SCMG Meeting Wednesday 13 January 2016 Present:

SCMG Meeting
Wednesday 13 January 2016
Lynn Abrams, Karin Bowie, Thomas Clancy, Nyree Finlay, Ann Gow, Jenny Hutcheson,
Fiona Macpherson, Stephen Marritt, Pauline McLachlan, Phillips O’Brien, Catherine Steel.
Apologies: Peter Jackson
LA extended warm welcome to MG as the Head of Archaeology.
1. Minutes of 2 December 2015 meeting
1.1. Approved subject to LA corrections. PMcL to circulate to all colleagues. *PMcL*
2. Matters arising
2.1. Incentivisation
HoSubs were reminded to provide an indication to JH of how subject allocations were to be spent.
3. HoSc Update
3.1. Reward & Recognition / Academic Promotion
LA confirmed that outcome letters had been issued to the HoSc and electronic copies would be
forwarded to HoSubs.
LA reported that she was appreciative for the information received from HoSubs and confirmed
that the HR deadline for submission of forms was 22 January 2016.
3.2. School Strategy
LA would meet with each of the School Convenors in the next few weeks. LA would circulate the
draft School Strategy document to each for review of their area to consider further how to
progress. *KB, PJ, SM*
The draft Strategy would also be circulated to all colleagues and would be discussed at the School
Forum meeting, to be moved to 24 February 2016. Other topics for discussion, surrounding the
theme of supporting people, would include: Athena Swan, an introduction from the Disability
Officer (Mathilde von Bulow) and feedback from the Work-Life Balance working group. *LA*
3.3. Posts/Business Cases
LA and JH reported that business cases for two LKAS Fellowships were being finalised (Philosophy
- Centre for the study of Perceptual Experience and Classics - Ancient Science and Technology).
Both are to be submitted to College and discussed at College Management Group on 20 January
FMacp queried the recruitment process for LKAS Fellows and stressed the importance of ensuring
subject area involvement. LA would clarify. *LA*
Other business cases going forward were:- Archaeology and Roman frontiers – joint with Hunterian
- Martin Smith replacement – hold over until 1 February
- Chair in Moral Philosophy – hold over until 1 February
It was agreed to hold over all three Philosophy cases until February CMG and submit for
consideration together. It was agreed to submit for review and feedback from HoC and submit
for February CMG. *LA/JH/FMacp*
3.4. CoA Co-location
LA requested input into the strategic brief on intra and inter-School initiatives, e.g., Centres, PG
Programmes, HATII and any future initiatives and activities, e.g., Ancestral Studies and Public
Humanities (e.g. Marina Moskowitz is running a PGT in 15-16); Medieval Humanities Science and
Technology. *HoSubs*
FMacp suggested Victoria Harrison’s work on public humanities (museums) and would provide
information to LA. *FMacp*
LA would respond to CoA by deadline of 14 January 2016. It was agreed that it was preferable to
be located close to colleagues in Subject areas, other Subjects within the School and to School
Administration. CoA is preparing a strategic business case for the new building.
4. School Budget Projections
JH had met with all HoSubs. Schools have been asked to contribute to the budget setting process
by providing information on:
- Salaries – incoming colleagues, forthcoming retirals, etc.
- Consumables – awaited.
- Student number projections to 2020.
Projections for 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 had been produced for Home,
International and RUK. Following individual discussions between JH and HoSubs. There was
discussion surrounding how School budgets are allocated, and JH explained that the approach
this year was an attempt by CoA to introduce a more transparent process. A planning dashboard
for Humanities was also tabled for information and further detail of the role and intent behind
the Planning Dashboard would be provided at a future meeting of ScMG and once JH, LA and
PMcL had attended a forthcoming Planning Dashboard Clinic, Each School had been issued with
a dashboard.
JH queried whether Humanities should be conservative or more ambitious in our projections. It
was agreed to be more ambitious across the School, maintain a steady increase in UG, be more
ambitious regarding PGT and PGR, but remain in line with previous/continuing trajectory.
Possible contributory factors may be, for example, new PGT programmes such as Ancestral
Studies.LA and JH would review and re-issue for comment prior to submission to CoA on
20/01/2016. *JH/LA*
LA, JH and PMcL would attend a Planning Dashboard clinic to receive guidance and training on
how to complete.
5. HoSub Update
5.1. Classics
CS reported concern regarding employing R&T colleagues on a temporary post and the
requirement to undertake ECDP. As a result, employment as teaching-only (University Teacher),
does not recognise Research development and commitments. In addition, there are issues
surrounding research funding, with Teaching-only colleagues unable to apply for School Research
Support. TC agreed and further reported that funders may not be aware that those employed are
having to complete ECDP and attend many events and complete training. LA suggested that the
School reconsider how UTs are supported. KB reported that new guidelines on UTs, which include
Research and Scholarship, had been produced and were linked to Academic Promotion criteria.
PMcL would source the guidelines and send to CS who would consider and provide some
suggestions. *LA/CS/PMcL*
LA reported that she had recently attended a meeting concerning ECDP with other Heads of
School, Lesley Cummings and Gillian Shaw and another meeting was planned.
5.2 Celtic & Gaelic: Student Disability
TC queried the flow of information as the C&G Subject Disability Convenor was on leave. KB
confirmed that SDS circulate the information to School Administrative contacts who ensure
Course Convenors receive the information.
5.3 Archaeology
MG sought feedback on managing staff research time, for example was there a formal percentage.
It was agreed that the assumption was 33% - a third. It is recommended that individuals have a
research day.
5.4 Philosophy
FMacp queried the checklist for holding events. It was agreed that we should attempt to consider
any issues and make reasonable adjustments where possible, for example, regarding disabled
6. Workload Modelling
JH reported that Helen Macpherson and Don Spaeth would attend a future School Management
meeting to discuss WLM. They would present to all School’s and provide training. It was agreed
that individuals/Subjects need access to be able to populate and input data.
7. School Committees
7.1. Graduate Studies
7.1.1. Coursework ranking requests
SM reported on a student who had requested their ranking in a course midway
through delivery of the course. SM had raised with the Graduate School and been
referred to discuss with the School. It was not applicable to courses with 5 or less
students. It was agreed that all marks are provisional pending External Examiner
ratification, however Senate had advised that the information should be provided if
7.1.2. Melbourne PGR opportunity
Only one expression of interest had been received so far, with the deadline for
submission 31 January 2016. A reminder would be issued.
7.1.3. PGT Conversion Workshop
A workshop would be held on 28 January 2016, hosted by Heather Murphy.
7.2. Learning and Teaching
7.2.1. Level 3 Provision
CoA has asked Schools to review provision for Ordinary Degrees. Clarity for
Philosophy to be sought and KB would pursue with Chris Lindsay. The History
provision is non-existent and KB would discuss at a History Subject meeting on 13
January 2016.
7.2.2. Exams for JYA
This issue had been discussed a University Learning & Teaching Committee. The
proposed solution was that JYA students complete a second essay question under
exam conditions, and progress as a ‘seen’ exam. Information was to be included in
student handbooks, External Examiners were to review essay questions and a School
level exam time agreed for completion.
7.2.3. Essay tutorials
KB queried GTAs paying for printing and it was reported that Course Convenors could
arrange print credits via School Operations team.
7.3. Research
PJ was not in attendance.
8. AOB