Postgraduate Committee Wednesday 9 October 2013 Present: Michele Byrne (Celtic & Gaelic), Steve Driscoll (Archaeology), Catriona Macdonald (chair), Fraser McBride (Philosophy), Adele Redhead (HATII – standing in for Maria Economou), Martin-Smith (Philosophy - PGT convener standing in for M Brady), Don Spaeth (History), Catherine Steel (Classics), In attendance: Christelle Le Riguer 1. Apologies Apologies were received from Maria Economou, Geraldine Parsons, Susan Stuart. 2. Minutes of meeting of 29 May 2013 These were accepted as a correct record. 3. Matters arising a. Item 4: Philosophy PGT development with Edinburgh University FM reported that Philosophy had negotiated at some length with a member of staff in Edinburgh. It now appears that Edinburgh is not interested in a joint programme for the moment, though they are interested in some form of cooperation. b. Item 5: Student business: SSLC should be encouraged to develop Work in Progress sessions following the Classics model. c. Item 8: Changes to PGR Admissions PGR admissions have now passed from the College to RIO: CLR receives applications from RIO, which are then disseminated to the appropriate PGR convener as previously. Decisions are now recorded directly into MyCampus and DAS has agreed to pilot the new system. CLR to liaise by email with other PGR conveners and to record their decisions on MyCampus until the process within the School is refined. d. Item 9: GTA policy (College) CMacd had met with Barbara Burns and raised concerns about the laborious system suggested last session. The School of Humanities had objected to the nature of the process and had also costed the model; however College is determined to set a more uniform system. HR to review the proposal, which will have to go to the Graduate Board of Studies. The meeting supported the importance of giving where appropriate each PhD student the opportunity to teach, and it felt that the interests of all parties would be best served by the endorsement of a model of best practice and a set of guidelines and principles. Document1 1 4. Updates from Subjects History: DAS reported that students had complaining about the lack of wifi in 9 and 10 University Gardens. CMacd agreed to follow up this matter with relevant parties. Action CMacd Philosophy: FM reported that students who had attended the School induction meeting on 1 October had felt praise was directed more to interdisciplinarity than subjects. This raised an issue re Subject identity, which is compounded by the lack of individuality of Subjects’ main web page. Web issue to be looked into and reported at next meeting. Classics: CS mentioned the difficulty in promoting interdisciplinarity via the hub/spoke system because of the lack of information on courses running or not. Interdisciplinarity can only work if subjects tell well ahead of time what courses are running, and the difference in practice at subject level makes it more difficult. CMacd pointed out that the on-going School admin process review might lead to an alignment of subject practice in that area, with a view to facilitate interdisciplinarity. DAS highlighted a problem with courses running being put through CMIS. SD suggested the focus of the hub/spoke system could be put on courses which are certain to run. CS also raised the issue of the date for the PG induction meeting, which had clashed with the Classics PG Core Course. The School induction date was planned in June, but clashes with teaching will be avoided as much as possible for next session’s. 5. SMG update a. Feedback mechanisms In the spring, Michael Murray had audited processes to improve efficiency and encourage best practice at Subject level. The process of student feedback was the first process looked at, with the aim to refine practice and possibly implement a single questionnaire practice if deemed useful. The University Education policy committee is currently looking at set of questions. The Committee felt that it would make things simpler to have a single questionnaire but it could also reduce the value of the feedback. It was agreed that PG Comm members would send the PGT questionnaires they use to CMAcD Action: All b. CMIS The CMIS issue had been discussed at SMG in conjunction with the appointment of the new business manager. Michael Murray is keen to gather enough information on the timetabling problems last semester and at the start of the session. PG Comm members agreed to send a short email to CMacd/CLR with details of CMIS problems by 23 October. Action: All c. Complaints procedure CMacd reported that all public agencies in Scotland have to look at their complaints procedure, and that GU has developed a 2-stage procedure. Kenny Hutton is coordinating the process at School level, and materials will be circulated as they become available. Document1 2 6. Programme Developments CMacd reported that there was no student reps yet at PG Comm meetings but that SSLC will meet on 23 October, with CMacd chairing the 1st meeting and then handing the chair over to a student for the other meetings. Two programmes are being developed. 1. Multiculture in the Ancient World - led by Lisa Hau - it includes a link with an OS Egyptology expert. 2. MLitt in Gender history - led by Alex Shepard. 7. Action plans (PTES) Colleagues drew up action plans in light of the PTES from last year, and more formal submissions are expected in semester 2. Archaeology: to report at next meeting. Celtic & Gaelic: Geraldine Parsons has organised a working group for new MLitt students to look at the core model. Return of assessment is still being looked at. Classics : to report at next meeting. HATII: AR reported that HATII’s action plan is well underway - sheets had been produced for every single course available on each Moodle, and Rebekah Derret is monitoring all due dates. History: DAS reported that 6 areas had been identified, 4 have been done. The only problem is the assessed work getting back quickly to students. History has adopted a policy that coursework should be returned in the same semester as submission, or in the first week of the following semester. DAS had also introduced a skills elements to the introductory session. Philosophy: to report at next meeting. A formal statement from each Subject will be expected at the next PG Comm. Action: ALL 8. Careers (PGT training) CMacd is handling the careers aspect of PTES: 2 different sessions have been organised (on 23 October and 13 November), designed for Humanities PGT students and led by A Duff. Staff were asked to encourage students to sign up. Action: ALL These 2 training events for PGTs will be followed by 1 event for staff in January 2014. 9. Reflection on induction CMacd reported that the School induction event on 1st October had received good feedback from PGRs. She thanked the History PGR who attended, Hanna Kilpi, and suggested that a graduate student from each Subject could attend next year’s induction event. All Subjects had provided information on seminars and events. 10. PGR admissions procedures See Item 3(c) above. 11. PGT recruitment and conversion Heather Calder had provided the statistics: home grown recruitment has gone up by 40%, while international students’ by 12%. These figures reflect the fact that conversion has been a priority in passed sessions and more effort has indeed paid off. Committee members were asked for any input re marketing. Action: ALL Plans for next year’s cohort include a recruitment open event on 5 December 2013, aimed at external students, 4th year students and PGTs. Document1 3 12. Scholarships a. AHRC scholarship The BGP2 document had been circulated. CMacd reported that the Celtic application for BGP2 had been successful. Other results will be announced at the end of October. b. College scholarships These are still to be confirmed. c. Fundraising Classics had looked at incentivisation funding for scholarships, and Scottish History are also doing so, as well as enquiring about funding from endowments. CMacd prompted the Committee for ideas for fundraising for scholarships. She acknowledged there are discreet pots of money for some Subjects, eg James Bothswell fund for Scottish history, and one for Landscape Archaeology. 13. MRes Dissertation lengths CMacd would follow up with College to establish the length of MRes dissertations. CLR to circulate Celtic MRes documents to Committee. Action: CMacd/CLR A query had been raised in the History subject at to whether the bibliography and footnotes should be included in the word count 14. Interdisciplinary Programmes: communication, accountability and representation CMacd raised the issue of liaison with conveners of interdisciplinary programmes: perhaps there should be an interdisciplinary rep on this Committee. Issue to be discussed at the next meeting. 15. College review The Graduate School will undergo a review in semester 2. 16. AOCB a. Admin support Following from an email from Michael Murray, the admin support for the PG Committee would now be provided by CLR. CMacd expressed her thanks to Elaine Wilson for the hard work she had put in clerking this Committee for the last 3 years. b. Next meeting The next meeting will be on Wednesday 4 December at 9.30am in the Thomson Room, 3 University Gardens. Two PG reps will be present (1 PGT and 1 PGR). Document1 4