NERC LIFE SCIENCES MASS SPECTROMETRY FACILITY Application for Analytical Support FOR LSMSF USE ONLY Note: Please discuss your project with staff of the relevant Facility node (see notes) before completing the application form and returning to the appropriate Facility node READ THE NOTES TO APPLICANTS Application number LSMSF staff involved in preliminary discussions Name and signature of initial contact BEFORE COMPLETING TO BE CONSIDERED ELIGIBLE THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED FULLY Node(s) (please circle) BRIS EK LANC Principal Investigator Name Post held Address Telephone Fax Email SECTION 1 – GENERAL INFORMATION Project title Please complete the funding and project details listed below using the codes given in the notes to applicants Sex Application written by student? YES / NO User profile Duration Funding mode From___________________ To____________________ Funding type/no.* & NERC ref. Will the user provide analytical costs? (please cross) Yes No Science area Science Priority What is the overall nature of this project? (answer both sections) (a) New Resubmission Existing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(b) Collaborative Analytical support SECTION 2 – PERSONNEL Please list other investigators, e.g. co-principal, postdoctoral fellow, research student etc. Where work involves significant input by a member of Facility staff details for the relevant staff member should also be included. Name Position Institution Capacity in project Please provide details of any previous use of the Facility. Attach copies of any publications arising from previous use. SECTION 3 – THE PROJECT Objectives and working hypothesis to be tested: Manner in which results obtained from LSMSF are expected to contribute to the project objectives: Description of the Project This should be a self-contained justification that the proposed analytical work will make a vital contribution to the project's aims, and should include current and recent related research and information pertinent to the proposed analytical work and any wider justification for the project. (this section should be a maximum of 2 pages + 1 page diagrams/tables/references) SECTION 4 – PROPOSED ANALYTICAL PROGRAM Nature of samples Info required as analytical prerequisite Number of samples Compound specific analyses (please cross) GC/MS HR-GC/MS GC/MSn TD-GC/MS LC/MS Py-GC-MS GC/C/IRMS Py-GC/C/IRMS Are special storage conditions required? (please cross) Is derivatisation required? (please cross) Yes Yes No If ‘Yes’ please state how: No If ‘Yes’ please state how*: Please contact LSMSF (see notes) if you have any queries concerning derivatisation, particularly for compound specific stable isotope analyses. Details of any specialist requirements: * GC or HPLC column requirements: Temperature or solvent programs: Additional requirements, e.g. ions required for selected ion monitoring, numbers of replicate analyses etc.: Bulk 15N and/or 13C analyses – to avoid ambiguity please type ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in all four columns for each batch of samples described No. of samples Description of material to be analysed Enriched 13 C 15 N Natural abundance 13 15 C N Other analyses – e.g. D18O, Trace gas: N2O, CO2, CH4 (Please give full details). Type of analysis Description of material to be analysed Name of person who will carry out analyses: No. of samples Is training required? (please tick) Yes Date when results are required: No Earliest date could start: If timing is critical please explain why: SECTION 5 – AUTHORISATION I have to the best of my knowledge completed this form as fully as possible and have read the NOTES TO APPLICANTS and agree to the conditions stated therein. Principal Investigator Signature Date I hereby confirm that the above Principal Investigator is eligible to hold an NERC research grant Head of Department / Division Signature Date NOTES TO APPLICANTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Only the pages of this form will be forwarded to the Committee for peer review. Council accepts no responsibility or liability for samples submitted for analysis. Principal Investigators are required to provide the Facility with: (i) the completed request form before commencing the work and (ii) the Committee with a brief final report (submitted through the Facility) within six months after completion of the analytical programme. The request form should provide all information that may be required by the Facility so that the analytical programme can be conducted in an efficient and appropriate manner. The final report should summarize the mass spectrometric results and provide a brief interpretation within the context of the original goals of the project. It is the policy of LSMSF to train researchers in the use of Facility equipment. Wherever possible a person named in SECTION 2 should be prepared to undertake such training and participate in the sample analysis. The best use of the Facility is achieved if it has a collaborative role in the project, and it is normally assumed that the work will include some collaboration with Facility staff. If there is no requirement for collaboration, i.e. the application is for a technical analytical service only, then mark "Analytical Support"; however the LSMSF needs to be assured that those Users have the relevant expertise to make best use of the data produced. Projects defined as ‘collaborative’ in nature should ensure that Facility staff associated with the collaboration are appropriately recognized in any outputs as befitting a collaborative role. If the results of collaborative work are not prepared for joint publication within 36 months of completion of the analytical programme, then the Facility has the right to proceed independently with publication if it so desires. The Facility should be acknowledged (and informed) in all reports and publications that include data obtained at the Facility. FAILURE TO DO THIS MAY IMPACT UPON FUTURE APPLICATIONS Submission in electronic format is mandatory, however, in all cases SECTION 5 and the DATA PROTOCOL must be signed, completed and returned. List of codes needed for completion of the application form: USER PROFILE Academic Centre/Survey NERC Fellow PhD Other A C/S NF P O FUNDING MODE (only funding via NERC needs to be identified) The funding mode, where applicable, should be identified using the following codes: NERC Directed T - Insert ref in column G NERC Blue Skies NT - Only for NT projects primarily funded by Grants and Studentships NERC Core Strategic CS NERC Commercial/Repayment CR NERC Infrastructure INF Non NERC Funding NN FUNDING TYPE The funding type should be identified using the following codes: Studentship S - Insert NERC reference Research Grant R - Insert NERC reference Other O * you may be asked to provide a copy of any relevant grant proposals SCIENCE AREAS ATMOSPHERIC EARTH OBSERVATION EARTH SCIENCE BASED ARCHAEOLOGY MARINE POLAR TERRESTRIAL & FRESHWATER AS EO ES SBA MS POLAR TFS SCIENCE THEMES The five definitions of Science Priorities are as follows:CLIMATE SYSTEM BIODIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT, POLLUTION & HUMAN HEALTH SUSTAINABLE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES FORECASTING AND MITIGATION OF NATURAL HAZARDS EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES CS B EPH SNR NH ESS T Contact details Dr Andrew W Stott Lancaster Node Manager Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Lancaster Environment Centre Library Avenue Bailrigg Lancaster, LA1 4AP Tel. +44 (0) 1524 595865 Email. Fax. +44 (0) 1524 61536 Dr Ian D Bull Bristol Node Manager Organic Geochemistry Unit, Biogeochemistry Research Centre School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock’s Close, Bristol BS8 1TS Tel. +44 (0)117 9546967 Fax. +44 (0)117 3317192 Email. Dr Jason Newton East Kilbride Node Manager Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre East Kilbride Glasgow G75 0QF Tel. +44(0)13552 23332 Fax. +44 (0)13552 29898 Email. END OF APPLICATION FORM DATA PROTOCOL The NERC Life Science Mass Spectrometry Facility provides a comprehensive analytical resource for eligible researchers in U.K. Universities and Research Institutes. All NERC facilities are required to justify their existence in terms of their scientific contribution. We therefore request that all successful applicants of NERC LSMSF agree to the following terms to ensure NERC support is acknowledged. Conditions of access to the NERC Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility: 1. The support provided through NERC should at least be acknowledged in all relevant publications. Coauthorship with facility staff will often be more appropriate, however. 2. Results arising from the facility are not the sole property of the applicant, but are jointly owned by NERC and the applicant. Facilities will not publish or otherwise use results it does not wholly own during the first 36 months after intimation of final results of that project to the user, except with the agreement of the user. If, after the moratorium period, the user has not made reasonable effort to publish data provided by the facility, the ownership of the data may be claimed in toto by NERC. 3. Publication is the prime indicator of science supported by the NERC facilities and therefore an important means by which the value of the facility to the scientific community is judged. Investigators in receipt of a successful NERC facility application are required to supply details of bibliographic references and/or copies of any publications (including Ph.D. theses and non refereed publications), which discuss or describe NERC isotope and/or mass spectrometric results. N.B. The fulfilment of the above conditions will be considered by the NERC Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry Facility Steering Committee in the allocation of all future NERC support. I agree to all the above statements. Signed: Name: Department: Date: