COURSE SYLLABUS VNSG 1330 (3:3:0) MATERNAL NEONATAL NURSING ********** VOCATIONAL NURSING NURSING DEPARTMENT HEALTH OCCUPATION DIVISION LEVELLAND CAMPUS SOUTH PLAINS COLLEGE FALL 2010 Levelland Campus COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE TITLE: Maternal Neonatal Nursing, VNSG 1330 INSTRUCTOR: Janet Hargrove, R.N. OFFICE LOCATION AND PHONE/E-MAIL: Room TA 204 B, 716-2386, OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment SOUTH PLAINS COLLEGE IMPROVES EACH STUDENT’S LIFE I. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION A. COURSE DESCRIPTION (WECM): This course utilizes the nursing process in the assessment and management of the childbearing family. This course places emphasis on the bio-psycho-socio-cultural needs of the family during the following phases: a) pregnancy b) childbirth c) neonatal d) abnormal occurrences This course is concerned with normal obstetrics through labor and delivery to postpartum, inclusive of complications specific to obstetrics and disease conditions affecting the course of obstetrics. It also deals with supportive care including physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Effective drugs and diet of mother and child during pregnancy and after birth are also studied. Immediate nursing care, characteristics and complications of the newborn are also studied. This study would include problems of the newborn related to pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Congenital abnormalities, birth injuries and the special nursing care required are also studied. 1 B. LEARNING OUTCOMES (WECM): The student will discuss the bio-psycho-social-cultural needs of the childbearing family and utilize the nursing process to assist in planing the care of the childbearing family. In addition, at the end of this course the student should have acquired the basic knowledge and developed the skills and understanding to care for an obstetrical client. The student should also be able to plan, implement and evaluate the total nursing care given throughout the reproductive cycle. C. COURSE COMPETENCES: Grading Scale: A (100-93) B ( 92-83) C ( 82-77) Below 77 is failing D. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Please refer to SPC Catalog and Vocational Nursing Student Handbook. E. SCANS AND FOUNDATION SKILLS: C1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 F1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 F. VERIFICATION OF WORKPLACE COMPETENCIES: No external learning experiences provided. Successful completion of the NEAC Competency statements at the level specified by the course (Level Objectives) will allow the student to continue to advance within the program. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be eligible to take the state board exam (NCLEX) for vocational nurse licensure. 2 II. SPECIFIC COURSE/INSTRUCTOR REQUIREMENTS Textbook: Klossner, N.J. Introductory Maternity Nursing, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (2006). B. ATTENDANCE POLICY Contact hours: 48. See SPC catalogue and Vocational Nursing Student Handbook. Students are expected to attend all classes, arrive on time, and to remain for the entire class period. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. If a student misses more than 6 hours of this 48 hour course they will be withdrawn from the course. C. ASSIGNMENT POLICY: Students are expected to read the assigned chapters prior to lecture time. All class work and exams are to be completed in the fall semester. Failure to complete assignments will result in a grade of INCOMPLETE. A grade of incomplete will not permit a student to register for the next semester. There will be an exam after the completion of each assigned chapter unit, and a comprehensive final exam at the end of the course. If a unit test is missed, there will be no make-up test. The student will receive a “0” for that test. Before the unit tests are averaged the lowest mark received by the student on a unit test will be dropped. Assignments must be turn in at 8:00am on the day the assignment is due. After 8:00am ten (10) points will be deducted for late assignment. An additional ten (10) points will be deducted for every day the assignment is late. D. GRADING POLICY/METHODS OF EVALUATION: Unit Exams OB Take Home Paper Final 70% 5% 25% 3 III. COURSE OUTLINE Required reading: It is required that each chapter be read prior to the lecture hour for the chapter. The student is responsible for an understanding of the objectives and the key terms found at the beginning of each chapter. Additional objectives for course are stated in the textbook prior to each chapter. CHAPTERS AND TESTS IN ORDER OF STUDY Chapter 1 Chapter 3 The Nurse’s Role in a Changing Maternal-Newborn Health Care Environment Structure and Function of the Reproductive System TEST # 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Family-Centered and Community-Based Maternal and Newborn Nursing Special Issues of Reproduction and Women’s Health Care TEST # 2 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Fetal Development Maternal Adaptation During Pregnancy TEST # 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Prenatal Care Labor Process TEST # 4 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Pain Management During Labor and Birth Nursing Care During Labor and Birth TEST # 5 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Assisted Delivery and Cesarean Birth The Postpartum Woman 4 TEST # 6 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Nursing Assessment of Newborn Transition Newborn Nutrition The Normal Newborn TEST # 7 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Pregnancy at Risk: Conditions that Complicate Pregnancy Pregnancy at Risk: Pregnancy-Related Complications TEST # 8 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Labor at Risk Postpartum Woman at Risk TEST # 9 *2 HOUR COMPREHENSIVE FINAL* IV. Diversity Statement: In this class, the teacher will establish and support an environment that values and nurtures individual and group differences and encourages engagement and interaction. Understanding and respecting multiple experiences and perspectives will serve to challenge and stimulate all off us to learn about others, about the larger world and about ourselves. By promoting diversity and intellectual exchange, we will not only mirror society as it is, but model society as it should and can be. Accommodations--Special Requirements Students with disabilities, including but not limited to physical, psychiatric, or learning disabilities, who wish to request accommodations in this class should notify the Special Services Office. In accordance with federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide acceptable documentation of his/her disability to the Special Services Coordinator. For more information, call or visit the Special Services Office in the Student Services Building, 894-9611 ext. 2529, 2530. Reese Center and the Byron Martin Advanced Technology Center (ATC) Students with disabilities, including but not limited to physical, psychiatric, or learning disabilities, who wish to request accommodations in this class should notify the Special Services Office early in the semester so that the appropriate arrangements may be made. In accordance with federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide acceptable documentation of his/her disability to the Coordinator of Special Services. For more information, call or visit the Special Services Office in rooms 809 and 811, Reese Center Building 8, 885-3048 ext. 4654 5 Name____________________ Date Due____________________ Date Turned In____________ OB ASSIGNMENT Student must find a woman who is willing to discuss her first OB experience. This must be the delivery of her FIRST child. The student may not use their own experience. The grading criteria is attached along with questions for the student to ask the subject. The assignment must be typed and written in paragraph form. The student must only use the subjects initials to protect their privacy. This paper along with the grading criteria MUST be turned in with the paper or points will be deducted for presentation. The objectives of this assignment are for the student to practice patient interview skills involving data collection, for the student to have more awareness of the patient’s perspective of healthcare, and to present details and descriptions in written format rather than simple listing. OB ASSIGNMENT GRADING CRITERIA Subject’s Initials Year Delivered Type of Facility (Small Hospital) (Large Hospital) (At Home) (Birthing Unit) CRITERIA AVAILABLE POINTS Describe in detail the type of prenatal care your subject received 10 The circumstances that brought them to the hospital: complications, premature labor, ROM, induction, etc…. 10 Describe in detail labor and delivery 15 Describe in detail Stage Four of delivery 10 Describe in detail post-partum care and teaching received 15 If your subject were to meet with the nurse today what would she say about her care and why? 10 Would your subject have any suggestions for improvement of care? Describe? 5 What did she appreciate most about the care she received? 5 Was her family included in the experience, if so, how? If her family was excluded, why? 10 Presentation, Neatness, Spelling, Grammar 10 POINTS EARNED Name____________________ Date Due____________________ Date Turned In____________ OB CASE STUDY CRITERIA Demographic data Patient initials Date of admission Support person Gravida, para, abortions Estimated date of confinement Patient age Blood type Weeks gestation Allergies Drug or alcohol use Medical Risk Factors During This Pregnancy Recent Patient Exposures Prenatal Care Childbirth classes Date prenatal care started What prenatal care consisted of Reason for admission Delivery Date and time of delivery and total number of hours in labor Anesthesia used Amniotic fluid Episiotomy Assistive devices used Umbilical vessels APGAR Sex of baby Newborn ht and wt Method of feeding Stages of Labor Stage 1 textbook definition Stage 1 textbook nursing duties Stage 1 nursing duties performed during actual delivery Stage 1 VS, FHR, contraction pattern, progress of mother. Stage 2 textbook definition AVAILABLE POINTS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 5 1 2 POINTS EARNED Stage 2 textbook nursing duties Stage 2 nursing duties performed during actual delivery Stage 2 VS, FHR, contraction pattern, progress of mother. Stage 3 textbook definition Stage 3 textbook nursing duties Stage 3 nursing duties performed during actual delivery Stage 3 VS Stage 4 textbook definition Stage 4 textbook nursing duties Stage 4 nursing duties performed during actual delivery Stage 4 VS Mental/Emotional/Psychosocial Describe and discuss your observations of bonding, family interaction and interaction with staff. Physical Assessment of Patient Post Delivery Vital Signs Skin/Musculoskeletal Cardiovascular Gastrointestinal/Urinary Reproductive Medications Dosage Method of administration Classification of drug Desired effect Side effects Nursing interventions Medication list MUST include: 2 points for each Pitocin Vitamin K Hepatitis B vaccine Narcan Any Epidural medication used Any Local anesthetic used References 3 references used, reference page in alphabetical order, copies of front page of reference attached to paper. Grammar, Spelling, Neatness Total Points 5 5 1 2 5 5 1 2 5 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 5 100