Searching for Other Worlds: John Bally1 1Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences University of Colorado, Boulder The Search for Exo-planets: • The Context: The Age of Discovery - Our generation is charting the Universe! - Origns of the cosmos, stars, planets, and life • How common are terrestrial (habitable) planets? - Star and Planet Formation - Astrobiology: The origins of life on Earth In-situ searches in the Solar System Remote-sensing biosignatures • Methods of Discovery: Past, present, future (Saturday talk). - Astrometry - Radial velocity - Transits - gravitational lensing - Direct detection, imaging, characterization • Mission Development: From Concept to Flight to Science - COROT, Kepler, SIM, TPF, Darwin , Starshade, Planet Imager, …. The Age of Astronomical Discovery • Access to all wavelengths of the spectrum - Silicon technology => sensors at most wavelengths - Large telescopes • Powerful computers • Access to space - No atmosphere a X bl => Sharp images (Hubble Space Telescope) => Access to all wavelengths (Spitzer) • Connections to Physics - Scales: 1028 to 10-33 cm, 1017 to 10-43 sec - 4 forces: gravity, electro-magnetism, weak, strong - Matter (4%), Dark matter (24%), Dark energy (72%) The Evolution of the Universe: • • • • • • • Cosmology: Baryons = 4% 13.7 Gyr Dark Matter = 26% (1 Gyr = 109 years) Dark Energy = 70% Cosmic Microwave Background: The young Universe 400,000 years Hot, ionized plasma 3,000 Kelvin (1/2 temperature of Sun) Smooth to 1:105 The Cosmic Dark Ages: 0.0004 – 0.6 Gyr The First Stars: Massive 0.6 – 1 Gyr Formation of Galaxies > 1 Gyr Solar System Formation: 9.1 Gyr Star & Planet Formation today Dark Energy: Expansion is accelerating! Stars Stars: The fundamental building blocks of the Universe High mass: (8 - 100 times Mass of Sun) Sources of light, chemical elements Short lived: < 30 million years Luminous: Thousand => million times Sun Source of energy in interstellar medium Explode as supernovae Low Mass: (< 2 times Mass of Sun) Long Lived: > Billion years (Lock up mass for long time) Planets: Abodes of life Faint: Introduction • Star Formation: The fundamental cosmic (baryonic) process Determines cosmic fate of normal matter Galaxy formation, evolution, IMF Star Formation Elements (He => U) Conditions for life Planet formation Clusters Light, K.E. of ISM black holes (AGN, stellar) M16 4 million Year-old Cluster + Ionized Nebula + Surviving cloud M16 (HST) Surviving cloud Star Formation Shrink size by 107; increase density by x 1021 ! Where planets also form • Giant Molecular Cloud Core Raw material for star birth • Gravitational Collapse & Fragmentation Proto-stars, proto-binaries, proto-clusters • Rotation & Magnetic Fields Accretion disks, jets, & outflows • Planets Most may form in clusters! C. Lada Orion Nebula Orion near-IR (Feigelson et al. 2005) QuickTime™ and a MPEG-4 Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. COUP X-rays (Feigelson et al. 2005) QuickTime™ and a MPEG-4 Video decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a Sorenson Video 3 decompressor are needed to see this picture. Flux History, Typical 1 Mo Star • • • • • Flux varies by 1000x Peak flux approaches 107 G0. Intense close encounters with core. There is no `typical UV flux.’ Impulsive processing. Planets in Formation? d253-535 in M43 Smith et al. 05 Young Proto-planetary Disk How common are close approaches? HST 16 200 AU diameter 1” = 500 AU HST 10 0.3 ly to O star HST 17 Bally et al. 98 Anatomy of a planetary system forming in an OB association Sedimentation + Photo-Evaporation Self-irradiation Gap opened at r = GM/c2 Viscous evolution + Radial migration moves dust into gap Large dust:gas => planetesimals QuickTime™ and a YUV420 codec decompressor are needed to see this picture. The Search Extra-Solar Planets Hard: Earth 1010 (10 billion) x fainter than Sun! • Stellar Reflex Motion: - Periodic Doppler variation ground-based spectroscopy - Periodic Position change astrometry => space interferometry • Transits (planet blocks light) Kepler, TESS • Gravitational Lensin precission photometry • Direct detection in images coronagraphs, starshades Direct imaging of exo-planets is Hard: 10 10 Sun Earth > 200 planets: Most located inside Earth’s orbit Earth Goeff Marcy Paul Butler radial velocity method > 200 planets: Gas Giants like Jupiter Orbit eccentricity The Metallicity Effect: The Search Extra-Solar Planets Hard: Earth 1010 (10 billion) x fainter than Sun! • Stellar Reflex Motion: - Periodic Doppler variation - Periodic Position change • Transits (planet blocks light) • Gravitational Lensing • Direct detection in images Quantitative estimate of reflex motion: M* mp D* Dp CM D* M*= Dp mp Dp ~ r orbit D* = (mp/M*) rorbit V* = (mp/M*) Vorbit Reflex Motion: Planet To Earth Center of Mass Parent Star Reflex Motion: To Earth Reflex Motion: To Earth Reflex Motion: To Earth Reflex Motion: To Earth Reflex Motion: To Earth Reflex Motion: To Earth Reflex Motion: To Earth Reflex Motion: To Earth Reflex Motion: To Earth Quantitative estimate of reflex motion: MEarth = 6 x 1027 g MJupiter = 1.7 x 1030 g MSun DEarth = 1.5 x 1013 cm (1AU) DJupiter = 7.8 x 1013 cm = 2 x 1033 g D* = (mp/M*) rorbit Earth @ 1AU Jupiter@ 1AU Jupiter @ 5.2 AU 4.5 x 107 cm 1.3 x 1010 cm 6.6 x 1010 cm Searching for Other Worlds: - Midterm #2 Next Friday - Return mid-term / solutions posted - HW#5 posted: Due Monday searching for and characterizing exo-planets Midterm #1 scores The Search Extra-Solar Planets Hard: Earth 1010 (10 billion) x fainter than Sun! • Stellar Reflex Motion: - Periodic Doppler variation - Periodic Position change • Transits (planet blocks light) • Gravitational Lensing • Direct detection in images Quantitative estimate of reflex motion: Orbital speed of planet: Vp = (GM* / Dp)1/2 Orbital speed of star: V* = Vp (D* / Dp) V* Earth @ 1AU V* Dp Vp D* Jupiter@ 1AU 8.9 cm/s 25.4 m/s Jupiter @ 5.2 AU 11.1 m/s The Doppler Effect: D n / n = D l / l = V*/ c n Frequency ln c l Wavelength V* Earth @ 1AU 8.9 cm/s (v << c) (speed of light) Dl/l 3 x 10-10 25.4 m/s 8 x 10-8 Jupiter @ 5.2 AU 11.1 m/s 4 x 10-8 Jupiter@ 1AU The Sun’s Wobble The first exo-planets: Use radio timing of Pulse-arival - Doppler -20 0 Time (days) +20 Velocity variation of 51 Peg (Doppler shift) +50 0 -50 1 Goeff Marcy, Paul Butler 2 Time (days) 4 Gas-Giants Close-In: “Hot Jupiters” Oribital Periods: 1 day => 1 year D ~ 0.05 AU to > 1 AU T ~ 1400 K to < 300 K Giants => Composed of H, He (like Jupiter) Evaporation of outer H in atmosphere Earth-like planets, moons ? Transits: Transits: Time (days) Transit decreases light of star Kepler: Transits First planet Discovered Using the Transit method Transit of HD209458b (HST) UV absorption: Escaping H and Na Detected towards HD209458 Recently, C and O Have been detected - escaping atmosphere! Gravitational Lensing: A cluster of galaxies `lensing’ more distant objects … A star & its planets magnifying a more distant star Gravitational Lensing: Magnification by star -20 Magnification by planet Gravitational Lensing: Star and planet magnifies background starlight 0 -20 Time (days) +20 Gravitational Lensing: OGLE 2003-BLG0253 Gravitational Lensing: Radio emission: Jupiters -20 0 Time (days) +20 Exo-planet detection methods Searching for Other Worlds: - Midterm #2 Next Friday - Return mid-term / solutions posted - HW#5 posted: Due Monday searching for and characterizing exo-planets Methods for direct detection and characterization of exo-planets : Direct imaging with a coronagraph: UV, visual, near IR Mask light of star control scattered light, diffraction Large filled-aperture telescope Interferometry IR, radio Link several telescope pre-detection/post-detection Ground vs. Space: Ground: - 10 – 100 meter vis/NIR - Extreme adaptive optics to correct turbulent images - radio interferometry (VLA, eVLA, SKA) Space: - 10 m + UV,VIS, NIR - Interferometers Future Projects for finding Planets: Kepler: transits (2008+) Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA): 2010+ - mm interferometer: direct detection of young gas giants Next Generation Space Telescope James Webb Space Telescope (JWST): - direct imaging of forming gas giants? Space Interferometry Mission (SIM): - Astrometry (“defered”) Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF): (“defered”) - Coronagraph - IR interferometer - Star Shade (Web Cash et al.) Terrestrial Planet Imager (TPI): (?) ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) - Large next-generation space telescopes (near-infrared & visual wavelength) block parent star's light Next Generation Space Telescope& Finding planets around other stars: (2010+) -Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) measure stellar `wobble’ - Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) Direct detection of Earth-sized planets - Infrared `interferometer’ or - visual `coronagraph’ Darwin interferometer Diffraction pattern of a circular aperture Shaped telescopes: 0.3 < l < 3 mm • Circular aperture diffracts light in all directions. - Light is scattered perpendicular to edges. • Shaped aperture: Edges have limited orientations - Scatter light only into selected (unwanted) directions Diffraction patterns of shaped apertures Earth as seen from 10 pc with various interferometers Biosignatures: Spectra of various planets IR (Stratosphere) vs. visible (Ground)