MINUTE of the SCHOOL MANAGEMENT GROUP held in Room 407, 1 University Gardens on 18 November 2015 PRESENT: Lynn Abrams, Pauline McLachlan, Catherine Steel, Steve Marritt Fiona Macpherson Nyree Finlay, Jenny Hutcheson, Karin Bowie, Thomas Clancy, Phil O’Brien APOLOGIES: Jeremy Huggett, Peter Jackson, Ann Gow ATTENDING: Adele Redhead Table of Contents Minute of the meeting held 4 November 2015 ........................................................................................... 1 Matters Arising.………………………………………………………………………………….………...1 Head of School Update .............................................................................................................................. 1 PGT Strategy …………………………………………………………….………...………….…………..2 School Committees ………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Any Other Business ................................................................................................................................... 4 Action: 1. Minute of the meeting held 4 November 2015 The minute of the previous meeting was approved and would be circulated to all School colleagues. 2. PMcL Matters arising 2.1 Disability Officer A revised Job Role had been issued to those colleagues who had expressed an interest in the role to review and reaffirm their interest. 2.2 JYA Exams Dr Don Spaeth, Dean of Learning & Teaching would discuss with Academic Standards Committee and was developing a case for Humanities exemption. 2.3 PDR Moderation LA had contacted all G9 and G10 colleagues whose assessment grades had been changed as a result of moderation. LA would discuss providing PDR feedback to reviewers with Gillian Shaw, to ascertain whether there were College plans to provide feedback. It was agreed that if not, Humanities consider developing a School process. LA 2.4 TSSA JH confirmed that Leigh-Ann Dragsnes would be meeting colleagues in the coming weeks. 3. Head of School Update 3.1 School Party for NSS success Humanities was, as a result of Celtic & Gaelic and Archaeology’s NSS results, to receive funding to support a party to celebrate the success. It was suggested, and agreed, that it be held in 3 University Gardens on Thursday 17 December from 3.30/4.00pm. All staff, class reps and GTAs would be invited and Frank Coton would attend. 3.2 School Research Integrity Officer Dr Stephan Leuenberger had expressed an interest in the role and LA would propose his nomination to Professor Nigel Leask, College of Arts Champion. 3.3 Classics REF Review -1- LA/PMcL LA The Classics REF review had been held on 13th November. 3.4 Humanities/Melbourne Partnership Launch A launch event would be held on Monday 30 th November on level 5 of the Sir Alwyn Williams Building. Colleagues were encouraged to attend and a reminder would be issued. PMcL 3.5 School Administration staffing update Brianna Robertson-Kirkland will leave Humanities administration, with last day on 19 th November and Kirsti-Ann Mullen would increase to 4 days per week until a replacement is appointed. Brooke Gordon will leave at the end of January 2016, due to visa restrictions/conditions. Recruitment processes for replacements had commenced. 4. PGT Strategy SM had produced and circulated in advance of the meeting useful questions relating to PGT Programmes and 4 years’ worth of data on PGT Programmes and student numbers in Humanities. SM queried whether the nature of PGT programmes had changed, or whether the cohort had changed. SM and the PGT Administrative team were reviewing processes/administrative practices with regards to PGT administration with a view to streamlining processes, aligning academic practices and reducing workload. It was hoped that improvements would impact on PTES results, particularly regarding feedback to students. JH reported that MVLS has reviewed PGT practices and procedures and suggested she share some of that information with SM and the PGT Administrative team. It was agreed that this would be useful. Adele Redhead confirmed that she was keen for this to be implemented. FMacp reported that there were Subject-specific practices that would have to remain in place. It was agreed to move forward on this and SM would pursue with TSSA, Cara Graham and Emma Fisher. JH SM It is not envisaged that this would result in standardisation, rather co-ordination and correlation of e.g., submission deadlines and alignment of practices. There was discussion surrounding the courses available. It was agreed that Convenors must be aware of courses available across the School to ensure students are properly advised and provided with all available course choices. 4.1 PG development Sessions could be offered, for example, CV writing, career opportunities and presentation skills. SM suggested offering these at School level rather than multiple similar sessions at Subject level. FMacp reported that Philosophy would be against this as Philosophy students preferred subject specific courses. CS suggested that Subject retain a core course, which could cover discipline specific issues, but would welcome School level sessions to support and provide interdisciplinary training. KB suggested that this could be credit-bearing for example, a core cohort of courses should be completed e.g. 4 from 10 sessions. It was agreed that this was an opportunity to bring students together, whilst retaining some Subject specific sessions. SM would discuss further at Graduate Studies Committee. 4.2 Marketing/Web links CG and EF were keen to support this activity at Subject level. Heather Murphy could also support and advise. SM suggested that Humanities colleagues took more responsibility for web development and engaged more. CS sought clarity on which webpage areas School Administration/Convenors took responsibility for, suggesting responsibility is better aligned based on content and individual skillsets. P’OB reported that War Studies had recently updated their webpages and had a template which could be shared across the School. It was suggested that Convenors provide the information and administrative colleagues then populate the websites. JH suggested that Christelle Le Riguer may be willing to contribute as School Web Development Officer, based on her experience. -2- SM PO’B 4.3 PGT Viability TC sought feedback on the optimum time to decide on the viability of a course running e.g. Spring in advance of start date. The Scholarship deadlines mean that applications may be submitted in June or applicants may await results before applying. KB suggested focusing marketing resources on courses with less than 10 recruited and provide additional support to contact students and increase the potential of making those courses viable. FMacp reported that Philosophy only have 2 PGT courses and 1 MSc and were mainly losing out on students to Edinburgh and St Andrews. SM suggested we actively seek out those students/markets and push on those programmes. 4.4 Scholarships and Prizes LA suggested that the information is gathered together and prominently advertised on the School webpages. It was agreed to progress this. SM NF suggested a School Scholarship, even if only covering fees, as sometimes an applicant that does not receive funding, would still come to GU. It was agreed to allocate resource into supporting smaller programmes/courses in terms of marketing, targeting students and webpage updates. AR reported that Museum Studies was being reviewed as it was overly complicated. HATII had further been in discussion with SM and HM regarding sensibly capping IMP, so as not to affect the student experience. 4.5 MRes Many courses are following the MRes rather than MLitt route due to less expensive fees, and that it retains a taught element. However, students finish at a different time to the MLitt cohort, due to the requirement of an External Examiner to be appointed. CS was keen to see MRes options advertised more widely. TC suggested that the MRes can end up stranded between MLitt and PhD and result in a prolonged finishing period for students, particularly, USA students who would have commenced their PhD before graduating with MRes. 5. School Committees 5.1 Graduate Studies and Learning & Teaching SM and KB reported on recent and forthcoming Graduate Studies and L&T activity: 5.1.1 School procedure regarding amend, introduce or withdraw courses or programmes. SM and KB had produced a document detailing the proposed School process/stages required to be completed in order to amend, introduce or withdraw courses or programmes. Colleagues were asked to review, consider and suggest amendments. It was agreed to adopt the document, circulate and implement. SM and KB were commended on producing such a succinct document. JH queried whether this could be implemented across the University and would take to an Agility Improvement Group meeting for further discussion. 5.1.2 GTA Training KB confirmed that completion of the Learning and Teaching Centre training session is a Senate requirement and covers the basics. KB and SM requested that training be supplemented at School level and produced a proposal for local training e.g. in essay marking or how to deliver a tutorial. IT was agreed that a course correlation meeting/briefing session should be arranged with GTAs at the outset, with additional briefings relating to, for example, essay questions. GTAs would be paid for attendance. Subjects were asked to decide who took responsibility for introducing sessions at Subject level e.g. Pre-Honours Convenors and the TSSA would circulate a reminder at the start of each semester. SM and KB would discuss further at School Graduate Studies and L&T Committees, seeking further agreement and ensure that the information is cascaded Subjects via L&T Convenors. 5.1.3 JYA Marks KB discussed the process for recording results for students returning to GU following a period of -3- JH HoSubs/ TSSA SM/KB 6. study abroad. KB had arranged a meeting with JYA Officers, Honours Convenors and Exams Officers. A table is available for the conversion of marks. The marks conversion system can be advised to students before they go abroad, and clearly explained when they returned. This would reduce workload and clarify procedures for all concerned. Any Other Business No further issues to discuss or report. -4- KB