INFORMATION TO PROVIDE WHEN AN EXECUTIVE MEMBER IS ATTEND YOUR EVENT Event: Date: Time: Location: Hosts: Contact: Name of your event Day of week, Month Day, Year 00:00 -.m. until 00:00 -.m. if the location is off campus, please give street address & room number The name of the person(s) hosting the event name of the contact person and their contact info (email, phone number & cell phone) Purpose: Detailed description of the purpose of the event. A separete sheet can be attached. Overview: A description of the event. Background: Any background information on the event. Theme/Tone: Describe the tone of the event. Audience: approximate number of guests attending. Who will be in the crowd. (ie: students, donors, VIPs, etc…) Set – up: is there a podium, multi-media equipment, microphones. Is the audience/guests standing or sitting? Guests of Note: Name (with title) any internal or external VIPs that will be in attendance Program: [SAMPLE] 00:00 p.m. 00:10 p.m. 00:12 p.m. 00:14 p.m. 00:30 p.m. 00:40 p.m. Guests arrive Formal program begins Professor Smith (Emcee) introduces Mrs. Speaker Mrs. Speaker Professor Smith, Emcee thanks Mrs. Speaker and thanks everyone for attending Event concludes Suggested Remarks: If you have requested for the Executive member to speak at your event, please provide a few bullet points you would suggest they incorporate in their remarks. Here are some samples: Other: This is important because… A special thank you goes to… An interesting story related is… Our next step is… Please include any other pertinent information. Prepared by the CAO – July 7 2011