ASTR 2020 Space Astronomy Week 6 Stars Pleiades: open star cluster. Age ~ 80 million years M13 cluster ~ 10 oldof stars) M13(Globular in Hercules:star (~ 10 billion of year oldGyr swarm stars) gravity v.s. random motion of stars Luminosity & Flux - Luminosity: Energy given off each second energy is measures in ergs luminosity is in erg/second 1 Watt = 107 erg /sec - Flux: flow or energy though a unit area. [erg sec-1 cm-2] - Luminosity of a Star: L = [Surface Area] x T4 L* = 4 R*2 T4 = Stephan-Boltzmann constant = 5.67 x 10-5 erg s-1 K-4 Flux received on Earth: - Flux: flow or energy though a unit area. F* = L / 4 D*2 [erg sec-1 cm-2] D = Distance to the star Note: Flux can be diminished by intervening dust - Apparent magnitude: m = -2.5 log [F* / F(Vega)] - Absolute magnitude = the Apparent magnitude a star would have at a distance of 10 pc Examples: - Sun: RSun ~ 7 x 1010 cm, T ~ 5778 K LSun ~ 4 [7 x 1010]2[5.67 x 10-5][5778]4 = 3.89 x 1033 erg/s ~ 4 x 1033 erg/s = 1 Solar Luminosity = 1 Lo - Supergiant star: Betelgeuse Cool (~3000 K), but large (~ 2 AU) ! L ~ 105 Lo ~ 4 x 1038 erg/s - Red dwarf star: Cool but small L ~ 10-4 Lo ~ 4 x 1029 erg/s Sunspots (darker) T ~ 4,000 K vs. T ~ 6,000 K & Plages (brighter) T ~ 7,000 K the Sun In the UV Showing Magnetic Fields the Sun In X-rays Showing Coronal Loops above sunspots The 11 / 22 year Solar Cycle : Differential rotation + convection =>stretching / amplification of magnetic fields. Helio-seismology: Probe solar interior Solar oscillations Measured with precision Doppler spectrometers (meters / second precision) “Spectrum” of oscillation frequencies: Frequency vs. size scale on Sun. The Sun “rings” like a bell ! Parallax: Distance, D, where 1 AU subtends 1 arc-second 206265” ~ 2.06 x 105 arc-seconds in a radian 1 pc = [2.06 x 105] [1.50 x 1013 cm] = 3.086 x 1018 cm Stars: The fundamental building blocks of the Universe: Massive stars: Lumnious: Short-lived: Rare ~8 to > 100 x mass of Sun 103 to 107 x Sun 3 to 30 million years Moderate mass stars: 2 to 8 x mass of Sun Bright: 10 to 103 x Sun Lifetime: 30 million to ~ 1 billion years Common Low-mass stars: 0.08 to 2 x mass of Sun Dim: 10 to 10-4 x Sun Long-lived: 1 to > 300 billion years ! Very common: 90 % of stars Brown dwarves to planets: < 0.08 x mass of Sun No nuclear fusion, cool, faint Mass of Sun = 2 x 1033 grams; Luminosity of Sun = 4 x 1033 erg/sec Black-body radiation: Continuum (radiates over continuous range of wavelengths) peak (cm) ~ 0.3 / T(Kelvin) Flux at al increases proportional to T(K) Wien Rayleigh-Jeans Stars: The fundamental building blocks of the Universe: Massive stars: Lumnious: Short-lived: Rare ~8 to > 100 x mass of Sun 103 to 107 x Sun 3 to 30 million years Moderate mass stars: 2 to 8 x mass of Sun Bright: 10 to 103 x Sun Lifetime: 30 million to ~ 1 billion years Common Low-mass stars: 0.08 to 2 x mass of Sun Dim: 10 to 10-4 x Sun Long-lived: 1 to > 300 billion years ! Very common: 90 % of stars Brown dwarves to planets: < 0.08 x mass of Sun No nuclear fusion, cool, faint Mass of Sun = 2 x 1033 grams; Luminosity of Sun = 4 x 1033 erg/sec Black-body radiation: Continuum (radiates over continuous range of wavelengths) peak (cm) ~ 0.3 / T(Kelvin) Flux at al increases proportional to T(K) Wien Rayleigh-Jeans Spectra: Refraction (prism): Snell’s Law: n1 sin(d1) = n2 sin(d2) d1 n1 = refractive index in region 1 n2 = refractive index in region 2 n = c / v = vacuum / medium d2 n2 n1 The Solar Spectrum (from Kitt Peak’s McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope): 2960 – 13000 angstroms Stellar spectra: Spectral type: O B A F G K M 90% of stars are on The “Main Sequence” ASTR 2020 Space Astronomy Week 6 Energy generation in Stars Energy Generation in Stars Main Sequence: Nuclear fusion (“burning”) of hydrogen into helium 4 H => 4He 2 main reactions: “Proton-proton chain” (PP-chain) Mstar < 1.5 Solar masses “Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen Cycle (CNO cycle) Mstar > 1.5 Solar masses Stellar energy generation (Main sequence) L ~ E / t ~ 4 x 1033 erg /sec E ~ [energy released] thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen (H) into Helium (He) 1H - 1 proton 4He - 2 protons + 2 neutrons The “proton-proton chain” (M < 1.5 Mo) v.s “CNO cycle” more massive stars Neutrons (n) formed form energetic collisions between electrons (e-) and protons (p+) e + p + energy => n n + H => 2H (deuterium - heavy isotope of H) Atomic Nuclei: neutrons + protons Size of neutrons & protons ~ 10-13 cm Size of atoms Composition: quarks + gluons up-quark down-quark three types of charge: “color” green red blue ~10-8 cm Decay of free neutrons: mn ~ 1.67 x 10-24 g a Weak Nuclear interaction ….in 15 minutes (880 sec) ! 10-23 sec 880 sec time The 4 forces of Nature & the quantum realm Electromagnetic (EM) force: Acts on charge +e, -e e=4.8 x 10-10 c.g.s. Binds molecules (chemistry) & binds electrons to atomic nucleii like-charges repel, opposite charges attract protons (+) attract electrons (-): F = q1q2 / R2 Force exerted by absorption & emission of photons Strong Nuclear Force: (~100 x EM force:) Protons, neutrons made of quarks Quarks carry 3 types of “charge”, called “color” Binds quarks & protons together despite strong EM repulsion Binds neutrons to protons:. Force exerted by absorption & emission of color gluons Weak Nuclear Force: Changes quark “flavor”; Causes radioactivity Force exerted by absorption & emission of W+, W-, Zo “bosons” Gravitational Force: Attraction between all mass & energy (curves “space-time”) Force exerted by absorption & emission of “gravitons” The Quantum World the “Standard Model” of particle physics: Three Forces (Interactions): Electromagnetic, weak, strong Structure of (Ordinary) Matter: Balance of opposing forces Electro-magnetism wave nature of electrons Strong nuclear force vs. quarks waves Weak nuclear force “up” v.s. “down” quarks Strong Nuclear Force Fusion of hydrogen (H) Into Helium (He) 4 1H => 4He + 26.7 MeV - Occurs at T ~ 1.5 x 107 K - Main energy source of stars ! - 0.007% of the mass converts to energy via E = mc2 E = 0.007 M(He)c2 ~ 4 x10-5 erg / He Proton-proton Chain: 4 1H => 4He + 26.7 MeV - Occurs at T ~ 1.5 x 107 K -Main energy source of stars ! - 0.007 (0.7%) of the mass converts to energy via E = mc2 ~ 4.3 x 10-5 erg / 4He 4He formation rate: n(4He) = Lo / E ~ 9.3x1037 s-1 Neutrino luminosity of Solar core: L ~ 2n(4He) = 1.9x1038 s-1 Neutrino flux at Earth: F = L/4DAU2 = 6.6 x 1010 s-1 cm-2 1 eV = 1.602 x 10-12 erg : 1 MeV = 1.602 x 10-6 erg Neutrino Flux in # cm-1 MeV-1 Raymond Davis C-Cl4 + => Argon The Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen (CNO) Cycle Dominates energy production in stars with M > ~1.5 Solar masses The Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen (CNO) Cycle vs. P-P chain Low mass stars High mass stars ~1 Solar mass stars: Post main-sequence evolution MS = main sequence H => He RG = red giant He => C HB = horizontal branch C => O AG = asymptotic giant branch => planetary nebula (PN) => White dwarf