Wednesday 29th May, 2013
Present: Catriona MacDonald (Chair), Brad Glisson, Michael Griggs (PGT Rep), Bill Hanson, Sheila
Kidd, Ian Ruffell, Alan Weir
Don Spaeth, Susan Stuart, Michael Brady & Michael Murray
Minutes accepted.
Matters arising
Item 5 – Space – Consultancy closed previous week although there should be another round of
The School had been successful in securing 4 College Scholarships – 2 History, 1 Archaeology & 1
HATII. Discussion on the College ranking – No scores by the School are passed on to the College
Ranking Committee. CMacd would raise this with the new Dean of Graduate Studies, Barbara Burns
when she takes up her post.
Research Skills – The committee discussed a common research skills course. Contributions from
MG, BG, BH and others indicated a diverse range of opinion. Key points to note:
Research & Professional Skills should include advice on grant applications, C.V. and personal
development writing. Students should be able to choose the areas they feel would best benefit
Communication should be improved so that students are clear on who to contact for advice in such
It was decided not to move forward on the proposal for a cross disciplinary training course at
present, but to maintain a watching brief in this regard.
4. Updates from Subjects
BH had discovered that College were not writing to External Examiners before sending out PhD
thesis. This had now been resolved.
AW reported that Philosophy were hosting a 3 day Postgrad Conference, 24-27 June which the
current postgrads were organizing. Philosophy are discussing a joint degree with Edinburgh
University at Masters level which would hopefully be on offer for September 2014. AW to update
Committee at the beginning of the new session.
5. Student Business
CMacd would be having a follow up meeting with the organisers of the Postgraduate Festival and
would feedback to the Committee. The event, although numbers were poor due to the horrendous
weather, had a high level of energy and the discussions over the musings were lively and thought
provoking. The event was an excellent template to improve upon for 13/14, and key organizers
would be encouraged to meet with the SSLC for Session 13/14.
6. Internships – deployment.
The stipend for College scholarship students in 12/13 was lower from than that awarded to incoming
students in 13/14. In part College budgetary restrictions and accounting explain this, along with the level
of resources and the College’s strategic direction. Colleagues were advised that in other Schools Subject
Areas were offering paid GTA work (where appropriate) to 12/13 scholars to address this.
The duties undertaken by College interns should be signed off by the student and by the supervisor. They
should then be submitted to College but also cc’d to CMacd.
Interns who worked with the College this year will return to Subjects for 2013 onwards.
All College Scholarships are Internships from 2013-14.
7. Postgraduate Annual Reviews
Differences in practice across subject areas appeared to have encouraged level of anxiety from
1st Years seeking to ensure that the guidelines were met. It is important that tudents understand what is
expected of them and that the appropriate forms are submitted. MG felt that the students appreciated
that the reviews had taken place in a friendly environment and the reviews had the potential to boost
confidence :deadlines and positive feedback were motivational. BH – Suggested ways of combining
PGT & PhD presentations.
8. Changes to PGR Admissions
Hybrid model had been proposed and discussions would be ongoing throughout the summer.
Efficiencies were predicted to arise from one central system. EW explained that Administrators from the
College had met with RIO in March to discuss the present system and the proposed system. It was made
very clear to RIO that we needed to continue to have control of who was accepted/declined. Very
worrying that we were losing the support of Susan Howel and the College in this regard. All members
commended the sterling job that Susan has done in looking after and supporting applicants, academics
and administrators in the processing of applications. MG noted that Susan had been outstanding re his
application for PhD and had helped secure his second reference in a very timely manner.
9. GTA policy (College)
College looking to change policy – take Critical Studies model to ensure that access to GTA posts
were open to all. This could involve interviewing by HoS with GTA Supervisors signing off, restricted to
those who have completed 1st year of study. Stuart Airlie had fed back the School of Humanities
concerns. Robust resistance to this policy was also voiced at the Graduate Studies Board, where
guidelines of best practice rather than set requirements were suggested as a compromised solution.
Nevertheless, College were keen for it be applied. Contractual issues remain, however. HR had not yet
seen the proposed documentation. It was made clear to the GSB that Steve Beaumont’s vision was that
all PGRs should have the option to teach.
Discussion focused on differences in practice across Subject areas. MM had costed the time implications
and would these would be extremely onerous.
Rates of pay have already been uniformed across the College. Committee felt the need for models of
best practice and guidelines rather than policy.
10. Humanities 2014
Aim was to harness all the activities going on within the School. Website needs to be populated. It was
suggested that a good number of the events planned for next year might benefit from adding on an
alumni event that could be used to facilitate giving. Bring any ideas to M. Murray for attention.
11. Conversion Activity
Update on activities at School level.
MG had been working on the ‘Student Network’ where applicants have the opportunity to speak with
current students. They also work as E-mentors for students who have accepted.
12. Induction 2013
 PGT – Agreed that each Subject area would hold their own Induction session.
 PGR - Agreed that the School should hold the Induction Session again. To be organised for the
1st week in October followed by a social that all new postgraduates (PGR and PGT) would be
invited to.
13. PG Committee 2013-14
Catherine Steel would take over from Ian Ruffell
Replacements for Alan Weir & Sheila Kidd would be announced.
CMacd thanked everyone for their hard work and support on the Committee in 2013-14.
14. PTES Action Plans
CMacd was meeting with Robby on the 6th June and asked that all Subject areas send their action plans
before then.
C Macd highlighting what action was being taken at School level, and highlighted that she and Ann Duff
from Careers Service had planned two careers events for Sem 1 (13/14). These would address Providing
Professional Development and Preparation of Future Employment sessions. Both would have a practical
In January 2014 Ann would meet with PG Convenors to help them plan subject specific careers events.
She, in turn, is hosting a Mini Conference on careers in February 2014.
Feedback on the process review across the School – 47 page document had been generated by MM.
MM identified 7 key areas.
School Management Group meeting on the 15th May – showed huge division of practice.
MM to devise proposals of good practice & see if this could be rolled out across the School.
Organisational concerns that might be covered in the Process Review. Summary of the Review to follow
from the School.
CMacd asked Subjects where they could improve their PTEs results;
Archaeology had received good results but felt that the updating of computers and purchase of new
computers would help – PGT room only has one computer.
Celtic & Gaelic priority was to revisit the return of marking and looking into improving Skills & Professional
development training.
Classics were going to assess the 3 week turnaround of marking and ensure it was adhered to across the
Subject. Employment had been a concern; to introduce discussions on transferable skills. No computers
or printing as of yet in their new postgraduate space. Hub & spoke model had not been a success. Offer
fewer options.
HATII acknowledged the need for tracking the return of coursework. Standardise feedback and
assessments sheets. Presently 6 weeks can be turnaround for marking – too long. Further discussions
needed with Subject.
Philosophy hoped to have a two week turnaround for marking.
PTES results to be discussed at the first meeting of the new session and progress will be reviewed at
Jan/Feb 2014 meeting.
EW relayed information on 5 x £1,000 awards being offered for Masters students who achieved Merit who
were going on to PhD within the College of Arts.