“Our vision is to create an inspirational, challenging and experiential learning environment in which all participants will learn something new about themselves and take away some skills, tools or information which will motivate them to complete their studies, further realise their potential, and enable them to make more informed choices about their future careers”
0900 Participant Registration
0930 Introduction
Icebreaker Exercise
Group formation and
Objective setting
An introduction to the course, aims & objectives, tutors, health and safety and what’s in store.
A chance to get to know some of the other participants you’ll be working with
Time to discuss why you’re here and what you’d like to get out of the course
1200 Lunch
1245 Public sector case study
Group Review
Groups negotiate with each other to resolve an environmental incident. A chance to use communication and negotiation skills.
An in depth review of the day’s activities focussing on what you have learnt about yourself / your team and how you’ll apply this for the rest of the course and beyond.
0900 Introduction to the Day
0915 Team Building Exercises If the weather is good, these activities will take place outdoors. They wont involve strenuous exercise but are intended as a series of challenges to help you work on your problem solving abilities and team working skills.
1215 Lunch
1300 Career Stories
1345 Working Effectively with
A chance for you to meet with the tutors and discuss their career stories, including how they made specific career choices.
A series of activities and discussion that will explore team roles and how you can build effective working relationships.
1545 Group Review
1630 Close
See day 1
0900 Introduction to the Day Introduction to the day ahead
0915 Case study A chance to apply everything you’ve learnt during the week to a large
1245 Lunch group case study.
See Day 1 1330 Career Stories 6, 7 & 8
1415 Action Planning and kick
Start your Career
1600 Course Review
A final chance to review your progress and learning during the course as well as how you’ll be able to put this into practice in the rest of your PhD and beyond.
Course Evaluation
1630 Buffet / Refreshments