Request for Amendments Ethics Committee for Non-Clinical Research Involving Human Subjects (please complete this document and forward it with any supporting documentation to your School Ethics Forum administrative contact, details available here: Undergraduate Student Research Ethics Application ☐ Postgraduate Taught Student Research Ethics Application ☐ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Application Details Application Number: Applicant’s Name: Project Title: Original Date of Application Approval: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amendments Requested Extension to Approval Period: ☐ Participant Group, change or addition: ☐ Methodology: ☐ Addition/Change to Researcher team: ☐ Documents to be amended: ☐ Information Sheet/Plain Language Statement: ☐ Consent Form: ☐ Recruitment Document: ☐ Other: ☐ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Justification for Amendments proposed: eg. Reason extension to approval end date required; addition of new participant group; change in project focus. List of Supporting Documents attached: University of Glasgow College of Social Sciences (Ethics) Florentine House, 53 Hillhead Street. Glasgow G12 8QF The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401 Ethics Contacts: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Declaration: I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information given above, together with any accompanying information, is complete and correct. Signature(s) Applicant: Supervisor: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ University of Glasgow College of Social Sciences (Ethics) Florentine House, 53 Hillhead Street. Glasgow G12 8QF The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401 Ethics Contacts: