjects for fuller responses. *JH* 5.4 Planning Dashboard Clinic – LA, JH and PMcL would attend a training clinic on 9 February 2016 and would feedback following the session. *JH* 5.5 Archaeology PSR – To be held on 25 February 2016. The timetable is being finalised. JH and MG to confirm administrative support required on the day of the review. *JH/MG* 5.6 Lone Study Policy (LSP) – TC raised concern about the LSP and its implications. LA advised that all colleagues should be aware of the policy. It had been circulated to Subject PG convenors. Clarity regarding whether 3 PG’s had received it would be sought. AG suggested a checklist, e.g. guidance on telephone access, what to do and who to contact out-ofhours, with notices posted in PG rooms in each building. *JH/CLeR* 6. School Committees:6.1 Research Committee 6.1.1 Research career trajectory and cycles - PJ had circulated a document for discussion at the School Research Committee next week and would bring to the next ScMG meeting. It would further be discussed at College Research Committee. Part of its purpose was to: - Help gather intelligence on activities - Gather information on applications being submitted - Clarify responsibilities for School Research Convenors, Subject Research Convenors and Research Champions - Support research applications It is hoped it would give a clearer process and overview of School activities. PJ reported that Humanities had experienced a severe decline in applications and awards in recent years. This proposal would also allow the planning of an individual’s research trajectory, and when/at what stage they should apply and for what. FMacp agreed that it was useful to collect this information for REF planning, but may result in duplication of effort with other areas. It was suggested that impact/environment information could be included and collected during the PDR Cycle. PJ hoped that it would encourage colleagues to reflect on their career development and future research plans. PJ suggested employing someone as a horizon scanner, matching Humanities colleagues to funding calls. LA reported that this would require a new post or for a current member of staff to undertake this. TC suggested that CRO could perhaps undertake elements of this activity. PJ would also circulate information from Research Professional to colleagues. *PJ* 4